AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #25

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I actually think this is a good point. I’ve followed a ton of cases on WS over many years and I’m not sure I’ve seen a family be this quiet over such a huge crime. I was hoping once shock wore off one of them would find their voice and start loudly demanding answers.

Vocal crusaders can really make a difference in the attention a case gets in social media, local news and even LE response.

Law enforcement may well have advised the family to remain quiet other than for a couple of select interviews. None of us have any idea what is going on behind the scenes.
I think his involvement also kept the pressure on LE and got LE more help from the FBI. In this case, it seems the FBI pulled out early, IMO.
I don't think the FBI would investigate this crime any differently than local police. Where the FBI likely excels is in the area of crime scene analysis and forensics. Unfortunately it seems like very little was gathered at the crime scene so the case has reverted back to old fashioned police work. So no need for the FBI at this point. If they find a body, Im sure the FBI will offer their services again, but until then there is no need.
Law enforcement may well have advised the family to remain quiet other than for a couple of select interviews. None of us have any idea what is going on behind the scenes.
The family will no absolutely nothing more than you or I. They might get the info that the sheriff announces in his press conferences a little in advance as a courtesy, but thats about it.
Jmo the family has had too much time to imagine the crimes and probably go over every single person they can think of in their minds. Everyone may be a potential suspect until they know otherwise. LE would be asking these questions, encouraging them to think back, looking for motives etc...I think the family is probably talking to LE all the tim, but jmo.
I'm not sure that would help. If this crime is ever solved I feel pretty confident that the perp(s) will not be known to anyone. I think this is a random crime of opportunity gone very wrong.
Jmo the family has had too much time to imagine the crimes and probably go over every single person they can think of in their minds. Everyone may be a potential suspect until they know otherwise. LE would be asking these questions, encouraging them to think back, looking for motives etc...I think the family is probably talking to LE all the tim, but jmo.
Think your correct, sherif said In interview, they checked all sex offenders and locals people thought we should look at... all were cooperative... whatever u need.. how can I help ... even ex Jennie-O ees. Either they need to look back further... or it’s not local..

If it’s some random truck driver or transient that goes up and down hwy 8... I don’t know how u get perp unless ammo is distinct/odd or he slips up... next Crime.
I'm not sure that would help. If this crime is ever solved I feel pretty confident that the perp(s) will not be known to anyone. I think this is a random crime of opportunity gone very wrong.

Why do you think they picked such a nondescript house in the middle of nowhere?

It could be rented by six MMA guys for all they know. It could be guys who sleep with assault rifles under their pillows because they are meth dealers.
I'm not sure that would help. If this crime is ever solved I feel pretty confident that the perp(s) will not be known to anyone. I think this is a random crime of opportunity gone very wrong.

I lean towards jayme target from start ..
Random is possible... but what leads u there does random play out. Thoughts ?

Perp is druggie or criminal looking for money?? They have loud gun say screw it let’s go... hoping to tie people up... rob place 20 minutes and bolt after that ?? Supposed that could work. Janes doesn’t coppitulate to demands.. struggle then bad trigger slip... two people dead.. out of bullets .. gotta take girl ?? It seems awfully clean to be random.
The family will no absolutely nothing more than you or I. They might get the info that the sheriff announces in his press conferences a little in advance as a courtesy, but thats about it.

I understand the family will not have access to in-depth info from law enforcement. That is not the issue. Law enforcement may have advised them not not to undertake a public campaign regarding Jayme’s disappearance. Praying for her safe return and comfort and strength for her family.
Good morning WS and Happy Thanksgiving.

Im not going to bring up my debatable theory again today (youre welcome). But, theres a couple things I would like to point out.

Its totally not fair to the case, nor acceptable in any regard, to start discounting and/or tossing out events, facts, or even quotes from the Sheriff, just because they are being used in a theory you dont believe in!

Discounting and/or disregarding these things altogether
in order to prove someone wrong, isnt discrediting the person youre disagreeing with, its discrediting the most credible people we have.

Over a month into this case, Im not going to start picking and choosing which events, facts, or quotes from the Sheriff work for me, and which ones dont. Nor should anyone else.

Besides, when we discredit something, it puts in peoples minds thats its not useful, when it actually very well could be useful in some way, shape, or form). Also, when we discredit one thing, how credible does that make everything else we have?

None of us know any more than the next person, but we are each entitled to speculate our own theory. We arent all going to agree on everything, ever. So agreeing to disagree is perfectly ok.
However, disregarding parts of the case that dont fit your agenda, or discrediting LE on this case in any way just to make a point, is not.


Well said. To forgo details of the case, the victims and the local community might very well be throwing out the baby with the bath water.
This article talks about why the case is falling out of the media and public eye. It’s an interesting read.

I find detective Mains contribution particularly interesting bc it supports my theory that murder was the goal ... +/- Jayme.

