Will Casey face probation?

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No decision...hmm. why does my cynicism say he's NOT going to rule in the favor of probation and bail out for the weekend? My goodness, he has two weeks. She was supposed to be returned in 72 hrs, then 96 hrs; then she didn't even have to attend at all and now the judge says no decision...till the weekend. Is he really the tough judge we all thought him to be or is he a stealth judge? That puts the judge's decision at three weeks...by monday. Most likely he has known about this prior to the error being reported.

He was re-elected this month and has nothing to prove anymore. If no one likes his decision, what are you going to do? I hope I am wrong. I have been wrong about every decision in this case. I never thought the defense had a defense. I never thought there would be 12 no less 17 people who thought George did the crime and let her go. I never thought she would see the light of day and now she see's it in technicolor.

I never thought that was a death-qualified jury. They told me it was. I never heard any of those people willing to vote death. They said the opposite. When HHjp insisted the juror remain seated despite the State saying "no", I said it's okay..the rest will vote correctly.

Do I dare say the judge will do the right thing now? If I thought that, then I would be not be surprised to be wrong again. Ms Anthony has not been asked to return to court....big red flag. Waiting to the weekend = Big red flag. He has to have made his decision and doesn't want to state it......yet. Friday decisions are never good. I hope I am wrong again. Sure don't want to be right on this one.
The Judge said he was going to give the Defense advance notice because of Logistics if Casey has to return to FLA.

I will fall off my chair if that happens.
The Judge said he was going to give the Defense advance notice because of Logistics if Casey has to return to FLA.

I will fall off my chair if that happens.
I will fall off my chair too. I just don't think he will. I think she will get Administrative Probation... A split down the middle to try to appease all. I think boatloads of others incarcerated will argue they deserve the same. It's a pickle.
No decision...hmm. why does my cynicism say he's going to rule in the favor of probation and bail out for the weekend? My goodness, he has two weeks. She was supposed to be returned in 72 hrs, then 96 hrs; then she didn't even have to attend at all and now the judge says no decision...till the weekend. Is he really the tough judge we all thought him to be or is he a stealth judge? That puts the judge's decision at three weeks...by monday. Most likely he has known about this prior to the error being reported.

He was re-elected this month and has nothing to prove anymore. If no one likes his decision, what are you going to do? I hope I am wrong. I have been wrong about every decision in this case. I never thought the defense had a defense. I never thought there would be 12 no less 17 people who thought George did the crime and let her go. I never thought she would see the light of day and now she see's it in technicolor.

I never thought that was a death-qualified jury. They told me it was. I never heard any of those people willing to vote death. They said the opposite. When HHjp insisted the juror remain seated despite the State saying "no", I said it's okay..the rest will vote correctly.

Do I dare say the judge will do the right thing now? If I thought that, then I would be not be surprised to be wrong again. Ms Anthony has not been asked to return to court....big red flag. Waiting to the weekend = Big red flag. He has to have made his decision and doesn't want to state it......yet. Friday decisions are never good. I hope I am wrong again. Sure don't want to be right on this one.

..i don't think he knew about this probation error prior to judgeS realizing it himself. why would he?

..he took over the case months after the check fraud trial/sentencing, HE was on the criminal case.

..there would be no reason for him to backtrack and go over all of the hearings/motions/orders etc etc that he had not been there for, they were over and done with by the previous judge.

..as for ruling on this-----as Chief Judge ( he was re-elected in february 2011, for the 2 year term beginning July 1/2011-June 30/2013), he has a TON on his plate to begin with, with his OWN duties, plus he has taken over the duties of recently retired Judge adams. i would never think that a ruling on this kc anthony matter would be a top prioity.

..there's a lot more activity going on in the Ninth circuit----than anything kc anthony.

..he will rule by friday for sure, as he said at the sentencing hearing----"i will NOT be here the week of august 15th.."

