WI - Newborn girl, found shot to death, dad claimed he gave her to someone, Albany, Green Co., 9 Jan 2021 *Arrest*

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It its so hard to fathom how a young father could prop her up in a tree and shoot his little baby girl in the head....what is happening to our youth? Are they really that callous and brutal?
No. These sorts of things have happened for a LONG time, we just have news more readily available to us in this day and age.
I think it was only a matter of time until he killed someone, if it wasn’t the poor baby, it would eventually be someone else.

I’m inclined to believe that if the mother pushed to keep the baby, he would’ve killed her too.
In their defense and the circumstances we know although limited it would seem to indicate that neither teenager had a trusted adult to go to and that’s not their fault. IMO it happens more often than we are aware. My barely adult son went to my husband a couple of years ago needing an after morning pill for a friend who’s condom broke. He didn’t want me to know and my husband explained we don’t keep secrets. We called pharmacy and purchased the medication. Please don’t judge but I would never not help anyone in a similar situation. Children are precious but teenagers who know enough to practice safe sex should be applauded when safe sex or birth control fails and they immediately make a good choice. Certainly no one wants anyone much less a teenager stuck with an unwanted child or no means to care for them. The world is full of loving well meaning people who deserve babies but ignorance and young age contribute to poor choices. Some yearn for a child they cannot have while others dispose of them without considering the value babies might bring to others. Heartbreaking what the most precious endure on their paths to life and existence. IMO

Thank you for saying this. This is exactly how I parent my kids and their friends too. I have been in exactly the same situation. The morning after pill can be purchased at any pharmacy in my state without a prescription. It was $50 when I purchased one. I assume these kids either didn't know this was an option, didn't have the money or were just plain scared.

Please anyone who have children in their lives, let the children know that you are a safe adult to come to with ANYTHING! My kids and their friends know that no matter what is going on, they can come to me with ANYTHING and they have. I am so grateful that they trust me. They fully understand that I may not be happy about the situation but I will never turn my back on them and I will do my best to guide them in the right direction. Many kids don't know who to trust and are worried about getting in trouble or upsetting their parents. My kids even have phone numbers for my dearest friends incase they feel they can't come to me directly. They have never had to use them, but I make sure they know they have options and never ever have to handle any situation alone.

It is always said that there is some truth in the lies suspects tell. I am hopeful the part when he said he fell to his knees and cried was the true part in his original version. Because I want to believe he felt gut-wrenched and remorseful about what he just did. I do not believe you can tell anything about his facial expressions behind a mask. Anytime I am out shopping or something and smile at someone passing by I realize they do not have any idea I am smiling. One of the lesser evils of the pandemic, showing kindness with facial expressions is lost.
This is horrific and I am sure LE is investigating the time frame from the day the baby was born to when the grandfather reported her missing. I pray for the family and the baby. I just cannot imagine how they feel.
This thread hit me hard. My son is the same age as LKA and I cannot imagine him even thinking this, never mind going through with it. I have always been really open with my kids and my now 19yr old daughter brought her friend to me when they were 16 and told me her friend was having problems down below. I helped her friend and we googled her symptoms and my daughter took her to TAZ which is a service for teens dealing with STI testing, birth control, sex ed and other things. Turns out she had Chlamydia. She could not talk to her mum about things of this nature. Let me add her mum was a brill mum but them things were taboo.
Kids these days are attached to their phones as though it were a part of their hand. I think once they search both teens phones things will come clearer.

I've just shown my son this thread and explain what happened. He was horrified! Parents need to be much more open with their kids and let them know sex is ok to talk about and they can come and ask you about ANYTHING no matter how awkward or embarrassing it may be.
How easy was that for him?

It only took a few seconds, probably -- the sooner the better for him, and for her.

He probably didn't take the time to see which parent the child resembled-- he probably didn't look to see the baby's eye color, or smell the child's sweet breath -- he probably didn't feel the baby's heartbeat on her perfect little chest -- or count her little fingers and toes -- and, amazed, see that she already had little tiny fingernails, toenails, and also little eyelashes and wisps of eyebrows -- and on and on.
Just get it done and get outta there.

She was part of him.
But he did it anyway. Shame, shame, shame on him
In their defense and the circumstances we know although limited it would seem to indicate that neither teenager had a trusted adult to go to and that’s not their fault.
>>> respectfully snipped by borndem to save space <<<
Oh, beautifully thoughtful and very well said, @mom2chloe.

I saw, as some of us probably did a number of years ago when I was in college, some tough pregnancy situations -- times to which we may be headed again.

