GUILTY WI - Samuel Aegerter, 30, killed in road rage incident, Janesville, 4 June 2010

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These stories are in chronological order as the case has progressed.

JANESVILLE — A Janesville man was killed Friday night by an apparent stranger on a motorcycle who pursued the car he was riding in and shot him.
Samuel M. Aegerter, 30, of 1113 N. Osborne Ave., Janesville, was shot at about 11:45 p.m. He was transported to Mercy Hospital and was pronounced dead at 12:52 a.m.
“You never see stuff like this happen in Janesville, not on an open, broad street like that,” said Nicole Prochazka, who was one of dozens who filled Aegerter’s Facebook page with shock, memories and condolences Saturday.
Janesville Police Chief Dave Moore agreed: “We have very few stranger-on-stranger crimes in this community anyway, and then to have one that results in a homicide is even more unique.”
Suspect in custody in homicide

JANESVILLE — The man being held in connection with Friday’s fatal shooting seemed anything but a murder suspect to his family and neighbors.
Instead, words such as “sweetheart” and “big-hearted southern guy” were the first things that came to mind for them.
Police on Monday afternoon arrested James M. Humphrey, 44, of 1473 Marquette St., Janesville, on suspicion of first-degree intentional homicide.
Humphrey is accused of being the motorcyclist who fired a handgun on West Court Street on Friday night, killing Sam M. Aegerter, 30, of Janesville.
Police had not recovered a weapon as of Monday evening, Deputy Chief Dan Davis said.
Police on Monday afternoon were seen searching among trees behind Humphrey’s south-side house and digging there with a shovel.
Davis would not say whether Humphrey had confessed or whether police had spoken with the man believed to have been riding with Humphrey on another motorcycle Friday night.
Police are keeping some details of the case to themselves “to preserve the integrity of the investigation,” Davis said.
$1 million bond set in killing; more details of shooting revealed

The criminal complaint, meanwhile, revealed for the first time that the case against Humphrey relies heavily on statements from Richard T. Hall, who police say was the motorcyclist who was riding with Humphrey the night of the shooting.
Defense attorney Jack Hoag, who apparently received the case shortly before the hearing, asked for and was granted time to discuss the case with his client. Hoag said he would argue against the bond amount when the hearing continues at 4 p.m. today at the courthouse.
Humphrey appeared in court via video from the Rock County Jail. Wearing glasses, he appeared calm, but his expression suggested emotion when Assistant District Attorney Scott Dirks recommended the $1 million bond.
Hoag said the bond amount is much higher than in similar cases.
“I’ve never heard of such a bond being required,” Hoag said.
Holznecht appeared convinced that the cash bond was needed, mainly because of the nature of the crime and the severity of the punishment.
“The randomness of this act is shocking to this court,” Holznecht said, adding that he could not remember such a shocking case in many decades.
Holznecht said he found the bond amount “quite frankly, low,” but he went along with the prosecution’s recommendation.
The complaint states that Hall denied knowing anything about the shooting when police first questioned him. On Monday, however, Hall contacted police and told them his version of the story.
Hall said he and Humphrey had been at O’Riley & Conway’s Irish Pub, 214 W. Milwaukee St., on Friday night
Hall said they were leaving when a Jeep went by on West Milwaukee Street “in close proximity to where their motorcycles had been parked.”
Hall said Humphrey “took off after the Jeep and shouted something to the occupants of the vehicle,” the complaint states.
As the Jeep and the motorcycles pulled up to red lights at the Five Points intersection, Hall told police, the Jeep’s occupants “were shouting things like ‘f--- you’ and flipping them off.”
Hall said he and Humphrey followed the Jeep down West Court Street, and Hall pulled up to the left side of the Jeep.
“He told the occupants that if they wanted to flip him off, they could do it in person,” the complaint states.
Then, Hall said, he heard a bang and looked behind him and saw Humphrey holding a small silver handgun, which Humphrey pointed at the Jeep’s back seat.
Hall said he was looking for a side street when he heard a second gunshot and he and Humphrey then fled down side streets, eventually returning to Humphrey’s home.

The suspect in this case is a dear, dear old friend of mine. I am just as shocked as anyone that he could have done this shooting. I really don't believe he's capable, especially over something so petty... a road rage thing! However, that being said, I feel just terrible for the man he alledgedly shot. My theory is that the other motorcycle rider is the shooter, I know him as well, and if anyone is capable of something like that, Hall is. If you compare their criminal backgrounds, Jim Humphrey looks like a saint with only one "Disorderly Conduct", compared to Hall's MULTIPLE PAGE background. However, all of this, of course is just my opinion!


dont take this personally, but if the other guy is the shooter, at the MINIMUM, your friend is an accesosry after the fact (just driving off and not doing anything.)
dont take this personally, but if the other guy is the shooter, at the MINIMUM, your friend is an accesosry after the fact (just driving off and not doing anything.)

From the sounds of it, they both buried the gun, they both hid the bikes, and both lied to police for several days. So, I agree with you, they should both be charged.

