Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

  • Total voters
Andrea Yates was deemed to be criminally insane and as horrifying as her crime was, she was truly a sick person. The preacher's wife (Mary Winkler),took the stand (something Casey will never do, not in a million years). Casey, on the other hand, is a sociopath. She and SP are on the same level and they will NEVER admit to any wrongdoing. I also believe that she would rather do life in prison than to facedown her mother.

I'm trying to wrap my head around the borderline vs sociopath theories. If she is sociopath, would she really care about how Cindy viewed her?

Did SP show sociopathic symptoms his whole life?
There are lots of variables in the decision to change her story, right up to court time. The defense team will end up with all of the DA evidence including toxicology and if there is no proof of drugs or even proof that could easily be countered by their defense specialists, they have the option of just presenting the reasonable doubt theory of accidental death by drowing or other means and panic and lies by KC to cover it up. KC doesnt need to testify for that. JB can describe various scenarios to the jury and let them decide if any could be plausible and leave it at that. Without a cause of death, the defense is in the driver seat, whether going through with the trial or just letting KC offer a plea of negligence. No the plea doesnt have to be accepted but a DA might recommend it to avoid a clean getaway by one juror being hung on reasonable doubt.

If KC can be convinced that a plea might get her less than ten years of sentence and maybe three years served, she might go for it for all the reasons described above. Money, still being young, and knowing at some point she can weave the story into "I only plead guilty to get this all over with and to avoid a wrongful prosecution. Hollywood forgives all and she will be famous forever, with millions to spend and only 27 or so years old. With her sociopath guiltless personality, she could live with that easily and just distance herself from her parents. In five years, shes pregnant again and media is paying millions more to see her new baby. it just makes you sick.

If toxicology comes back with hair evidence of multiple drug ingestions or even just one, any plea deal would be for higher charge and longer sentence along with complete disclosure of all details under oath. remember any lies in that deal and sentence is max.
sadly most neglence or manslaughter related sentences in this country average about five years with 15 as the max. Likely, also, JB would try for plea deal that included reduction or dismissal of the check charges. any of the above would be considered victory by defense and they could walk away with reputations in tact. KC wouldnt like it but with millions involved, likely figure she could do three to five standing on her head shopping the sharper image catalogs on ways to spend her future fortune.

Im hoping that is at least some tiny bit of evidence of drugs in caylees hair and that will give the DA the most leverage in prosecution or even plea deals for maximum sentences.

that toxicology evidence will likely be the tell all as to how this trial plays out and what the defense opts to do.

Jose baez cannot testify for inmate casey, he cannot present evidence of an accidental death without inmate casey getting on the stand to tell the jury that story herself.

As for money to be made, she will never be able to make any money on her crime. Hollywood may make movies about the murder of Caylee but none of that money would ever go to inmate casey.
No. I don't think most people have any intention of weighing any facts. I believe the majority of our contrymen truly believe that if she got arrested and charged she is guilty. So many untruths are being peddled - but it they thrill - they are believed. Lots of gossip, imagination. Pretty screwy.

With all due respect I have to say that I find your comment to be extremely hypocritical considering the fact that you express your concerns that "most people" have no intention of weighing the facts in this case and yet I have not seen you offer up alternative explainations in reference to any of the, well over a thousand now, document(s) that have been released by LE in this case, thus far.
Last I knew, sworn-in & signed statements are not gossip, date & time stamped store & bank video surveillance is not gossip, cell phone logs are not gossip, LE and/or FBI video taped interviews are not gossip, jail visit logs and video taped jail visits are not gossip, computer forensic reports are not gossip, downloaded cell phone & digital camara photos are not gossip, copies of warrants served, i.e,arrest, search,...are not gossip, DNA, air sample & hair analysis/forensic reports are not gossip and I'm sure that there is more factual information available that I am forgetting to include here. Could you explain further and in more detail what "gossip" source or sources you are referring to in your comment?
Lastly, I can assure you that there is no "thrill" whatsoever in anything or anybody related in anyway to a "death by homicide" of any child and your remark is beyond cruel and callous. Although I'm still fairly new here myself, I have never seen the level of caring that I have seen here at WS's - #1 for the victim, without question, but I have also seen compassion expressed by many here toward individual's who most people, couldn't find or wouldn't have the capacity to feel even an ounce of compassion for. I have been there myself at one time or another. Dispite all of the differences in the opinions expressed here, at the heart of it is the very thing that brought you here to begin with and it's the very thing that keeps you coming back and that is the victim's & their right to justice. JMHO
Casey will not admit any wrong in Caylee's death, she said she was wrong to have trusted Zanny with the care of Caylee. I believe she will try to act like she has multiple personalities. Jesse G said he didn't know "this Casey". He will be a strong witness stating her change of personality. Baez, can't let her admit to it being an accident because he encouraged people to look for Caylee. He went on record demanding all the tips to look for her, he has hung himself out to dry if she changes her story.