There were several unplanned pregnancies handled several different ways by women I knew when we were at the university. And this was back when there weren't many places to get birth-control medications, etc., or to get safe and legal early terminations of pregnancy.
A couple of pairs of parents of the girls wound up adopting their grandchildren; one friend had a legal but tough late-term abortion before she came to college; one friend had an abortion done by a dentist before she came to the university -- no anesthesia, done in a "clean" area of his garage -- she tried to have children later and lost two early and never did have a pregnancy go to term; another termination for my good friend was done by a very fine OB/GYN in a neighboring state -- it was not legal, but it was done very like it was legal, but the price was a whopper, etc., etc., etc.
Tough times with a number of tough outcomes.
When a girl is 13 or 14 years and old getting attention from a boy who is 16, the age gap is huge. This girl didn’t just “ get pregnant.” An older boy who turns out to be a murderer had sex, (apparently without a condom), with a girl who was still a child.
Finding out that you’re pregnant and then going through a pregnancy can be an emotional roller coaster even for an adult. She was prime pickings for a manipulation. I don’t believe for a second that the boy told her that he was going to take the baby out in the woods and leave her there to die. In my opinion, this girl is a victim.

(Running behind on this sad thread...)
I agree.
Further, she had just (I assume the "father" did the deed quickly after the birth) gone through labor -- 2 hours, 8 hours, 15 hours -- who knoze? Those of us who have given birth know that birth with no real help and probably not knowing much, had to be scary and he!!, draining, "I can't hardly breathe," more pain than she may have ever had before, the umbilical cord ("What do we do with that?"), the afterbirth ("What do we do with that?"), significant bleeding ("Am I gonna bleed to death?"), and all of that. "Is the baby crying?" And so forth. So the "father" helps her a little bit, I hope, and calms her down, and tells her he knows someone who wants the baby and he is gonna take the baby there -- at least I hope that's what he told her.

And he is in big, big trouble.
What will happen to the one who gave birth?
You would think they’d require permission for a minor but that’s not the case in NY and many other states. Back in 2006, a friend’s 16 yr old daughter went to the ER for morning after pill. Her dad got the bill a month after and the hospital refused to tell him anything about why his daughter was in the ER. She first said a friend used her name but eventually admitted she went to the ER for the morning after pill and it was what all the kids did when they had unprotected sex.

I believe at present, anyone 17 or older can buy Plan B in a drug store. Under 17 requires a prescription, which can be from ER, clinic or private MD.

HIPPA protects minors as well as adults.

Looks like "Plan B" can be purchased on Amazon, among other online retailers.
How easy was that for him?
Good question. Good question.
Was he crying when he shot her -- twice? Did he kiss the sweet newborn before he put her in the tree?
Or did he just mechanically take care of biznezz and move on with his life?
And what about his parents/family? Good home? Bad home?

And her parents/family? Will she get support and love? Will she be kicked out? I wonder what her father (if he is around -- I know nothing about their families) is thinking?
This case is beyond disturbing.

I just wanted to say I have lived my entire life in Wisconsin. I have taken health classes in high school in small town Wisconsin. All sex ed is abstinence based "education". I once got detention for giving a speech in health class during an assignment on "making smart choices about sex" - I spoke about how it is not wise for educators to assume teens will be abstinent and that these classes need to speak more about protection.

This is a prime example.

I believe the girl is a victim also and my heart breaks for her.
I also think what this boy did is beyond sick, and that he deserves a sentence of some type, but he definitely needs psychological help first and foremost if THIS is what he thought was necessary to "take care of" their "problem".

I just checked on the little town of Albany, and the 2010 census put the population at 1,018 -- within 2 hours of Milwaukee and Chicago. That seems to long a distance for Albany residents to commute for jobs, JMO.

I'm just curious about the families of the two kids as well as the other citizens of the area. Are the residents and parents mostly educated and professional? Commuters? Are they hard-working blue collar folks? Mostly retired couples?
I'm not trying to be snotty, but I do wonder what the "temperature" of that small town will be towards the kids and their parents. This could be devastating for the young teenage girl, or the town could come together and make her feel okay. She's just so young, and she's been through -- and is still undergoing -- something that could be very damaging for the rest of her life.
Does anyone know? Small towns can be amazingly supportive to "one of their own," and they can also be harsh and critical.
I just checked on the little town of Albany, and the 2010 census put the population at 1,018 -- within 2 hours of Milwaukee and Chicago. That seems to long a distance for Albany residents to commute for jobs, JMO.

I'm just curious about the families of the two kids as well as the other citizens of the area. Are the residents and parents mostly educated and professional? Commuters? Are they hard-working blue collar folks? Mostly retired couples?
I'm not trying to be snotty, but I do wonder what the "temperature" of that small town will be towards the kids and their parents. This could be devastating for the young teenage girl, or the town could come together and make her feel okay. She's just so young, and she's been through -- and is still undergoing -- something that could be very damaging for the rest of her life.
Does anyone know? Small towns can be amazingly supportive to "one of their own," and they can also be harsh and critical.
If she was my child I would just take her and RUN. That town will remember this forever.
This case is beyond disturbing.

I just wanted to say I have lived my entire life in Wisconsin. I have taken health classes in high school in small town Wisconsin. All sex ed is abstinence based "education". I once got detention for giving a speech in health class during an assignment on "making smart choices about sex" - I spoke about how it is not wise for educators to assume teens will be abstinent and that these classes need to speak more about protection.

