Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

  • Total voters
I don't think she will change her story. She can't and save face, her parents can't allow this either.

Bingo. And *that* is one thing I blame Cindy Anthony for. She has backed her daughter into a corner. Her daughter can't tell the truth. She'll lose her mother. And I don't think Cindy Anthony is capable of admitting *she* was wrong, so they're stuck.

If Cindy were to say, and the cameras be damned, "You are my daughter. I will love you forever. We have to put an end to this farce of a nanny story. No one believes that. Not me. Not your dad. Not Lee. You must tell the truth, but you must be accountable. And your dad and I will be with you on that journey.", I think Casey would talk.

But that ain't gonna happen.

Blaise (first time poster. You people are eaten up with cool. And Websleuths is as addicting as crack cocaine.)
Maybe not. :)

She would rather die with the focus of attention and rich. If she get 5 years or less she will have PLENTY of money when she get out from book / TV deals.

If she were convicted, wouldn't she still be banned from making $$$ from the crime?

Im really interested in other people point of view.
While I agree with the consensus that Casey is utterly guilty perhaps you could share with us what,in light of the known facts of this case and Casey's behavior could possibly lead you to harbor the doubt of her guilt that you obviously do?
Because frankly I cant think of a single thing that could possibly lead anyone to that conclusion.
Enlighten us please.
And I am curious why you would put forth the implication that nobody following this case is weighing the facts?
Or that that 'Untruths' are being peddled?
That would lead one to believe that you alone know 'the Truth' in order to make that discernment.
Those statements really warrant some substantiation on your part.
I would also like to say I dont consider myself,or any of the other posters on this board part of some 'Lets get Casey Anthony' lynchmob.
While I find her actions reprehensible I find her a pitiable figure in some respects like any other sociopath.
In her case to be born physically beautiful with a cleft pallet of the soul that she is keenly aware of...an unpenatrable barrier to warmth,peace,friendship,satisfaction,family,love...it must be its own special kind of hell.
I just have alot more sympathy for Caylee and Casey needs to pay for what she did to her regardless.
Bingo. And *that* is one thing I blame Cindy Anthony for. She has backed her daughter into a corner. Her daughter can't tell the truth. She'll lose her mother. And I don't think Cindy Anthony is capable of admitting *she* was wrong, so they're stuck.

If Cindy were to say, and the cameras be damned, "You are my daughter. I will love you forever. We have to put an end to this farce of a nanny story. No one believes that. Not me. Not your dad. Not Lee. You must tell the truth, but you must be accountable. And your dad and I will be with you on that journey.", I think Casey would talk.

But that ain't gonna happen.

Blaise (first time poster. You people are eaten up with cool. And Websleuths is as addicting as crack cocaine.)

Welcome, I myself am a very new poster. I just found out about this site recently. I agree it is addicting. There are a lot of smart people on this board.

I don't think there is a parent out there that wouldn't try to protect their child in a situation like this. They've already lost their granddaughter and are in danger of losing their daughter.

If she were convicted, wouldn't she still be banned from making $$$ from the crime?


No. The only reason OJ has to pony up any money he makes is because there is a civil judgment against him. IIRC.
Yeah, kinda a shame she has had such a revolving door. Me, I would have loved to have seen her booked, charged, cuffed & carted off to the middle east in a not to kind country, in a not to kind prison. No snacks, no bottled water, not even a metal cot. Just dirt, a pee jar & darkness. :behindbar

And all before she has even been tried and found guilty of the crimes she is charged with - wow!! I guess justice must mean different things to different people! :eek:
I have to say her flagrant distaste and disregard for LE and the law (evident in her interviews) will definitely work against her.

Not to mention that Florida's heavy Hispanic population ain't real thrilled with the imaginary Hispanic nanny, either.

It's not a bad thing but if it interferes with the way the justice system operates I'm not certain that it is a good thing either. I was under the impression that it was adopted to make certain that tax paying citizens could keep an eye on how the government was making use of their monies.