If Humphrey was the one who 'took off after the Jeep' then why was he behind Hall?

The 2 bikes evened up at a red light, next to the car, then Hall's story seems to indicate he rode ahead of Humphrey after it turned green, to the left of the car, to yell at the driver himself.
dont take this personally, but if the other guy is the shooter, at the MINIMUM, your friend is an accesosry after the fact (just driving off and not doing anything.)

It has taken me a while to get the shock to really sorta wear off... but I've come to the conclusion that he was involved either way, like you said... but it just took a while for me to put my defenses down. He was my good buddy...
It has taken me a while to get the shock to really sorta wear off... but I've come to the conclusion that he was involved either way, like you said... but it just took a while for me to put my defenses down. He was my good buddy...

i know its hard. you have all my best wishes
This is my friend Jim. I'm hearsick about it. He has a wife and children too, as does his alleged victim. It's such a bizarre thing! I can't really wrap my head around it all yet.

As for the gun, the police were able to find it in Jim's backyard. The two men had buried it that night, according to Hall. I don't believe MOST of "Save yourself, let anyone else burn" Hall says. All of this could very, very easily be Hall setting Jim up to take the fall for him. He could have gone onto Jim's property and buried that gun and then turn to the police and say "I know where he buried the gun... but Jim threatened that if I told you anything, he'd kill me too!" ugh! I just hate Hall. I've NEVER liked him. Ever.

The only witnesses were the two men in the front seat of the jeep. One was driving and was looking straight ahead. The passenger on the side where JIm and Hall were riding next to- was looking, but it happened so fast that he didn't see which one did it. Hall is the only one who said it was Jim. And your'e right, they're going off nothing more than the accomplice's story- the guy who NEEDS to save his own *advertiser censored*.... he'd say anything!

Hi everyone. Sorry that I havent updated this. There really hasn't been a lot to report. But I was re-reading this topic and realized that as it turned out- they did NOT find the gun in the back yard of Jim's house where Hall said "they" had buried it together. I
ETA: They have NOT found the murder weapon that we know of.
I don't know either man, but I do know that alcohol can turn a sweetheart into a SOB.
This is just so tragic all the way around.
I don't know either man, but I do know that alcohol can turn a sweetheart into a SOB.
This is just so tragic all the way around.

I sure wish I could blame it on the alcohol.. or at least explain it in my head... but I think that might account for just the lack of self control, however, only if he really DID it. I still don't know if he did it...

Here's an update

Top stories of 2010
A 30-year-old Janesville man gunned down because of some slight.
The midnight murder in early June shocked the community because it appeared so cold-blooded.
Words exchanged at the Five Points intersection between two motorcyclists and men in a Jeep apparently escalated to the murder of Sam Aegerter.
Accused of gunning him down is 44-year-old James Humphrey of Janesville. Humphrey was riding a motorcycle, and Aegerter was in a Jeep.
That was the top local story of the year as picked by members of the Gazette newsroom

And another

JANESVILLE — A trial for the motorcyclist suspected of fatally shooting a Janesville man after a dispute at a traffic light likely will be scheduled for early 2011 because of the volume of evidence in the case, a Rock County judge said Friday.
James M. Humphrey, 44, Janesville, has a right to review evidence and be adequately represented in the case charging him with first-degree reckless homicide and two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety, Judge Kenneth Forbeck said. A trial likely will be set for January or February.
Emphasis is mine.

Three motions will be reviewed in Rock County Court next month. That includes defense attorney Robert Junig's request to exclude all interviews police had with 44-year-old James Humphrey the day of his arrest.
Humphrey of Janesville is accused of fatally shooting Sam Aegerter on June 4 during a confrontation at a traffic signal at the Five Points intersection. Humphrey was riding a motorcycle, and Aegerter was in a Jeep.
Humphrey is charged with first-degree reckless homicide and two counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety.
The motion states two officers questioned Humphrey at the Janesville Police Department. Junig said detectives violated Humphrey's constitutional rights when he was not read his Miranda warnings after invoking his right to an attorney.
After a second interview later that day, Humphrey allegedly made incriminating remarks to a detective as the two were walking at the jail. The motion asks the validity of those statements be called into question, since they were not visually recorded.
Junig also filed a motion to withdraw as Humphrey's attorney. He asked that the public defender's office evaluate Humphrey to see if he's eligible for representation there.
A third motion requests the state disclose "with great detail" promises or offers made to three witnesses in the case.
<modsnip>. mssheila pointed out about the gun already. NO, it was not founf. YES, it had been buried but seems Mr. Humphrey hid it again, (in my opinion). Also Mr. Hall is not bald and never has been. Mr. Humphrey has been for a few years. In regards to feeling that Mr. Humphrey is such a good friend <modsnip> should know how certain people can act when drinking. Thats just my opinion of course. It is highly unlikely that they have the wrong man in jail. In my opinion they very much have the correct man. It will be nice for all when this is over with so that the Aegerter family can start to heal.
<modsnip>. mssheila pointed out about the gun already. NO, it was not founf. YES, it had been buried but seems Mr. Humphrey hid it again, (in my opinion). Also Mr. Hall is not bald and never has been. Mr. Humphrey has been for a few years. In regards to feeling that Mr. Humphrey is such a good friend <modsnip> should know how certain people can act when drinking. Thats just my opinion of course. It is highly unlikely that they have the wrong man in jail. In my opinion they very much have the correct man. It will be nice for all when this is over with so that the Aegerter family can start to heal.

