AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #7

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"Fitzgerald did not say for whom James answered the door. "

Clarification: Chilling details revealed in dispatch record

So that sounds like it may or may not be that he answered the door for LE.

This is very confusing.
From the link:
"After more discussion with Fitzgerald on Saturday morning, Fitzgerald said he was not releasing any information about how the door got opened. He said when the deputies arrived at the house, James was found dead at the door. When asked whether a deputy had kicked in the door, Fitzgerald said he could not comment due to an active investigation."

Therefore, he did not open the door for LE.
If perp or perps not presently in jail (I cannot imagine that he or they might be in jail), I wonder perp or perps reaction to cell phone Amber alert or if keeping up with news the amazement at the magnitude this case has become from small town Barron, Wisconsin, population 3400.

One just never knows which case is going to go viral. Brooklyn, Iowa only had population of 1391 related to the Mollie T. case. It should become a very cautious deterrent for potential perps but sadly it won't.

I do hope all this coverage is a cause for a lot of fear and nervousness and results in a solved case quickly.

I wonder if the name Jayme was chosen for the "J" in James and "me" for Mother (Denise) giving birth to their daughter, a part of them both. Please locate Jayme alive to return to family kin who love her so much and to her sweet little dog. Justice for James and Denise Closs.
Why are we not showing Jayme a familiar face on TV? She knows her parents are deceased. It seems an aunt, uncle, cousins and friends showing solidarity for her would bring her comfort, give her hope, give her strength to get through each day.

In many of the missing child cases, the family or friend is on TV being interviewed. That has not been the case here. I find it concerning and I cannot think of a reason why it is not being done now. So many of the children that are brought home later state that they saw the news. It brought the child comfort to know that their family was working hard to bring them home.

I think all of the family are very scared since none of them have a clue who this could be or who would do this to their family.

I dont blame them one bit either.

Usually if the police wants them to speak out they will hold a PC with family members there.
I think all of the family are very scared since none of them have a clue who this could be or who would do this to their family.

I dont blame them one bit either.

Usually if the police wants them to speak out they will hold a PC with family members there.

I agree and I could be wrong but I could have sworn I read on here in one the early threads that LE told family not to talk to the media. I remember people discussing family speaking out and LE.
“Missing teen Jayme Closs screamed for help in a 911 call amid her parents’ brutal murders, a neighbor claimed cops told her in an exclusive interview with
Missing Teen Jayme Closs Screamed 'Help!' In 911 Call Amid Parents' Murders
If this is accurate information, then LE would have known immediately upon arrival that a young girl was missing. There's definitely conflicting information being reported and it's very frustrating. IMO

Yes, something is off here, something isn't adding up, the dots aren't joining...(according to the facts that we have).
Agree. A lot of conflicting information and I'm not sure the neighbor is providing the most accurate information. IMO
This report confuses my brain!

Yes, lots of contradictory info and LE not willing to talk. I will say that Sheriff Fitzgerald is not very clear or eloquent (no offense to him, but speaking clearly in public is not his forte IMO). Most LE spokespeople choose their words very very carefully. Fitzgerald probably does not have much experience and jumbles messages, (e.g., his response to Q re Jayme being the 100% alive).

Who the heck knows the facts? Certainly not us!

“About 4 minutes after the call, deputies arrived at the house. Dispatch records state that James Closs answered the door. On Friday afternoon, Fitzgerald was asked if that was accurate in the dispatch logs that James Closs had answered the door, he said yes.

After more discussion with Fitzgerald on Saturday morning, Fitzgerald said he was not releasing any information about how the door got opened. He said when the deputies arrived at the house, James was found dead at the door. When asked whether a deputy had kicked in the door, Fitzgerald said he could not comment due to an active investigation.”

^^^^Clear as mud.

Clarification: Chilling details revealed in dispatch record
A few thoughts this morning.

