GUILTY WI - Samuel Aegerter, 30, killed in road rage incident, Janesville, 4 June 2010

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I'm confused. Why are they not BOTH charged. They were both there. One had to be the shooter and one had to be a witness/accessory right? One should be charged with murder and the other for covering it up right?

Even if they have the right man for the murder, one is still walking free that covered it up.

Even if there are 3 eye witnesses that saw this, Hall did not report it. He should be charged.
I'm confused. Why are they not BOTH charged. They were both there. One had to be the shooter and one had to be a witness/accessory right? One should be charged with murder and the other for covering it up right?

Even if they have the right man for the murder, one is still walking free that covered it up.

Even if there are 3 eye witnesses that saw this, Hall did not report it. He should be charged.

I don't think I've come right out and asked that, but I did mention it up-thread somewhere. If Humphrey really IS the shooter, Hall was right next to him. Neither man called for help, rendered aid, or told the police immediately after the crime. Hall admits to assisting Humphrey in allegedly hiding the gun. This is the reason that the defense attorney for Jim has asked for any and all details for any "deals" that may have been given to any co-conspirators or witnesses. I have no idea why each man is not charged with the exact same set of crimes. Even if one is the shooter, and the other is not- I thought that if you assist in a shooting and coverup- you're as guilty as the one who pulled the trigger. :waitasec:

So to answer your question, I really, really dont know. It leads me to think that Hall was given some kind of immunity for his testimony. But his statement did not lead to the murder weapon. It did not lead to anything of any evidentiary value. It's his word against Humphrey's. As I said earlier, too, I think that the other two eye witnesses could easily have mistaken Hall and Humphrey. IMO, In the dark, late at night, after all have been out drinking, two men on similar Harley's, both wearing bandanas and leather could have been mixed up in an identification. Not to mention the ID's were made after the shock of their friend being shot.

I would like to clearly state one more thing. I am SO sorry to the family of the victim. I feel so bad about this, which is why I started this thread. I'm just a family friend of the accused. I can only imagine what friends and family of the victim are feeling. I just hope that they have the correct man on trial here.
I don't know either man, but I do know that alcohol can turn a sweetheart into a SOB.
This is just so tragic all the way around.

I do agree, mary... I have known many mean drunks in my lifetime. But again, I can only attest to my own experiences with Jim. And every time we went to a festival, or when we had his birthday party in downtown Madison one year, I have truly never seen Jim as a mean drunk.

I have only had good "partying" experiences with him (when I was still drinking). I haven't been 'out' with Jim in a couple years, but I know my ex husband has.. and he says the same thing. Only, my ex and Jim have been close buddies since the late 80's. He's never seen him as a mean drunk. I specifically asked him this question. I asked him if he thought Jim was the type to just 'snap' after he had a lot to drink. His reply was... "first, if Jim was on the Bike, he wouldn't have had a LOT to drink." Jim had recently been in a very bad motorcycle accident and was much more cautious. So I don't think he would have been drinking heavily, either.

Anyway, to reply to your statement... I do agree that many people can turn into very mean drunks- but I can say that neither I nor my ex husband has ever seen it. :seeya:
What some may not understand is that it was not known if anyone had been shot period. Makes sense that this was more then likely a "cover up" of a friend just shooting off a gun carelessly. However the next day everything changed when it was reported someone was killed. Neither man was wearing a bandanna. Period. One is bald, one is not. There are certain procedures one must go through when reporting something of this magnitude for many reasons. Which means hiring an attorney and doing as that attorney says.

I also know Jim, and have seen him very drunk and then on a motorcycle. Accident or no accident. In fact many ride that way, thats probably why so many are killed each year.

Can I ask how you know neither man was wearing a bandana?

Just curious. Because I can see how 2 bikers could be "mixed up" if they were both dressed similar and rode similar bikes.

Also, forgive me if this had been discussed, did the car wreck after the shot was fired? Was it sitting there? If Hall knew shots were fired towered a vehicle wouldn't it be his responsibility to check that out? To see if anyone had been injured? Or at least call 911 to report what had happened.
IMO if you see shots fired at an automobile with people in it, you can not assume no one is hurt and go about your day.
Did Hall, as stated upthread, lie for a couple days before telling his version of the truth?

I can't see any way this man has not been charged. UNLESS there is a plea in the works.

