Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?What Will her story be?

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Will Casey's story change drastically before trial?

  • Yes

    Votes: 158 37.9%
  • No

    Votes: 169 40.5%
  • I'm not sure

    Votes: 90 21.6%

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She will change a few facts(HA) about her story, but she can't change it to an accident or Baez would be in trouble for wanting all the tips to help hunt for her. Baez has entangled himself in the web of lies as well. He has publicly said"my client is innocent" He has went along with looking for Caylee if he knew she was dead from an accident it looks like he would not have involved himself so deeply. I think he has a thing for her.
She will change a few facts(HA) about her story, but she can't change it to an accident or Baez would be in trouble for wanting all the tips to help hunt for her. Baez has entangled himself in the web of lies as well. He has publicly said"my client is innocent" He has went along with looking for Caylee if he knew she was dead from an accident it looks like he would not have involved himself so deeply. I think he has a thing for her.

That is something some of us have discussed in emails. Baez has built a dangerous fence around KC. He could be a big loser in this. If he admits the nanny story was all fabricated (which he had to know from the phone records LE released) then he as an officer of the court has put himself in jeopardy with his license. He has boxed himself into a very small box and it is getting smaller by the day. He can't come back now and say it was an accident because he went along with the collection of monies to search for her and publicly talked of the searches on TV. If he took the case with expectations of collecting money from the story, then he is in violation of Florida law for an attorney. He is going to be asked under oath who is providing the money for all the trial experts and he will have to answer.
Wouldn't she have to testify in order to change her story? The lies about ZG kidnapping Caylee are bad but Casey on the witness stand would be suicidal ~ MOO.

Please forgive me, I'm legally illiterate...
Your comment sparked a thought, even if KC sticks with the ZG/nanny kidnapping story, wouldn't she still have to take the stand and tell the story to a jury in her own words if there is to be ANY hope of her being believed? Say for instance that KC had called 911 on July 16th screaming that her baby wasn't breathing, claiming that she had only turned her back for a moment and Caylee climbed the ladder into the pool.

She claimed that she never saw her in the pool because of the height of the pool sides obstructed her view and she never heard anything because she had her boom box playing. It wasn't until she walked over to the area of the yard where she thought Caylee was playing when she realized that she was gone and in a panic she ran to the pool... fast forward...

LE/investigator's are suspicious of her because they feel that she is acting peculiar, something just doesn't sit right. They ask her to walk them thru it, including having her turn the volume on the boom box up to the level that it had been when the incident occurred. She shows them the area in the yard where she had last seen Caylee playing as well as where she herself was at the time...fast forward...

LE talks to the neighbor's on each side of the residence. One neighbor isn't home at the time that the incident occurred but one neighbor is and she claims to have been sitting out in her sunroom where she watches her afternoon soaps religously. Although the sunroom offers protection from the outside elements, it isn't effective in reducing outside noise or acting as a sound barrier. She claims that she never heard any music playing the afternoon that the incident occurred and certainly not loud music coming out of a boom box.

Further suspicion is raised when two individuals come forward and disclose statements that KC had made previously to them such as, "Yeah, I could have alot more fun if I didn't have a child", "You want a kid, go ahead, take her, you'll bring her back in a week, trust me".

LE gets a search warrant, including KC's laptop. Computer forensic's reveal previous pc searches for "drowning", "life insurance" and "grief". KC explains that her search for "drowning" was actually to educate herself in drowning prevention, (LE doesn't buy it for what they view as "obvious" and suspects/hopes that a jury won't either) she tells LE that she did in fact purchase a life insurance policy for herself and her child claiming that a fellow co-worker & a parent herself, had tragically and unexpectedly lost a child several years ago and at least was able to provide a decent burial for her child without the added financial stress on top of what she was already dealing with. She claimed that her search for "grief" was not grief in relation to a death but grief in relation to a loss of a significant intimate relationship, a boyfriend. Fast forward...