I've listened to *every* video and, I think, read *every* document, BUT I'd think long and hard before being interviewed by LE if I were a peripheral player in a crime investigation. Too many e-mail addresses out there (the great grandmother and her sister). Too many innocently gossipy comments in those letters, about other family members. I'd be very aware I was being taped. I think I'd be more likely to say, "I'll tell all. But I'll tell all at the Waffle House, over a Fiesta Omelet without hot peppers and hash browns with onions. And sweet tea. With you, Mr. Yuri, sitting there nekkid so I'll know you're not wearing a wire."

The case is so highly emotionally charged, there is no possible way to reign in all of the opinions whether pro or con. I consider myself to be a pretty much of a fact monger and I can't do it (for myself). I think most people are so horrified by the senseless loss of Caylee and consider the sensible thing to do is to be certain that justice will be served, in a court of law. I'm waiting for all of the evidence at trial to come to a final conclusion, but too also worry about Casey's ability to receive a fair trial. I think much more information has been released than LE would have preferred, even though the bulk of it points to their favor. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sunshine Law is revised in the future to prevent such a public trial before a legal trial in the future. Who knows?

My MIL mentioned on Christmas that she feels KC is innocent. I asked her if she had read all of the documents released and she said no. She thinks KC is innocent because she is young and pretty and someone like that couldn't possibly murder her own child. :rolleyes:
I think they will have a hard time finding a jury that thinks Caylee being abducted and Casey framed is a reasonable defense. With good reason.
Though I don’t see any other card her team can play regardless.

Her best chance for ever seeing the light of day again outside of prison is NOT to go to trial IMO, but that may no longer be an option, and let's face it. With the current state of the US judicial system which sometimes permits the defense to run roughshod, and at times appears to care more about rights for the guilty than it does about justice for all, there's always a chance of acquittal. In KC's case, I think it's miniscule, microscopic, but either she, the Anthonys or Jose and his dreamers may want to go for it, each for their own personal reason.
I think the defense team will stick with the nanny story, but may try to throw in that Casey was suffering psychosis and actually thought there was a nanny who attacked her and somehow Caylee was injured and died. Maybe they'll claim that Casey remembers none of it.

yeah...this is what I think they "you all will be surprised" statement refers to. Although, I don't think this is the truth, it is their only way to explain all the lies and stories to a jury...amnesia due to shock and delusions is the only defense that they can possibly use at this point.
I've listened to *every* video and, I think, read *every* document, BUT I'd think long and hard before being interviewed by LE if I were a peripheral player in a crime investigation. Too many e-mail addresses out there (the great grandmother and her sister). Too many innocently gossipy comments in those letters, about other family members. I'd be very aware I was being taped. I think I'd be more likely to say, "I'll tell all. But I'll tell all at the Waffle House, over a Fiesta Omelet without hot peppers and hash browns with onions. And sweet tea. With you, Mr. Yuri, sitting there nekkid so I'll know you're not wearing a wire."


After seeing the terrifying breath of FL's open records and disclosure laws, I'd think twice before getting involoved in a criminal investigation. I probably would do my civic duty, but I'd certainly try to limit my exposure as well. I've seen peoples SS#'s, cell phone numbers, home phone numbers and addresses, their personal laundry that was really unrelated to the crime under investigation put out there for the whole world to see, to chat about, to google, to map quest, to idenity thief and to stalk. Seems like in trying to get to the bottom of one crime, these liberal disclosures may create a lot more crimes. They certain invade the privacy of witnesses. Redaction doesn't seem to be a word included in the disclosure statutes. We've enjoyed being privy to all this info obtained in an investigation that we're interested in, but I find this wholescale, virtually uncensored release of personal info to be shocking and downright scary.

