WI - Newborn girl, found shot to death, dad claimed he gave her to someone, Albany, Green Co., 9 Jan 2021 *Arrest*

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But I have never heard of someone shooting kittens in the head and leaving them covered with snow, let alone a live baby.
You must be not listening carefully. Yes, usually people like to torture and hurt them more before killing them but some prefer to make it as quick as possible so if they have a gun, they shoot.
And sorry for bringing that but after the fact everyone says how much loved she could be by foster parents. Would she be? There is so many stories about awful, horrific abuse, sexual abuse and denying food to the point that child barely keeps on going for years and years without any reaction from ss, neighbors, extended family, nor anyone else. It happens much often with foster/adoptive children than biological ones.

If i would fell pregnant while not able to take care of the child, I would wish this child dead before being born over fearing for the rest of my life that it's in fear, cold and hunger under the "care" of another pair of monsters found to fit to adopt or foster children.

I don't know if the mother knew or was involved in it but let's be real: there is no loved, accepted and cared for 16 yo, sane boy who would shoot a baby. If he's insane, then shame that it wasn't discovered and stopped earlier. If he wasn't then he's guilty of course but blaming him/them over those who made him or raised him this way should carry the majority of responsibility. Blindly blaming him over everyone around him it is just a way to accept it to happen over and over again.
I'm not suggesting to blame the parents, because it's not just a parents who raise a kid. What is and isn't accepted around him is raising him too.
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Infanticide happens all the time is just usually the mother who detaches herself from the idea that the baby was ever alive in the first place. For the father to be the perpetrator and in a somewhat gruesome manner makes it more horrifying to us but the crime is still the same. This obviously would have never been a double murder because why wait until delivery for that?

Men simply do not have the same instincts when it comes to newborn babies that women do. Objectively speaking it would be unconscionable to sentence these sixteen year olds to death or to life without parole.

Yes this is a horrible crime but it's hard to imagine the whole of responsibility can be placed on a 16 year old boy. How was this pregnancy and the birth concealed? How did this boy have unchecked access to a handgun? Under what circumstances could this have been considered the best course of action?

Although apparently we have his identity because of Wisconsin law and the prosecutors conclusion that this meets the definition of first degree murder (it does appear to) I expect the perpetrator will be committed to a mental health facility for a few years followed by a minimal few years in prison and he will be free to attempt to live a normal life (most likely under a new name) before he turns 30.

I have mixed feelings on that progression of cases like this but one thing I consistently feel is that the parents of violent juvenile offenders are never adequately investigated.
You must be not listening carefully. Yes, usually people like to torture and hurt them more before killing them but some prefer to make it as quick as possible so if they have a gun, they shoot.
And sorry for bringing that but after the fact everyone says how much loved she could be by foster parents. Would she be? There is so many stories about awful, horrific abuse, sexual abuse and denying food to the point that child barely keeps on going for years and years without any reaction from ss, neighbors, extended family, nor anyone else. It happens much often with foster/adoptive children than biological ones.

If i would fell pregnant while not able to take care of the child, I would wish this child dead before being born over fearing for the rest of my life that it's in fear, cold and hunger under the "care" of another pair of monsters found to fit to adopt or foster children.

I don't know if the mother knew or was involved in it but let's be real: there is no loved, accepted and cared for 16 yo, sane boy who would shoot a baby. If he's insane, then shame that it wasn't discovered and stopped earlier. If he wasn't then he's guilty of course but blaming him/them over those who made him or raised him this way should carry the majority of responsibility. Blindly blaming him over everyone around him it is just a way to accept it to happen over and over again.
I'm not suggesting to blame the parents, because it's not just a parents who raise a kid. What is and isn't accepted around him is raising him too.

Infanticide happens all the time is just usually the mother who detaches herself from the idea that the baby was ever alive in the first place. For the father to be the perpetrator and in a somewhat gruesome manner makes it more horrifying to us but the crime is still the same. This obviously would have never been a double murder because why wait until delivery for that?

Men simply do not have the same instincts when it comes to newborn babies that women do. Objectively speaking it would be unconscionable to sentence these sixteen year olds to death or to life without parole.

Yes this is a horrible crime but it's hard to imagine the whole of responsibility can be placed on a 16 year old boy. How was this pregnancy and the birth concealed? How did this boy have unchecked access to a handgun? Under what circumstances could this have been considered the best course of action?

Although apparently we have his identity because of Wisconsin law and the prosecutors conclusion that this meets the definition of first degree murder (it does appear to) I expect the perpetrator will be committed to a mental health facility for a few years followed by a minimal few years in prison and he will be free to attempt to live a normal life (most likely under a new name) before he turns 30.

