AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #30

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OK, at last, I have found it.

Call For Service
So now I want to know why there are two different Call for service reference numbers. The original CFS# BNSO 1831604 page one and then BNSO1831605 page 4 does anyone have any idea or is it just a typo.

The 2 numbers are strange. In the earlier discussion it sounded like a number would be given when the 911 call came in. Then something else would need to trigger a 2nd number being given. Eventually the log shows that they merged them. It could be as simple as someone entering something wrong and duplicating the call, or there may have been a reason (unknown to us) for why a 2nd BNSO case number was created.
OK, at last, I have found it.

Call For Service
So now I want to know why there are two different Call for service reference numbers. The original CFS# BNSO 1831604 page one and then BNSO1831605 page 4 does anyone have any idea or is it just a typo.
My guess is two cases- one for the murders and one for the missing child? Then later, it would only make sense to merge the two.
I asked about this many, many threads ago. I was told that CFS = "Call for Service" and the BNSO is the abbreviation for Barron Sherrif's Office.

ETA - I dont' think we ever figured out why there were 2 BNSO case numbers (1831604 & 1831605), though, and why they were so quickly merged together. Something had to trigger 2 cases being opened up.
So basically two calls for service reference numbers tend to suggest there were two calls for help. If it were identified as the same incident and merged. Perhaps this is why when the dispatcher called back why they did not receive an answer and possibly put straight through to voicemail. Just personal opinion. I have more thoughts on the call log but I suspect it is my lack of experience in such things that leads me not to understand or ask daft questions
He wasn’t dismissed as not smart enough. I have no clue why he was not examined .

The info about him came out after he was arrested. I doubt if he was smart. Drinking heavily at age five would hurt the brain. He never showed any brain power.

I guess what I mean is he passed their radar when questioned, etc. And even though maybe a crime of opportunity, he got away with it for a very long time. I did not know the drinking thing with regard to him. If I remember it correctly, he was looked at in the beginning and talked to and they moved on...
As I stated, my opinion only. I haven’t seen where this theory has been ruled out.

Remember the press conference with Jayme’s two aunts? They spoke to Jayme as if she had a choice to return home. They appealed to Jayme, they didn’t appeal to someone else to let her go. Speaking directly to Jayme:
13 year old girls can and do have boyfriends. Not saying Jayme did but it could be a possibility.

There are quite a few missing details to this case and we are all making guesses and possible scenarios.

I stated that when the only photo I had seen was the younger, childlike Jayme I had dismissed the possibility that Jayme had a boyfriend, or a crush on anyone, etc. Possibilities that some other members had suggested. In the early photo she looked, in my opinion, like a girl who would be more likely to play with dolls than have a boyfriend.

In the more recent photos I could see possibly she was becoming an age and attitude that she would capable of having an interest in boys.

Often girls who begin to wear makeup also start thinking about boyfriends around that same time. My own opinion and experience.

I still think it is not as likely that she had anything at all to do with her disappearance but in my opinion nothing can be ruled out at this time by MSM links or LE statements.

And believe it or not, sometimes dance teachers, relatives, etc. can be unaware of some of a teenagers interests or crushes. Again, not stating this as fact in this case but it happens.

BTW, do you have a link for the pneumonia a week previously? That is one article that I hadn’t seen.

I just don't believe for a second that Jayme was involved in planning or participating in the assassinations of her parents, but taking another look at the abduction brings questions.

The age of 13 is when kids start pulling away from their parents. Lots of complaints like, "My mom won't let me..." or "My dad won't buy for me..." or "They won't take me..." or "My dad says I have to clean..." Lots of stretching their wings.

I have not read where Jayme had a lot of friends. That said, yes, she had just changed schools. However, I have not heard about going places with friends, friends at her house, Jayme at friend's houses, parties with her own age group, cell phone use. What we have heard is Denise taking Jayme places. Remembrances have been adult driven rather than organized by Jayme's peers. One would think her peers would be more involved, even from her previous school. Actually, other than a couple of comments, we don't know much about Jayme personally. Could she have formed a friendship with the abductor?

