WI WI - Kayla Berg, 15, Wausau, 11 Aug 2009

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Hunters asked to keep a lookout for clues to missing persons cases

Police are asking deer hunters to be on the lookout for clues related to two Wausau women who disappeared in recent years -- though investigators have no evidence that either of the women is dead.

Authorities continue to investigate tips in the search for Kayla Berg and Stephanie Low, but police do not think the disappearances were related.

More: http://centralwisconsinhub.wausaudailyherald.com/article/20111118/WDH0101/111180455/Hunters-asked-to-keep-a-lookout-for-clues-to-missing-persons-cases?odyssey=tab|mostpopular|text|FRONTPAGE

Updated: 5:48 PM Mar 7, 2012
Posted: 5:25 PM Mar 7, 2012
Reporter: WSAW Staff

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is offering a $20,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and convictions of the individual involved in the crime related to the disappearance of Kayla May Berg.
Kayla missing, not forgotten

Aug. 15, 2012

Kayla Berg is Missing, Not Forgotten.

The Antigo teen vanished three years ago this week, and since then has missed her sweet 16th, junior prom, high school graduation and even the death of her father.

Now, a new organization is working to ensure that the search for Kayla—and for other people missing from northern Wisconsin—remains in the public conscience.

Missing, Not Forgotten is the brainchild of Christine Reimer of Birnamwood, and is devoted to focusing attention of Kayla’s plight as well as that of Wausau’s Stephanie Low, who disappeared from her apartment on Oct. 10, 2010. Others may be added in the future.
Wausau police ask hunters to report anything suspicious

Police are reminding hunters that they are still searching for two missing women. The Wausau Police Department sent out a media release Friday asking hunters to be observant if they see anything suspicious during the hunt.

Kayla Berg of Antigo went missing in August of 2009 when she was 15. Stephanie Low of Wausau went missing in October of 2010 when she was 22.

More: http://www.myfoxwausau.com/story/20120166/police-ask-hunters-to
A note for Kayla's family and those searching:

I live in Wausau, and I wanted you to be reassured that the police are STILL looking for Kayla. We homeschool, and my daughters have been out and about downtown Wausau during school hours on occasion, and every time they have been, and several times during the summer as well, they have been approached by police officers inquiring as to who they were, what they were up to, etc... My daughters match the general description of Kayla, and also of Stephanie Low. They have approached them especially when they were in "costume" with wigs on, etc... (they are into photography). So, please know that they are still looking every day, just in case, here in Wausau. I know at first I didn't know why they would be approaching them all the time like that, but it started to make sense to me after a while. And, to be honest, it made me feel reassured that they were making contact with my daughters as I know their eyes are always "open"...

I have kept your family in my prayers and kept my eyes open ever since I saw the flyer about Kayla in our local video store a couple years ago. My heart goes out to you. As I said, I live here in Wausau, so if there's anything that comes up, or anything I possibly think of, etc... I will post it here, or I will contact police. Whenever my girls are out and about, or my husband is out walking in the woods etc... they are always keeping one eye out as well.
FYI - There have been a couple of developments in Stephanie Low's case that I posted information about last night. Not sure if I should put any details on this thread, but I will link to Stephanie's thread here at WS - the posts I made last night are on page 4 from #95 - #99. Link will be at the bottom of this post.

I have a gut feeling they might have busted a drug ring, and possibly a trafficking ring as well... ALL JUST MY SPECULATION at this point, but there have been arrests made in unrelated cases that are just too coincidental. And, if Kayla was indeed dropped off here in Wausau, she may indeed have had some contact with the same group of people I have posted about on SL's thread. Without benefit of the police investigator's notes, interviews, etc... I'm still seeing pieces falling together that point towards what I mentioned above as a possibility.

For those who might be concerned that I'm jumping to conclusions from the alleged pot use, to the folks recently arrested, and other illegal substances - there are other odd coincidences, and just because a person might be acquainted with someone who does, or sells drugs, doesn't automatically mean that that person does as well. So, I hope KB's family, if they see this, know that I am in no way trying to slander their daughter. I personally could care less if she was using, or not - it makes no difference in how I feel about it - it just is what it is, or isn't - whatever the case may be.

If drugs WERE involved, and KB's friends knew who the supplier(s) were, and if they were these same men who were recently arrested, it's definitely possible that her friends are too scared to come forward... If one reads through the posts I have linked below they will understand more what I mean.

Again, this is ALL just speculation.

