WI WI - Kelly Nolan, 22, Madison, 23 Jun 2007 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They haven't ruled out Cafe guy yet to my knowledge.

This case makes me so angry! LE never has had anything and has misled everyone into thinking they did. Their lack of publicity from the beginning decidedly put this case onto a back burner and it was cold from the git go. I think the Chief of Police should be held accountable for his part in botching her case. If I lived in Madison, I would be writing the Mayor's office every single day and demanding his resignation!

There IS no justice there for Kelly Nolan.
They haven't ruled out Cafe guy yet to my knowledge.

This case makes me so angry! LE never has had anything and has misled everyone into thinking they did. Their lack of publicity from the beginning decidedly put this case onto a back burner and it was cold from the git go. I think the Chief of Police should be held accountable for his part in botching her case. If I lived in Madison, I would be writing the Mayor's office every single day and demanding his resignation!

There IS no justice there for Kelly Nolan.

I wish there was something I could do. There was another (totally unrelated) murder this week, and I'm just sick about how these things are just going under the radar. Where is the outcry? I'm ANGRY.
Longtime lurker, but first time poster here. I live in Madison and can confirm that there has been close to ZERO coverage of Kelly's case in the last few weeks. Nobody's even talking about it. Granted, I have been in and out of town over the last month, but I read the local headlines frequently and have seen nothing.

My general sense is that, since Kelly really wasn't a student or a "local," and especially since revelations about her drunk driving convictions, people aren't necessarily feeling "It could happen to me." I have to say, however, I no longer give in when friends insist on walking home after a night out downtown.

I agree with Ladymemac's theory that this killer is local and must be familiar with Madison's outlying areas, if not living there. I've lived here for 6 years, and would need a map to find the area where her body was found. Most students here can go for 4 years without even leaving the Isthmus.

I have been to the bar where Kelly met up with the employee from Amy's Cafe. I wouldn't call it a popular student bar, but more a townie bar, with a slightly edgier crowd than what would attract the typical student (not that I would think it unsafe). If the killer followed Kelly and Cafe guy out of the bar, it would be consistent with the idea that he is local.
Longtime lurker, but first time poster here.

Most students here can go for 4 years without even leaving the Isthmus.

I have been to the bar where Kelly met up with the employee from Amy's Cafe. I wouldn't call it a popular student bar, but more a townie bar, with a slightly edgier crowd than what would attract the typical student (not that I would think it unsafe). If the killer followed Kelly and Cafe guy out of the bar, it would be consistent with the idea that he is local.

WELCOME! Thank you for your insights - please continue to contribute. You make an EXCELLENT point that many students never live or visit off campus. Most don't own cars, and even those that live way off campus use the bus system ("free" through student fees).

About being local - what's your sense though of the killer's age? It's my feeling he can't be that old (i.e. visibly over 40) or Cafe Guy would have found him more suspicious.

I should have also mentioned to other posters that Madison is home to MANY other universities (Edgewood, MATC - Tech College, Herzing, etc.) Also, there are many conventioneers on most weekends, and many students from other colleges or home from school on any given night.
The only thing I find heartening about this is that Kelly's family is quiet. Either they're consumed with grief, or LE has told them what is going on and asked them to keep things under wraps. Otherwise, if this were my family, I would be doing what I could to keep it in the media.

I have a feeling that you are right Ang. The family was pretty vocal in the beginning and the sister received a lot of questioning when she came out and said that LE asked her not to comment to the media on the phone call. They have probably just decided not to speak to the media at all due to that whole debacle (even if they have information). We had a poster on here early in the case that I believed was either a sister, or someone very close to the family. I wish she would come back to at least give us an idea of how they feel things are going. I hope she still reads here to know that people are still thinking about Kelly.

Another poster I would like to see back is Whisky (think that was his/her name). That poster seemed to really be defending the action that LE had taken on this case. Sounded as though he/she was either part of the police force or knew someone that was. It would be interesting to see what Whisky would have to say now.
I hope that the family is more informed by LE and is just waiting for them to wrap things up. I don't know how families react or take action in this situation.

We have at least one member on WS whose daughter was murdered. I would be interested in her perspective as far as what she would do - but I believe the killer was the daughter's husband and thus was a suspect right away.
I sincerely hope that all students watch there backs when out in Madison. Hopefully it is not a local........but I have a tendency to think it is someone who knows there way around & certain they won't get caught.I even thought it could be a relative of LE, why I don't know.

Whisky needs to come back, I'd like to hear more!!!
I sincerely hope that all students watch there backs when out in Madison.

What I am about to say is not in ANY WAY intended to place blame on Kelly for her death. The blame is to be placed solely on her killer. But since I've lived in Madison, I've noticed that women in general (and men too!) aren't all that concerned about going out drinking and then walking alone after dark. As someone who grew up in a large city, I've always been astounded by this lax attitude towards personal safety. Perhaps it's not a personal habit that is instilled when you grow up in an affluent suburb or small town.

The reason I bring this up is because posters here talking about pulling their daughters out of school might be going a little too far for me. That's, of course, a personal choice and you should do what makes you feel secure. But I think the risk of running into trouble could be significantly reduced if friends looked out for each other and people used services such as Safe Walk and Safe Ride. That's definitely something that parents can teach their children to make them safer, along with talking to your kids about how to behave when they go out partying (and not predending that they're not doing it!) Overall, Madison is much safer than most places...it's just that people here can be very naive about the few predators that ARE here.