The crime scene itself is strange. There is no evidence of a struggle from Jayme, and the killer was in and out in minutes - not even inside the house for more than 5 ft. The sheriff once asked to look for a backpack, which is odd. He must know if her shoes or coat/jacket is missing.

How odd is it that relatives publicly asked Jayme to come home? Have we ever heard of an abduction case where the victim could walk away? There is nothing for Jayme to come home to. If Jayme is complicit, she certainly knows "home" will be to JDC. Is there evidence Jayme spent overnights with relatives or would wish to permanently live with relatives?

I have no knowledge that Jayme is involved in her own disappearance, but like other theories, it's out there.
My guess is two cases- one for the murders and one for the missing child? Then later, it would only make sense to merge the two.

I thought so, too. However, the first number is given at 00:53:26 am in the dispatch log. The 2nd number is referenced/linked at 01:07:23 before the log even mentions that there are 2 subjects down. In other words, they didn't even know there was a missing child when the 2nd number is referenced.
Can someone please summarize the information on the two girls? I can't make it out from the call log. It sounds from the posts that they were driving around the house repeatedly after the crime?
One thing Fitzgerald has made very clear in this case and that is they have found no evidence Jayme had a boyfriend of any age.

All girls and boys who recently turned 13 are not alike nor clones of all other 13 year olds. They are individuals like all humans are.

The investigators including the FBI have found no evidence Jayme had secret contact with anyone on social media either.

This was not done by a boyfriend she didnt even have nor is this someone she met online. Imo

The FBI is known as the best experts in the world when it comes to tracking any and all communication data activity.

If this had happened they would have uncovered it long ago shortly after it happened.

Yet they are stumped over two months later and have no evidence showing them who the suspect could possibly even be.

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Apologies if this has been discussed. IIRC, the Closs home is set slightly back off a major hwy. Was it that same highway where Jayme would stand and wait for the school bus?

Further, is this not the way that many trucks come and go to the Jennie O plant?

In reading up on this 280 mile stretch of highway that goes through MN, WI, and MI, it's a fascinating study and certainly not without controversy.
U.S. Route 8 - Wikipedia

It would seem that those who made routine hauls past the Closs house/Jayme's bus stop would be good people to question. I originally thought that the Perp would soon after change their route, but perhaps not. Perhaps driving past the Closs home on their routine hauls would nourish their memory of the night in question.

Amateur opinion and speculation

I would imagine most go this route as there are plants in MN and WI. You will also see live loads of birds coming into Jennie-O. In addition, there are many turkey farms in the area that used to exist and I imagine still do. They used to hire oftentimes a couple and I think provide a basic house on the property to take care of the birds. I have no idea if Barron distributes finished product in which case those shipments could go in any direction. It is probably known but there is also a Jennie-O building right on the edge of Barron on the Closs side, much closer than the big plant, probably a mile or less from their home where the big plant is probably closer to 3-4 miles, as is the sheriff's department.
Could Jayme have had an friend who was having troubles with a young man and told her mother and both were eliminated so they couldn't testify or report it to the police?
Just perusing over the dispatch log again, a couple things that have always stood out to me (some of these may be answered):

1) The 2 different case numbers that were opened up nearly simultaneously and then merged within minutes of LE arriving.
2) Something about the initial 911 call led the dispatcher to believe this was a possible suicide attempt.
3) The odd case of the 2 people driving by in the Lumina.
4) Why the dispatch to 504 24 1/2th Avenue at 3:27:52? The log shows 2 units arrived at 3:27 and left at 4:50.
5) What led LE to make contact with St. Croix Casino security so quickly, and why the need for them to contact a Barron officer at 4:32:22?
6) The glaring typo in the inital release saying JLC was abducted "East" of the City of Barron.
7) At 12:15:13 - why was there a specific release/information faxed to the Ontonagon County, MI Sheriff's Department? Important enough to be noted specifically in the log.