..i absolutely agree with you about the "DP qualified jury", after the big deal they made about it--

.."putting the cart before the horse", they ended up with everything from--- did not believe in it------5/10 on the imaginary anne finnel ruler----no position, no position--can't judge anyone at all----believed in it.

( that's a DP qualified jury? how does that differ from a 'regular' jury? )

..at least one juror-----#3, jennifer ford (shocker) went into deliberations with the DP heavy on her mind , as we've heard her mention a number of times. ( when they were NOT to be even considering the DP in the GUILT phase, until/IF it got to a PENALTY stage..)

..whatever the final ruling is, i will hate it if "her safety" is factored in.
b/c that's not right or fair to any other CREEP that gets off/out and has to report for probation------unless their "safety" is factored in as well.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo. He's going to rule on Friday and his vacation starts Mondsay...okiedokiethen. I think we all know where this is going. He has known about this for almost three weeks. Strickland most likely discussed it with him before the announcement.

.....and he needs to hold off on his decision...why? I say he wants to get out of town after he delivers it. If he delivers no probation or administrative he is not the judge we thought he was in the beginning.

I better stop before I blow a gasket. That decision was supposed to be today...grrrr.
SOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooo. He's going to rule on Friday and his vacation starts Mondsay...okiedokiethen. I think we all know where this is going. He has known about this for almost three weeks. Strickland most likely discussed it with him before the announcement.

.....and he needs to hold off on his decision...why? I say he wants to get out of town after he delivers it. If he delivers no probation or administrative he is not the judge we thought he was in the beginning.

I better stop before I blow a gasket. That decision was supposed to be today...grrrr.

ITA. It's a disgrace. He'll announce it Friday, dodge the news cycle then skedaddle off to wherever people who take 3 weeks to refuse to enforce probation decisions go... The way he has gone about this is a sad final insult imo.
I just thought of something. We really already know probation is not coming. At least that is what the majority of us think. I could be wrong, but it is better than thinking it is coming, then it does not, then ANOTHER let down.

Wonder if probation may be in the form of googling your name only to find thousands of internet links all with nothing positive to say. It will be like that for the rest of her life. Google does not go away. Maybe she will have to uphold the law, become a working citizen, support herself and be quiet until some little tiny blurb can come up that is not negative. Something along the lines of "Ten years and still a law abiding, self supporting citizen, no new murders or thefts on record yet."

I know that is just silly of me, but I can hope that she is aware that google will forever know the truth. It will make her life a lot more complicated as far as jobs, but felonies do that to you, boyfriends, friends, and so on.

21merc, I have, also, been thinking about internet postings/articles, which would appear, anytime Casey (or others) search her name (or anything related to her case). I also wonder, since she is quite attracted to the computer (what else does she have to do right now), if she is beginning to get a grasp of the hatred, the public has for her. All of this negative information will curb any friendships, she hopes to make. Even if she does meet a few people (who haven't heard of the case), my guess is that they soon will. Someone in the group will find out, who she really is, and that will end her new "friendships".

Even if she changes her appearance and name, down the road, it won't take long for someone to figure out who and where she is. She may have gained freedom, in the eyes of the law, but real freedom, from her past, I don't think will ever be achieved.

Karma, in this case, could present in many ways. I would't be too disappointed, if FCA'S karma, is total annihilation from the majority of our society. Of course, I would rather have probation added to the mix as well.
Hey everyone...I haven't posted here since the week following the verdict. I just can't stomach even thinking about the trial. I haven't even watched Linda and Jeff's stunning closing statements again because it is too painful.

I just want to say that it seems as though this trial was a joke. Three years of sorrow, investigation, preparation, $$$ all for it to lead to a not guilty verdict. I am very disappointed with Judge Perry also. His constant media bashing made me so sad. The horrific crime commited against our precious Caylee Marie is what captivated our attention. Judge Perry made it seem as though we have no lives or are just looking for trouble. Oh well.