I'm very curious. <modsnip>. <modsnip>

<modsnip> about my friend of almost 20 years. And my ex husband's closest friend of nearly 25 years. Jim has been bald for many, many years, as I cannot ever remember seeing him with hair. And I have photos that go wayyyyy back. So, at least for the last 12 (my oldest pic) he's been bald. I don't know hall personally. I know OF hall. And another friend of ours said that the two men could easily have been mistaken for the other, so I assumed that Hall had shaved his head. I shouldn't assume, I know. It's possible that he just had a bandana on. I don't know.

However, regarding the murder weapon, just because Hall SAYS they buried it together does not make it true. Just because Hall SAYS that Jim pulled the trigger- <modsnip> If Hall gets immunity to testify against Jim, I will get physically ill. What motivation does he have to tell the truth? He should be charged with murder right along side of Jim. He was there, by all accounts, Hall chased the jeep right next to Jim. Hall did not stop to render aid or call 911, he left the scene of the crime, making him an accessory to murder, at the very LEAST. By his own account, he helped bury the murder weapon. He lied to the police that first weekend. Just because he "turned" and threw Jim under the bus does not mean that it's TRUE. Period.
mssheila, do you know if Hall has been charged with anything?
<modsnip> I wouldnt call someone "throwing someone under a bus" if they turned in someone who possibly murdered someone. Who would? I would think with THREE eye witness`s to this crime, that Humphrey is indeed the shooter. Has anyone ever considered the fact that maybe neither persons on the bikes knew that anyone had been hit, or actually shot until the reports hit the Gazette the next day? Police do not give out specifics to any suspects while questioning..
To me, it doesnt seem like anyone through anyone under a bus. When all the facts were in, it seems someone did the right thing. Had Mr. Humphrey turned himself in upon hearing of a injury/death in this incident, then he would have not put so many others in such a terrible position. Especially given the fact that when he was picked up, he had his passport on him.. I dont know of too many people who carry their passport in their vehicle. This information by the way is available on the police report which anyone can obtain.
In answer to getting myself in check.(?) In previous postings it was claimed someone knew both parties. Obviously not that well, also was stated- I hate Hall.. For what? If someone thinks that going to the police after learning that someone was killed, that in my opinion is very much the right thing to do- especially morally. In my opinion, the shooter should have- and could have done that himself.
Mr.Hall has not been charged with anything. Nor does he have some "special immunity". It seems that the man in jail is the one that is because he indeed was the shooter. Again, there were three eye witness`s.
Hi Ohiogirl. I do not think that Hall has been charged with anything. I only know that Jim's attorney has just filed motions asking for the details of any 'deals' that have been given to any and all prosecution witnesses. That means nothing more than the fact that we don't yet know whether Hall has been offered any kind of immunity for his testimony. It has yet to be seen. I, personally, will not be taking the word of an anonymous poster on a public forum as gospel of any kind. I don't think anyone should. The true facts will come out. I'll wait for the Court to rule, and for the info to become public.

<modsnip> The simple fact that I'm standing by my friend has absolutely no bearing on anything other than the fact that I have a very hard time believing that my friend could do this. It doesn't mean that I think the crime he's accused of- yes, ACCUSED of (not convicted of)= is any less heinous than any other crime. I feel very bad for the family of this man. I feel terrible. As I've always said. But supporting my friend has nothing whatsoever to do with that.

I agree, and just because I am friends with Mr. Hall should hold that same respect. <modsnip> There seems to have been a lot of assumptions, speculation, and misguided information against Mr. Hall which I find disrespectful as well. I also feel that even though someone may be your friend does not deem them innocent. <modsnip>. I know both parties quite well myself, and again facts could and should be checked.. <modsnip>
I will agree to disagree. I've said from the start that "it's hard to believe Jim could have done this". "I can't reconcile my friend with this crime". I have said he's accused, not convicted. I have never said he's INNOCENT. <modsnip>

ETA: My feelings regarding Hall are perfectly legitimate. <modsnip> I have every right to be suspicious of a man who points the finger at the only other person who was there beside the victims. I can put 2 and 2 together, and draw my own conclusions about MY OPINION of the validity of his statements. <modsnip>
Lastly to all those following this- there are 3 eye witness`s- NOT just Hall`s account of what happened-- as previously stated here.. These reports are all easily obtained by the public, not to mention much, much more evidence. It also needs to be known that the "accused" does have prior records in other states, which may or may not come out in trial. <modsnip> I am happy for my friend that this will all be over soon! This horrible incident of disregard for life has hurt many.



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