Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 211 43.9%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

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It has been a common practice with some of these mentally diseased miscreants to find a vulnerable woman and force her into prostitution. One way of doing it is to take the child(ren) and hold them hostage and put them out there for sex. Completing that mission for the day you may be allowed to see your children. It is more common than you might think.

One question I always asked is what does the kidnapper has if the woman fails to comply? ANS: You kill her and the children.....what else can you do if you want to stay out of jail.

I often wondered if some of these pimps got a big pay out to keep quiet because they knew it was a one way trip for the dead girls.

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I saw a case one time in FL where a victim who was not a sex worker was found with the remains of women who were sex workers, simply because that was the killer's dumping site.
It amazes me after all these years that no one particular Pimp has stood out as being particularly calious.

Surely NYPD had identified someone in the early 2000's who was being an up n coming... ruthless a. Hole.

Someone who hung around Penn...

I’ve always been suspicious of the pimp interviewed during on The Killing Season when a victims tattoo led back to him. He was awful sneaky when giving the interview.

Also what are the chances that some of the Gilgo victims who were dismembered, and the Manorville victims who were dismembered could have been killed by members of MS-13? I’ve read they’ve become an increasing presence on LI, and the love to use machetes for their murders.
I'm still working on the 911 Tapes that a resolution was promised for several weeks ago.
The PANTY to LISK connection: My information is 3 of the GB4 were killed by having their panties shoved down their throats. Now I am not suggesting for a moment the judge is LISK, but it sure is interesting if my information is right.about 3 GB4 had panties in their throats.

I’ve always been suspicious of the pimp interviewed during on The Killing Season when a victims tattoo led back to him. He was awful sneaky when giving the interview.

Also what are the chances that some of the Gilgo victims who were dismembered, and the Manorville victims who were dismembered could have been killed by members of MS-13? I’ve read they’ve become an increasing presence on LI, and the love to use machetes for their murders.

Talking about pimps - source told me a pimp they know of has a father that is/was a SCPD homicide detective. Talking about pimps - Burke was mentioned as being one several times for HM and LR, to mention only 2. One of his gals actually worked in an upscale beauty parlor that had to close because the owner was peddling little boys for sex..

The employees were then scattered all over the place looking for jobs. I found one of Burke's girls working in a beauty salon right under Parent's For Megan's Law.
REALLY? Yes it is true and she was married to another man that became a Burke victim and left him and has since been remarried living in another state. She is such a good friend of Burke's she even wrote a letter to the sentencing judge extolling Burke's alleged virtues.
I'm really interested in hearing more about the "Panty" in three of four of our GB4 victims...... Hawk??
Heard it somewhere at the time appeared to be credible. Just don't know where it came from.
I’ve always been suspicious of the pimp interviewed during on The Killing Season when a victims tattoo led back to him. He was awful sneaky when giving the interview.

Also what are the chances that some of the Gilgo victims who were dismembered, and the Manorville victims who were dismembered could have been killed by members of MS-13? I’ve read they’ve become an increasing presence on LI, and the love to use machetes for their murders.

Could be.....but we are looking most likely in the 2003 period....

Lots of gangs active in this time frame......

My thinking would be who ever was in direct conflict with KW and whatever gang he was in that timeframe.

Taking out the other's girls...killing their business. ...

I don't know what stupid label ..gang name...he used at the time.

Here's a thought.... have KW account for all his (cough) girlfriends or that of his associates from say 1995 to 2005.... find out their names and if their still living.

That may be a good start..... possibly a bit late....sure it wasn't done when Jessica was identified...but if anyone gives a shiate they'd do it now.

Her tattoo wasn't cut that many times for no reason....it was personal.

If it was merely to hinder identification... why wasn't the flesh cut and removed. ...destroyed....or discarded from the torso...like the rest of her remains.

2003.... who cared.

She was most likely targeted as a young teen at Penn..

They Conn....drug em up... put em to work...move them around...their heads in a spin.

Their poor families think they have deserted them and want nothing to do with them, so the families don't look or raise any alarms...

These girls become lost...

And the system allows them to remain lost.
Heard it somewhere at the time appeared to be credible. Just don't know where it came from.

Lol....you come out with some explosive possible new detail and are vague about the detail of the source....trully my friend...

You have set homework for us over the years....

Think Hawk...

