WI - Tony Robinson, 19, fatally shot and killed by LE, Madison, 6 March 2015

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The cop who killed unarmed black teen in Wisconsin on Selma anniversary as it’s revealed the victim was recently convicted for being involved in an armed home invasion

Didn't know if this was already posted.
Sad when a young person loses his/her life in a situation like this. Tony's family have stated , "..... described Robinson as a 'beautiful kid' and that he 'wouldn't hurt a fly'...."

My thought was that they spoke of him from knowing him during his younger years ,and maybe didn't know him very well in recent weeks/months ?
Or he was just hanging out with the wrong group at the wrong time kind of thing ?

If the altercation happened the way the Madison PD described that it did , ".. an altercation in which Officer Matt Kenny, 45, was knocked down by a blow to the head, .." Imo, I do not believe this was excessive force. (I realize that last sentence sounded bad. :( )

Years ago I'd watched a documentary about police departments, and one bit of info. that stood out was -- they (leo's) are trained to 'not let themselves get knocked off their feet' . In some states you can most likely get arrested just for grabbing at a police officer , so to punch one and knock him to the ground is serious.

It could have happened that the le officer was ambushed and knocked down and then panicked.

Robinson's mother says he has ".. never been a violent person."

There will be a thorough investigation , without a doubt about that.
Again my opinion is that even unarmed, a person can still be very dangerous. :(

Just sad all around. Rest in peace to the young man who may have made terrible mistakes that ultimately cost him his life.

LE has every right to defend themselves if attacked. Personally I wouldn't want even an 'unarmed' person to start punching me. Fists can injure and even kill, too.

While we should have the freedom to protest ; I'd be careful about which 'cause' to support. We still need to obey the laws while protesting ,as well.
Gahhh !! What a mess for the Madison/ Sun Prairie PD. :(
The job of a police officer is to enforce the law and intervene is someone is/may be breaking it. They aren't supposed to run away.

Being beaten up is not part of the job description. If you attack a police officer, expect to get shot. You do NOT have the right to assault them.
Cop who killed unarmed black teen in Wisconsin is named as it's revealed the victim has a conviction for an armed home invasion

Police confirmed Tony Robinson, 19, was unarmed when he was shot dead by a police officer at Wisconsin apartment

A struggle had ensued seconds before the shooting on Friday evening

Officer Matt Kenny did CPR, but Robinson died from injuries in hospital

Killing prompted over 100 angry demonstrators to protest outside home

Comes just days after release of damning report into police in Ferguson

Also came hours before Obama marked half-century of 'Bloody Sunday'

Investigation launched into killing; Tony was suspected of recent battery

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ooting-tragedy-description.html#ixzz3TngK97Mh
This whole black and white thing, is getting OLD!!! If a black person isn't obeying the law or fights with a police officer, does he get a pass because he's black? Does he get a pass because he's unarmed? If a police officer feels his life is in danger, just like any other citizen, you have a right to protect yourself and the person who is doing the assault, SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IF HE WANTS TO LIVE! Sorry, my rant because this sort of stuff gets old.. :tantrum: Black, white, brown, red or yellow, if you assault a police officer expect the worse.
What we need are colorblind reporters and colorblind mainstream news agencies. This was an officer responding to a call and arresting a violent suspect. That in and of itself "may" be newsworthy.

Race should be removed from the reporting process, IMO. That would solve a lot of the race baiting right there, IMO. But somehow I don't think we will see a bunch of peaceful protestors carrying "All lives matter" signs anytime soon.
Perp's FB link.



"My son has never been a violent person," Irwin said. "And to die in such a violent, violent way, it baffles me."

Methinks she did not know what her son was like when he was hanging out with friends ?
The comment below this article by a D.G. is priceless. (bit of sarcasm there)


In posts this year to his Facebook page, Robinson appeared troubled, writing, “I hate my mind” and “I don’t need help im not crazy.” In a January 19 post, he declared, “My soul is dying.” In a series of messages on February 11, Robinson wrote, “You arent sh_t to your family when you grow up,” and “Iv been getting lied to my whole life… Mostly by famliy members.
Edited by me for profanity , emphasis mine.

Interesting reflections..... Keeping in mind, that sometimes young people post negative remarks about their families that aren't always accurate.

Wanted to ask-- is TSG a verified source of news media ?
What we need are colorblind reporters and colorblind mainstream news agencies. This was an officer responding to a call and arresting a violent suspect. That in and of itself "may" be newsworthy.

Race should be removed from the reporting process, IMO. That would solve a lot of the race baiting right there, IMO. But somehow I don't think we will see a bunch of peaceful protestors carrying "All lives matter" signs anytime soon.


