Will Casey's Age Impact the Outcome Of her Trial and Sentencing?

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I'm new to this thread and have been lurking around and reading as much as I can. After Casey was indicted, I became concerned that some jury members (especially women) may have a problem sentencing her to life because of her age. I don't even know if there has even been a young woman put to death close to Casey's age.

This may concern an jury member (and there is always one of those on the jury) who feels she is guilty but does not have 100% (body) proof that she did this.

Great question. There are some people who do not believe in the DP EVER & then those of us who do. I think a lot of jurors would have more trouble sentencing a really old person to death. For a middle aged or older person life in prison probably means death. OJ in his recent case could be an example of that. I have heard he could spend the rest of his life in prison.
On the other hand, look at someone young, give them life & you think about how they be out in 25 years. THAT aint life. I personally wouldnt want someone like KC out while she would still be young, in her 40's or so. For me, the age of the criminal, unless under 18, makes no difference. The penalty should be based on the crime. If the evidence proves her guilt the jurors, I hope, would have no problem handing down the DP.
If they find out exactly how Caylee died then i'd be more confident in the DP being handed down.

I doubt that they/we will though.


I think that more evidence will be revealed that will not make Casey look sympathetic.

However, in my opinion Casey will dress and act more sympathetically from here on out. I think the tears at the press conference are a foreshadowing of the new and on-trial Casey. Because she looks so young and unkiller-like, male jurors might feel protective toward her.

I believe women are less easily fooled by another female's appearance and demeanor. My experience is that lots of men idealize women.

If I were a defense juror consultant, I think I would pick younger (more naive) males.

I also oppose the death penalty and could not serve on this jury.
I agree with you. That's how it should be but the jury is incredibly powerful. I have a feeling that JB and his crew are going to give Casey a personality overhaul and present her as a misguided youth. I keep thinking of the movie Chicago. The sleazy lawyer (how appropriate) telling his client to blame it on alcohol.

JB already has her wearing librarian glasses and "office" attire. Can you imagine how she will dress for court? Certainly not like she did when was going to Fusian after she disposed of Caylee. Remember how OJ charmed the jury (the first time)? If she manages to manipulate the jury into thinking that she is a poor innocent girl who has been wronged AND her family is 100% siding with her, she may get a lesser sentence and by the time she gets credit for good behavior and all she'll serve 20 years and still be out in time to make more babies!!!

Great points but I think JB will find it IMPOSSIBLE to un ring the bell. It's not like KC did one thing that was callous after Caylee went "missing," she did many things........so many a movie can be made. I don't care how much like a nun she dresses for court or how many tears she sheds, her own words, pictures & actions will do her in. Nothing she did makes her look like a sad, grieving, scared mom.
I'm new to this thread and have been lurking around and reading as much as I can. After Casey was indicted, I became concerned that some jury members (especially women) may have a problem sentencing her to life because of her age. I don't even know if there has even been a young woman put to death close to Casey's age.

This may concern an jury member (and there is always one of those on the jury) who feels she is guilty but does not have 100% (body) proof that she did this.

NOT if Carla Faye Tucker and Darlie Routier are any indication of how people think outside Texas. Both of them were in their 20's when sent to Death Row.

Also, I believe some of the Manson family girls, who were teens, received DP sentences, then CA overturned the DP for a period of years, which let them off the hook, with LWOP.
I believe a woman would come closer to giving her the DP sentence. I know I would. I believe because of her callous disregard for her child and her parents that her age will not be a factor. There are a lot of women who have been given the DP at her age.

I don't care if they are 20 or 90, if they kill a child - BURN UM in my opinion.

Good post. I could definitely vote Yes for DP. Her age doesn't matter one bit, but what she is accused of doing does.

The first time I read this thread, I thought it WAS asking about little Caylee's age..
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap: Well said.

They say in the first Menendez brother's criminal trial there wasn't a dry eye after Leslie A. got done. The jury was hung.

Don't forget Mary W. gasping and putting her head down over the sight of a shoe, either.

