AMBER ALERT WI - Jayme Closs, 13, Barron, missing after parents found shot to death, 15 Oct 2018 *endangered* #9

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I'm way behind (man ya'll are fast this morning) but wanted to weigh in on this. My FB posting habits have changed drastically over the past couple of years, from being very active/family-oriented to barely posting at all. I can definitely see someone getting the same impression about me that you are getting from the Mom's FB. Not saying you're wrong - instinct is a powerful thing and I'm not discounting it at all - just that there may be other reasons that she's backed off with the posting (and it may be set to private for some posts, as well). :)

Yes, a million reasons, but that may not be the case here. When I made the post I didn’t think that what may have been seen was only the public posts. (I should’ve thought it about it longer!)
They were just thoughts, though, nonetheless. BTW, For me, it’s unnerving when friends close their Facebook accounts without warning. There’s always a reason and I always worry! And I always notice!
I have children her age and IG is their form of Facebook, I wonder how long she had her account. IMO, 500 followers isn't that unusual. Classmates, dance class members, family members, teachers are also using social media to post homework info( I'm not a fan). I don't know is she road a bus to school but bus mates could follow her, just a brain storm.

Right after she was report missing, the number of followers was roughly 300.
Just throwing this out there in reference to the press release and info that was faxed to the Ontonagon SD. I'm not sure why Ontonagon aside from it is in Michigan. Michigan itself stands out to me. Where I live it's common knowledge that Michigan is a hub for transporting anything illegal. It's ranked 10th in the country for HT (can't bring myself to say it) because of it's numerous major highways that run through the state and it's proximity to Canada and other states. Their USMS child recovery unit is extremely busy, active, powerful and connected to a huge network of law enforcement (federal, state, local) as well as missing child organizations. Could this be common procedure out of precaution? As far as Otonagon the only thing that catches my eye is that it borders Lake Superior. Just my out of the box thoughts.
Jayme likely had a phone, here is her IG account. Note # of followers and she is following 3 people.
I think this may be a fake account by some rando online. It has no posts, and it isn't private so anyone can follow it at any time. There is another jayme closs under the search that IS private and has a more reasonable amount of followers, that is probably the real one.
I would be interested in knowing what cell towers are in the area of the new search and what they might have picked up. Also think of they have anyone under surveillance at the moment, that news of a 2000 member search might make them visit important places today. Finally, a large foot search is necessary before winter hits in a big way. If Jayme was murdered and dumped out there, would this be about the time predatory birds start circling? Is the tree cover too broad to notice? Could helicopter be circling the REAL birds? Just a thought.

Leaves falling heavily and possibility of covering up evidence?
I wonder if they will postpone today's press conference until after tomorrow's search??
I would like to believe that the sheriff would use the PC and all the media there today to help solicit all the volunteers he is requesting. To get that many volunteers the word has to get out.
This may be her 'official' IG account, most kids today have a 'spam' account they call them, for just their closest friends (stuff they don't want to share with grandma for instance). I have 3 teens, keeping track of their SM accounts is a full time job.


yes, my teenage sils have "friendstas" (instead of instas, short for instagram for those that may not be familiar) where they post very personal information they don't want their usual hundreds and hundreds of followers to see. Its only for their closest friends and is usually not searchable or findable but anybody. Kids nowadays have all kinds of ways to be sneaky and hide things on social media that us old folks can't even comprehend. One of my sils was using snapchat to send pics she shouldn't have been sending as young as 13. It's wild out there, folks. Facebook wasn't around until I was in college. Now they have app after app they can talk on without parents knowing, especially if they have their own phone. Many don't use them to be especially devious or anything, but they're teenagers, you know? Jayme seems like a sweet and kind girl but she's still a teenager. I'm sure she has some private SM accounts and that's okay because that's just what teenagers do.
Jayme had 200 something followers at some point last week on Instagram. It was discussed previously. That 200 was also after she went missing. I'm not sure how many she had before she went missing.

She has 0 posts, though, so no content for anybody (follower or not) to comment on.

I think the most noteworthy thing about her IG Account is how few people she follows and that there are zero posts. I wonder if she opened up the account very recently. And if so, was there a reason? For example, as a way to communicate with someone secretly?

IMO, JMO, etc.
I think this may be a fake account by some rando online. It has no posts, and it isn't private so anyone can follow it at any time. There is another jayme closs under the search that IS private and has a more reasonable amount of followers, that is probably the real one.
The real one has around 30 ish posts and looks like it's actually her. I hope LE is looking into that.
Maybe residence was rented as you stated it was owned by a couple in MN. Family to notify? Hunting cabin? I'm at a loss as to how it could be a suspect that early. We've heard nothing abut any suspect a week later. jmo

This is why I asked if there is a way to find out who is renting it. I haven't heard of any way of doing this though.
I think it is odd LE has released very little information regarding the Sunday timeline - what time the party was over, what else Jayme and Mom did, when did Dad get home ? etc. I wonder why? Wouldn't this information be helpful since they have made public appeals to report any altercations, etc with the family?? It's puzzling.
Jayme had 200 something followers at some point last week on Instagram. It was discussed previously. That 200 was also after she went missing. I'm not sure how many she had before she went missing.

She has 0 posts, though, so no content for anybody (follower or not) to comment on.
You can message and chat through IG. That is what my kids do.
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