ETA - 8) Why the interest near the end of the log of 1235 Highway 8?
As I stated, my opinion only. I haven’t seen where this theory has been ruled out.

Remember the press conference with Jayme’s two aunts? They spoke to Jayme as if she had a choice to return home. They appealed to Jayme, they didn’t appeal to someone else to let her go. Speaking directly to Jayme:
13 year old girls can and do have boyfriends. Not saying Jayme did but it could be a possibility.

There are quite a few missing details to this case and we are all making guesses and possible scenarios.

I stated that when the only photo I had seen was the younger, childlike Jayme I had dismissed the possibility that Jayme had a boyfriend, or a crush on anyone, etc. Possibilities that some other members had suggested. In the early photo she looked, in my opinion, like a girl who would be more likely to play with dolls than have a boyfriend.

In the more recent photos I could see possibly she was becoming an age and attitude that she would capable of having an interest in boys.

Often girls who begin to wear makeup also start thinking about boyfriends around that same time. My own opinion and experience.

I still think it is not as likely that she had anything at all to do with her disappearance but in my opinion nothing can be ruled out at this time by MSM links or LE statements.

And believe it or not, sometimes dance teachers, relatives, etc. can be unaware of some of a teenagers interests or crushes. Again, not stating this as fact in this case but it happens.

BTW, do you have a link for the pneumonia a week previously? That is one article that I hadn’t seen.
As I stated, my opinion only. I haven’t seen where this theory has been ruled out.

Remember the press conference with Jayme’s two aunts? They spoke to Jayme as if she had a choice to return home. They appealed to Jayme, they didn’t appeal to someone else to let her go. Speaking directly to Jayme:
13 year old girls can and do have boyfriends. Not saying Jayme did but it could be a possibility.

There are quite a few missing details to this case and we are all making guesses and possible scenarios.

I stated that when the only photo I had seen was the younger, childlike Jayme I had dismissed the possibility that Jayme had a boyfriend, or a crush on anyone, etc. Possibilities that some other members had suggested. In the early photo she looked, in my opinion, like a girl who would be more likely to play with dolls than have a boyfriend.

In the more recent photos I could see possibly she was becoming an age and attitude that she would capable of having an interest in boys.

Often girls who begin to wear makeup also start thinking about boyfriends around that same time. My own opinion and experience.

I still think it is not as likely that she had anything at all to do with her disappearance but in my opinion nothing can be ruled out at this time by MSM links or LE statements.

And believe it or not, sometimes dance teachers, relatives, etc. can be unaware of some of a teenagers interests or crushes. Again, not stating this as fact in this case but it happens.

BTW, do you have a link for the pneumonia a week previously? That is one article that I hadn’t seen.[/QU
In previous threads, and extensively mentioned are the facts that Jayme's 'caretaker' aunt would surely be aware of any potential boyfriend, and there is no indication to her, the sheriff and other officials via Jayme's social media online, friends or otherwise that there was any sign of such. It is not a viable scenario at this point and the family are not happy with persistent speculation of that. I do not have the exact link for the hospital pneumonia stay, but there was a photo/mention of it.
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Just perusing over the dispatch log again, a couple things that have always stood out to me (some of these may be answered):

1) The 2 different case numbers that were opened up nearly simultaneously and then merged within minutes of LE arriving.
2) Something about the initial 911 call led the dispatcher to believe this was a possible suicide attempt.
3) The odd case of the 2 people driving by in the Lumina.
4) Why the dispatch to 504 24 1/2th Avenue at 3:27:52? The log shows 2 units arrived at 3:27 and left at 4:50.
5) What led LE to make contact with St. Croix Casino security so quickly, and why the need for them to contact a Barron officer at 4:32:22?
6) The glaring typo in the inital release saying JLC was abducted "East" of the City of Barron.
7) At 12:15:13 - why was there a specific release/information faxed to the Ontonagon County, MI Sheriff's Department? Important enough to be noted specifically in the log.