Also, forgive me if this had been discussed, did the car wreck after the shot was fired? Was it sitting there? If Hall knew shots were fired towered a vehicle wouldn't it be his responsibility to check that out? To see if anyone had been injured? Or at least call 911 to report what had happened.
IMO if you see shots fired at an automobile with people in it, you can not assume no one is hurt and go about your day.
Did Hall, as stated upthread, lie for a couple days before telling his version of the truth?

I can't see any way this man has not been charged. UNLESS there is a plea in the works.


That's exactly why Jim's attorney has asked for all details of any 'deals' given to any witnesses for the state. If I remember correctly, the Jeep was stopped at a red light when the shot was fired. The man who was hit was in the backseat.
Motorcycles and vehicle were all in motion. NOT at a red light.(all this is very much on record) Bantering was going on and Hall heard a shot fired as he rode along side of the jeep. Started to fall back and thats when a second shot was fired at the back of the jeep. Vehicle did not crash.. This was all clearly stated in the hearings.(AGAIN very much on record) Hall should not be arrested for anything given the fact he did not fire a gun. Just because you are somewhere with someone at the wrong time, hardly makes someone guilty of what another person does. By that thinking, then would the men in the jeep also be held accountable for bantering? I would think not. Mr. Humphrey should have turned himself in immediately on his own after learning what his actions had caused. Instead of laying this burden on many others. Including the Aegerter family.
Hall said he and Humphrey had alcoholic drinks at four bars that night. He said the Jeep drove by and nearly hit their motorcycles on West Milwaukee Street.

The motorcyclists chased after the Jeep, Hall said. The Jeep stopped at Five Points intersection and words were exchanged.

"The guys in the Jeep started yelling at us, flipping us off," Hall said. "I believe me and Jim yelled something back. I'm not sure what it was."

The motorcyclists followed the Jeep on Court Street, when Hall said he challenged the men to pull over.

"At that same moment, I heard this pop," Hall said. "I ducked down and looked back. I seen Jim holding a silver handgun."

After the first shot was fired, Hall said Humphrey was pointing the gun at the Jeep and yelled at one of the passengers. Hall said the passenger gave Humphrey the middle finger.

Humphrey then fired again.

The bikers fled to Humphrey's house, where Hall confronted Humphrey with what happened.

"I said, 'Jim, What are you doing shooting a gun?'" Hall testified. "He said, 'I think I hit him.'"

"I said, 'You were f——— aiming at him?'"

"He said, 'I just snapped.'"
Hall said he and Humphrey had alcoholic drinks at four bars that night. He said the Jeep drove by and nearly hit their motorcycles on West Milwaukee Street.

The motorcyclists chased after the Jeep, Hall said. The Jeep stopped at Five Points intersection and words were exchanged.

"The guys in the Jeep started yelling at us, flipping us off," Hall said. "I believe me and Jim yelled something back. I'm not sure what it was."

The motorcyclists followed the Jeep on Court Street, when Hall said he challenged the men to pull over.

"At that same moment, I heard this pop," Hall said. "I ducked down and looked back. I seen Jim holding a silver handgun."

After the first shot was fired, Hall said Humphrey was pointing the gun at the Jeep and yelled at one of the passengers. Hall said the passenger gave Humphrey the middle finger.

Humphrey then fired again.

The bikers fled to Humphrey's house, where Hall confronted Humphrey with what happened.

"I said, 'Jim, What are you doing shooting a gun?'" Hall testified. "He said, 'I think I hit him.'"

"I said, 'You were f——— aiming at him?'"

"He said, 'I just snapped.'"

You need to link this article, please. TIA
Motorcycles and vehicle were all in motion. NOT at a red light.(all this is very much on record) Bantering was going on and Hall heard a shot fired as he rode along side of the jeep. Started to fall back and thats when a second shot was fired at the back of the jeep. Vehicle did not crash.. This was all clearly stated in the hearings.(AGAIN very much on record) Hall should not be arrested for anything given the fact he did not fire a gun. Just because you are somewhere with someone at the wrong time, hardly makes someone guilty of what another person does. By that thinking, then would the men in the jeep also be held accountable for bantering? I would think not. Mr. Humphrey should have turned himself in immediately on his own after learning what his actions had caused. Instead of laying this burden on many others. Including the Aegerter family.

What record, sandman333? Is there a link or a file or an article you can post for those of us who do not know the players?
Hall said he and Humphrey had alcoholic drinks at four bars that night. He said the Jeep drove by and nearly hit their motorcycles on West Milwaukee Street.

The motorcyclists chased after the Jeep, Hall said. The Jeep stopped at Five Points intersection and words were exchanged.