PaperDoll and K_Z ; excellent posts ! Especially like the "All Lives Matter" !! :)

Agreed that we need to be colorblind -- than, it's only about our personal accountability and nothing else.
The "damning" DOJ Ferguson report totally exonerated officer Wilson and made clear that the witnesses who talked to the media were all liars. This has been ignored by the MSM while vilifying the Ferguson PD for writing too many traffic tickets and turning up 6 (six!) allegedly racist emails.

A better question to focus on is why a convicted felon did no prison time.
Excerpt from handbook below:
"An officer may also use deadly force, at any time, even when no crime has been committed, in defense of himself/herself or another, whenever the officer reasonably believes it necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself/herself or the other person seen as being in danger." bbm

"Wisconsin Law Enforcement Officers Criminal Law Handbook" by WI Atty Gen, rev. 07/03
General Rule: A law enforcement officer making an arrest is entitled to use whatever force is reasonably necessary. Whether the force used is reasonable depends upon the totality of facts and circumstances in each case. Several factors to be considered in making this determination are the known character of the arrestee; the risks and dangers faced by the officer; the nature of the offense involved; the chance of the arrestee's escape if the particular means are not employed; the existence of alternative methods of arrest; the physical size, strength and weaponry of the officers as compared to the arrestee; and the exigencies of the moment. If the law enforcement agency has specific local rules, such rules should be thoroughly understood and consistently followed.

Excessive Force: The use of more force than is reasonable will not affect the validity of the arrest. It will expose the officer to civil suit, discipline or both, and in aggravated circumstances possible criminal liability also.

Deadly Force: In Wisconsin, an officer may use deadly force when the officer reasonably believes it is necessary to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself/herself or to others. In Wisconsin, the definition of deadly force applied by the police is the use of any means or instrumentality intended to or likely to cause death. Therefore, the justification for deadly force is the imminent threat of death or great bodily harm, but the application of deadly force is that action which is likely to cause death.

In a limited number of instances, an officer may use deadly force in attempting to make an arrest or prevent escape. The arrest must be for a serious offense in which the suspect has used or threatened to use deadly force against some member of the public, such as murder, rape, assault with a deadly weapon, etc. The officer must reasonably believe there is no other way to make the arrest or retain custody of the person once arrested. Even if the suspect is fleeing from the officer, there has to have been a use or threat of use of deadly force by the suspect to authorize deadly force. In any situation the officer should not use deadly force unless he/she reasonably believes it is necessary, and then only as a last resort.

A murder suspect, known to be armed and to have previously shot an officer, is seen by Officer X, who calls on the suspect to stop and throw down his/her gun. If the suspect flees, the officer is justified in shooting him/her.
A robbery suspect has shot at the pursuing officer and then runs away. The officer may shoot the suspect while in pursuit because it is reasonable to assume the suspect will shoot again.

An officer may also use deadly force, at any time, even when no crime has been committed, in defense of himself/herself or another, whenever the officer reasonably believes it necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself/herself or the other person seen as being in danger.
Lesser Crimes: In all other cases, the officer may not use deadly force, even if this restriction makes it impossible to arrest the person as, for example, a fleet-footed suspect outrunning the officer and successfully escaping. It makes no difference whether the person flees or resists the arrest if the resistance is not with deadly force. However, the officer has a duty to attempt to make the arrest, and if the person resists using deadly force, the officer may use deadly force in self-defense. Even in self-defense, however, the officer must reasonably believe that force lesser than deadly force will not be effective.

X, wanted for a previous shoplifting, flees when X sees an officer approaching X's home. Deadly force is not justified.
Z, wanted for a traffic offense, resists the arrest lunging at the officer with a switch blade. Even though it is a minor offense (not a felony), deadly force is justified to protect the officer's life.
- 6 -
Even in self-defense, however, the officer must reasonably believe that force lesser than deadly force will not be effective.
Use of deadly force requires there be an imminent threat that the arrestee will use deadly force against someone.

instructor.mstc.edu/.../CriminalLawOfficersHandbook.pdf (pp5-6 print, 13-14 online)


^^^^ this is a recording of the police scanner of the event

Published on Mar 7, 2015
Here's what we know. Last night the Madison Police Department received multiple calls with reports that 19 year old Tony Robinson was jumping in front of traffic and assaulted at least one individual. According to audio of police scanner traffic (Video published below), Robinson was seen entering a nearby apartment. As an officer entered the apartment building, according to reports, he heard suspicious sounds coming from the apartment Robinson had been seen entering. The officer entered the apartment and a scuffle of some kind followed. At some point during the scuffle the officer shot and killed Robinson.
Madison police were told the suspeect assaulted 2 people before arriving at the scene

Tony Robinson, who was killed by a Madison police officer on Friday night, was allegedly jumping in front of traffic and assaulted people, dispatchers told officers who responded to the scene.

Madison police were told that Tony Robinson had assaulted a friend, tried to strangle another person and was "yelling and jumping in front of cars" by dispatchers minutes before fatally shooting the unarmed teenager Friday night.