She is arrested and charged with murder 1. Premeditated murder. The defense: The defendent became a parent at a young age and the statement "I could have alot more fun if I didn't have a kid" was made simply to discourage this individual, who indeed was young, from having a child before they were actually mature enough to handle raising a child. The defense attorney is able to extract from this witness on the stand that the statement made by KC was made after she herself made the statement, "I can't wait to have a baby of my own"

The next witness claiming that KC told her to "go ahead, take her, you'll bring her back in a week, trust me" admitted that they were with a group of friend's the day that the statement was made, matter of fact every person in the group was a parent and had their own children or child with them, including the witness. The witness's child was only 5 months old at the time and like most 5 month old's, essentially they sleep and eat, much unlike a 2 or 3 year old child. It's natural for a first-time mother with a newborn or young infant to look at a toddler who is talking & interactive, singing & jumping and has developed their own personality to feel excited and anxious for the day that their baby will do all of those things too and the witness expressed that repeatedly. The defense claims that the statement made by the defendent was made in "good fun" and certainly wasn't made as a serious proposal. The witness states when asked by the defense attorney if any plans were ever discussed or were any arrangements made between her and KC to actually have Caylee go and stay at her home, "No".

The co-worker who KC claimed had lost a child previously and had actually been the one that had influenced her decision to purchase a life insurance policy on Caylee and herself, recalled their conversation very well and was noticably upset that KC, as she stated, was not only grieving the loss of her child but was being falsely accused of causing her child's death simply because she had taken a life insurance policy out on Caylee and with tears running down her face, she looked to the jury and said "Is that what people whispered about me when my child died? Oh my God".

Lastly, the next door neighbor who sat out in her sunroom every afternoon to watch her soaps, who claims that had there been music playing, she would have heard it. The defense asks her what soaps she likes to watch, although he already knows the answer and has even watched the actual episodes that aired that particular day including his own detailed minute by minute notes. But before he engages her, he asks her how long she has worn a hearing aide. She tells him that actually she just recently got "them", and she adds, "what a difference, I can hear everything now". The defense attorney then says, "must be alot better now watching your soaps, don't miss a word?" The witness lights up like a Christmas tree and says, "oh it's wonderful, I don't have to sit right in front of the television set anymore, I can lay on my lounger and hear every word". The defense attorney then asks the witness a question pertaining to the scene that would have been playing at the time of Caylee's drowning. But the witness doesn't recall the scene, the defense provides even more detail in an effort to help jar her memory but she "cannot for the life of me recall seeing that part, maybe I dozed off a little, sometimes I do that you know".

My point: If it were a case like this, it seems to me KC's testimony isn't needed. Although nobody else was present to witness the incident, the testimony of others can/can't, does/doesn't support the likelihood of it having occurred.

She didn't claim that an enormous spaceship hovered over them and then with lights flashing and rocket engines burning, landed, a hatch door opened, an alien by the name of "Zanny" (sorry, had to get it in there) put Caylee into the pool and drowned her. She's the only one that saw it even though, by her own description, it must have been as wide & long as a football field. Who can testify to this except for her? Who can tell this story, the story that SHE HAS TOLD, except for her? NOBODY! Because nobody else met Zan..I mean saw the freakin spaceship. Just to be fair here, yes, her mother can testify on her behalf. She can take the stand and under oath BE HONEST and when asked, "CA, did you ever actually see the spaceship that your daughter has spoken of"? "Well you know just because.." "Mrs. A, may I remind you that you are under oath and may I also remind you that it's a yes or no answer". "OK, well than yes, in a backwards sort of way I did and what I mean by that is I saw something and KC saw something, KC saw it as a spaceship and I saw it as jess..I mean JG, so yes I saw it." Seriously though, who does the defense have who can support KC's story? Who does the defense have that could even present the possibility of the existance of "Zanny the Nanny"? No one, there is not one single soul who was with her when she dropped Caylee off outside of an apartment or a house, was with her when she stopped off at a house or an apartment, ran in and came out with Caylee, saw her write a check to pay a nanny, heard her talking on the phone to a nanny, saw a note, a scribbling of a note to a nanny, anything on a calender anywhere mentioning nanny - Not one single person could add anything on the defense's behalf that could stimulate a juror's imagination enough to entertain the mere possibility of a Nanny. So if the defense/KC insist upon going to trial claiming that Zanny the Nanny did it, KC has to tell the story, doesn't she? I'm not a legal expert (obviously) but I was a juror once and I can't see one juror buying this...unless it's someone who was prone to delusions beforehand. Any legal expert-genious's out there? :confused:
I am of the opinion that KC will have to change her story to some degree. If she sticks with the Nanny story, fine. Who will testify? There is only one person in this whole world who has seen or talked to this Nanny and that is KC. So is JB going to put KC on the stand to testify about the Nanny and the apartment and the events at BP park?, available for cross examination? Any Legal Eagles out there?
I wouldnt be at all surprised to have her change her story to try to fit new developments probably along the tack of "Now that Caylee can no longer be harmed anymore I can tell the truth..."
But rest assured it will be every bit as implausible and self serving and one would assume transparent.
of course she will change her story. That's what she does. Changes stories on a moments notice. That is her modus operandi.

