Will Cindy attend the Motion Hearing Friday

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Aug 17, 2008
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Since KC must attend the motion hearing Friday, do you think CA will?

Will BC try to prevent CA from attending?

Will JB try to get BC to keep CA away?

Will we see CA & KC face to face for the first time in months?
My vote is no. Cindy won't attend. I don't see her going alone to face the press. I don't think BC will recommend she go and JB will not want her there.
I really hope BC keeps CA away. There is far too much DRAAAAMA already! Cindy should just concentrate on Caylee burial and George right now. Casey has her lawyer, she is a big girl now.

I have been wondering this same thing. I think Cindy will want to go, but I think BC will keep her away...or maybe TRY to keep her away. If Cindy gets it set in her mind she is going, I don't think BC will be able to stop her. I definitely don't think she will listen to JB and I'm sure he doesn't want her there. I don't see how he could bar her from the proceedings, but who knows?

Are JB and BC friendly? Would BC listen if JB called him and said "You gotta keep her from coming to court Friday?"
But, if she doesn't go people will say that was wrong too.

I'm no fan of the A's but it won't matter what she does or doesn't do. It will all be scrutinized. IMO
I really hope BC keeps CA away. There is far too much DRAAAAMA already! Cindy should just concentrate on Caylee burial and George right now. Casey has her lawyer, she is a big girl now.


What 'should' and 'would' are two different things with this family, sadly.
Since KC must attend the motion hearing Friday, do you think CA will?

Will BC try to prevent CA from attending?

Will JB try to get BC to keep CA away?

Will we see CA & KC face to face for the first time in months?

LOL! This sounds like the continuing story of "As the Worm Turns"!

I'm ambivalent. I want CA there just for the drama, but if she were there, it would make me angrier.

I don't think she'll be there. I think she's been told to lie low no matter what if there's any chance of getting the perp off.
That is the million dollar question.

Will CA want to be there..I think yes. Will her attorney advise against it? I think Yes.

Will CA listen to her attorney? Who knows.

I for one would like to see Cindy show up just in case she decides to try to interrupt the judge.

Highly entertaining to see her at work..*guffaw*
No way... Too risky for her to go. But then again you're darned if you do and darned if you don't. The "public" isn't happy either way. Everyone has their own opinion why she should/shouldn't attend. I certainly don't think it would be a good idea. Would it add to the circus/drama, of course it would. All the more reason for her to stay far, far away.
I think Cindy wil attend with BC ..

I wonder if Lee will attend?
I think Cindy wil attend with BC ..

I wonder if Lee will attend?

Lee will not be in attendance, do to work obligations keeping him out of town.
SuperBowl is this Sunday in Tampa remember.
I don't think Cindy will be there, she wouldn't want the world to see Casey publicly snub her.
I don't think Cindy will attend, BC will (I believe) advise her not to go because of the media and it may take focus off the hearing.
Perhaps she will ask someone else to go for the family, ie:Mallory, someone else she feels she can trust...
Since KC must attend the motion hearing Friday, do you think CA will?

Will BC try to prevent CA from attending?

Will JB try to get BC to keep CA away?

Will we see CA & KC face to face for the first time in months?

I am glad I wasn't drinking anything....this sounds like a soap opera tag....:crazy:
That is the million dollar question.

Will CA want to be there..I think yes. Will her attorney advise against it? I think Yes.

Will CA listen to her attorney? Who knows.

I for one would like to see Cindy show up just in case she decides to try to interrupt the judge.

Highly entertaining to see her at work..*guffaw*

"As the stomach turns"
Now if only we could get "spoilers" for Friday's episode we would know if it was worth watching on Friday.
Everything they do in public is now strategy. If she attends, it would be to put a mother's face on Casey and make her not seem like a monster. If she doesn't attend, it's to keep down the circus atmosphere. I think a normal family would be there for support - unconditional love and all that. They aren't normal, and if she goes it's for self preservation, not showing love to a daughter. I think JB doesn't want Casey to attend these hearings because of the added drama of the spectacle it brings. They think by keeping her secluded it brings some kind of mystery and wonderment to the jury pool. Having them on the news every night will keep the public attention at a fever pitch and people simply don't like this whole family. They won't the jury pool to forget just how much they are disliked.
I hope they make Casey attend every single hearing. What a coward she is trying to get out of attending. Maybe she's scared they'll ask her a question? Although I would think she would want to be there to play footsies with Baez under the table. You know how close they are!! yuck, yuck, yuck...
I don't know if she'll be there. But in all honesty I hope she is...just for my own viewing enjoyment.
I believe Cindy will want very much to be there, but BC will manage to convince her not to go. I think part of the reason JB and KC filed the motion for her to waive her appearance is directly because of the possibility that CA might appear.

I absolutely do not think Lee will appear!

I do not think JB and BC are on terms that that were as cooperative as perhaps a few weeks ago. I am sure JB would contact BC to check out the lay-of-the-land for the motion hearing, but, I noted the frustration in BC's statement even before the George incident, in which he said he was professionally frustrated himself at the delay in releasing Caylee's remains for burial. So I wouldn't exactly think they're 'working together' right now.

And yes, I did write that as a soap digest lead-in. :D Need some paper towels for you desk?
Has CA had any personal contact with KC since Caylee's remains were found? If not, I have a feeling CA will want to come face to face with KC and attend the hearing, with or without her attorny's blessing. If she has already made contact with KC, then I don't think CA will attend, really at this point there would be no reason for her to be there IMO.

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