Puggle xx
KW adding in the info that he was told Jessica was wrapped in burlap stinks of BS if you ask me...

They should have pressed during the killing seasons doco and asked WHO said that.

Otherwise it just seems like a conveinent addition all these years later to have the dismembered corpses lumped in with the 4 neatly, discarded remains...

After 15 years and a dude hasn't moved on from being a "gang" member.... I'd take anything he had to say with great scepticism....

I don't think he reasons with the same moral compass as most of us who get up at an early hours to go to work for 8hrs a day to earn an honest wage.......and most of us I would think wouldn't consider having the love of our lives having sex with strangers for money for "Us" to get by...is honorable. ....no MAN does that.
REALLY? Yes it is true and she was married to another man that became a Burke victim and left him and has since been remarried living in another state. She is such a good friend of Burke's she even wrote a letter to the sentencing judge extolling Burke's alleged virtues.

Was this woman's ex-husband on a radio show with you some time ago?
Was this woman's ex-husband on a radio show with you some time ago?

YES! if I remember right that man's daughter was there, too. Nice fellow, btw. One of the many victims left in Burke's path.

A note for Puggle. I hear a lot of things and most I don't even mention. That one had a ring of truth to it. The idea is to put it out there to see if it wakes someone up to give information.
YES! if I remember right that man's daughter was there, too. Nice fellow, btw. One of the many victims left in Burke's path.

A note for Puggle. I hear a lot of things and most I don't even mention. That one had a ring of truth to it. The idea is to put it out there to see if it wakes someone up to give information.

I wish there was a copy of that broadcast... others need to hear it. He seemed credible to me.
I'll see if I can get it for you. Might be on the Internet if I can find it. Same fellow was recorded for a NY TV News show that never aired although the person that did the interview found it more than credible.
I'll see if I can get it for you. Might be on the Internet if I can find it. Same fellow was recorded for a NY TV News show that never aired although the person that did the interview found it more than credible.
All Fact Up with Kathy Cole. WLINY IRADIO USA. With Frank Mallone.
Episode one is about Burkes dirty doings.
Burke tormented another man the same way he tormented Malone. This gal worked with him as a civilian aide back in his earlier days. He used that woman to put in false overtime slips for him and his little crew of little crooks. During one domestic squabble Burke sent over one of his lead detectives to this fellow's house to question him. Why a detective with the DA office have reason to question a man about a domestic issue.

My information is one of the judges that heard one of the cases might be a subject of another expose.

Inside New York’s silent sex trafficking epidemic

Inside a handsome brick building on a tree-lined street near Brooklyn’s Prospect Park, lay one of the city’s dirtiest secrets.

As people strolled past the Prospect Heights home on their way to the park, the Brooklyn Museum or a bar where celebrated authors give readings for The New Yorker crowd, two 16-year-old girls were allegedly being kept inside as sex slaves.

For one harrowing month last year, the teens’ captors forced them to strip to their underwear, pose for Backpage.com ads and have sex with up to 10 johns a day, prosecutors charge.

The girls were saved when one of them escaped in July and ran to police. But they are just two of the thousands of sex slaves being trafficked under the noses of New York City residents every day, part of a silent epidemic that law enforcement is struggling to contain.

“This is going on everywhere. Down the street, in the rich neighborhood, the poor — whether you’re white, yellow, green, blue. It cuts across different ethnicities, religious backgrounds, economic backgrounds,” Laura Riso, an FBI victims specialist in New York City, tells The Post.

“It’s enormous.”

Last year, the NYPD rescued one person a week from sex slavery and busted 228 pimps while working 265 sex-trafficking cases — more than double the number in 2016.

But officials know they’re just scraping the surface.

“Trafficking is a bigger problem” than what the numbers show, says Inspector Jim Klein, commander of the NYPD’s Vice Enforcement Unit and a 36-year department veteran.

“I have 200-and-however-many pimps I’ve locked up. On average, a pimp is going to have at least four or five women, girls, that he’s going to be working. [And] I haven’t locked up every pimp.

“It’s modern-day slavery.”

Through interviews with top law-enforcement officials, prosecutors, advocates and victims from around the five boroughs, The Post has pieced together a picture of New York’s sex-slavery underbelly — and the struggle to end it.

“People are shocked to hear that it actually exists in New York City,” says Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.

