GUILTY WI - Tammie Garlin, 36, murdered at Portage 'house of horrors', 4 June 2007

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if courtney's mother was also mother of the other two little ones, how come courtney was the only one ever reported missing? what made her case different from her siblings?
this is one of the most horrific things i have ever heard - and i agree - what is with the fifteen year old that she didn't come forward, at least to a neighbor, before it reached this pointZ? could it be the old stockholm syndrome?
This whole story is just mind boggling. The daughter helps carry her mother to
put her in the trunk of the car and then drives to the store to buy a shovel. The she helps carry her to the grave and plants flowers on top of her! What is wrong with this girl. Is she mentally lacking or just didn't give a rip about her mother? I just can't imagine. Even if the mother had aids and cancer or anything else it was her mother.

All of those adults are just monsters. I wonder what the warrents were for the guy and Courtney's mother. What a bunch of loosers. I'm so glad that they were caught.

CPS never fail to amaze me. I wonder if they ever do anything right. Months went by before anyone was even aware that Courtney was missing. It is just hard to believe.

That witchey woman must have liked to inflict pain. How in the world could she have done all of those horrible things to that little boy? Someone should do the same things to her.

We have know idea what this 15yo mental status was and if she herself was abused and for how long, etc. I can't even begin to imagine what these children were thinking and seeing.

This whole thing truly is a house of horrors.
We have know idea what this 15yo mental status was and if she herself was abused and for how long, etc. I can't even begin to imagine what these children were thinking and seeing.

This whole thing truly is a house of horrors.

I agree.....I'm sure this 15 yo was also in a state of fear.
I would like to think I wouldn't. But to be honest, if I was 15 and was told that someone in my household had killed my only parent I had contact with- I would probably do whatever I was told. Including helping to bury my mother. Plus, think of the influence she was under. She had evidently been about 10 when she moved into the household with them. Who knows what she has seen or experienced.

She was apparently isolated in the home and alone with people she very well knew was capable of murder. The self preservation instinct is strong.

Notice that once she was taken into custody, she is the one who told. And she told where to find her brother. And it sounds as though police didn't even know to ask about her mother or her brother. Her responses seem off, even callous. But that could very well be a result of long term abuse.

They sound like the nomad group that roams the country (I can't remember what they are called). But they usually support themselves by theft, frauds, scams and identity theft.
if courtney's mother was also mother of the other two little ones, how come courtney was the only one ever reported missing? what made her case different from her siblings?
this is one of the most horrific things i have ever heard - and i agree - what is with the fifteen year old that she didn't come forward, at least to a neighbor, before it reached this pointZ? could it be the old stockholm


I believe that Courtney was only about 10 months old when her mother took her from the foster home. She told the foster family that the courts had reversed their decision and the foster family handed Courtney right over to her! Stupid not have made a phone call first wasn't it. CPS was notified but it didn't get entered into the computer system for months. So no one was even looking for Courtney. So when Courtney was taken the other two little girls weren't born yet. They will all go into foster care now. Probably be seperated too.

I don't understand about that 15 yr old girl. Her brother said that she laughed as she poured boiling hot water on him. To me that sounds like she is as corrupt as the adults in that house. So her mother and that witch were lovers for years. They must have killed her because the witch thought that she had cheated on her. I'm glad that they have all been charged with 1st degree murder. They all had a part in it and who knows who actually strangled her and who did all of the other abuse before they murdered her. I can't image doing the things to my mother that the 15 yr old did to hers no matter what. Who knows, maybe she is as twisted as all of the others. It sounds like they are all sociopaths.

I hope that little boy has a chance at a normal life and that someone will adopt him and give him the nurturning that he needs and deserves. That poor little guy.
I would like to think I wouldn't. But to be honest, if I was 15 and was told that someone in my household had killed my only parent I had contact with- I would probably do whatever I was told. Including helping to bury my mother. Plus, think of the influence she was under. She had evidently been about 10 when she moved into the household with them. Who knows what she has seen or experienced.

She was apparently isolated in the home and alone with people she very well knew was capable of murder. The self preservation instinct is strong.

Notice that once she was taken into custody, she is the one who told. And she told where to find her brother. And it sounds as though police didn't even know to ask about her mother or her brother. Her responses seem off, even callous. But that could very well be a result of long term abuse.

They sound like the nomad group that roams the country (I can't remember what they are called). But they usually support themselves by theft, frauds, scams and identity theft.

Totally agree. I hope she gets the care and counselling she needs. This poor girl has a long road ahead of her.
I would like to think I wouldn't. But to be honest, if I was 15 and was told that someone in my household had killed my only parent I had contact with- I would probably do whatever I was told. Including helping to bury my mother. Plus, think of the influence she was under. She had evidently been about 10 when she moved into the household with them. Who knows what she has seen or experienced.

She was apparently isolated in the home and alone with people she very well knew was capable of murder. The self preservation instinct is strong.

Notice that once she was taken into custody, she is the one who told. And she told where to find her brother. And it sounds as though police didn't even know to ask about her mother or her brother. Her responses seem off, even callous. But that could very well be a result of long term abuse.

They sound like the nomad group that roams the country (I can't remember what they are called). But they usually support themselves by theft, frauds, scams and identity theft.