I wonder if LE has considered checking into any vehicles stolen and/or recovered within roughly the last 2 weeks statewide but also Barron and nearby counties? It's possible the perp/s stole s vehicle to use in this crime, may then have left it abandoned somewhere and switched to another. Any "found" vehicles within the past week should be checked for signs of Jayme -- hair, prints, etc.

Went looking last night for reviews of the Jennie-O plant specifically the one in Barron. Glassdoor has a number of them, most seem to be from truckers and there are quite a few who complain about having to wait hours to get their trucks loaded. The waiting costs them money and fuel (need to keep rigs running while waiting). Not sure this would be enough reason to commit 2 murders and an abduction, and someone would surely have noticed a big rig parked on the street in front of the Closs home, but it's a thought especially if dad James or mom Denise had anything to do with getting products loaded on the trucks.

Lastly, I'm wondering where perp/s could go that they could turn Jayme loose and still escape? If she doesn't know a name or names and would only have physical description, and especially if they are not local to Barron, seems like they could let her go in another state. Or head to Mexico and leave her off before crossing the border. Thoughts on this?
From the link:
"After more discussion with Fitzgerald on Saturday morning, Fitzgerald said he was not releasing any information about how the door got opened. He said when the deputies arrived at the house, James was found dead at the door. When asked whether a deputy had kicked in the door, Fitzgerald said he could not comment due to an active investigation."

Therefore, he did not open the door for LE.

Went back and deleted posts. Article was updated/clarified an hour later, after I had already posted the older one.
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For some reason, this makes me think of the case in Mt Vernon NH.

Mont Vernon Murder - Wikipedia

I feel as though Jayme and mom were being assaulted. Dad walks in from work. There is more than one bad guy. Dad is shot entering the home.

I could be way off....

To add, I think once dad walked in from his night shift and was shot, the perps realized they needed to bail. They grabbed Jayme, mom made the 911 call, they were escaping while the call was being made...hence the commotion.

Now where is Jayme? Does someone have a metal storage container on their property?
Jayme Closs is alive, an FBI source has exclusively told
That’s the new bombshell information Radar can reveal about the missing Wisconsin teen who was abducted from her home after her parents were killed. “We know 100 percent that Jayme is still alive,” the FBI insider told Radar.
That’s encouraging news for those across America who have been riveted by the tragic case. As Radar readers know, investigators have been tirelessly searching for Jayme, 13, who disappeared from her Barron, Wisconsin house on Monday, October 15.
Earlier, an FBI source had told Radar, “There is a report that someone allegedly knocked on the door and as the father went to answer it gunfire erupted through the door. That has not been confirmed yet as it’s an active investigation.”
“The mother appeared to have barricaded herself in the bathroom and called police,” added the insider, explaining that she was not able to reach the 911 dispatcher before being killed. It’s unclear what happened to Jayme when her parents were shot, but the FBI source said she was home during the altercation. And a neighbor claimed to Radar that police told her Jayme had screamed for help in a 911 call amid her parents’ brutal murders.
FBI Source Reveals Bombshell: 'We Know 100 Percent' That Jayme Closs Is Alive
Also, I can’t imagine clearing the house within 4 minutes in the midst of the chaos described by 911 call. Considering whomever may have had to haul an unwilling 13 year old to the car, put her in, ensure she didn’t jump back out the other side - granted a gun might have aided in cooperation etc And LE didn't pass by them on the driveway or just pulling out... whew that’s crazy.
For our new members and those who may want a refresher or to see the Shasta Groene case from LE view, there is terrific video put out by investigation discovery ( the television show) on YouTube.
I rewatched this last night and cannot shake the spot on similarities to the Closs family case.
Sorry this double posted. You would never know I was a computer tech ;)