I have mixed feelings on that progression of cases like this but one thing I consistently feel is that the parents of violent juvenile offenders are never adequately investigated.

Not to overstate the obvious, but there were things seriously amiss with this picture long before the senseless murder of that sweet baby. Like a jewelry wagon at an auction, items too numerous to mention.

Same here, Marg -- I was watching his eyes (what else can we see these days :(), and I saw what had to be a smile -- a couple of times. I'm glad you mentioned it because I regretted my thoughts on it -- but I'm gonna un-regret them now. Yes, he was smiling IMHO, I agree. Why? He may be more of a kid than his age would indicate because he is in deep doodle-oo, and he should know it. Charged as an adult, and rightly so.
This is an awful, awful case.

He definitely smiled at least once. His eyes gave away no emotion at all,at that age even if he had no feeling at all for the atrocity he committed that he would at least be concerned for himself. What 16 yr old listens to people tell him he will be locked up forever and doesnt flinch?.
I believe this boy is a sociopath.
I have no words. None of what this kid did makes sense. I know in many parts the words of the Bible are cast aside....but in this instance, these words from Romans 1 are the only thing that makes sense.

They are filled with every kind of unrighteousness, wickedness, malice. They are rife with envy, murder, strife, deceit, haters of God, insolent, contrivers of all sorts of evil, senseless, heartless, ruthless.
Romans 1:29‭-‬31 (there is more but these particular things stood out in this situation.)

God help those who now mourn for this innocent life that was taken.
He definitely smiled at least once. His eyes gave away no emotion at all,at that age even if he had no feeling at all for the atrocity he committed that he would at least be concerned for himself. What 16 yr old listens to people tell him he will be locked up forever and doesnt flinch?.
I believe this boy is a sociopath.
With a mask on, it was hard to really determine emotional EQ. He was fidgety, moving side to side in his chair. I'd like to hear more about this kid's history and family life.
With a mask on, it was hard to really determine emotional EQ. He was fidgety, moving side to side in his chair. I'd like to hear more about this kid's history and family life.

He seemed bored rather than uncomfortable IMO, he certainly didn't betray any emotion with his eyes.
To me he seemed cold unlike his father who held his hands over his face as though shocked or horrified a few times. This is all personal opinion of course and I am more than open to being wrong,in this case especially I really hope I am.
He seemed bored rather than uncomfortable IMO, he certainly didn't betray any emotion with his eyes.
To me he seemed cold unlike his father who held his hands over his face as though shocked or horrified a few times. This is all personal opinion of course and I am more than open to being wrong,in this case especially I really hope I am.
I don't think you're wrong at all, I'd just like to observe him without a mask and in light of more background information on his life. But I do think the fidgeting was nervousness on his part.
Please can you supply research and evidence for this statement.
Not him but there's no denying that his assertion is objectively correct


By the department of health and human services own accounting the incidence of mistreatment of children in foster care in average is approximately equal to the incidence of child victimization in the worst states but it's clearly not an apples-to-apples comparison. The vast majority of children in foster care are there on account of neglect not abuse yet they are by necessity often mixed in with victims of abuse who are astronomically more likely to also be victimizers.
Why does this keep happening? I’m not saying it’s not normal or natural for teenagers to explore their sexuality. It totally is.

But something clearly needs to change. A 14-year-old got pregnant and either knew and hide it, or she didn’t even realize she was pregnant until she gave birth (which has happened to many women of all ages). I think teenagers need a safe place to go to if they need some form of birth control, pregnancy tests, safe abortions and some actual sexual education.

I don’t know if there’s something like that in the US but something is not working. I think there needs to be a bit more effort on the parents side too. Talk to your kids, make them feel comfortable about talking to you about everything, let them know they can trust you and go to you if they have any problem.

It makes me so sad when stuff like this happens. Why didn’t either kid went to their respective parents? It’s sad that they felt like they couldn’t trust them or that they would get in so much trouble that it wouldn’t even be worth the help they would be getting.

Come on, we need to do better.
When a girl is 13 or 14 years and old getting attention from a boy who is 16, the age gap is huge. This girl didn’t just “ get pregnant.” An older boy who turns out to be a murderer had sex, (apparently without a condom), with a girl who was still a child.
Finding out that you’re pregnant and then going through a pregnancy can be an emotional roller coaster even for an adult. She was prime pickings for a manipulation. I don’t believe for a second that the boy told her that he was going to take the baby out in the woods and leave her there to die. In my opinion, this girl is a victim.

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