PS I really don't care for Waffle House but love your idea for interviewing there! It has all the right elements to aid in both protecting your personal information and enjoying a nice hearty breakfast, or lunch or dinner! Midnight snack.
I too believe they can't change the story, but if they stick with the nanny story, why wouldn't KC now be able to tell "the truth" as to who had Caylee since her body was found, there is nothing that the kidnappers could do to her now. If she changes her story, then her defense would have to come up with something different of where she left her, and since she lied during all of the interviews, that would never work. I hope they do move the trial to the Gaineville area. I live 20 miles from there. I wonder if being a member of this board would automatically eliminate me from being eligible to be on the jury. I can be open minded...
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don't care if she changes her story or not. No accidental theory explains why she was looking up chloroform, neck breaking, and missing children sites back in March! Also, doesn't explain the "no remorse" way she was partying afterwards. If it were a terrible accident and she was scared of telling the truth or whatever, she should have been showing some type of emotions or something.. not acting like the best thing in the world just happened to her. She will NOT GET OFF THIS. she will get DP or LWOP. I feel confident in the prosecutions case.
Bingo. And *that* is one thing I blame Cindy Anthony for. She has backed her daughter into a corner. Her daughter can't tell the truth. She'll lose her mother. And I don't think Cindy Anthony is capable of admitting *she* was wrong, so they're stuck.

If Cindy were to say, and the cameras be damned, "You are my daughter. I will love you forever. We have to put an end to this farce of a nanny story. No one believes that. Not me. Not your dad. Not Lee. You must tell the truth, but you must be accountable. And your dad and I will be with you on that journey.", I think Casey would talk.

But that ain't gonna happen.

Blaise (first time poster. You people are eaten up with cool. And Websleuths is as addicting as crack cocaine.)

I'm not convinced KC will ever talk. She doesn't care what CA, GA, and LA think either. If she did, why put them through the months of hell?
Exactly, and I would bet that there are no calls to or from the nanny on any other day as far back as they can go with those records.

Exactly!! Oh but wait, those calls to and from the mysterious nanny came from to/from her Blackjack phone, remember? The one her work provided. LOL..
It will be somewhere like Gainesville or somewhere reasonably close. They won't go that far away because of the time and expense for LE and witnesses.

I thought Gainesville because they could find a lot of young women for the jury. They sure don't want a retirement area where people's life experience would recognize the lies immediately.

I'm not sure how many of the young college students would be on the alachua (gainesville) voter list. I lived in Gainesville for 6 years as a college student yet my adress was my permanent in Miami...Gainesville does not necessarily mean young college students when it comes to juries. IMO
I voted No.. I think she would already have confessed. I think she is hoping the jury will believe all her lies :waitasec:
No. I don't think most people have any intention of weighing any facts. I believe the majority of our contrymen truly believe that if she got arrested and charged she is guilty. So many untruths are being peddled - but it they thrill - they are believed.

Lots of gossip, imagination. Pretty screwy.

There probably are a lot who believe, based on what they know thus far, she did it. However, I think people take jury duty very seriously, put aside their personal feelings & DO make their g/ng based on evidence. JB could be right, we might be blown away when he present s his case. I have faith that those selected to be on this jury will look at all facts, evidence, science on both sides.
Bingo. And *that* is one thing I blame Cindy Anthony for. She has backed her daughter into a corner. Her daughter can't tell the truth. She'll lose her mother. And I don't think Cindy Anthony is capable of admitting *she* was wrong, so they're stuck.

Nomoresorrow:I completely agree with your analogy of CA having backed KC into a corner. Whether CA is aware that she has done this, I couldn't say as I even question CA's ability ( & the entire family for that matter) to search her heart & soul and recognize any faults or wrong-doings, let alone feel any sort of conviction that would lead her to admit to and change her behavior. Maybe KC isn't alone in that corner...? Quite possibly C, G & Lee feel that they are backed into a corner by the web of lies that they have spun themselves - the question is who will be the one to step out of that corner and say "STOP! NO MORE, NO MORE LIES, CAYLEE DESERVES BETTER THEN THIS." Without LE dangling carrots or handing out any immunity deals.

If Cindy were to say, and the cameras be damned, "You are my daughter. I will love you forever. We have to put an end to this farce of a nanny story. No one believes that. Not me. Not your dad. Not Lee. You must tell the truth, but you must be accountable. And your dad and I will be with you on that journey.", I think Casey would talk.

Nomoresorrow:I've had days that I have actually wanted to board a plane, fly into Orlando, knock on C & G's door and very nicely & politely, but firmly, make this suggestion...the thought only lasts for a second because...:waitasec:

But that ain't gonna happen.

Blaise (first time poster. You people are eaten up with cool. And Websleuths is as addicting as crack cocaine.)

JMHO, at least for the moment.

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