WI WI - Kelly Nolan, 22, Madison, 23 Jun 2007 #2

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DNA Solves
That article is dated September 18th, and the news conference was on that day or the day after. Here's another article from MSNBC that I found dated the same day. I'm highlighting a few things I found interesting.


MADISON - Kelly Nolan’s family isn't giving up. They're asking students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to come forward with any information that could lead to the arrest of the person who killed Nolan. Monday, police announced they’re raising the reward money, while Kelly Nolan’s family begged for answers. “There's not a day that goes by that we don't think about our sister Kelly,” Candice Nolan said. Candice and April Nolan have a hard time getting by, knowing their sister’s killer is still walking free. Kelly Nolan was last seen along State Street in June. Nearly three weeks later police found her body in a ditch about ten miles away. Now, her family insists someone had to have seen something. “We believe there are other persons in the community who know what happened to Kelly,” April Nolan said. Police agree. They are reaching out to students they think may have been in town visiting on Friday, June 22, the night Kelly disappeared. Those students just returned to Madison once fall classes resumed. “We have literally talked to hundreds of people, but we believe there are some out there we've not found yet,” Madison Police Department’s Joel DeSpain said. Investigators are certain someone they have not yet talked to, saw Kelly that night and has the final piece to this unsolved puzzle.

“We've interviewed a lot of people who are interesting at first blush, but we don't have anybody we've tied to the crime scene at this point,” DeSpain said. Police are also confident Kelly’s killer is tied to the Madison community. The reward to help find Kelly is now $12,000.

My questions and comments are color coded to what I highlighted in the news piece.
They are reaching out to students they think may have been in town visiting on Friday, June 22, the night Kelly disappeared. Those students just returned to Madison once fall classes resumed.

1. First... They think that there are people who might have been in town that weekend and have now returned for the start of the school year. What about the opposite? What about those people who were here in Madison for the summer- or even just the weekend- and have now gone back to wherever they came from? Remember, we didn't hear that Kelly was even missing until almost a week had already passed.

Why weren't they more aggressive when those people would still have been around? This makes absolutely NO sense. Sure, it could be just like they say, and people may have returned. Except for the fact that in a city like Madison, you have a LOT of weekend visitors, kids that are back from other schools for the summer, etc... and State Street is a hot spot. Again, they should have been far more aggressive when they had the chance to catch people's attention.

Investigators are certain someone they have not yet talked to, saw Kelly that night and has the final piece to this unsolved puzzle.

Someone they have not yet talked to has the piece to this unsolved puzzle? If they know THAT much, why haven't they been on an all out manhunt to find this someone? This is so cryptic and it's classic for the MPD. I'm FED UP with this junk! Tell us something REAL!

“We've interviewed a lot of people who are interesting at first blush, but we don't have anybody we've tied to the crime scene at this point,”
Where is the crime scene? Her apartment? The location her body was found? A car? Why wouldn't they tell us that? If she was last SEEN somewhere, and it's not public knowledge, how do they expect help from the public? How would people know what they're supposed to tell the police when no one knows where she was last seen? This is ridiculous.
How Ironic! I saw a piece in the paper today about them questioning a 53 yo man who was being "too friendly" with the female students. Let me see if I can find that article. It was in the mention of another article on campus. Hmmm...

I think Kelly's murder was done by a person IN the community. A person that everyone would always respect. I gave a name to them long ago to check out. He could easily have been between where Kelly was last seen and her apartment. His "office" was on the direct path there. Wonder if anyone checked it out?! This person would also have a possible reason to be directly associated with the University...and not be so grateful. A motive. Did I mention he "freaked out" the week after Kelly was murdered and landed on the national radar?! Hmmm...I would think they would look at this person for some reason.
How Ironic! I saw a piece in the paper today about them questioning a 53 yo man who was being "too friendly" with the female students. Let me see if I can find that article. It was in the mention of another article on campus. Hmmm...

I think Kelly's murder was done by a person IN the community. A person that everyone would always respect. I gave a name to them long ago to check out. He could easily have been between where Kelly was last seen and her apartment. His "office" was on the direct path there. Wonder if anyone checked it out?! This person would also have a possible reason to be directly associated with the University...and not be so grateful. A motive. Did I mention he "freaked out" the week after Kelly was murdered?! Hmmm...I would think they would look at this person for some reason.
Can you elaborate on "freaked out"?
LE in that area is really in a sad state! I know someone who went to them about finding a felon on bad checks & failure to pay child support he is in arrears of 48 thousand $$ & warrants out for his arrest in several counties in Wi. ......they told LE exactly where this guy was at.

