WI WI - Kayla Berg, 15, Wausau, 11 Aug 2009

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Just saw the ID show - wow! Seen so many cases where the "he was just a friend" who gives a teen or young woman a ride home or to someplace.... once alone with the female, he makes unwanted advances that are rejected, and the outcome is not good. There is never conformation of the victim ever arriving where she's supposedly left off... Finding the victim is important if the case is to be solved and requires getting warrants right away, and bring in allot of resources right away - lie detector tests of the suspect, forensics of his car, clothing, etc., etc...
Agree, OldSteve, way to many cases like this. A few folks I see think just because girls grow up with a boy that the guy doesn't see the girl as anything other than a " friend " I'm here to say ( if it hasn't already been said ) that circumstances change. Boys & girls grow up. I'm going to use myself as an example..

I grew up with a neighborhood full of boys. I was freckle faced, slim, baseball playing every weekend, football in the backyard " just one of the boys " UNTIL I hit about 17.
At 17, I was genuinely beautiful ( bear with me, I don't talk like this EVER but am trying to add perspective ) and I tried, I LOVED making myself up, still do.

At 17 my " friends " were noticing and their perception of me was changing. I was so wrapped up in myself and what I was doing ( traded in my bat for curling iron ) I never noticed UNTIL a " boy " I had walked to & from the bus stop with every day for YEARS was over one day and tried to kiss me. UGH. It was so awkward.

Anyway, looking back at my 17 year old flighty, naive self, I can absolutely see how a younger, inexperienced teen boy could have taken my actions & statements for an invite. He was neither violent nor on drugs and had nothing in his life that would be considered a " stressor " or the like.

I said all of that because if Kevin DID secretly have a thing for Kayla and he WAS indeed on drugs/high, well? It's not far fetched at all.
Idk how LONG they knew one another or how often they hung out. ( maybe him having wheels was very convenient for Kayla? )
Were nearby lakes searched?
Perhaps like here in Michigan, hunting season will uncover clues/remains one day.

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5 members and 18 guests following tonight.

My heart goes out to the family and friends that may have hit on a google search for this tonight.

When I was young, decades ago, I had a very very long leash. These days, with reading what we do here, I perhaps would be (unfortunately) a helicopter parent. My parents never contacted the parents of someone when I said I was going to do a sleepover etc....and I grew from those childhood experiences and never repeated on my own later ... but SMH.... I think I would these days as as parent I might call parents and helicopter.

And that saddens me as I know that teens do things that parents never know, but they are safe... but I couldn't fathom the pain if I didn't and something happened.

Kayla... your parents want you found and love you. To friends who may know something, please contact law enforcement.

ETA: 30 guests here now. If anyone is here reading that is from the past that are friends and know something, please contact law enforcement.
My youngest daughter is 12.
I find it so, so sad that she will never enjoy the freedoms my siblings and I had as children.

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At 17 my " friends " were noticing and their perception of me was changing. I was so wrapped up in myself and what I was doing ( traded in my bat for curling iron ) I never noticed UNTIL a " boy " I had walked to & from the bus stop with every day for YEARS was over one day and tried to kiss me. UGH. It was so awkward.

LOL, I Wish you were not too hard to him. Though I wish I would not offend anyone, and not be call "blaming the victims" I have to say Kayla was far less a innocent girl like you were 17 year old, she was with a much rough crowd, and probably involve drugs, so don't think she would have same "misunderstanding" as you had
I agree with your assessment. I watched the Disappeared episode again tonight. Kevin knows what happened and is likely responsible. Nobody in their right mind would drop a 15 year old off at a dark vacant house without ensuring she safely made it in or met with someone he would have trusted.

Was Kevin given a polygraph test?

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I just started listening to the Trace Evidence Podcast on Kayla, and finally heard some details about Kevin Kielcheski’s statement to police when interviewed about the details of his last evening with Kayla.

I have been doing a lot of digging into the amount of information I can find online about this case. As I mentioned before, I grew up in the neighborhood where Kayla went missing and my childhood connections to the places where she would hang out are uncanny. But that was in the early 90’s. The condemned house on E. Wausau Ave where Kevin K said to have dropped her off, I was friends with and babysat for the family that USED to own that house in the 90’s. There is information online as to the place Miguel was living after he left the condemned house, and that was a rental near the corner of 6th Street and Bridge Street. I know for certain it is a rental because it had been the residence of another kid I knew in the 90’s and is still owned by the same family.