I definitely think it is possible for jurors to be influenced by factors that have nothing to do with the case. I am not sure why Baez let Casey run around with the tied up tees and stolen sunglasses, but it looks like Casey has seen the error of those ways now that she has been indicted.
They say in the first Menendez brother's criminal trial there wasn't a dry eye after Leslie A. got done. The jury was hung.

Don't forget Mary W. gasping and putting her head down over the sight of a shoe, either.

I definitely think it is possible for jurors to be influenced by appearance, motherhood or youth.

I definitely think

I can think of many exceptions to the " nice looking get a break" line of reasoning also. I don't think we should generalize.
Very good point. I think it's an age sympathy. These boys were young so the jury sympathized with them.

There's not a jury in the world that will sympathize with Casey before Caylee.

Caylee is the 2 y/o victim who suffered a horrific death at the hands of her mother, who celebrated her crime with tattoos, drinks and men.

I agree this is the death of a child who had so much ahead of her. I firmly believe the fact that Caylee wasn't even 3 years old will overide any sympathy about KC's age IMO.
I think it will be tough for anyone to have sympathy for KC. Especially since she shows no emotion. With the way this is going if she gets DP it will be tied up for years with appeals.
I can think of many exceptions to the " nice looking get a break" line of reasoning also. I don't think we should generalize.

If Casey was a man and repulsive would anyone (other than Cindy) believe Caylee is in PR?

I think there is a reason juror consultants are effective.

It is a fact that mothers that kill their children are more often thought to be "ill" than fathers. A woman is less likely to receive the death penalty or even life without parole than a man who has done the same thing.

I am not saying the death penalty can't happen. I think Casey killed her daughter on purpose. I always have.

I disagree that age and Casey's appearance couldn't make a difference to someone on the jury.

I don't think KC's age will affect the jurors much at all (if any).

I only had jury duty once (watch, I'll get a notice for jury duty next week because I just jinxed myself). I showed up for jury duty and they had about 100 of us there that were directed to go to a special jury waiting room. After we all showed up they shut the doors, locked them and then several deputies guarded the doors. I thought "what'd I do? am I being arrested?" Then a judge shows up at the front of the room. Turns out they were picking a jury for the penalty phase of a Capital Punishment trial. The first jury found him guilty but could not agree on DP or not. So they brought in a new jury for that. I didn't make it past the 3rd round of questioning (I rarely believe in the DP, only in extreme cases). Dude killed an 80 y/o woman with a screwdriver during the course of a robbery. So, even if the first jury can't decide on DP or not, there is always the possibility of bringing in a second jury.

I agree with the others who said the age of the victim would make more of an impact than the age of the perp. Personally, I think she's a monster and I wouldn't be affected by her age at all. It wouldn't even figure into the equation.
The prosecution will make the victim very real to the jury. They will see the videos of a sweet, happy, innocent baby who loved and trusted her mother, so much so that she named her favorite doll "mama". Then they will present the Casey that we all know. Her heartless actions during the month she didn't report Caylee gone will be drilled into their heads. During all this they will be presented with a theory much the same as Themis suggested. The jury will cry buckets for Caylee before the trial is over. When all is said and done, Casey will seem as an old hag compared to Caylee who never got the chance to turn three years old. Her age will not be a deciding factor in her conviction.
No defense attorney wants his murder-suspect client wearing shorts, flip-flops, tied up tees and big rimmed glasses for the cameras, the judge or the jury. I have no doubt that JB and his office staff have counseled KC on how to dress appropriately. I always advise people to dress as if they were going to Sunday church service and have even taken them out shopping to find appropriate attire when all else failed. In this case, there are so many videos and photos of KC's normal everyday appearance, that her courtroom attire will read as "staged". Fine. So, she learned how to dress so as to not look like a bum or a stripper. Whatever. A well-dressed murderer is just a killer with a nice wardrobe.