LE pitched a fit not even wanting to go look for him, then they went to the wrong house, instead of going to this guys sisters home they went to his parents. He slipped away again.Apparently they don't listen & don't read emails correctly either. Wi taxpayer money being wasted all over the state.

It is honestly time to get rid of the lazy elected officals who refuse to do the job they get paid for in our state. This is ridiculous!!!

Sounds to me like LE is clueless as to who is involved & once again someone got away with murder in Wi.
I have a friend in the detectives unit at MPD. I don't know if he's investigating this case, and I was avoiding asking him about it, but it seems like it might be worth a try. Do you guys think I should inquire about it? Am I going to look like a looney toon if I do? I have no idea if he'd tell me anything- but what will it hurt to try? :angel:
SS - the 53 year old was mentioned in an article about Jesse Miller. I think that a connection is possible, but if Cafe Guy is telling the truth, he would have handed her over to a 53 year old man. UNLIKELY. I just don't think so.

SS - I'm curious who you are eluding to. PM me...

MsSheila - it can't hurt to ask. Ask him about progress and what the public can do to help.
She's young, cute, etc... people need to start getting nervous.
Sounds like they found the other missing woman in another state. Have not given details yet.
Yep - found her in Nebraska - apparently left of her own accord.
Yep - found her in Nebraska - apparently left of her own accord.

Thats right Ang. Heres are some clips and a link.

The 25-year-old woman who vanished during her lunch break from a Mount Horeb flower shop wasn't abducted as she claimed, according to Dane County sheriff's deputies.

"In her initial interview she indicated that she had been abducted by a male that had access to a weapon and had been driven out of state. It was only a short time there after that her story began to crumble," said Dane County Sheriff Dave Mahoney. "It became very evident that the pieces were not falling into place. She was confronted with those facts, and she admitted that she had made those accusations up."

My Detective friend can't tell me anything. :mad: They're still investigating... blah blah :behindbar
Sheesh! Another stupid woman making up an abduction story!! That is just what LE needed especially around there! Don't these women realize how much this hurts the women who are truly abducted and in trouble?! Someone should really spell it out for them...in jail!!
Here's a crazy example of how the news reporting works in Madison. A woman is murdered in a Domestic. The suspect attempts suicide. That is ALL they had released about the crime until the second article is released this evening. Here's the 7 sentence article about the crime. The ONLY info that came out all day.

Homicide Investigation in Fitchburg

Around 8:50 Wednesday morning, Fitchburg Police received a call about a domestic dispute at in an apartment complex at 3313 Leopold Way.

Police found 23-year-old Yuliana Hernandez dead. A male, who police say knew Hernandez, was taken to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

Police say he is a person of interest in Hernandez's death.

They are not releasing his name or Hernandez's cause of death, pending further investigation.

Most neighbors in the area told us they did not even hear what happened until they saw the police.

27 News has a crew on the scene and we will update this developing story as more information becomes available.


Now, here's the second article that came out this evening. This is the only thing I have found anywhere regarding this homicide. What is troubling to me is how the newspaper suddenly takes the focus off the crime, and shines a spotlight on the AREA of the city it happened in. This is an area of suburban Madison that has an incredibly high crime rate, compared with the rest of the city. It's amazing to me that they have not released ANY details of the crime, or the perpetrator, but they have this big long article about how the crime "could have happened anywhere". Talk about getting defensive and losing focus! PR is more important than this murdered woman???


Killing could have happened anywhere, apartment owners say

Police and fire calls to the Fitchburg apartment complex where a woman was killed in a domestic dispute Wednesday have dropped "to virtually nothing" since the large property was bought in fall 2005 and redeveloped, a spokesman for the owners said.

"The unfortunate incident that happened here could have happened anywhere in the city," said Brandon Scholz, spokesman for E.J. Plesko & Associates of Madison, which purchased the formerly troubled Ridgewood Country Club Apartments and split it into two sections known as The Pines and The Fairways.

Police were called to an apartment at 3313 Leopold Way for a domestic disturbance at 8:51 a.m. and found 23-year-old Yuliana H. Hernandez dead at the scene. An injured man found with her has been described as a "person of interest" in the ongoing homicide investigation.
Fitchburg Police Chief Tom Blatter on Wednesday would not identify him but confirmed that the man and Hernandez were in a relationship. The man had surgery Wednesday for life-threatening injuries and police had been unable to speak with him through late Wednesday afternoon.
"There's so much more we need to know," Blatter said, adding, however, that the "facts of the investigation" made it "clear" to police that the woman's death was the result of a homicide.
Hi Everyone. A disturbing thing is happening in and around Madison.. I hope it's unrelated to Kelly's disappearance, but in case it is- I'll post the info here.