Hope all of you are able to make peace with this joke of a trial and are able to move on.
nothing judge perry can do will bring caylee back .. and it doesnt honor her memory if she is put on probation bc she was found not guilty of her murder ..we need to face that there isnt going to be justice for caylee through the court system i think.. however i think there will be justice from the true judge of all of us ..what im saying is if she isnt on probation so what .. big deal .. karma will get her and judge perry is probably very torn about what he should do .. does he put her on probation to satisfy the public? or does he let her go and let nature take its course and god do his work ..sounds like a dumb post i know but its how i feel about it lately ..
I just thought of something. We really already know probation is not coming. At least that is what the majority of us think. I could be wrong, but it is better than thinking it is coming, then it does not, then ANOTHER let down.

Wonder if probation may be in the form of googling your name only to find thousands of internet links all with nothing positive to say. It will be like that for the rest of her life. Google does not go away. Maybe she will have to uphold the law, become a working citizen, support herself and be quiet until some little tiny blurb can come up that is not negative. Something along the lines of "Ten years and still a law abiding, self supporting citizen, no new murders or thefts on record yet."

I know that is just silly of me, but I can hope that she is aware that google will forever know the truth. It will make her life a lot more complicated as far as jobs, but felonies do that to you, boyfriends, friends, and so on.

Over in the UK, back in 1993, a darling 3 year old little boy by the name of James Bulger was murdered by two 10 year old boys: Jon Venables and Robert Thompson.

It is a harrowing story of abuse, torture, murder, mutilation and the worst circumstances you can imagine. If you have the stomach for it, read about it here but be warned, it’s pretty harrowing stuff:

[ame="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_James_Bulger"]Murder of James Bulger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:James_bulger.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/22/James_bulger.jpg/220px-James_bulger.jpg"@@AMEPARAM@@en/thumb/2/22/James_bulger.jpg/220px-James_bulger.jpg[/ame]

Thompson and Venables were given life sentences, but released in 2001 with new identities and under certain licence conditions.

Their names were changed, their identities were protected and they were released back into society.

At one point, several years ago, Thompson was somewhere in Australia. I believe part of his conditions of release is he must tell his closest circle of friends, who he is and what he did to his victim. Other reports claim he has killed again and is serving prison time in Ireland.

Venables has been in and out of trouble and prison since his release and is now on his second “new identity” to protect him from vigilantes and the public. His life is a nightmare that he lives every day.

I predict Miss Anthony will suffer a similar fate of being reviled by the public in general, those that know or become close to her in particular and live a solitary life, constantly looking over her shoulder until the day she dies – or kills herself.

My only fear or concern would be if Casey got pregnant again and what would become of that child? Especially if he/she were not born perfect as Caylee was and was a special needs baby. What dumpster/swampland/garbage pit would that child wind up being placed?

My point in all of the above is the same as many of yours fellow Websleuthers: Karma. You can’t escape it, you can’t go around it, you can’t go over it, you can’t go under it. It will find you. And when you least expect it. A far better punishment than one stinking year of probation!
Hey everyone...I haven't posted here since the week following the verdict. I just can't stomach even thinking about the trial. I haven't even watched Linda and Jeff's stunning closing statements again because it is too painful.

I just want to say that it seems as though this trial was a joke. Three years of sorrow, investigation, preparation, $$$ all for it to lead to a not guilty verdict. I am very disappointed with Judge Perry also. His constant media bashing made me so sad. The horrific crime commited against our precious Caylee Marie is what captivated our attention. Judge Perry made it seem as though we have no lives or are just looking for trouble. Oh well.