Back in the 80s and early 90s, mutiple personalites (now Dissosiative Identity Disorder) was a common diagnosis. Everyone had it. Including me, according to my then therapist.

It has since been proven that the disorder is quite rare. going with a DID defense is going to be very hard.
If the civil suit by ZG is settled before the criminal trial will the prosecution be able to bring up that she lost the civil trial against the only ZG she gave info about to the police?
The same ZG that she couldn't identify when LE showed her a lineup of pictures.
If she was smart she would say it was an accident (even if it was murder) and I panicked and I hid Caylees body then she would probably be convicted of less charges like manslaughter (if that is an option) and get out of prison at some time, but that would be admitting to everyone she had been lying and she was not the perfect mother her parents think she is. I'm still thinking she will keep with her original story about the nanny (unless maybe they have fingerprints on the duct tape or bag) and claim the nanny killed her.
I voted I'm not sure. If she stays with Zanny, she's fried or at least not getting out until she's in her fifties.

If she changes to an accident, she's going to have to do a lot of genuine crying in the court room. A LOT. She has been so callous and calculating, and with the internet searches, I'm not sure an accident will be belived.

I love going to Orlando. If she gets off, I may have to make a, uhm, visit there. :furious:

(of course, I'm kidding...I accidently killed a mouse while trying to get it out of my house and felt guilty. I don't think I've hit someone since 5th grade.)

Who knows. Maybe she will confess to something that sounds realistic in an attempt to save what's left of her life.

Why would you make a threat like that and call it a joke? Very irresponsible. And for the record, NOT funny.
I do not think that because KC was arrested and charged with a crime is the basis for anyone thinking she is guilty. It is her own testimony along with the fact that the Grand Jury came back so fast with an indictment. That does not say she is guilty but unless she comes up with another story the one she has now has been proven here not to be working.

I also believe that most people are honest and when they are picked for a jury they intend on listening to ALL the evidence and consider everything in the case to come up with a verdict because someone could be judging them someday. They want to get it right.
Jose baez cannot testify for inmate casey, he cannot present evidence of an accidental death without inmate casey getting on the stand to tell the jury that story herself.

As for money to be made, she will never be able to make any money on her crime. Hollywood may make movies about the murder of Caylee but none of that money would ever go to inmate casey.

JB cannot testify, but he can present plausable "what if scenarios" to the jury to dispell Prosecution lean of murder. that is done all the time. Its a way of getting around testimony by the defendant. Theories or scenarios are a way of life with defense attorneys. KC on the stand however, is sure path to guilty verdict, no matter what the spin or story so she will never testify. The Remember also, there is no telling which evidence will be exluded from the final trial, including taped interviews of KC at Universal, photos of her at fusion etc that could be ruled either illegal or inflamatory. Its even questionable whether the Jury will ever see the close up photos of Caylee's remains since those are often ruled inflamatory also. I can hardly remember more than one or two cases, where my most detailed autopsy photos ended up being viewed by the jury. those were admitted only to show trajectory rods indicating bullet path angles. Coroner diagrams are usually the major evidence used.

depending on the type of conviction and sentence imposed, it could still be possible for KC to benefit financially. Negligence wouldnt ordinarily remove her from profit later. The only way to surely stop that would be a civil suit for potential profits by some other member of the family, as in the OJ case, but parents and LA arent likely to do that and could benefit themselves along the way. Perhaps a Brother of CA could file as family member with interest but so far not many likely candidates to file such a suit at this point. No matter what, all potential money flows back to the A family. Sad situation.