“If the ultimate goal was kidnapping or sex trafficking, Mains said, it wouldn't be necessary to kill the parents. You may kill them because they know who you are or because the purpose is to kill them and not the kidnapping," he said. "It is an extra, extraordinary step and it is done for a specific purpose not related to the kidnapping.”
I completely disagree with Detective Mains assessment. I have two daughters. We’re pacifists, but if someone came to our home to kidnap one of them there would absolutely be a homicide, because that’s the only way he would be able to get her past my husband.
I understand the family will not have access to in-depth info from law enforcement. That is not the issue. Law enforcement may have advised them not not to undertake a public campaign regarding Jayme’s disappearance. Praying for her safe return and comfort and strength for her family.

Well unless LE is telling me they are on to something or have a REALLY REALLY good reason that doing so could have a high likelihood of being harmful to Jayme ... I (personally) would be squawking like crazy about now.

It doesn’t seem like either of those scenarios are the case. So squawking is what I’d be doing.

As far as Texas EquuSearch, LostNMissing, etc. they don’t only assist with searches. They’ve been through this a ton of times. They assist local LE with many aspects and provide invaluable support and information to the family. They often also can help appoint a family spokesperson to keep the media rolling. They don’t have to be requested by LE. A family member can request their involvement. The lead investigator just has to agree to it.

How, When and Why We Search
When I was a kid, my folks rented a “tavern” on a lake in WI to try their hand at running this sort of business. The place was ramshackle and required lots of odd repairs. My Dad continued working his full time job while also running this place. (Talk about burning yourself out.) My folks met a local guy who did odd jobs and repairs.

Talk about your small town local eccentric, as we called it “this guy just wasn’t right in the head” but seemed harmless and was quite funny. I was seven years old at the time, my Brother was nine. We treated him like an overgrown kid because he was one. Back in the day, no info on him or his past (no internet).

Fast forward nine years, we’d moved to a larger town and my folks had already purchased and sold their own place. Dad is now disabled after being diagnosed with an incurable disease and we are having anonymous incidents of theft and vandalism. My Brother and I are questioned by the Police, asked if we were having problems at school, etc. Nothing.

A neighbor from area of our first encounter (with the “guy”) called and asked if we’d heard from him. The last contact had been when he stopped at our house on his way home from a trip (up North as we like to say) to see his folks. We learned on that phone call that he had severely beaten his Mother and told his Parents that if they ever tried to commit him (again), he’d kill them. (Oh yeah, he was committed to a local institution for a short time but due to changes in commitment laws, was able to sign himself out.)

Now we learn the truth about him. He was epileptic and off his meds. Who knows, there were probably other “issues” (diagnosis) as well. Suffice it to say, he was delusional and he was doing all sorts of really bizarre stuff (throwing bags of feces against grocery store windows, after accusing them of selling soda that gave him diarrhea, slashing tires on Boyscout buses etc). He was also targeting anyone who had ever been kind to him (our family / other families).

It is then that my Brother admits that he was given a ride by this “guy” and things got bizarre with “crazy talk” (glad that’s all it was). My folks wondered why my Brother didn’t say anything sooner and he just shrugged it off as we knew this “guy” wasn’t “right in the head”. Besides, he was a teen at that point, not telling family much of anything.

Faster forward to see where I’m going with this . . . Another part of this guy’s “delusion” was with me. He believed I was engaged to him. Evidently when I was around 9 years old, I was chased by him after breaking one of his levels (bad kid!) and he held me over a burning barrel (outdoor barrel used for burning stuff), threatening to throw me in. There wasn’t much of a fire in it, mostly cinders from an earlier blaze but I do remember kicking and screaming to be put down. In his recollection, he didn’t put me down until I’d sworn to marry him someday. I had / have no recollection of that part of the story.

In his head, he was convinced I was “his” and he was going to take me away from my Parents (who were abusing me ~ so he thought). There’s a lot more to it, suffice it to say that things got crazier and there wasn’t much that the Police could do about him. He was obviously dangerous but they had not caught him doing anything but were watching him. He eventually crossed someone in LE and they locked him up. Even while in prison, he continued to menace me.

When he got out of prison, it all started again (even with a restraining order). My Father then took the matter into his own hands and with a construction worker friend of the family, paid this “guy” a visit, (an old school way of communication). This “guy” moved away and we never heard from him again. I did spend years looking over my shoulder. I never asked for any details on the visit he was paid nor did the Police ever question my Father.

I could very well have gone missing (with dead family members).

So after sharing my true life tale, I’m wondering if there’s a “guy” like this in / around Barron, WI who knew the Closs family and got a thought going in his head . . .
I wonder if, because of this family caretaker, Jayme would have been rarely without adult supervision. So that if this is about abducting Jayme (for whatever reason) this is why she was taken from her home.
And that is why her parents were killed. No witnesses.
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