Hope all of you are able to make peace with this joke of a trial and are able to move on.
i think judge perry is tired of all of the nonsense as much as we are .. his media bashing is not unfounded imho .. the media and public has made this case what it is .. that trial shouldve been held in the courtroom with no cameras and no evidence or details about this case shouldve EVER been leaked out on the internet which resulted in protesters at the anthonys for months on end and to me they looked like nothing but a bunch of fools who shouldve been home taking care of their own kids they were not out there because they cared about caylee all that much they were out there to cause trouble and have a valid excuse to misbehave and get on the news doing it ..what role model does that serve for our children ? show them ya its ok to go do that to ppl you dont know (if my daughter ever did any of that crap she would never hear the end of it from me ) ,the behavior of the public could very well be the reason the defense gets away with so much i say that because of the media bashing that judge perry did ..and fla with there release of information to the public laws and ect is what is making fla look so bad and i do hope they change that law .. he probably just so wants this case to go away we dont know what kind of flack he may be getting behind the scenes either ..what if he is being harassed .? we don't know ..maybe he is being harassed by the public and is doing this stay as a way to say i wont be making decisions to satisfy the public .. we just dont know what is going on with him
"IF" Judge Perry were to rule that Casey has to serve probation, or redoes the lying time served, does Casey have to be present in the court room for that?

The Judge said he was going to give the Defense advance notice because of Logistics if Casey has to return to FLA.

I will fall off my chair if that happens.

Not sure if we take that to mean return for the hearing, or return to serve probation?

Not sure if we take that to mean return for the hearing, or return to serve probation?

THANKS! Well the probation people have already done their public interview. The woman made it sort of clear that they would be responsible for taking Casey in for an initial probation session. IF necessary. BUT the lying charges? There I think Casey would have to be in court if judge Perry redoes the time served. Because it is his case, and his ruling. But like everyone else, I have been wrong before......

I still hoping that the probation stands. But they time severed on the lying charges gets properly addressed.
last line of that article: "Officials said the decision could be made Thursday afternoon or Friday."

here's hoping guys :)

Good morning :) I hope this is correct - funny, I"ve been watching the news all morning and haven't heard a thing about Casey....sort of nice, but this is news I want to hear! Have a great day Nina...
Over in the UK, back in 1993, a darling 3 year old little boy by the name of James Bulger was murdered by two 10 year old boys: Jon Venables and Robert Thompson.

It is a harrowing story of abuse, torture, murder, mutilation and the worst circumstances you can imagine. If you have the stomach for it, read about it here but be warned, it’s pretty harrowing stuff:

Murder of James Bulger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Thompson and Venables were given life sentences, but released in 2001 with new identities and under certain licence conditions.

Their names were changed, their identities were protected and they were released back into society.

At one point, several years ago, Thompson was somewhere in Australia. I believe part of his conditions of release is he must tell his closest circle of friends, who he is and what he did to his victim. Other reports claim he has killed again and is serving prison time in Ireland.

Venables has been in and out of trouble and prison since his release and is now on his second “new identity” to protect him from vigilantes and the public. His life is a nightmare that he lives every day.

I predict Miss Anthony will suffer a similar fate of being reviled by the public in general, those that know or become close to her in particular and live a solitary life, constantly looking over her shoulder until the day she dies – or kills herself.

My only fear or concern would be if Casey got pregnant again and what would become of that child? Especially if he/she were not born perfect as Caylee was and was a special needs baby. What dumpster/swampland/garbage pit would that child wind up being placed?

My point in all of the above is the same as many of yours fellow Websleuthers: Karma. You can’t escape it, you can’t go around it, you can’t go over it, you can’t go under it. It will find you. And when you least expect it. A far better punishment than one stinking year of probation!


Kind of like the movie "Final Destination"........

Re JP's decision...........this he "may" rule today and yesterday's comments re how we may get an answer yet today (was on HLN and Vinnie P actually said this!).....is merely just for ratings, JP's spokesperson came out yesterday afternoon and specifically said NO RULING TODAY and may not be till Thur or Fri.....so these "teasers" just feed our ire re a decision.
I will fall off my chair too. I just don't think he will. I think she will get Administrative Probation... A split down the middle to try to appease all. I think boatloads of others incarcerated will argue they deserve the same. It's a pickle.
Oh great, all over the country people will be falling outta their chairs...... I wonder what kind of sound that'll make?

Perhaps we should all be cautious and safety belt ourselves in?

Not holding out a lot of hope on this one after everything else that has occurred to date. Guess I can at least still hope for Karma.........
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