GUILTY WI - Joseph Jakubowski sent manifesto to WH, robbed ammo store, Janesville, Apr 2017

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Yes it seems they do not feel there is as great a threat to schools as they did initially. Local news said tonight that a final decision will be made after Easter but they expect schools will resume as usual after spring break

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Again, I'm looking at this man as a person with an agenda, and if that's true he expressed a strong connection with lower and working/middle class people. I think that's the main reason I'm not seeing him going for a mass shooting scenario - at least not one where regular people would be targeted. And that would rule out schools and even churches. But - and it's a huge but - the majority of people that do that type of thing are not logical and neither are their targets. He got his "manifesto" out so doing Anything major would bring attention to it (and to him). And that might be all he wants...
This got the characteristic of injustice collector.
*If* he believes the things he's written it doesn't seem like taking the lives of innocents / civilians (so to speak) would fit his agenda. Clearly I could be wrong.

Reading these sections of his letter is helpful because I couldn't figure out why it would take 161 pages to basically state the obvious - but he went beyond what was needed so it's not the easiest read.

Anyway it seems to me (based on these 35 pages) that his targets (if he decides to act on whatever plan he has) would be tied to the government and/or corporations and also to any LE that attempts to stop or capture him.

I agree with those that have said that he doesn't plan on coming out of this alive.

After reading the 35 pages (a disconnected fraction of his 161!) I agree with your analysis. Since he believes that religion formed and is behind governments, I would also add some kind of symbol of religion (not a church with regular people in it) to corporations and government as possible targets. Since he believes that true leaders put themselves on the front lines, I agree that he doesn't plan or expect to survive.

The sad thing about this manifesto is that there are kernels of truth about "the system" sprinkled throughout. But he is so over-the-top with blame, anger, victimization and impossible visions of utopia that those bits of truth are "lost in translation." But I have to say I do "get" his basic concerns about things in this world that are beyond fixing. Unfortunately, he has taken rational thought about this to an irrational point that he feels justified in inflicting violence on institutions to achieve his purpose of freedom and truth. Guns kill people. They don't kill institutions. Anarchy does not bring the freedom he seeks.

After reading the 35 pages (a disconnected fraction of his 161!) I agree with your analysis. Since he believes that religion formed and is behind governments, I would also add some kind of symbol of religion (not a church with regular people in it) to corporations and government as possible targets. Since he believes that true leaders put themselves on the front lines, I agree that he doesn't plan or expect to survive.

The sad thing about this manifesto is that there are kernels of truth about "the system" sprinkled throughout. But he is so over-the-top with blame, anger, victimization and impossible visions of utopia that those bits of truth are "lost in translation." But I have to say I do "get" his basic concerns about things in this world that are beyond fixing. Unfortunately, he has taken rational thought about this to an irrational point that he feels justified in inflicting violence on institutions to achieve his purpose of freedom and truth. Guns kill people. They don't kill institutions. Anarchy does not bring the freedom he seeks.


Agree. Historically churches did control the assorted forms of governments, currency/money, and at the very least encouraged social stratification, paternalism, control etc so there could be something there. In more recent history (and currently) though religion might exert pressure on how people should "behave" or be the "opiate of the masses" but corporations and elites control the government and other institutions (agents of the government) and are responsible for the issues he addresses. In other words I get the connection he makes to religion but I absolutely don't get why he focuses on it the way he does (the context). Maybe being able to see the rest of his manifesto would help clarify where he was going with that and it might give more insight into what he plans on doing.

I totally agree there is truth in those 35 pages, and skimming past the parts that feel like ramblings or just too much information, he points out very real concerns. Anarchy - real anarchy that is - could bring about solutions, but I'm not convinced that's where he's going with this. Some / many anarchists do share a lot of the basic beliefs he expressed and he might even self id as one, but like you said guns kill people not institutions and the anarchists I know are well aware of that and aren't deluded enough to think one person (or even a handful of people) can bring down the government etc with a few guns. Which goes back to where my questions and concerns come in. Is this a man that will try to target those he thinks are responsible for the problems or is he only concerned about getting his message out by any means necessary? I would think LE would have a better understanding of his intentions based on talking to people that know him, his background and the rest of his manifesto. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that if he decides to carry through with his plan(s) he is dangerous - I just think he's more so if his main motive is to bring attention to his manifesto / beliefs (by a mass shooting or something).
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JUST IN: Wisconsin man who robbed a gun store and wrote a threatening manifesto to Trump has been captured, law enforcement source says.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author



Ha ha smart as* Anyone know offhand how far from where he was ??

Investigators had no comment about the location of the stolen guns.

[FONT=&amp]Law enforcement officials have set up a command post at Kickapoo High School near Viola, and officials say more information will be released today.


More information will come at a press conference today at 2 p.m.

What time is this EST?

Ain't it nice to see those big red letters captured over his mug

So big shot.......................................

It almost feels like he was Ok with being found. If I were wanted and someone told me to leave I would at least act like I was gonna.

It sounded like he overtly refused.

Who would not know in that case the other person is going to call the cops??

Ha ha smart as* Anyone know offhand how far from where he was ??

Investigators had no comment about the location of the stolen guns.

[FONT=&amp]Law enforcement officials have set up a command post at Kickapoo High School near Viola, and officials say more information will be released today.


A little over 2 hours. Most of Vernon county is very rural. We have a cabin and some hunting land over there and it is a good place to hide.

Some of the news reports are saying viola, some Readstown. Readstown is where our property is.

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More information will come at a press conference today at 2 p.m.

What time is this EST?

Ain't it nice to see those big read letters captured over his mug
3 pm eastern. I am very relieved he's been caught, yes.

Sent from my LGUS997 using Tapatalk
So glad he was captured and peacefully too. I hope he gets the help he needs. Happy Easter weekend.
He didn't go too far from home! This is usually the case as LE repeats in most every case.

It seems like he spent so much time on writing his manifesto, preparing for his departure, he may have not really prepared for the afterwards. Camping in the woods on a farmers property is a far cry from carrying out any grievances he wrote about. Thank goodness!!

Happy Easter!
Forgive me for misapplying Macbeth's soliloquy about Lady Macbeth's death to Jakobowski, but the final words popped into my head and seem fitting...along with "much ado about nothing." All his bluster and bravado came to nothing (thankfully) in a tent in a farmer's field. Since no one was hurt and he survived, I hope he gets help.

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing.
relieved to see 'captured' in the the thread title

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