AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #8

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Respectfully, do you have a link for this or is this your own speculation? If it's the latter I highly doubt a 13 yr old girl would be up at that time of night drinking a soda. JMO
I said at the outset I was ruminating over *possible scenarios" so there is not a link. Sorry if that wasn't clear. You may doubt that she'd be up drinking a soda but maybe she was waiting for Dad to come home and was reading or watching tv while doing so. I needed practically no sleep at that age LOL
Just wondering, how different would a casino would be operations wise if it were a Native American casino? Is it still required to run the same way say as a Vegas casino? Tia.
The biggest distinction between a Native casino and a State casino is that the rules are established by the Tribal Compact and not the State Gaming Commission. Essentially that just regulates what games are allowed, what the mandatory hold percentages are and stuff like that. From a security standpoint they’re identical.
Very good theory

Why are the police so sure she’s alive though? This leads me to believe - as is pretty much always the case- that’s they know more than we know.
I don't think they are at all sure she is alive. We haven't had any statements from Fitzgerald in several days. Last PC did not reveal much at all. I think his statement about her being alive was more about hope and keeping the public alert. They have had about 800 tips since then, it's not likely they have followed through with all of them. Jmo
I said at the outset I was ruminating over *possible scenarios" so there is not a link. Sorry if that wasn't clear. You may doubt that she'd be up drinking a soda but maybe she was waiting for Dad to come home and was reading or watching tv while doing so. I needed practically no sleep at that age LOL

I have teenage sils who have never had much supervision. They were up drinking coffee to pull all nighters by the age of 13/14. Every single family operates differently and we really have no clue how the three of them were inside of their own homes. all we have to go on is family opinions on now they were with the entire extended family unit
I wish we knew more about the timeline. I have similarly aged children and there is basically zero chance they’d be awake at midnight or 12:30am on a school night. And we’ve had the doorbell ring, I’ve screamed at sporting events on TV, a locked interior door has been kicked open and nothing will wake them up.

ETA: That’s not to say an extended situation would not eventually wake her up. I’m just thinking out loud. If all of this happened close to midnight - she’d be in pajamas with no shoes and have to get out of bed from a deep sleep. Certainly not hanging out drinking pop in her room.

We all tend to relate things to how we would do them I suppose. I was a bookworm and needed very little sleep so at that age I would have been awake and reading. YMMV
Where else would she be, except at home? It is a basic assumption that LE seems to have other info to back it up.
We have 5 kids and they’re all different with sleep habits. I have noticed that Sunday night is the night though that they all struggle to fall asleep because i let them sleep as late as they want on Saturday and Sundays. One of our daughters is notorious for getting up all night long to make a cold glass of water. So i think it’s possibme she may have had a glass of ice water on her nightstand or maybe her footprint in blood or maybe her bed was still warm? Or maybe she texted or posted something online before bed and fbi was able to determine that the post was made from her phone from her home.

Speaking of phones, do they have Jayme’s phone?
The one thing I noticed when reading over some of the articles when the thread was closed and the Sheriff is adamant that Jayme is no runaway. So she was taken against her will and that is why she in grave danger.

I think they know this because they have been able to enhance the 911 call. The same way they know she was inside as her parents were being murdered.


I was thinking about this the other day it seems like at first they were saying they *thought* she was home, but then a few days after they sent the tape of to get enhanced the Sheriff started speaking with great confidence of her being there and they list the tape as part of the reason. I think they can hear her on the tape (this is 100% my personal speculation).
Many theories on the table still for me.

I want to note that FTR imo the location seems like a perfect house for a home invasion by a random perp(s). But as noted by a local there are more fancy houses elsewhere.

Adding to the list of possible theories: thrill kill? I doubt this but just a thought.
for whatever reason, I am unable to Bold the text I need.

Did I miss somewhere that LE released where the victims were shot on their bodies? I assumed it was torso with a shotgun.

We have zero idea of where they were shot and what kind of gun was used. I was speculating that James may have been shot in the head because of the possible suicide mark on the call log but that is simply all I'm working off of.

I know that once the officer really saw the scene he knew it wasn't suicide so maybe once he saw James fully he noticed more than one gun shot would but this is all speculation.
I believe this is in reference to me. Is it possible to clarify what it considered rumor? Is there a page with a clear definitions? I am trying not to violate the rules but they aren't very clear to me.
No my friend, that was not in reference to you. I saw the rumor it was in reference to and knew the hammer would fall. I appreciate your responsible approach here.

ETA: when it’s in reference to you there will be a message in your inbox from the admins telling you so.
This whole matter of how James was shot and/or killed must be known by LE and they are not telling the public as it is part of the investigation. They have the door as evidence, and they would known by the location of the blood spatter on the door and the front entryway of the house. (sorry, I hate even saying that)
So ive been reading more than ive been posting the past couple days, soccer games with the lil one and work getting all of my time. This is what i have been thinking. I dont think this was a gambling debt or anything to do with the casino. It would need to be a LARGE debt and even then you just killed the two people that owed you the money. Not only would you be out of the money but your looking at a double homicide charge plus a load of other ones. Sure one could say its about sending a message but if they really owed money and the person was coming to collect, wouldn't it make more sense just kidnap the kid and wait for the money? I mean that seems like the best way to get the money. People are saying its drug rage and or someone trying to get drugs but its not like meth is the most expensive thing out there, let alone you can make it yourself if you know how. I dont think this had anything to do with drugs. IMO i think Jayme was talking to someone maybe she shouldn't have been and that person had ill intentions and acted on them. Maybe has feelings for her and thats why they are saying she is still alive. Very few cases ive read about had me complety stumped and had no idea what to think and this is one of them. So many possible scenarios and so little information being let out
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