"The guys in the Jeep started yelling at us, flipping us off," Hall said. "I believe me and Jim yelled something back. I'm not sure what it was."

The motorcyclists followed the Jeep on Court Street, when Hall said he challenged the men to pull over.

"At that same moment, I heard this pop," Hall said. "I ducked down and looked back. I seen Jim holding a silver handgun."

After the first shot was fired, Hall said Humphrey was pointing the gun at the Jeep and yelled at one of the passengers. Hall said the passenger gave Humphrey the middle finger.

Humphrey then fired again.

The bikers fled to Humphrey's house, where Hall confronted Humphrey with what happened.

"I said, 'Jim, What are you doing shooting a gun?'" Hall testified. "He said, 'I think I hit him.'"

"I said, 'You were f&#8212;&#8212;&#8212; aiming at him?'"

"He said, 'I just snapped.'"

This information is nothing more than a reporter transcribing Hall's testimony. His word does not mean it's a fact. Also, I thought it was stated earlier that Humphrey and Hall did not know someone had been hit- or possibly hit, until it was reported the next day. This is a big variation from the original story that was said earlier.
Hall said he and Humphrey had alcoholic drinks at four bars that night. He said the Jeep drove by and nearly hit their motorcycles on West Milwaukee Street.

The motorcyclists chased after the Jeep, Hall said. The Jeep stopped at Five Points intersection and words were exchanged.

"The guys in the Jeep started yelling at us, flipping us off," Hall said. "I believe me and Jim yelled something back. I'm not sure what it was."

The motorcyclists followed the Jeep on Court Street, when Hall said he challenged the men to pull over.

"At that same moment, I heard this pop," Hall said. "I ducked down and looked back. I seen Jim holding a silver handgun."

After the first shot was fired, Hall said Humphrey was pointing the gun at the Jeep and yelled at one of the passengers. Hall said the passenger gave Humphrey the middle finger.

Humphrey then fired again.

The bikers fled to Humphrey's house, where Hall confronted Humphrey with what happened.

"I said, 'Jim, What are you doing shooting a gun?'" Hall testified. "He said, 'I think I hit him.'"

"I said, 'You were f——— aiming at him?'"

"He said, 'I just snapped.'"

Thank you! In order to avoid copy right infringement issues, the policy is to reproduce 10% of the article and link to the rest. You can feel free to paraphrase.
Your information is nothing more than a reporter transcribing Hall's testimony. His word does not mean it's a fact. Also, I thought it was stated earlier that Humphrey and Hall did not know someone had been hit- or possibly hit, until it was reported the next day. This is a big variation from the original story that was said earlier.

It is fair for sandman333 to link a MSM article to support his position. If you disagree, it is also fair of you link articles and posts that illustrate your concerns.

That is how we debate here on WS, with as much respect as we can offer to one another.
I cannot link my views to anything concrete, as Jim has a right to remain silent and has excersized that right. SO the only things I can say it that I do not believe the witness who will be given a plea or immunity for his testimony. That's my right and my opinion. And I really think that's it for me tonight. I'm giving myself a time out. I will not get myself embroiled in any personal attacks upon me, or my friend... and in order to NOT get in trouble, I'm on a self imposed time out. Thanks to all who've respected my opinions and who have been empathic to my situation, and my family's situation.
It may be a variation, however when something like this happens you dont know what exactly to think at the moment. Again---- when questioned by police there had been no talk about anyone being injured/shot/killed. So NO, at that time they did not know. There are many variations when reading all these posts from the start. It is very easy to obtain the police report to keep facts straight. If i were giving monies to someone in jail or else where, I would certainly know the details.. Like bald, or not bald, jeep stopped or moving etc.. etc.....IMO..Just saying.
Now not only are there 3 witness`s. But also remarks by Jim were made directly to officers, that they now want thrown out because they are very incriminating to himself.
I cannot link my views to anything concrete, as Jim has a right to remain silent and has excersized that right. SO the only things I can say it that I do not believe the witness who will be given a plea or immunity for his testimony. That's my right and my opinion. And I really think that's it for me tonight. I'm giving myself a time out. I will not get myself embroiled in any personal attacks upon me, or my friend... and in order to NOT get in trouble, I'm on a self imposed time out. Thanks to all who've respected my opinions and who have been empathic to my situation, and my family's situation.

It is absolutely your right to disbelieve the testimony of someone who may have been given a plea deal.

does anyone have a police report that they would care to share?

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