“This is not a case where you have super-high-priced fancy sex businesses — this is really disgusting, forced, cruel, cold. Taking kids who are in need of help, preying upon that need, developing a relationship and then turning against them and turning them into kids who are making money for them on the street — those are the cases that we get.”

Thanks to Hollywood films such as “Taken,” people who hear the term “sex trafficking” often think of a sorority girl kidnapped and chained to a radiator by men with foreign accents.

But the average victim is a vulnerable girl from a troubled home who has already been sexually abused and is first sold for sex as young as 12.

The girls often aren’t detained at gunpoint — not at first, anyway — but are instead manipulated into “the life” by smooth-talking pimps promising a better life.

Some are even dazzled by glamorized portrayals of prostitutes in songs, movies and books — like a 14-year-old girl who told Queens prosecutors she had been inspired to turn tricks by the 2005 Snoop Dogg film “Boss’n Up.”

“Her aspiration was for [her pimp] to fall in love with her if she made enough money,” says Queens Assistant District Attorney Jessica Melton, chief of the Human Trafficking Unit.

Many local victims come from in or around the city, but others are bused into the Big Apple from upstate or nearby states such as Pennsylvania and Connecticut.

There also are the women and girls brought here from overseas and forced to work in an estimated 700 illicit “massage” parlors across the city.

Of course, there are adults who choose to become escorts. But police say they’re the minority.

“I can confidently say the majority — the overwhelming majority — of people engaging in sex for money are doing it against their will,” says Klein, who has run the vice unit for the last two years.

‘There’s no cookie-cutter pimp,” Klein says.

Some are gang members or drug dealers hunting new revenue streams. Others are just teenagers themselves and from a family of traffickers. They’re men and women, white, black, Asian and Hispanic.

But all traffickers have made the same sick calculation.

“You can sell a gun once, right? You could sell a kilo of coke once . . . But once it’s gone, it’s gone,” Klein says. “But a woman or a person, that’s 15 times a day every day . . . for as many years as you possibly get out of that person. That’s a never-ending cycle.”

The pimps often sweet-talk the girls into joining them, but once their victims realize the glamorous life they were promised is anything but, that’s when things turn violent.

“One guy kept [a girl] in a dog cage because she wasn’t cooperating,” Klein says.

A 17-year-old girl trafficked by convicted Queens pimp Ricardi “Dirty” Dumervil escaped only to be kidnapped again, burned with cigarettes and bashed with a gun before being dragged to Atlantic City to keep working, according to Melton.

And the 14-year-old who watched the Snoop Dogg film? She was found locked in a closet surrounded by pots of urine.

These ****s aren’t just operating out of decrepit buildings in the worst parts of town, and their victims aren’t necessarily kept locked up.

“It happens right under our noses . . . This is something that could be happening right in our neighborhoods,” says Juanito Vargas, vice president of the victim-assistance nonprofit Safe Horizon.

“You go to the deli in your neighborhood and are served your morning coffee by someone, and you don’t know if that person is being trafficked,” he says.

There was the Prospect Heights apartment where those two 16-year-olds were allegedly forced to turn tricks in fear for their lives by a trio of 20-somethings.

There was a Bronx homeless shelter just blocks from Yankee Stadium where convicted sex trafficker Maria Soly Almonte repeatedly prostituted out three of her sisters and a 13-year-old girl.

When she wasn’t turning tricks, the 13-year-old attended eighth grade at PS 29 — where the school nurse figured out what was going on when the girl came in weekly requesting STD and pregnancy tests.

At a Howard Johnson hotel in Brownsville, Brooklyn, a couple allegedly forced two 14-year-old runaways to have sex with man after man and give up all their earnings.

And at a Manhattan youth shelter, kids escaping broken homes were lured into a life of prostitution with offers of booze, cash and a warm bed — lured by ads posted openly on Craigslist.

“Are you a female that wants to stop living in Covenant House?” it read, alongside photos of tequila and hundred-dollar bills.

When the 14-year-old Snoop Dogg fan was rescued from the closet, she first told police and prosecutors that she wanted to be in there, Melton says.

It’s a prime example of why it’s so hard for police to catch and convict traffickers: The women and girls often don’t see themselves as victims.

Making matters worse, antiquated state laws don’t recognize underage prostitutes as victims of trafficking, either, unless there is clear force or coercion, so their cooperation is often crucial.

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