More arrests and information about the gun robberies cases and investigation have been added to Stephanie Low's thread again today (see WI WI - Stephanie Low, 22, Wausau, 10 Oct 2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - go to last page).

FWIW, I think it's worth keeping loose tabs on. I have yet to look into the POI in Kayla's case more thoroughly to acquaint myself with him, and what the LEOs have said about him. At least for those who believe there is a possible connection between Kayla and Stephanie's cases, it's worth watching, IMO.
I can't say for sure why they moved to Texas. Kayla's parents are not together, perhaps that has something to do with it. Hoping for clarification from a family member soon.

Bringing up an old post to ask a question.
Can you tell me the names of the towns where his Dad lives, and where Kayla may have lived before she moved to Texas? Also, do you know where in Texas they lived for those few months by chance?

I'm thinking she fell in with the wrong crowd, perhaps taken in by the attention of an older boy or man? She might have just planned to be gone for the night - getting a ride back before her parents woke up from whoever she was planning to meet in Wausau (if that's where she went).

I am thinking the pot smoking and any other drugs are simply peripherally involved when it comes to her personally. There was another comment on this thread that referred to her not smoking marijuana if she was into running. Unless her school did random drug testing of athletes I don't see why it would matter. It may seem counter-intuitive, but she was a healthy teenage girl by all accounts, and it isn't the same as smoking tobacco physically. (Just remember a teenager's POV on some things, especially nowadays compared to when and where I was in school. But then a lot of our athletes also drank, and I heard years later also did illicit drugs on occasion as well... which I had no clue about.)

Also, I'm not passing judgement on Kayla or her family in any way.... She, and her family and those searching are on my mind everyday.

I'm just thinking on possible theories, and getting my facts straight on Kayla's case as I look through some possibly related cases so that I don't by chance miss anything that could possibly related to Kayla. And could possibly help in finding her...

The other case info. I mentioned can be viewed on Stephanie Low's thread here at WS: WI WI - Stephanie Low, 22, Wausau, 10 Oct 2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
A suspect who lived with the POI in SL's has been charged with assault, false imprisonment and other crimes of that nature.
Hi. I am new to this forum and from the Wausau area. Actually I grew up in the neighborhood where Kayla was dropped off and last seen. I have romped through every wooded area in that neighborhood in the early 90's. Can anyone tell me if people and/or the Wausau PD conducted a search of the wooded areas behind the house she was dropped off?
Hi. I am new to this forum and from the Wausau area. Actually I grew up in the neighborhood where Kayla was dropped off and last seen. I have romped through every wooded area in that neighborhood in the early 90's. Can anyone tell me if people and/or the Wausau PD conducted a search of the wooded areas behind the house she was dropped off?

Glad to have you here... I'm still somewhat a newbie myself, and don't know a great deal about the beginning of the searches - I live here in the area currently, and heard about Kayla in the news, and in flyers posted around town although I wasn't a member here at that time, either...

That said, I'm pretty confident that all of the wooded areas here around town have been searched pretty extensively - especially as there is also another missing person case here in town (Stephanie Low) for which they searched all of the same areas as well. The media has been very good to also remind hunters, and people who participate in camping and hiking to keep on the lookout for anything suspicious, and to call the authorities.

I pray that someday we will all know what happened to this beautiful girl. I hope there is some way she can be found alive and safe as well. There are some pretty unsavory characters in town that have all been connected in various crimes including crimes against women. One arrested has been named a POI in the Low case as he reportedly stated to a fellow inmate that he had killed her (Stephanie Low).

Welcome again! I just got back from a computer problem related absence, so I haven't been able to keep up with all of the court dates and such of the criminals I've mentioned above, but there doesn't seem to be much movement on either of these cases - at least that's been publicly discussed, as far as I'm aware.

Thanks for posting that link! I had missed it.

I should have gone to the article, and read about that first instead of replying to the previous post first.

It is really good news to see that there is a new reward, and that it has already brought in a tip. I pray that someone will finally come forward. Someone has to know what happened here after she was dropped off in town...

Praying for Kayla and her family... And praying that those who may know something are moved to come forward and do the right thing.
Possibly related??? I'm posting this here as media is making assumptions about the identity of the remains as being that of Anita Bucki. However, the remains had to be sent all the way down to Madison for an ID - that seems to indicate that they may be "older" remains than those of a couple weeks (it hasn't been that hot up here - in fact it was below freezing again last night).

