Will Misty tell the truth now that she's in jail? (POLL)

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Will Misty tell the truth about Haleigh if she stays in jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 39 23.4%
  • No, nothing will get her to tell the truth

    Votes: 46 27.5%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 70 41.9%
  • Other: please post your explanation

    Votes: 12 7.2%

  • Total voters


Former Member
Sep 11, 2008
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Barring LP posting her bail, if Misty stays in jail do you think she will tell the truth about what happened to Haleigh?

Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm not sure if she is trying to be "loyal" to someone or if she fears someone more than she fears jail.

Let's hear what you think!?
I voted maybe. She might tell what she knows if it wouldn't bring any more charges against her. She won't say a word if she is looking at a potential murder charge.
I think she's trying to rat on Tommy for stuff so HE'LL be the one to talk-so she want be the snitch. I don't think it's gonna work, but who knows...maybe she'll eventually talk, if more & more pressure is applied or if the cops confront her with some damning evidence.
I voted....maybe. Misty is hard to "read". I guess IF she gets desparate enough to get out of jail......she just might.
Thanks for poll the Kimster, I'd like to see where we all stand in a few months on this issue. I voted maybe because I just don't know at this point if Misty really understands what she is up against. To me listening to her on those jail audios she is taking this as a minor set back. Like if she bonds out this will all go away. I feel that if she is left in there long enough she might tell some, I don't think she will ever tell all though.
MC wants out of jail. She has some street smarts. Maybe when her body is free from drugs she will see the light. I kind of hope she is in jail for a while to make her think about her life. IMO she has been in a bad enviroment all her life and dosen't know any other way to live.
My hope is that she would tell anything she knows about Haleigh.
I also voted maybe, right now she is only thinking that she - like everyone else in her family has had bonds lowered and paid - she thinks someone will find a way. Young and immature in so many ways, too experienced in other ways. Unless she comes up with something concerning Haleigh, the only thing she has to offer might be dealers LE doesn't already know about. But that's not what they are after.
Maybe. It seems from the taped interviews that all she can think about now is getting out and who is going to help her get out. If LP would keep his attention-seeking nose out of this and she finds out that she is not getting out anytime soon, she might become so hopeless that she will start talking. I think that LE should try to elicit her father's aid in getting her to talk (with her attorney present, of course). In spite of his own problems, Hank Sr. does talk good sense and encourages her to tell the truth.
Maybe, if she's left in jail long enough.

If she's let out too soon, she won't.

The only thing that will open her mouth and get the truth out is if she's left in jail long enough for her to discover the law is more strongly willed than she is.

it's an endurance race, a test of wills and until Misty's met her match in standing firm, she wont talk.

She's already shopping for someone to get her out because she knows she's just infamous enough to attract media hounds with money.

If they get her out, she's never going to talk. I dont care what kind of "terms" she agrees to, until it's in her best interest to spill what she's got, she will hang on with a grip of death to her last card.
I voted other because I can't figure out if Misty knows the whole truth. LE seems to think so, what if she was sleeping/ passed out, drugged and she can't remember? I am so confused. It is just too convenient that she woke up just as RC was coming home and called her brother.....not 911, not RC, not anyone.....her brother.
Right now Misty's focus is getting the heck away from a jail cell. "I want out of here so baaaaad!"
I believe after four or five months of day to day in a cell will finally sink in and Misty will be more willing to work toward what's in front of her - a long sentence and a large bail amount.
She's not even understanding anything about bail or her crime. She seems to think it's going to all go away. She is too young and not experienced enough to now see the big picture.
I would hope her lawyer would work with her so that she will understand all that is involved in her charges and how the law works when it comes to sentencing and plea bargins. Also, I think her father will have some success in getting through to her about not holding back what she knows.
I think it will be months, but she will talk!
I got the feeling she was milimeters away from spilling what could be the truth on the videotape with her mother. She asked if Lindsey was talking to Tommy. Her mother said yes. She started to make a statement but only these words came out "Momma, he needs to co...... and that was all that was said before she caught herself or was interrupted by her mother. I had the feeling if she had been able to finish her statement, she may have said "Momma, he needs to come clean". From that, I think she's already told LE something, I just don't know what that was.
I wish I could have heard those tapes a little better.
I voted "yes". I think once it really sinks in as to the amount of jail time she's facing, I think she'll talk. I wouldn't be surprised to see her plea under the Youth Offender deal. JMO
I vote yes. Most "come to Jesus" moments happen in the darkest of times. When you're all ALONE.
I voted yes, IF SHE STAYS IN JAIL...but, if she thinks that she will be getting out any time soon, then no...
I voted no, cause she will be in jail forever is she did!! I believe she was involved with whatever happened to Haliegh, she knows if the truth comes out she is in BIG TROUBLE
I agree with everyone who said she doesn't appear anywhere ready to tell yet, she was focused on somebody arranging a way out for her and it didn't seem like the reality of the bond situation and the threat of a long sentence had completely sunk in.

She did confess to drug dealing on tape, however, so I'm hoping she lets slip something without meaning to.
I chose 'other' because Misty is known for lying, mixing up her story and plain confusing.
In her own way she may think she is telling the truth, maybe a partial truth will come out of this.
Just like the sleeping arrangements.........first the 3 were in bed together, then apart but in same room, then 4 inches away and then 4 feet away...........
Is her brain so fired and twisted that she believes her own stories????
I do hope she tells what she knows and that she remember what happened and tells.
It's time for HALEIGH to come home....................soon it will be 1 whole year!!!

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