This is a prime example.

I believe the girl is a victim also and my heart breaks for her.
I also think what this boy did is beyond sick, and that he deserves a sentence of some type, but he definitely needs psychological help first and foremost if THIS is what he thought was necessary to "take care of" their "problem".

Agree with all that you said, @kelsie. In addition to the bbm, I think he was certainly in a panic and had no one to help, or thought he had no one to help. A church pastor in a small town? A teacher? A coach? Where to go?

We don't know what his parent(s) would have done when they found out he was a new father with the very young mother of his child -- would they have been supportive, accepting and loving to the three of them, or would they have beaten the he!! out of him, kicked him out of the house, and possibly blamed the young mom?
And how about her family? Would they have blamed the boy and his family for what was done to their daughter? How could they not have? How would they handle the new family? Their little 14 year-old is a mother?

So many questions, and the young father and mother were so very young, in a panic, frantic, and just plain scared to let anyone know. Did this young man even have a car and license to even take that little baby girl to a place that would take her, no questions asked? How would he even go about finding a place like that, all by himself, in a small town?
Awful, awful, awful. SMH.
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Agree with all that you said, @kelsie. In addition to the bbm, I think he was certainly in a panic and had no one to help, or thought he had no one to help. A church pastor in a small town? Any other accepting places?

We don't know what his parent(s) would have done when they found out he was a new father with the very young mother of his child -- would they have been supportive, accepting and loving to the three of them, or would they have beaten the he!! out of him, kicked him out of the house, and possibly blamed the young mom?
And how about her family? Would they have blamed the boy and his family for what was done to their daughter? How could they not have? How would they handle the new family? Their little 14 year-old is a mother?

So many questions, and the young father and mother were so very young, in a panic, frantic, and just plain scared to let anyone know. Did this young man even have a car and license to even take that little baby girl to a place that would take her, no questions asked? How would he even go about finding a place like that, all by himself, in a small town?
Awful, awful, awful. SMH.
I am sorry, but shooting that infant twice in the head cancels out his embarrassment or fear of what his parents would say or do.
He was man enough to impregnate a young girl.
I am not condoning what this boy did, it is beyond horrific and tragic. But he is 16 and the mother was 14. I went to school with a girl who had a baby when she was 14. The father was a year or two older. They both knew what they were up to. We cannot determine the boy took advantage of this girl. I think it is wrong to solely blame him for the pregnancy. I am not saying the girl knew what the boy did to the baby after he left the house. I am just saying not all 14 year old girls are naive and innocent. MOO IMHO
I am not condoning what this boy did, it is beyond horrific and tragic. But he is 16 and the mother was 14. I went to school with a girl who had a baby when she was 14. The father was a year or two older. They both knew what they were up to. We cannot determine the boy took advantage of this girl. I think it is wrong to solely blame him for the pregnancy. I am not saying the girl knew what the boy did to the baby after he left the house. I am just saying not all 14 year old girls are naive and innocent. MOO IMHO
I am not sure that anyone is blaming him for the pregnancy, but did the boyfriend of the girl you went to school with, shoot the baby?
You are correct, not all 14year old girls are sexually any more innocent than boys, but we are talking about a murder here, not who was more responsible for the pregnancy.
I don't believe that in 2021.
I’d leave that small town. Can only imagine what people think.....

She’s the girl who....
Got pregnant at 13
Hid the pregnancy from her parents
Had the baby in her parents bathtub
Didn’t know what to do with her baby
Gave/boyfriend took baby away somewhere
Had a boyfriend kill her baby
Lives in a small town of 1,000 people

I think it will be the talk of the town for a long time.
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I’d leave that small town.

She’s the girl who....
Got pregnant at 13
Hid the pregnancy from her parents
Had the baby in her parents bathtub
Didn’t know what to do with her baby
Gave it to her boyfriend to take away
Had a boyfriend murde her baby
Lives in a small town of 1,000 people

I think it will be the talk of the town for a long time.
I dont agree. Maybe thirty years ago it would have, but not today. How isolated is that town? Is it near a large town?
I dont agree. Maybe thirty years ago it would have, but not today. How isolated is that town? Is it near a large town?
Really? Even in big cities gossip goes around. If it’s not in your neighborhood, it’s at work, school, church, clubs, sports teams, etc.

In a town like that? People are talking and talking and talking. Maybe not being mean to her, maybe not looking at her weird, but they are talking. And these things are never forgotten. I live in a bigger town and some times people come to me and say stuff like “when he/she was young she did XYZ”. Nobody forgets the woman that killed her son, she has a normal life, people are civil with her, but everybody knows she did it and sometimes still comment about it.

If this girl stays in that town, and eventually has another child when she’s an adult, the future classmates of that future child will know and that poor kid will eventually find out too. Some things never change. And small towns never change either.

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