ETA - 8) Why the interest near the end of the log of 1235 Highway 8?

I keep seeing that stated... I admit I remember my initial reaction at my first reading was that I also thought the dispatcher noted possible suicide, but on re-reading the log I cannot figure out why I had that idea. Why do you (and many others) think the initial belief by the dispatcher was that there was a possible suicide? It clearly states "911 hang up". And that the first officer on site "advised possible suicide." I'm not doubting you - I kind of want to be reminded why I also thought that... :)
One thing Fitzgerald has made very clear in this case and that is they have found no evidence Jayme had a boyfriend of any age.

All girls and boys who recently turned 13 are not alike nor clones of all other 13 year olds. They are individuals like all humans are.

The investigators including the FBI have found no evidence Jayme had secret contact with anyone on social media either.

This was not done by a boyfriend she didnt even have nor is this someone she met online. Imo

The FBI is known as the best experts in the world when it comes to tracking any and all communication data activity.

If this had happened they would have uncovered it long ago shortly after it happened.

Yet they are stumped over two months later and have no evidence showing them who the suspect could possibly even be.

I keep seeing that stated... I admit I remember my initial reaction at my first reading was that I also thought the dispatcher noted possible suicide, but on re-reading the log I cannot figure out why I had that idea. Why do you (and many others) think the initial belief by the dispatcher was that there was a possible suicide? It clearly states "911 hang up". And that the first officer on site "advised possible suicide." I'm not doubting you - I kind of want to be reminded why I also thought that... :)

You are correct that it was Barron #329 who advised of the suicide attempt, and not dispatch advising them. The log reads "329 Advised" and I had misread it as "Advised 329."

In any event, whatever dispatch heard and passed onto the responding officers, combined with what they found, led them to believe it was a suicide attempt.
In previous threads, and extensively mentioned are the facts that Jayme's 'caretaker' aunt would surely be aware of any potential boyfriend, and there is no indication to her, the sheriff and other officials via Jayme's social media online, friends or otherwise that there was any sign of such. It is not a viable scenario at this point and the family are not happy with persistent speculation of that. I do not have the exact link for the hospital pneumonia stay, but there was a photo/mention of it.

You cannot be with a 13 yr old 24 hours in a day. None of us have been with Jayme or the family behind closed doors. We only give theories and speculate. The sheriff has not completely ruled out Jayme's involvement. Nothing has been ruled out. Thinking back to when I was 13, I actually left the house after my parents went to bed. They never knew. My friends also did the same.
Just perusing over the dispatch log again, a couple things that have always stood out to me (some of these may be answered):

1) The 2 different case numbers that were opened up nearly simultaneously and then merged within minutes of LE arriving.
2) Something about the initial 911 call led the dispatcher to believe this was a possible suicide attempt.
3) The odd case of the 2 people driving by in the Lumina.
4) Why the dispatch to 504 24 1/2th Avenue at 3:27:52? The log shows 2 units arrived at 3:27 and left at 4:50.
5) What led LE to make contact with St. Croix Casino security so quickly, and why the need for them to contact a Barron officer at 4:32:22?
6) The glaring typo in the inital release saying JLC was abducted "East" of the City of Barron.
7) At 12:15:13 - why was there a specific release/information faxed to the Ontonagon County, MI Sheriff's Department? Important enough to be noted specifically in the log.

ETA - 8) Why the interest near the end of the log of 1235 Highway 8?

I had a friend who in the beginning thought this was east of Barron, I think even before the call log came out. I always wondered why. I will have to ask her why she thought that if she recalls (maybe she did see log but I don't think so). Now you caught that it says east on the call log, I never noticed that but I noticed other things. This case causes nothing but more questions. CFS can also stand for Child & Family Services but I think it is more likely what the other posters think, Call for Service. I always wondered and never knew for sure what it meant. The Michigan contact also has always made me wonder.
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