Great post and I agree completely. This girl was poisoned by these adults and the lifestyle she was raised in.
omg this makes me so sick inside ..that poor boy . i cant help but cry when it comes to abused kids .. i look over at my daughterand son. and i cant help but wonder how can people do this?? . i could never hurt my children like that . i just dont and never will understand cruel people like that !!
It makes me so sick inside too. It makes my stomach just hurt. Why in the HE** did they have to do that to this poor little boy? How could they do it? :(
Candace Clark of course saying she didn't do it, somebody else did it, the kid was unruly, not her fault. She also has a totally different story about the kidnapping of her baby (not her fault).
The foster mother that had Clark's little girl is the mother of Michaela Clerc. Clerc met Tammy Garlin online when she was 13. Mother was aware the two were in a lesbian relationship.

This article spells out some pretty bizarre things. How the H... did that foster mother ever get hold of that baby? This just keeps getting worse.

I want truth told, tot's mom says
Says Sisk calls the group a cult. Says all of them are on suicide watch.,0,2322848.story?coll=sfla-news-florida
This one gives some pretty graphic discription of the boys injuries.

Florida case worker knew child found in Portage could be abducted
snip...The Miami Herald reports on a review by Florida’s Safe Children Coalition which said a relative called a case worker for the girl’s mother Candace to express concerns about the child.
I can't get this poor little boy out of my mind. All day long I have been thinking of him and thinking of sitting in a dark closet for hours,days,months...knowing the only time I was able to get out of the closet was when they would pour scolding hot water over beat me with belts choke me till I passed out. I really wish sometimes I didnt read about these kinds of things and lived in denial because I can't handle it yet I feel like I do nothing about it.. :mad: (believe me if I could I would)
In an earlier article it said the women had Aids/Cancer...according to the autopsy from one of these articles it says she had no diseases...I wonder why her daughter would say her mother had those horrible diseases if she didnt? Eh..never mind nothing surprises me anymore. :furious:

Candace Clark of course saying she didn't do it, somebody else did it, the kid was unruly, not her fault. She also has a totally different story about the kidnapping of her baby (not her fault).
The foster mother that had Clark's little girl is the mother of Michaela Clerc. Clerc met Tammy Garlin online when she was 13. Mother was aware the two were in a lesbian relationship.

This article spells out some pretty bizarre things. How the H... did that foster mother ever get hold of that baby? This just keeps getting worse.

I want truth told, tot's mom says
Says Sisk calls the group a cult. Says all of them are on suicide watch.,0,2322848.story?coll=sfla-news-florida
This one gives some pretty graphic discription of the boys injuries.

Florida case worker knew child found in Portage could be abducted
snip...The Miami Herald reports on a review by Florida’s Safe Children Coalition which said a relative called a case worker for the girl’s mother Candace to express concerns about the child. News&property_id=18
I can't get this poor little boy out of my mind. All day long I have been thinking of him and thinking of sitting in a dark closet for hours,days,months...knowing the only time I was able to get out of the closet was when they would pour scolding hot water over beat me with belts choke me till I passed out. I really wish sometimes I didnt read about these kinds of things and lived in denial because I can't handle it yet I feel like I do nothing about it.. :mad: (believe me if I could I would)

I feel likewise, it's times like these I'm down on my knees pleading with God to not abandon us. What have we done that people are so evil.
I can't get this poor little boy out of my mind. All day long I have been thinking of him and thinking of sitting in a dark closet for hours,days,months...knowing the only time I was able to get out of the closet was when they would pour scolding hot water over beat me with belts choke me till I passed out. I really wish sometimes I didnt read about these kinds of things and lived in denial because I can't handle it yet I feel like I do nothing about it.. :mad: (believe me if I could I would)

I can't either. I have an 11 year old son and all I want to do is hug him. My heart breaks for this little guy. I hope he is able to heal and get the help he needs to live a much better life.

I, too, sometimes wish I didn't read stories like this. So very sad.
Imagine the counseling the jurors will need whom sit on this future trial. I hope they will all have access to it.

I hope this child gets Justice.
I grew up in a very abusive home. They tortured me in just about every way possible. I truly believe that had they told me to assist in a murder, I probably would have either in hopes they'd stop torturing me, maybe it'd get the focus off me for a while, or that they'd kill me in the process too.

These kids may have been put through tests too. I was repeatedly set up to meet a trusting adult, one who I could tell about the abuse going on in hopes I'd get the help needed to get free. Then it would turn out they were actually friends of the abusers, so everything said was reported back in full detail about what I'd say.

I learned quickly that getting help wasn't an option. Who could I trust? I still do not know who I can trust and I've been free of them for a few years. Only recently have I started being able to tell a little about what went on.

A person who hasn't been through a mind warping situation like that may not be able to understand why the person being hurt doesn't just leave. I can't explain it, but they whittle your entire self, your existence, away day by day. Everything about you, stripped away until there's nothing left but a shell, that feels as if it's all controlled by them.

I just hope she and the boy gets the therapy they deserve, a loving family who won't hurt them, and a happy life after all this is over.
I know.. sometimes I think I don't really pray to God anymore but I BEG to God now. I beg him to please protect the children. I was talking to my neighbor today about this story and she said you know I bet that little boy just wished he would die instead of going through that kind of pain. How sad is that? Ugh this one really really breaks my heart in a million pieces. :(

I feel likewise, it's times like these I'm down on my knees pleading with God to not abandon us. What have we done that people are so evil.

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