Also, I can’t imagine clearing the house within 4 minutes in the midst of the chaos described by 911 call. Also, considering whomever may have had to haul an unwilling 13 year old to the car, put her in, ensure she didn’t jump back out the other side etc And LE didn't pass by them on the driveway or just pulling out... whew that’s crazy.
I , like some others here, have been thinking about that chair. I have a couple of scenarios where either Jayme or her mother was tied to the chair prior to the father coming home from work.
  1. Maybe the perp has a fascination with the mother, maybe works at Jennie O, knows the father is working late. He ties up Jayme with the intention of taking the mother. Dad comes home, breaks down the door and is shot. Perp panics, shoots Mom, cuts Jayme loose and brings her with him because she can ID him/needs a hostage/she was actually the object of his fantasies.
  2. The perp is looking for money or drugs. He picks a random house, off the road. Ties up Jayme to force Mom to tell where valuables are. Dad comes home, breaks down the door and is shot. Same ending as #1 above.
  3. I actually was about to include a scenario where Mom was tied up, but if she was, why would the perp cut her loose? Maybe rape? Was Mom sexually assaulted?

I really think someone was tied to that chair at some point. There appeared to be blood on it. Perhaps the perp was beating info out of one of them making the other 2 watch. What was he seeking? Whose blood was on the chair?

Questions that need answers:

Did LE break down the door? Log says “door has been kicked in”. I think the officer is reporting the way he found it, not that he did it. Also the report that “he was answering the door and was shot” probably should have been preceded by, “It looks like”. There was no way for the officer to have known what exactly happened at that point. Were Dad’s feet towards the door or his head? Was he shot in the front or the back?

Why did they initially suspect suicide? Did the call from Denise’s phone have someone yelling “Don’t shoot”?

Regarding the neighbor’s account of the gunshots and the timing: The wife said that LE told her that her clock was off by 8 minutes and that the shots would have been at approximately 12:38 not 12:30 as she originally thought. In one of her statements she said she went back to bed and got up about a half hour later to look out the window but didn’t see anything. That would have been about 1:15. Why didn’t she see the flurry of activity at the Closs’? (At least the blue or red emergency lights of the first responders.)

There has been a lot of discussion as to why the perp would hang around after the 2 loud gunshots at 12:38. I don’t think he would worry about someone reporting shots in that area. What did send him running was the call on Denise’s cellphone to 911. I think the commotion that LE reports hearing may have been him discovering Denise, or Jayme, trying to make that call.

LE reported they did not see other vehicles on the road as they responded to the call. Since they focused their search to the west of the Closs home, I suspect that they responded from the east. That was the direction of town so the suspect probably drove away from town as he made his escape.

These are all my random thoughts as I try to figure out this mystery.

There has been considerable discussion about the chair that was removed from the house. I don't see any conclusive evidence of blood on the chair when you carefully review the WCCO footage posted on CNN:
Jayme Closs disappearance: New clues from 911 call emerge in case of missing Wisconsin girl - CNN

I shoot and edit videos, and do image retouching for a living. What I do see when reviewing the video on some devices is lower resolution digital artifacting that gives the wood an oversaturated appearance (which could be misinterpreted as blood) in some frames of the video. This is fairly common in digital video. Reviewing the video using my iphone gave me the clearest picture of the video at a higher resolution frame by frame, and IMO there is no visual evidence of blood in that video.

The disussion of someone being tied up to that chair has also been prevalent. When you do a google search "windsor chair seat cushions" or similar searches such as "chair cushions" you'll note that the most common way that they are attached to chair is by two ties in the back. Those ties can be easily seen dangling from the back of this chair in the video. What is a bit more curious is the tie in the front left. It appears to be tied around the front corner of the chair in a different fashion than the others, but does appear to be constructed of the same material as the other two (meaning seat cushion).

JMO but I don't think there's sufficient evidence provided by that video to say conclusively that anyone was tied up on that chair (or that there's blood on it). Wouldn't you need a more complex set of rope and knots to effectively secure someone to that chair? If the chair contained blood with restraints and was critical evidence to the crime scene, would LE want to untie the assembly prior to removing it from the home? MOO
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