Police responding to the scene Friday night were told by dispatchers that the 19-year-old had hit one of his friends, and no weapons were seen by witnesses, according to a recording of the police scanner posted by Liberty News Media. They were later told also told the suspect had tried to strangle another patron at a gas station ...


THIS^^^ is what really angers me about the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. Here is a violent 19yr old, attacking a bystander at a gas station, trying to strangle him, running into traffic and screaming at random cars, punching his own friend trying to control him---and when a cop comes to investigate, the kid jumps him too.

After all of this violent behavior by the 19 yr old, the cops get blamed? The cops get accused of not caring about 'Black Lives?' What about the LIVES that the kid was endangering? Do those lives matter?
I read that the teen attacked LE. Is that true? If so, why is it continually glossed over by the media -- mentioned in a rush to get to the "he was unarmed part", or not mention it at all?

You know, you don't have to be armed to have a weapon to hurt someone with -- fists to punch with, legs to kick with, a head to head-butt with....

Anyone who attacks LE deserves whatever they get, including being shot and killed. I have to wonder what type of world these people are living in, to think that it's perfectly ok to attack an officer, and nothing should happen to you. That's delusional.

Now, if he didn't attack the officer, but was compliant, that's another story, and I don't blame people for being up in arms.
This whole black and white thing, is getting OLD!!! If a black person isn't obeying the law or fights with a police officer, does he get a pass because he's black? Does he get a pass because he's unarmed? If a police officer feels his life is in danger, just like any other citizen, you have a right to protect yourself and the person who is doing the assault, SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IF HE WANTS TO LIVE! Sorry, my rant because this sort of stuff gets old.. :tantrum: Black, white, brown, red or yellow, if you assault a police officer expect the worse.

What gets old to me is people (protestors) being up in arms, without considering all the facts. I mean, do they really expect that if this kid attacked a police officer, he should get a slap on the wrist? Do they not even realize how ridiculous that sounds?
Madison police were told the suspeect assaulted 2 people before arriving at the scene

Tony Robinson, who was killed by a Madison police officer on Friday night, was allegedly jumping in front of traffic and assaulted people, dispatchers told officers who responded to the scene.

Madison police were told that Tony Robinson had assaulted a friend, tried to strangle another person and was "yelling and jumping in front of cars" by dispatchers minutes before fatally shooting the unarmed teenager Friday night.

Police responding to the scene Friday night were told by dispatchers that the 19-year-old had hit one of his friends, and no weapons were seen by witnesses, according to a recording of the police scanner posted by Liberty News Media. They were later told also told the suspect had at tried to strangle another patron a gas station ...


THIS^^^ is what really angers me about the 'Black Lives Matter' movement. Here is a violent 19yr old, attacking a bystander at a gas station, trying to strangle him, running into traffic and screaming at random cars, punching his own friend trying to control him---and when a cop comes to investigate, the kid jumps him too.

After all of this violent behavior by the 19 yr old, the cops get blamed? The cops get accused of not caring about 'Black Lives?' What about the LIVES that the kid was endangering? Do those lives matter?

T. Robinson was out of control at this point , imo. Wonder if he was 'on' something ; or if this was maybe a 'suicide by cop' thing ?

People who rush to defend without knowing all of the facts are making it nearly impossible for le to do their job.
And what was the perp doing out running around ? Armed robbery and similar offenses don't get you a 'go to jail' card ? I always assumed those crimes did. When did this change ??
What gets old to me is people (protestors) being up in arms, without considering all the facts. I mean, do they really expect that if this kid attacked a police officer, he should get a slap on the wrist? Do they not even realize how ridiculous that sounds?

I agree with you in theory but you have to remember that he did a home invasion and was handed probation. What is a "beautiful" butterfly like that supposed to think? As far as the family being "baffled"- I think there should be a law against THAT. Maybe we wouldn't have all these folks looking for people to fund their family funerals. Jmo
This whole black and white thing, is getting OLD!!! If a black person isn't obeying the law or fights with a police officer, does he get a pass because he's black? Does he get a pass because he's unarmed? If a police officer feels his life is in danger, just like any other citizen, you have a right to protect yourself and the person who is doing the assault, SHOULDN'T BE DOING IT IF HE WANTS TO LIVE! Sorry, my rant because this sort of stuff gets old.. :tantrum: Black, white, brown, red or yellow, if you assault a police officer expect the worse.

BBM - couldn't agree more with that part of your statement. It was getting old 50yrs ago.
I can't help but think of law enforcement during these times. It's not an easy job to begin with, but then you add in the loud, blindsided protesters, the media swaying stories the way they want, and families telling flat out lies about their loved ones and it can feel like no one's on your side.

How can the family say he wouldn't hurt a fly when he was recently convicted of armed home invasion?!

Thank you to the men and women in uniform. This job is a calling and not something just anyone can do.

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