Will the Grand Jury Indict & if so, on what charge(s)?

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What charges or will no indictment be returned?

  • No Indictment will be returned - Terri innocent or not enough evidence

    Votes: 41 25.5%
  • Homicide

    Votes: 44 27.3%
  • Manslaughter

    Votes: 8 5.0%
  • Kidnapping

    Votes: 40 24.8%
  • Custodial Interference

    Votes: 41 25.5%
  • Murder for Hire related charges

    Votes: 45 28.0%
  • Conspiracy

    Votes: 26 16.1%
  • Child abuse

    Votes: 9 5.6%
  • Other - please post your thoughts!

    Votes: 13 8.1%

  • Total voters
We are, in general. However, I am making the assumption that they won't charge her with something, if they don't intend to convict her of it. I guess I could be wrong... :waitasec:

I also know that Caylee's case is different. However, the point I was making was they didn't want to convict her of child neglect and then not be able to charge her with murder when they found the body. They had to drop the neglect charges in order to charge her with murder.

That's what I'm talking about. Maybe someone else knows for sure if it would be an issue in Oregon. Fortunately Corey Byrd had a parole violation and was still able to be held despite this charge being dropped. Marc's body was found 5 weeks later.

BBM: Not necessarily. They didn't HAVE to drop the child neglect charges, they just upped the charges to murder once the evidence was clear that Caylee was dead. And even if she had been convicted of child neglect, it would not prevent them from charging her for murder. That is NOT double jeapordy, I am almost positive.
Double jeapordy comes in when a person is charged with a major crime like murder, but acquitted, and then they can't be charged with it again. However I was watching a case on Investigation Discovery the other day and they did charge someone with murder a second time and got a conviction. Must have had something to do with newer evidence being found, I can't remember what case it was, even.
The Caylee case has no comparison with this one... not even close. EVERY case is different, and every state has its own rules and all DA's handle things different. It's fine to note the differences, but just because they do things one way in one case, doesn't mean it will be done the same in another.

And no... they don't like to bring charges against someone until they are pretty sure they can get a conviction. DA's are elected officials, and too many acquittals make them look bad and lose votes. The sheriff is an elected official too. And it's his dept. that is handling this investigation... he wants it to be prosecuted successfully.
BBM: Not necessarily. They didn't HAVE to drop the child neglect charges, they just upped the charges to murder once the evidence was clear that Caylee was dead. And even if she had been convicted of child neglect, it would not prevent them from charging her for murder.

I just wanted to add a bit to your very good point... As has been explained to me, LE will often drop lesser charges and go with the charge that carries the most severe punishment and/or demands prosecution. If there is a conviction on the more severe charge there is no need to waste taxpayer $ on a trial for the lesser charges because the person woould be in prison anyhow. If there is no conviction on the more severe charge there is something to fall back on, ie: acquitted of murder but can still be held accountable for neglect, and therefore face punishment for their actions.
I want to change my vote..... being that they have returned to the school area again, it has changed alot of things in my mind....
Just wanted to bring these posts over here(the appropriate thread) for any discussion of who are the "known" ppl to testify at GJ and also the ppl we feel are good possibilities of the "dozens" subponeaed to testify in the GJ hearings...

Originally Posted by shorty42404
Just names that I have seen in the news are:
Persons known to have testified

Dede Spicher
Desiree Young
Tony Young
Kaine Horman
Chelsea Aleshire
Andrea Leckey

That's all so far..


And to add to that list are ones thought to be good possibilities

~Jaymie Finster
~Jim Kelley(witnessed white truck/female driver)
~school principal
~Krista Porter(Kyron's teacher)

And then are possibilities of ppl such as...

~Any/all of those who submitted video tape surveillance that was asked of by LE.
~Any/All of those who answered specifics known on the LE questionaire.
~The neighbors homes on Sheltered Nook thats home were allegedly searched.
~Terri's parents.(think about GA in the CA GJ, she still blames her dads GJ testimony for the reason shes behind bars to this day)

IMO this latter list are very good possibilities of being called to testify to GJ...
I'll add to as others come to mind(and anyone else feel free to add to the list also)

But I definitely think there are dozens and probably dozens still to come(to testify at GJ)...
Just wanted to bring these posts over here(the appropriate thread) for any discussion of who all we think are the "known" ppl to testify at GJ and also the ppl we feel are good possibilities of the "dozens" subponeaed to testify in the GJ hearings...

I'm confused. These are people we think have testified? Or these are the people known to have testified?
I'm confused. These are people we think have testified? Or these are the people known to have testified?
Sorry BeanE, I'm the one that started this because of an MSM post you did in the search thread in the article that stated that a dozen people have been called before the grand jury, I was wondering how many people have testified, so far, I believe the article stated that more than a dozen have been called, I assumed it meant ones that have testified so far. Sorry I don't have a clue how to link.
I'm confused. These are people we think have testified? Or these are the people known to have testified?

Sorry. I fixed it. It was all crazy sounding the way I had worded it :crazy: (was hurriedly deleting from wrong thread and adding to this thread&got a little :crazy: with my wording)...

Hopefully now its made more clear that there is a list of those known and a list of good possibilities of those to testify at GJ.

Sorry and thanks BeanE ;)
Thank you so much, Jo and Smooth. This will be a good thing to track.

There was also that article that said they had requested a list of all school employees. I'll see if I can dig it up. They didn't say what it was requested for, but IIRC, it was in an article about the GJ.

ETA: Here it is, from Aug 6:

Earlier this week, investigators asked the Portland Public School district for a list of employees. KGW has learned that several other school employees have been subpoenaed by the grand jury.

It seems weird that they are doing all of this extensive searching if Dede has not even testified in front of the GJ as yet. I find it hard to believe they would start up such extensive searches based on anything she said if not under oath at this point. The searching is really throwing me, as at first I really thought she must have told them pretty specifically where he might/would be, but they are searching in various areas :(

I think the news indicated that the GJ would go on at least until Wednesday...maybe she will have her deal by then and tell the truth. I actually hope she does know exactly where he is, as otherwise, by the looks of these areas, he may never be found. :(
With all of this new searching taking place, I would be very surprised if this is about "custodial interference" or the "MFH" plot.
I'm not sure where to put this, but there was a Kyron update on the Joy Behar show, in which the following points were made by a local retired LE officer:
1. That there are indications that the GJ is using its investigative powers, and that there may not be indictments from this particular GJ. They may come later. He seemed to indicates that the GJ investigation is running parallel with the LE investigation, which is now focused on not only the area around Skyline School, but also around the various properties which DS owns or on which she was working at the time of the disappearance.

2. That DS was called before the GJ but she didn't testify. That I did not know.

I just checked a minute or two ago, and the Joy Behar transcript for tonight is not yet posted, or I would link. I thought I would post so that others could watch the rebroadcast, which is on late at night (either 11pm or midnight). I also apologize for not getting the retired LE officer's name or taking notes; I didn't expect there to be real news. ACK! But links will follow...ASAP.
The LE officer on Joy Behar was Bruce McCain, former captain of the Sheriff's Office, who seems to be very knowledgeable (I am watching the re-broadcast right now).

He also described DS as "up to her eyeballs in no good."

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