Will Casey Testify?

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Will KC testify at trial?

  • She will testify.

    Votes: 312 27.4%
  • She will not testify.

    Votes: 826 72.6%

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I strongly suspect that ICA is insisting that she get to testify and THIS was the reason for the competency motion. A defendant has the absolute RIGHT to testify at their trial if they want to, and although the DT can advise against it, they cannot prevent her from doing it.

Therefore, the competency motion helps to protect them, in that it shows that they have done everything in their power to insure that she was competent despite her insistence to testify!

So, I am inclined to think she will indeed testify, against her lawyers' advice, or at least against CM's advice. Who knows what JB had advised!

I totally agree. I was convinced she wouldn't testify, now I think she will....why? because she can do it better than anyone else. JB didn't have the sense to cover his patootie, but Mason did, and got the psych evals in there, so that it's out of his hands. He can suggest, but she does what she wants. Now he's free and clear, he did his job of ensuring that she's capable of making that decision in the eyes of the court.
The DT could never prepare her for she is a ticking time bomb. She lives in the moment and cannot be prepared for an inquisition. She doesn't know any limits. She is a con but not very smart. People (the talking heads) give her way too much credit. GA telling her she is the boss, the CEO, so to speak, did not do her any favors. She believes that. She is unable to put herself in anyone's place. She is always in charge or thinks she is.

Just because she fooled her family doesn't mean she is clever....come on! Cindy was very liberal w/her and believed everything she told them. This is not unusual as I have seen some mothers do this. Their children are always indulged and the smartest kid around. Be wary of the type of parent who will ALWAYS believe their children. You will find glimpses of cindy. They live in a fantasy world.
The DT could never prepare her for she is a ticking time bomb. She lives in the moment and cannot be prepared for an inquisition. She doesn't know any limits. SA. She is a con but not very smart. People give her way too much credit.

Just because she fooled her family doesn't mean she is clever....come on! Cindy was very liberal w/her and believed everything she told them. This is not unusual as I have seen some mothers do this. Their children are always indulged and the smartest kid around. Be wary of the type of parent who will ALWAYS believe their children. They live in a fantasy world.

You're right, the DT could never prepare her. I'd love to see Ashton or LDB on cross with her...hmmm, think they'd flip for it?
I think the DT is stalling on telling HHJP exactly when they will finish their CIC because they don't want everyone to know that ICA is going to testify. She shouldn't but I believe she will. IMO the competency motion is directly related too.

1. She is a disordered personality and they believe they can charm, convince, manipulate, connive others into believing them.
2. Only she and George were witness to the "accident". GA denied such an accident.
3. Only she can confirm the abuse excuse since CA and LA did not testify to it and GA denied it in his testimony.
I voted "no" when I saw this poll the other day, but after the competency motion I think it's a very strong possibility... I hope she does, she needs to stop hiding behind everyone else.
Don't think for a second this woman plans on keeping quite. She is intently focused every day on testimony & reading transcripts looking for any tiny little wiggle room to weave a story. Like every other cold blooded murderer, she thinks she's smarter than everyone.
Personaly, I can't wait. I've been involved with someone like her. She'll not only end up looking like the stupid moron she is, she WILL lose her temper on the stand ( unless she's heavely sedated).
One of the TH on WESH yesterday said that he checked the jail records and saw that Casey hadn't had visitors in a while. He maintained that her lawyers would be visiting every day to prepare her to testify if that were going to happen. That's the most compelling evidence I've heard for either side of the "will she/won't she testify" argument.
but not if her attorneys can persuade her that she shouldn't. maybe they could - never mind. i don't want to help them.
I think she wants to get up there and tell her side of things. She thinks she is smart enough to get them to believe her, just as she has thought she was smarter than everyone involved since the 911 calls 31 days later. I think it will be all JB can do to keep her off the stand becasue he knows what will happen if she does.
I've been a lurker forever, but just can't keep quiet any longer.... Once i saw the post about free beer and pretzels if ICA takes the stand... i'm IN!

I, for one, HOPE she does. I want to hear everything or nothing, whichever, from her own mouth. As a parent who lives in Florida, and whose daughter goes to UCF near where all this happened, i want to KNOW. Now, i understand we may NEVER hear the truth... i STILL want her on the stand.

ahhh the anticipation. I can't believe i'm on this channel every day and catching up every night. Its addictive.
Is ICA wearing a dress today because she's planning to be called to the stand? I think the competency thing was because she wants to testify and CM didn't want her to...

Curiouser and curiouser . . . I'm 50/50 . . .
I'd would like to see the "A Few Good Men" moment just as much as everyone else, but there is just no way this is happening. JB would step down as counsel before letting his client get obliterated on the stand, by the state. Even if he has come to terms with the fact that he will be selling prepaid legal after all of this, I'm certain he is not willing to oversee the most high-profile courtroom self-destruction since R. Budd Dwyer.
(pictures one of those "Law and Order" style pat endings, with KC tearfully confessing on the stand...;))

Yeah, I know, it'd never happen... But you really wonder how cracked up she is at this point. Thinking nobody would ever catch her, & all.
I thought Judge Perry said he'd have to ask the defendant if it's her decision and decision alone to NOT take the stand and Casey did her nod thing?
Per HHJP's comments it looks like ICA will take the stand *rubs hands*
It's not clear if #caseyanthony will testify, but it will be up to her if she takes the stand.
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 10:19 PM
I saw that too...and it was dead quiet after he asked...she nodded, but who knows what that means....
No its common that the judge will ask that. He needs to make sure that she is making that choice... not her defense team. Don't read too much into it. IMO, she isn't going up there.
I thought Judge Perry said he'd have to ask the defendant if it's her decision and decision alone to NOT take the stand and Casey did her nod thing?

YEP ... and ICA nodded her head in an affirmative nod ... she WILL take the stand !

I have believed that she would INSIST on taking the stand -- despite her attorneys telling her NO WAY !

And ICA's attorneys canNOT stop her from taking the stand ...

ETA: I believe that ICA will TAKE THE STAND in order to get in her LIES about the sexual abuse ...

Also ... in her "warped" mind ... this is HER SHOW ... she is the STAR of HER SHOW ... and she is NOT going to allow anyone else to "steal the show" -- no matter what ...

Based on the competency motion and casey's look when HHJP talked about making sure the decision not to testify would be casey's, I am pretty sure she really, really wants to (liars feel they can always explain away anything) and they do not want her to. I never thought she would go against her attorney's advice. I know they don't want her testifying. But she just might. It would be incredible and it would likely destroy her. I can't wait to see what happens.
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