With all due respect I have to say that I find your comment to be extremely hypocritical considering the fact that you express your concerns that "most people" have no intention of weighing the facts in this case and yet I have not seen you offer up alternative explainations in reference to any of the, well over a thousand now, document(s) that have been released by LE in this case, thus far.
Last I knew, sworn-in & signed statements are not gossip, date & time stamped store & bank video surveillance is not gossip, cell phone logs are not gossip, LE and/or FBI video taped interviews are not gossip, jail visit logs and video taped jail visits are not gossip, computer forensic reports are not gossip, downloaded cell phone & digital camara photos are not gossip, copies of warrants served, i.e,arrest, search,...are not gossip, DNA, air sample & hair analysis/forensic reports are not gossip and I'm sure that there is more factual information available that I am forgetting to include here. Could you explain further and in more detail what "gossip" source or sources you are referring to in your comment?
Lastly, I can assure you that there is no "thrill" whatsoever in anything or anybody related in anyway to a "death by homicide" of any child and your remark is beyond cruel and callous. Although I'm still fairly new here myself, I have never seen the level of caring that I have seen here at WS's - #1 for the victim, without question, but I have also seen compassion expressed by many here toward individual's who most people, couldn't find or wouldn't have the capacity to feel even an ounce of compassion for. I have been there myself at one time or another. Dispite all of the differences in the opinions expressed here, at the heart of it is the very thing that brought you here to begin with and it's the very thing that keeps you coming back and that is the victim's & their right to justice. JMHO

I think the story will expand from unknown Zanny the Nanny to:

the unknown Boyfriend of Zanny the Nanny as the perpetrator.

Sorry I haven't read the entire thread here, so update me, if one of you has already posted this on this thread.

KC mentioned during questioning by LE that Zanny had a boyfriend who sometimes was with her.
I think her story will change. I think she will go back to the script that she told LP about.
And the timerr 55 days and all the coverage. Cindy quote that if the media did not lay off they will put little C in her grave. And I think she will blame the media and LE for giving out to much information and the remains were put there by kipnappers.
KC's story won't change. JB's story ABOUT her story will change.

JB had better have hired more than forensic experts. He needs a good author to tweak KC's story and to write a pre-quel too! I wonder if he should get a crime writer or a scifi/horror author? :furious:
I think you are right, PotatoHead, about his story about her story changing. But one has to wonder with him stating at the press conference "I have no further questions." Had he been practicing in front of the mirror for the trial. All those listed witnesses to cross-examine. Oh my!!! How will he ever keep her story straight in his opening statement?

And Zanny's boyfriend had better chain himself to the nearest light pole because he could be the next one under the bus... Oh, wait, no problem we can't even find Zanny.
I think you are right, PotatoHead, about his story about her story changing. But one has to wonder with him stating at the press conference "I have no further questions." Had he been practicing in front of the mirror for the trial. All those listed witnesses to cross-examine. Oh my!!! How will he ever keep her story straight in his opening statement?

And Zanny's boyfriend had better chain himself to the nearest light pole because he could be the next one under the bus... Oh, wait, no problem we can't even find Zanny.

Yep, Zanny's boyfriend will be difficult, if not impossible to find, thereby adding months to this convoluted lie.
I'm not sure if her story will change. I think it depends on the forensics report from the duct tape and other evidence in the bag. If it ties her directly to the crime scene (I think it will), her story will have to change or she may be gambling with the DP.
I"m not an expert on sociopaths. Everyone said she changed after her breakup with Jesse, and then got even worse with her new partying BFFs. Im' actually starting to lean towards borderline rather than sociopath. And either PTSD over what she did, or lying so much to herself that she really believes Zanny existed. Borderlines can do that.

(My husband's ex is borderline, and she accused him of raping her. I was naturally cautious until she accused ME of sexually abusing her. Which was quite traumatic to me!!!!)
There's often some overlap among personality disorders. And personality disordered individuals may also have comorbidities.

BPD would, unfortunately, give the defense a little more to work with. A feature of BPD is that borderlines can fairly easily lose touch with reality (hence the name "borderline"). This potential segue into psychosis is a potential loophole for her, legally, I would imagine.

FWIW, sociopathic behavior can escalate with stress (and, well...let's face it: murdering your child and being left with that pesky task of figuring out how to go on with your life without anyone questioning it is quite stressful!)

It also can become more pronounced with age.

ETA: I really am extremely interested to learn what psychiatrists will have to say about Casey.
There's often some overlap among personality disorders. And personality disordered individuals may also have comorbidities.

BPD would, unfortunately, give the defense a little more to work with. A feature of BPD is that borderlines can fairly easily lose touch with reality (hence the name "borderline"). This potential segue into psychosis is a potential loophole for her, legally, I would imagine.

FWIW, sociopathic behavior can escalate with stress (and, well...let's face it: murdering your child and being left with that pesky task of figuring out how to go on with your life without anyone questioning it is quite stressful!)

It also can become more pronounced with age.

ETA: I really am extremely interested to learn what psychiatrists will have to say about Casey.

Well, there's that pesky word: psychosis, once again. What say you, people against psychosis diagnosis?

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