It's less likely that this is Kayla, but seeing as they last searched for Stephanie Low in Lincoln Co. based on a tip - and that Low and Berg's families believe their abductions are related then I thought mentioning this development on Kayla's thread would be appropriate as well.

There are a few more people missing for years up here in both Taylor and Lincoln Co., so there's no telling who this body belongs to. At least one family will get some closure, and hopefully justice served, if need be.


Investigation Continues in Taylor County after Body Found

The Taylor County and Lincoln County Sherrif's Departments say the investigation into the body found in Taylor County is still ongoing.

The autopsy is being performed in Madison at the Wisconsin State Crime Lab to determine the identity of the remains found.

There has been no further word on the investigation since authorities wrapped up their work Friday evening.

We'll keep you up to date as the investigation unfolds.

The news media outlets up here were making all kinds of assumptions that the remains belong to Anita Bucki. Seeing as the remains were sent all the way down to Madison for ID at the state crime lab would indicate to me that the remains found were likely "older" than Anita's remains would be (if she is indeed deceased as I think is likely).

My prayers go out to all the families of the missing up here in the area - I'm sure they are all nervous about receiving that dreaded phone call...
Something I don't see on this thread that I noticed doing a google search:

"Neighbors reported seeing her pacing back and forth in front of the house, which is condemned."


Who are the neighbors that witnessed this and is their full report available?

If this is true - I don't see how KK was ever a suspect or even the last person to see her. Remember, predators are opportunistic and this situation may have been an opportunity for the perpetrator. There are listed sex offenders living very close to the location Kayla was last seen and several more throughout Wausau.

I would also be interested if anyone knows if any homes or properties have been search in Wausau?
I would also be interested if anyone knows if any homes or properties have been search in Wausau?

I asked the same question above. There is a lot of wooded property behind those houses. I know because before the neighborhoods blight, I lived near there and I'm am quite familiar with the area. Part of me wishes I could be a kid now so I could innocently trespass through the woods again but now as an adult the cops would probably be called on me.
I'd also like to know if she had any friends nearby the last seen location. Where might have she headed after pacing in front of the house? A friend's house, a gas station to use a phone? I'd be really interested to hear hypotheses from 1. Mom, 2.Ex-BF and 3.Best friend.
My daughters have actually taken some photos and such around that area, and they were approached by police when they were doing that. The police warned them that it was a "bad area" and they shouldn't hang out around there. (They were taking advantage of some of the more "ruinous" areas for interesting backgrounds in photos.)

I'm sorry that I don't have more information in regard to what areas were searched here in Wausau. I can make assumptions, and they would probably be correct - as in they likely searched the condemned house he was said to have dropped her off at, and they likely searched the area all around the house itself... I honestly can't imagine them having NOT searched at least the immediate area.

I'm going to try to make it to a public search they are doing for Stephanie tomorrow (Sunday), and perhaps Kayla's Mom will be there as well. If she is, and I can speak to her I'll introduce myself and give her my contact info. so maybe I can offer my assistance since she lives a little ways away from here in Wausau.

I don't want to "offer" to have my children (mid-teenage years) to go looking around over there because there really are some very shady characters that have moved in in recent years, but I'll ask them about the area, and if they've been over there lately.
I found this article interesting and wonder if this problem is widespread in Wisconsin.

-A Caledonia detective conducting an investigation on an unrelated case happens to find a sex offender living close to two schools. Police Chief Toby Schey said the find exposes a problem with the state's sex offender registry program.

By Denise Lockwood

If a detective with the Caledonia Police Department hadn't inadvertently found Peter T. Baumeister — a registered sex offender — living near two schools in the Kremer subdivision, he probably would still be living there.
Caledonia Police Chief Toby Schey said police would have never known about the man if not for the work done by the detective, but this case highlights a communications gap between the state's sex offender registry system and the department.

Read More: http://caledonia.patch.com/articles/sex-offender-found-living-in-caledonia-near-two-schools

Digging through Wisconsin's Sex Offender registry, I noticed over 40 sex offenders living in Wausau without supervision. (in addition to those under supervision) Are the police aware of these individuals, or are they only aware of those under community supervision? It makes you wonder given the case in Caledonia. Of these 40 some unsupervised offenders, more than 20 have committed sex crimes against children. Over 20% of the offenders were found guilty of 1st degree. See for yourself: http://offender.doc.state.wi.us/public/

I'm sure with 2 missing persons cases the Wausau PD is watching the offenders that are under community supervision like hawks. But what about the rest? I'd like to think that an offender could be rehabilitated but I know it doesn't work out that way everytime.

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