I only share this information because I know this neighborhood inside and out and a comment Kevin made in his interview with police struck me as odd.

Per the podcast:

“When Kayla exited the vehicle, he backed out of the driveway and began heading home never waiting to see if she got in or if she was safe. When asked for the location of the home, Kevin was evasive in his answers. He explained that there were a lot of one way roads in Wausau and he wasn’t sure where he was going and that Kayla directed him.”

If he drove Kayla directly to the house on E. Wausau Ave, he would have encountered ZERO one way roads as E. Wausau Ave is technically Business 52 and is the most direct route into Wausau from Antigo. To encounter any one way streets, he would have had to keep driving West on E. Wausau Ave/Bus. 52 till he hit a set of lights at 6th (a one way heading north till this point) and E. Wausau/Bus 52., then continue to 5th St to be able to make the left onto a one way street that heads south towards Bridge St. The fact that he was encountering one way streets gives me the impression that he took Kayla to Miguel’s new residence. This is not the most direct route to Miguel’s rental but if one is not from Wausau, one might go this way. With that being said, if he dropped her off at Miguel’s new residence, if anyone was home, he likely would NOT be able to pull into the driveway if there was even one car parked there as there is only one stall for parking. There are other nuggets I found online where testimony from people at the Bridge street residence saying Kayla got out and back into a vehicle parked on the road outside the Bridge street house. I would also suspect that Kevin stayed in his vehicle and that this was for a short period of time. This house is right by an unusual median and parking in front of this Bridge St. house would narrow the lane for oncoming traffic. From here Kevin could have driven forward and taken a left on either 7th or 8th street and reached E. Wausau Ave/Bus 52 and be within blocks of the condemned house.

Part of me speculates that those inside the Bridge St. house told Kayla to go back to the Wausau Ave house and maybe they would party there. One has to remember, at that time it was condemned but it doesn’t mean that Miguel or anyone associated with him couldn’t have access to it. It wasn’t fully “boarded up” at the time nor is it today. There are other very detailed accounts on Reddit I’ve read online that allude to the fact that time was spent at the Wausau Ave location but can’t cite the sources. Pretty sure that Reddit user has been on this thread. I would be interested in his/her specifics being shared. I can’t PM that user though.
Nine years later, Kayla Berg still missing
Aug 11 2018
ANTIGO, Wis. (WSAW) -- Balloons were released on Saturday to mark the ninth year since Kayla Bergs disappearance. Friends and family gathered in Hudson Park in Antigo to release hundred of balloons as a special tribute for Kayla.


"We miss you. We love you. Please come home".

"It's kind of like not being able to wake up from a nightmare really. I mean, you have your best friend one day, and the next she's just gone without a trace" said Kayla's friend Natosha Zoern.

This is the eighth year in a row that balloons were released on August 11th.

"The balloons have her name on them. There's also inserts on the inside of them. So, they have all of her information on it. Places to call with tips... Any information you would need if you think you may have heard or saw something" said Kayla's mother, Hope Berg.
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totally agree, I have my money on Kevin. But then again Miguels second phone pinging at 2am far away from his house after not being used and him not talking is definitely suspicious.
I dont know why she would be dropped off at his condemed house though, I feel like he would have come got her or she would have asked to be dropped at the actual house he was at if she wanted to see him. I wish he would talk though and explain why he had that phone so far away that night.
Every other thing points to Kevin though. I definitely believe those dogs. His alibi of his mum saying he was at home at midnight doesnt mean anything, he said he was home at 10.30 yet she says midnight. there is hours missing there. Especially if he never actually drove her to Miguels so there is even more time from literally when she got in the car. I hope one day they find Kayla. But now that she is probably bones its going to be very hard. Had a bad feeling about the lake,
Id have to guess he tried to make a move on her and she either said she is seeing Miguel again or just said no and he got mad and killed her.
I actually remember that whole youtube video thing when it happened but havent followed this case, just saw the episode of Disappeared.

I totally agree with your post :
" he tried to make a move on her and she either said she is seeing Miguel again or just said no and he got mad and killed her"

I think this is one of the cases when the police know who is responsible, They know that Kevin is the reason for Kayla's disappearance and murder but like many members wrote here: they don't have enough evidence yet.

I am very curious to know what Kayla's brother think about the involvement of Kevin in his sister disappearance.

I hope the police will bring Kayla home and finally find the evidence they need to bring to justice the person that is responsible..And that's Kevin

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