I do not have any fear that any jury will feel sympathy for KC's youth and then render a "softer" sentence for her crime. In fact, I think they will be shocked that someone so young could commit such a horrible crime - the evil seed if you will. It is the heinous act that will determine the sentence. They may feel sorry for her parents, who will no doubt beg for her life, but the prosecutor will remind them that this is not about CA & GA, but Caylee.

If I were representing KC, (given all the facts as we know them turn out to be true and proven), I would be talking plea bargain everyday to her and trying to get it through to her that the State of Florida has no problem executing people and rather than put her very life in the hands of 12 strangers, she should try to control her own destiny and cop a lesser plea to save her sorry azz. Tell where Caylee is, help LE locate her body, tell what happened and live.

She can not take the stand in her own defense, the prosecutor will tie her up in knots and have her speaking in tongues before he is finished with her. Like so many nut jobs, KC believes that she can go one on one with an experienced and hostile trial lawyer. She is sadly mistaken.

KC cop a plea. Save your life. There is a tsunami of incriminating evidence against you because you are guilty and dumb - a very, very bad combination.
The prosecution will make the victim very real to the jury. They will see the videos of a sweet, happy, innocent baby who loved and trusted her mother, so much so that she named her favorite doll "mama". Then they will present the Casey that we all know. Her heartless actions during the month she didn't report Caylee gone will be drilled into their heads. During all this they will be presented with a theory much the same as Themis suggested. The jury will cry buckets for Caylee before the trial is over. When all is said and done, Casey will seem as an old hag compared to Caylee who never got the chance to turn three years old. Her age will not be a deciding factor in her conviction.
I went to some of the Samantha Runion trial and you do not even know how they made her everyone's baby girl. UGH brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
....Then they will present the Casey that we all know. Her heartless actions during the month she didn't report Caylee gone will be drilled into their heads. During all this they will be presented with a theory much the same as Themis suggested. The jury will cry buckets for Caylee before the trial is over. When all is said and done, Casey will seem as an old hag compared to Caylee who never got the chance to turn three years old. Her age will not be a deciding factor in her conviction.

We're assuming that those pics of her partying and living it up will be admitted into evidence. That's a whole other thread I suppose. The other side might argue that those pictures mean nothing and try to suppress them from the jury to see.
We're assuming that those pics of her partying and living it up will be admitted into evidence. That's a whole other thread I suppose. The other side might argue that those pictures mean nothing and try to suppress them from the jury to see.

I'm not assuming anything about the pictures. Witness testimony will suffice to show how heartless Casey was during that month.
I would be inclined to agree with you except for one thing. KC's own words in taped calls are going to wipe a lot of that sympathy out. IMO she is not a sympathetic character.
I think she has painted herself as such a monster that it is going to overshadow her age. Actually,the fact that she never broke down and truly had outward concern for Caylee is going to overshadow everything.

jmho of course.

ETA: I am opposed to the death penalty so I wouldn't be able to put her to death anyway..but that is why I would never be allowed to serve on that jury.

Ditto JBean. You've said it very clearly.
Susan S. was 23 when she murdered her 3 year old and 14 month old boys. Susan S. was 24 when sentenced to life.

So I don't see a problem at all for the jurors to make a decision regarding Casey. Even if none of these jurors heard about Caylee being missing. All they have to do is listen to the opening statement "It took 31 days before anything was done to report this child missing." Then start the last 911 call.

The youngest female to be executed in the U.S. was native American Hannah O. who was publicly hanged in Connecticut on December 20, 1786, for the murder of another child. She was just 12 years and 9 months old.

When you view the website, you will see the a female executed who was only 17 years ol back in 1912.

Executing women has been around a long time in the USA.

It wouldn't matter to me which way the jury decided DP or Life as long as justice is served.
Yes. She's over 18 years old and will be treated like any other adult. There is no mitigation for "youth." The legislatures made that cut. No soft juvie treatment here. Let's go the other way. Caylee was only 2 years old and fully relied on her mommy to keep her safe. Caylee lost about 98 years of life. She never got to live her life.

poor little Caylee. may she RIP.

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