But I don't think any of it will help. Even given the presumption of innocence, KC has so much documented evidence that discredits every word coming out of her mouth, that she will need something more to back up any story. Something that proves one of her stories COULD be true. Some evidentiary trail.

Juries are held to a standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" with the key word being reasonable. KC's previous stories and lies have prevented anything she says, or any story without some coraborating witness or evidence from being believable. Whereas LE have built a strong circumstatial case against her. Yes the evidence ismainly indirect and circumstantial, but each piece os backed up and coraborated by others. While the DNA may not beenough by itself, nor the dog hits, nor the hair, etc etc, it all togather paints a very clear picture of Caylee after death.
The only reason Casey will take the stand is to show she is not capable of knowing what she did. If Baez can bring out her other personality(Zanny) like in the movie "SYBLE" then he will let her testify. Now I know what the were doing in all of those 6 hour sessions,Baez was putting her into a deep sleep so Zanny would feel comfortable enough to come out and talk.
The only hope he has is to plead insanity. That would be a slam dunk. I believe everyone will agree, she must have been crazy to think she could get away with the way she handled the whole thing. She could have faked an accident. She could have left the area. She could have hidden the body some where else, she could have taken out an insurance policy.
She had to be crazy to hurt that beautiful baby. If she can get on the stand and allow Zanny to appear, she just might have a chance.
There is nothing else that explains ,why no one else ever saw Zanny. Casey can't admit to having anything to do with hurting Caylee because she last left her with Zanny.(Zanny was using the body)
Baez has boxed himself in pretty good. Just like everything else Casey touches, his future will ever be changed just on account of knowing her.
Can JB be charged for something? I don't know for what-just something, anything!!!! CHARGE EM ALL-THEY ALL MAKE SICK!!!:furious:
I'm very sorry for my way too long-winded post above. (don't want to take up another entire page here by posting this as a reply!) It wasn't meant to be posted, I goofed up when I was attempting to edit & delete portions of it - instead I hit "submit reply" :crazy: + sleep-deprived!
I agree with you on that and no they haven't announced the slam dunk physical evidence that ties KC directly to the remains. They may hold that close to the vest for now. One doesn't know. I do know, after looking at the facts that we have been presented, that any reasonable person should be able to see that she did it. How and when have yet to be explained. For now we just have rough estimates and theories. I don't think that the SAO should have to disprove every single one of KC's zany excuses. I think that after disproving at least the first 100 of her lies that we can take it as fact that she is a habitual liar.

I'm just imagining JB cross examining YM and asking him "So Corporal M, can prove with 100% certainty that my client and her daughter were not abducted by aliens and taken to the planet Zebulon for medical experiments that resulted in the death of my clients daughter?"

They will grasp at straws just like the OJ defense team did and hopefully there will be 12 people that will be able to see past their BS and see the defendant as the child murderer she is.

You miss the reasonable part of "reasonable doubt". Aliens is not reasonable. Caylee being abducted and Casey framed is reasonable if they have evidence to back it up (more than what we've seen)
Can JB be charged for something? I don't know for what-just something, anything!!!! CHARGE EM ALL-THEY ALL MAKE SICK!!!:furious:

As far as I know, no.
You can't charge someone for representing someone in court. Everyone deserves representation.

