AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #24

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I've thought about this quite a bit as I personally believe the neighbours account to be accurate. So I think that either;

- The perp used a shotgun. First shot passed through the door and killed James, second shot mortally wounded Denise.

- First shot went through the door, second killed James, and any other shots simply could not be heard by the neighbour as the perp was indoors.
Not knockin
Agreed. Perp knew he had to be in and out in quick time.

Then drive away at speed limit.

Don’t know why they took mattress??
Perp May have leaned on?? Dunno

Perhaps to see if any unknown DNA could be collected. Maybe they just want to make sure the immediate family was the only ones sleeping in the bed
warning...could be a little graphic for some.....

if it was really 4 min then why was rescue not attempted? moo. either the damage to the bodies was so extensive that it was obvious no amount of rescue would help or they were obviously dead longer than 4 min. they had no way of knowing that either one had not just quit breathing and heart stopped or if it had been the full 4 min..unless.... I think the damage had to be so extensive that it was obvious that even if it had been just seconds that nothing was going to help. the seconds were ticking but if it wasn't obvious I think there would have been a attempt at rescue.
I DO NOT think that Salmonella has anything to do with this. I will not rule out something that may have happened at work though. With that being said, you would think that someone would lead LE in the right direction with some sort of a tip ( i.e. "Bob would always tell me he hated James" ). I have looked, over and over to see any kind of police reports in the past regarding Jennie O. I did come up with this*advertiser censored*-2017-09-13-a-001 e-edition.pdf
It begins on page 5 at the bottom of column 4.

I am in no way saying this has ANYTHING to do with this but it did enlighten me that regular people can act out differently than you or I would if they were depressed or angry and it was at that Jennie O plant
Just reflecting on a post I made earlier, Have we ever found out what James and Denise actually did at Jennie O?
Okay. I believe those gunshots happened. I can also understand how the perpetrator could have only been in the house for a short time.
Do you guys think she was taken out of the county? I’m torn on that.
Nice thought provoking post, I’ve wondered this before as a possible explanation for seemingly disappearing. I also know it was discussed in earlier threads, but I’m not considering by boat or waterway. I’m curious how easy it would be to get into Canada by car, train or bus? I know border crossings are harder but do they stop everyone and every car? I’ve been out of the country but never by driving into Canada nor Mexico.
I do feel a flight would be almost impossible, at least the TSA screening at the airports I’ve been too! Can’t imagine being able to fake documents well enough for that.
So how do you catch a random person who left behind nothing (almost) but now has a 13 yr old girl he didn't have before? Never mind what happened inside- it doesn't appear to point to anybody.

Voice might be recognizable to someone on the 911 call.
Shell casings might tell you about the gun but its probably not unique
gun has blood on it
shoes might have blood on them, clothes
He may have left DNA behind and can be traced via familial relationships
He might have acted strangely the next day(s) but they would be on him by now
Would need a place to hide her if she is alive or a place to dispose of her if she isn't'- might live alone or have lots of property
Had to know Jayme would be there, not totally unfamiliar to the area- I assume she was the target
Tire tracks as you sped out of the gravel driveway
Cameras caught your car at 1am nearby
Blood etc.. in your car- noticed by someone or cleaned
dropped something along the way
ever made a comment about or got caught checking out young girls, or jayme specifically

That's more along the lines of my thinking as well, however if there was a struggle - and it appears there was - footprints, DNA or some other evidence may have been left at the scene. We also know that the suspect had to leave very quickly, which increases the probability that something was left behind.
Your theory has a few flaws. The shots were within seconds of each other. Jayme would have undoubtedly been in bed at close to 1:00, and likely fast asleep. So she would have to get up without the perp seeing her, find her way to her moms phone and make the call, without being noticed. Looking at that house I have very little doubt that the perp could see the entire layout from the front door. I just don't see room for covert movement.
Jayme’s room is off the deck area which isn’t super far from the front door. We know this thanks to the creepy panty thief guy and media reports which included the police report of his actions. I think Jayme heard the commotion and ran to mom - kids do that - they look for protection and security from parents. I would be shocked if she woke up and didn’t do that. If she ran to mom, then it’s likely they were together until the perp dragged Jayme away and some commotion ensued. Mom then could have called 911 and maybe she died before she could talk to anyone. The call may have disconnected due to battery, or falling and hitting the disconnect button....
A passport is required to enter Canada and Mexico.

I don't know, is why I am asking. if a state joins Canada with only a line on a map separating is there not a exemption with a certain ID? like where NY boarders Canada i thought there were ids that would allow crossing and I'm not sure how much would be ask about a child too young for a DL, but i don't really know. laws about boarder crossing is one of the things that IMO only matter to people that are concerned about being legal and if a person will kill I'm not so sure they would be worried about how legal they were being.
I’ve noticed by reading a lot of threads here on missing people and cold cases that investigators remain tight lipped for 1, 5, 10, 20 years etc. Never giving the public just the tiniest clue. I know, I know, they don’t want to jeopardize the case. But at some point...

Geese wouldn’t one think that our FBI would be very advanced in locating children, profiling? I mean come on it’s almost 2019.

Yes , I’m frustrated. On Hanias thread everyday media and or LE gets her face out there. Even if nothing is new, something is released . Why isn’t this being done for Jayme?

Thank you for letting me vent!
On the dispatch entry it says 'the door had been kicked in and the male down had answered the door'. I wonder why James didn't arm himself with one of his guns when he heard this commotion at the door? If someone was trying to break in wouldn't he have grabbed his gun before going to see what was happening?
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