As far as the age...yes, I agree that he'd have to be between 20 and 35, or maybe a very young looking 40 in order to blend in.
What I am about to say is not in ANY WAY intended to place blame on Kelly for her death. The blame is to be placed solely on her killer. But since I've lived in Madison, I've noticed that women in general (and men too!) aren't all that concerned about going out drinking and then walking alone after dark. As someone who grew up in a large city, I've always been astounded by this lax attitude towards personal safety. Perhaps it's not a personal habit that is instilled when you grow up in an affluent suburb or small town.

The reason I bring this up is because posters here talking about pulling their daughters out of school might be going a little too far for me. That's, of course, a personal choice and you should do what makes you feel secure. But I think the risk of running into trouble could be significantly reduced if friends looked out for each other and people used services such as Safe Walk and Safe Ride. That's definitely something that parents can teach their children to make them safer, along with talking to your kids about how to behave when they go out partying (and not predending that they're not doing it!) Overall, Madison is much safer than most places...it's just that people here can be very naive about the few predators that ARE here.

As far as the age...yes, I agree that he'd have to be between 20 and 35, or maybe a very young looking 40 in order to blend in.

Welcome to WS nowheregirl!!!

I have a tendency to tell everyone to watch there backs.... In our society today you can never be careful enough. Just because you think someone is your friend doesn''t mean it is so.

The kids can be taught by parents to be careful & not put themselves in any form of danger. Many times that goes out the window as soon as they are away from the folks. Its a form of rebellion. :eek:
Welcome to Websleuths, Nohwheregirl! We are glad you are no longer "lurking" and have joined us. To have another local is great! The insight into the culture and the area itself is always helpful in trying to piece things together. Ang, Cheko, Whisky, and some others have been able to bring a lot to the table here. We look forward to more of your insight.

I am rather alone on my theory that the killer is a person of authority who is older. I still believe this to be true, but I can see where a younger person might be a viable suspect. The truth is...the police have NO suspect...young or old! I don't believe that LE has told the family any more than they have told the press. LE does have more than an abundance of evidence after the fact (the way several jurisdictions came together to sweep the scene, etc.), but until they have someone to match it to...they are at a loss. If they have compared Kelly's case to the cold cases around Madison and couldn't come up with something related there, I would be quite surprised actually. Still, there would be no suspect.

I don't know how they are going to go about solving this case, but I pray they do. Kelly Nolan deserves justice.
Hey Nowheregirl -

Can you give your opinion as to an "older" guy at the Lava Lounge, or another bar or on the street? What would be a general college student's impression of that guy? Would Cafeguy think an older guy was a "friend" of Kelly or be suspicious?
Hey everybody,
Thanks for the warm welcome!
I think an older guy at Lava Lounge wouldn't be out of place, but it depends on what you mean by "older." I think anyone under 35 would blend. If you mean 40+, maybe it would draw my attention as slightly unusual, but then again, I'm acquainted with a couple guys who I thought were in their early 30s but who are actually in their early 40s. 50+ definitely, but like I say, this isn't actually a student bar so a large age range wouldn't be all that surprising. There are bars around here where anyone over 22 would stand out like a sore thumb.

That's a separate issue from whether Cafe dude thought it was usual for a guy to claim he and Kelly were friends. I would have to think that's someone who at least looked relatively young to not be suspicious. There are so many variables here, though. How drunk was Kelly? How drunk was Cafe dude? How honorable were Cafe dude's intentions and would he be "scared off" by anyone who said that they actually knew Kelly?

I think the reason the police aren't releasing any info is because they don't have much in the way of suspects and are weeding people out by looking for anything that actually happened in people's statements.
There are bars around here where anyone over 22 would stand out like a sore thumb....

...How drunk was Kelly? How drunk was Cafe dude? How honorable were Cafe dude's intentions and would he be "scared off" by anyone who said that they actually knew Kelly?

Thanks for the background - I was wondering about the LL crowd - and how much of an undergrad bar it was (or not).

You also make another interesting point that I didn't think about - if Cafe Guy was somewhat drunk and Kelly really was, the friend/murderer could have implied that Cafe Guy was trying to hook up or do something inappropriate. I wonder what Cafe Guy says this "friend" said.

However, I think Cafe Guy was the bouncer and thus should not have been drinking that night. "should" not... but who knows.
I can't believe Cafe Guy has stayed out of the press. This is amazing to me. (And would not be the case if I was a reporter in Madison. Neither would Kelly's boyfriends from earlier!)
I can't believe Cafe Guy has stayed out of the press. This is amazing to me. (And would not be the case if I was a reporter in Madison. Neither would Kelly's boyfriends from earlier!)

SS - I think I remember that CafeGuy was very investigated - offered up his home and car for search and DNA I think. I don't remember that they "cleared" him necessarily - but it didn't sound like they were pursuing him.
Right, Ang. I am just surprised we haven't seen his face all over the press by now tho. Aren't you? He was the last "known" person to see Kelly alive (besides his story of handing her off).
Been lurking, as usual.

I think Cafe Guy contacted LE as soon as he found she was missing, which may account for his not really being a POI. He offered everything for DNA testing, which must not have shown anything.
Yes, this is what they reported. Perhaps Cafe Guy thought he had "gotten away" with it tho...there have been dumber criminals.

Still, I am just suprised the media never picked up on him and stayed with the story.

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