Plus, nobody's perfect. You wouldn't like to be charged just because JB didn't like you?
Believe it or not .... this may be coming. Why?

Because look at all of the cases involving deaths of children and husbands by mothers. They either don't go to jail or end up with less than 5 years in prison. (when she admits to cover-up under distress)

Most of the evidence points to a poorly designed cover up with little that supports how she actually died. If she comes forward with some story saying she died while in the pool (example) ... and explains her actions as being scared, not knowing what to do and trying to pretend everything was fine she gets less than 5 years jail time. (with book, movie or deals when she gets out)

If she continues as is .... she may spend much longer time in jail.

PREDICTION: Her story will change in a big way before trial! Her attorney may wait until the LAST minute so that the state has little time to respond and prepare for the change.

Little jail time and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

I don't think Casey will ever speak publicly again until the verdict is handed down. JB might change the story, but definitely not Casey. Anything that comes out of her mouth automatically poisons her defense.

I believe it was an accident as well. If she had once buried the body in the back yard I think it would still look like the dirt had been disturbed when the cadaver dogs were looking around so I don't think that happened.

Sorry Poor choice of words, I meant more than likely the Sand box OR the Cubby house - not actual buried in those places
OR possibly those new pavers ?
It will be somewhere like Gainesville or somewhere reasonably close. They won't go that far away because of the time and expense for LE and witnesses.

I thought Gainesville because they could find a lot of young women for the jury. They sure don't want a retirement area where people's life experience would recognize the lies immediately.

Yes, I thought either Gainesville or Ocala. Far enough away to be out of the Central Florida news coverage area, but close enough for witnesses etc.

Not sure about the young women, since Gainesville is a college town-- most of these are students, who would be near the end of classes by the time of the trial.
You miss the reasonable part of "reasonable doubt". Aliens is not reasonable. Caylee being abducted and Casey framed is reasonable if they have evidence to back it up (more than what we've seen)
I think they will have a hard time finding a jury that thinks Caylee being abducted and Casey framed is a reasonable defense.With good reason.
Though I dont see any other card her team can play regardless.
I believe Casey won't change her story but that her story won't be the defense. She will never testify. The defense will come up with a Mary Winkler type abuse/insanity claim. The Zanny story will never fly.
Im really interested in other people point of view.
While I agree with the consensus that Casey is utterly guilty perhaps you could share with us what,in light of the known facts of this case and Casey's behavior could possibly lead you to harbor the doubt of her guilt that you obviously do?
Because frankly I cant think of a single thing that could possibly lead anyone to that conclusion.
Enlighten us please.
And I am curious why you would put forth the implication that nobody following this case is weighing the facts?
Or that that 'Untruths' are being peddled?
That would lead one to believe that you alone know 'the Truth' in order to make that discernment.
Those statements really warrant some substantiation on your part.
Being "framed for murder" is Perry Mason stuff--it doesn't actually happen in real life. Does it?

I'm sure not often but there's a documentary called "The Thin Blue Line" that is about a frame up.

Also, check out "Paradise Lost" too. Both are about frame ups that LE never really investigated and just ignored exonerating evidence. In "Paradise Lost" it's actually LE doing the framing.

The case is so highly emotionally charged, there is no possible way to reign in all of the opinions whether pro or con. I consider myself to be a pretty much of a fact monger and I can't do it (for myself). I think most people are so horrified by the senseless loss of Caylee and consider the sensible thing to do is to be certain that justice will be served, in a court of law. I'm waiting for all of the evidence at trial to come to a final conclusion, but too also worry about Casey's ability to receive a fair trial. I think much more information has been released than LE would have preferred, even though the bulk of it points to their favor. I wouldn't be surprised if the Sunshine Law is revised in the future to prevent such a public trial before a legal trial in the future. Who knows?

In Britain and someone said Australia too the media is very limited in what they can report before a trial. IMO, that is as it should be, or they should at least tighten the laws on what can and can't be released.