Posted Monday --- October 22, 2007 - 2:46pm
A warning for women Monday about a suspicious person in the area.
Madison police has recently taken 4 separate reports from women on the west side of the city.
In each case a male driver asks for directions to the Star Cinema.
They say he then lingered around after asking for directions, and sometimes contacted them more than once in a short time period.
One of the females said the suspicious man "creeped" her out, and almost all said he made them feel unsafe.
The driver is described as a white man, 25-to-28 years old, medium build, brown short hair, blue eyes, and was last seen driving a black SUV.


Posted Wednesday --- October 24, 2007 - 12:46pm
Police say a suspicious man may have tried to grab a woman on the West side Tuesday morning.
A woman on Chester Drive reported a male in his 20's tried to grab her while she was taking trash to her curb.
The woman got into her car and locked her doors while the man tried to get in.
When the victim called her husband to come out, the man left.
Police say the suspicious person's description is similar to that given by several women in several different incidents in the past couple of weeks.
In light of Kelly's murder, having someone running around trying to abduct women is a very scary thing. I hope the police are thinking along these lines, if for no other reason than to rule it out.

:croc: Then again, this is Madison.
I totally agree with you! It is something they need to focus on and they need to catch this guy! He may have nothing to do with Kelly, but then again...they won't know until they find him and test him.

I find it hard to believe they have NOTHING after all this time in Kelly's case. I know they have evidence! They spent 3 days collecting it with the help of different agencies including the FBI. The longer this goes on...the more I think they are hoping it will sit in the cold case file and people will forget. The same thing apparently happened to the string of other women who were so brutally murdered in Madison.
I'm not saying I think that the guy in the black SUV is the same guy who killed Kelly, but it does strike me as interesting that this guy is hanging out on the west side of town, and is really not that far from where Kelly's body was found.

Here's a map of where the woman was attacked to roughly where Kelly's body was found. I just posted her body location at HWY 14 and Schneider Dr. If anybody else can find a more exact location, let me know and I'll make a better map.


I was actually just driving around the area of the most recent attack. It's really close to where the new Target is located. I had never really been back in that area (although I've lived in Madison for six years) and actually got lost driving around. Presuming that black SUV guy wasn't actually lost, I'd bet he's pretty familiar with that side of town.
I just posted her body location at HWY 14 and Schneider Dr. If anybody else can find a more exact location, let me know and I'll make a better map.


I was actually just driving around the area of the most recent attack. It's really close to where the new Target is located. I had never really been back in that area (although I've lived in Madison for six years) and actually got lost driving around. Presuming that black SUV guy wasn't actually lost, I'd bet he's pretty familiar with that side of town.

Hwy 14 and Schneider are the only two points of reference I have ever heard for the location of Kelly's body. I don't think they've been any more specific.

Verona Rd and McKee Rd are really busy streets. That intersection (Verona and PD (McKee) is heavily traveled.

I am a delivery driver all over Madison, but before I started this job, I got lost regularly on side streets in Madison- but I knew the major roads. The location isn't obscure, but that's just my perspective. If you're not on that side of town often, I can see how you could get lost. I haven't heard a peep about Kelly in a LONG time, and YES- they sure as heck do have some evidence. No COD has ever been released, and it's been months since they found her. No further suspect info has been told to us- or any info for that matter. The public has no idea what we should be looking for. I think this is a horrible state of affairs, UNLESS- unless- the police have a specific suspect and are gathering more evidence against one person. That's the only reason they SHOULD be quiet. However, DeSpain, the public information person for MPD has specifically stated multiple times that they do not have a suspect. This is maddening.

I've been out of state since Friday, and haven't caught up on the news... has anything else happened regarding Black SUV guy? Any more attempted abductions?
I've been out of state since Friday, and haven't caught up on the news... has anything else happened regarding Black SUV guy? Any more attempted abductions?

A suspect has been arrested in the black SUV incidents, but nothing new on Kelly Nolen.

Cap Times

Teen nabbed in west side enticing
Samara Kalk Derby
October 30, 2007

A 17-year-old Madisonian has been arrested on a tentative charge of child enticement after a series of suspicious contacts he allegedly made with girls and women on the city's west side.
A Madison police officer on routine patrol just after 5 p.m. Friday pulled over Sean C. Lynch in the 3100 block of Muir Field Road. The officer recognized the vehicle Lynch was driving -- a black Toyota 4Runner -- as possibly being the same SUV that had been observed by several women who had been approached in recent weeks by a man seeking directions.
The charge of child enticement stems from a 12-year-old who was asked directions to the Star Cinema on Oct. 12.
Lynch is also under investigation for other contacts with west side women, and additional charges are likely. He has also been tentatively charged with operating with a suspended license and improper use of registration.

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