Aw cute, Schroedinger's cat. ;)

Maybe I am, maybe I'm not Schroedinger's cat, in this universe. :crazy:

She will change a few facts(HA) about her story, but she can't change it to an accident or Baez would be in trouble for wanting all the tips to help hunt for her. Baez has entangled himself in the web of lies as well. He has publicly said"my client is innocent" He has went along with looking for Caylee if he knew she was dead from an accident it looks like he would not have involved himself so deeply. I think he has a thing for her.

He's just trying to get her a fair trial. He's setting up a defense for her. His tactics are going to be skeevy but she does deserve a vigorous defense. Everybody does.

That is something some of us have discussed in emails. Baez has built a dangerous fence around KC. He could be a big loser in this. If he admits the nanny story was all fabricated (which he had to know from the phone records LE released) then he as an officer of the court has put himself in jeopardy with his license. He has boxed himself into a very small box and it is getting smaller by the day. He can't come back now and say it was an accident because he went along with the collection of monies to search for her and publicly talked of the searches on TV. If he took the case with expectations of collecting money from the story, then he is in violation of Florida law for an attorney. He is going to be asked under oath who is providing the money for all the trial experts and he will have to answer.

Attorney client privilege has him covered. He cant be tried unless he himself tampers with physical evidence or knows it has been tampered with. IIRC.

Please forgive me, I'm legally illiterate...
Your comment sparked a thought, even if KC sticks with the ZG/nanny kidnapping story, wouldn't she still have to take the stand and tell the story to a jury in her own words if there is to be ANY hope of her being believed?

A defendant cannot be compelled to take the stand. It's up to them exclusively. Any good lawyer never lets his client take the stand.

I was a juror earlier this year and trust me letting your client take the stand is really stupid. The defendant took the stand in that trial and pretty much convicted himself by doing it.

of course she will change her story. That's what she does. Changes stories on a moments notice. That is her modus operandi.

But I don't think any of it will help. Even given the presumption of innocence, KC has so much documented evidence that discredits every word coming out of her mouth, that she will need something more to back up any story. Something that proves one of her stories COULD be true. Some evidentiary trail.

Juries are held to a standard of "beyond a reasonable doubt" with the key word being reasonable. KC's previous stories and lies have prevented anything she says, or any story without some coraborating witness or evidence from being believable. Whereas LE have built a strong circumstatial case against her. Yes the evidence ismainly indirect and circumstantial, but each piece os backed up and coraborated by others. While the DNA may not beenough by itself, nor the dog hits, nor the hair, etc etc, it all togather paints a very clear picture of Caylee after death.

I believe the defense is going to attack the witness' credibility at every possible turn and they will try to make the jury believe that someone else did this and KC was afraid to come forward because that person might kill her too.

The only reason Casey will take the stand is to show she is not capable of knowing what she did. If Baez can bring out her other personality(Zanny) like in the movie "SYBLE" then he will let her testify. Now I know what the were doing in all of those 6 hour sessions,Baez was putting her into a deep sleep so Zanny would feel comfortable enough to come out and talk.

He can't hypnotize her on the stand and she's been evaluated by Psychiatrists and I doubt they have made a conclusion she's multiple personality. That would be a very hard nut to crack. (No pun intended)

I'm very sorry for my way too long-winded post above. (don't want to take up another entire page here by posting this as a reply!) It wasn't meant to be posted, I goofed up when I was attempting to edit & delete portions of it - instead I hit "submit reply" :crazy: + sleep-deprived!

Even though it was long it was interesting. It would make a great crime novel. :thumb:

(Some quoted posts have been edited in order to only show the pertinent information to my responses)
I would like some closure to this but I really feel KC is too prideful and narcissitic to take this way out. If she admitted that it was an accident then she would lose her poor me, the nanny took her, it's not my fault, I am a victim too.

She would rather die a martyr.

The problem I feel we all have is that we keep expecting her to act like a normal person and she is not.

Actually, Karenz, I have to agree with that. We have had two like that in our own family circle, that even when THEY know that YOU know every word they utter is a lie, instead of coming clean and dealing with the real facts, they'd rather carry the fabrication to the grave.
One has so far, and I suspect the other one will eventually too.
I suspect - sadly - that you are absolutely correct that she will not budge and admit liability.

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