Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

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Will the Long Island Serial Killer ever be caught?

  • YES.

    Votes: 211 43.9%
  • NO.

    Votes: 141 29.3%

    Votes: 129 26.8%

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I live in Suffolk County and I haven't read one thing about the case in ages. All that's been written in the last several months is just a rehash of where the bodies were found, etc.

The Suffolk County Police Department decided some time ago to stay quiet about the case until there's something to actually report. How active their investigation truly is at this point, well that's anyone's guess.
Guess since serial killers are recidivist offenders and awareness in missing/murdered persons investigations is the key. The Suffolk County Police Department must be waiting on the next attack by the LISK....jmo
Yes, they did, and have only given us stories how they saved an owl, a seagull, a gaggle of ducklings, and a cat and a dog thrown in for good measure. No problem keeping us up to date on those matters.
Would this be an appropriate thread to discuss a possible suspect and theory?
Has anyone heard from the families of the GB 4 lately? I think about them often and wonder how they are coping with their losses and lack of progress on tgis case. When is a case considered cold? Maybe we could get some movement on this case if one of the Cold Case shows featured it.
I came across this study done on how the serial killer Robert Pickton was able to get away with murdering so many women for so long despite having tips called in about him from the very beginning, and although this happened in Canada and it's a different country with a different law enforcement department it certainly makes me wonder whether any of the same systemic problems could also be at play here in this case given the lack of evidence released to the public, etc. Doesn't inpsire hope tbh:

Forsaken, The Report of the Missing Women Commission of Inquiry Executive Summary
Saga: John Wayne Gacy killed dozens of young boys without getting in the radar of the police.

Truth: Parents of his second victim (John Butkovich) urged police to check out Gacy, even told them that their son was buried under Gacy's house.

Former Dormer supposedly asks the help of the public telling them that Melissa may have been held for a certain period of time but he says he can't give any details on the burlap, in fact he can't even say the word "burlap"...

How is the public supposed to help if Melissa is kept say for a week? Wouldn't it be the move of a decent police chief to make the burlap material public instead, if he truly wanted to solve the case?

When there is corruption and incompetence there must be a lot of horse....t, now, it is SCPD's turn to sell it.
I heard recently.about parabon dna testing where they can come up.with a composite sketch of what a killer looks like. I don't think we have any dna on the GB 4 cases but I have read that there might be DNA on the AC 4 cases.
I am well aware my extended posts can be very tiresome to read and understand. If there is only one thing I have learned in my quest for justice, theat is what I know


A well know journalist once said the best way to solve a mureder case is to have it printed on the front page of the NY Daily News. No truer words have even been


Early next year I expect you folks are going to see a documentary on serial killers. You will probably see me being interviewed. I haven't a clue how much, if anything

they will use in the 45 minutes or so I was filmed. If they use any of it I believe they will use the part when I am asked: Does the police really care about the

murders of prostitutes. You will hear me say, "NO." Please don't misunderstand what I was trying to say. The truth is most detectives, including yours truly don't

much care about most of the homicide cases we work on other than approaching them on a professional basis, and devoid of emotions.

When I was assigned to a Homicide Squad in 1982 there was no such thing known as a Homicide Squad in NYC. Hard to believe that the largest PD in the country in the

most well known city in the world had no Homicide Squad. It was only in the late 1980's someone in HQ realized something on a PR basis needed to be done. My Unit was

known as Detective Borough Queens Task Force. We had about 30 detectives and 5 supervisors. The Squad was broken in half with half being assigned to DBQTF, and the

other half to Homicide. The commanding officer was in charge of both. Nothing changed other than in the payroll sheets we received each week. The teams assigned known

as A,B,C,D,E,F, or those on a rotating basis were Homicide. The others were DBQTF. Nothing changed other than a name change of half the squad. It was only a matter of

PR at its best.

What I learned very early on is our work had little to do with solving murders, it had more to do with the numbers of how many cases we could close. A high profile

case being solved was always our objective. I suspect most PD's are of the same objectives: Solve the cases for the numbers that are released at the end of the year.

Solving a murder of a prostitute is never a high priority, but solve 10 of them and that is another matter. And this is a major consideration for the SCPD simply

because 4 prostitutes were found murdered near Gilgo Beach. The disappearance of SG was little more than a minor issue that would be dealt with once time allowed it

to make it disappear from the public's conscience. When SCPD was forced to do a wider search they found another 5 or 6 bodies strewn about or near the area. That got

the attention of the national press as well as the local press.

I remember we had this homicide of a retired Rabbi. It got our attention. Not a big deal, but one that needed attention. A lot of great work was done on that case by

several teams of detectives. The 'easy' part of that investigation was we all knew who was responsible for it. We needed to find some connecting evidence to put that

person and her friends linked to the case.

When the case broke it was my team that closed it up. We would have never gotten to that place if it hadn't been of the great work of other detectivies. It was a big

case that got the attention of the Brass. On the day we closed that case two detectives I worked with that specialized in Colombian murders was checking out a home in

Bayside, Queens. For no particular reason other than to gather intelligence. A Colombian fellow walks out of the house with a duffle bag on his shoulder. He sees the

detectives and drops the bag and runs off. There was 3/4 of a million dollars in that bag. The detectives retrieve the bag and go into the house for further

investigation and find another 1/2 million. When our Boro Commander/Chief is apprised of the find he jumps in his car and races to the scene and puts the money in his

car. He wanted to ensure there will be no claims that some of the money disappeared. Our arrests went unnoticed. We didn't even get an attaboy from the Chief because a

murder case of a Rabbi was less important than recovering $1.25 Million from someone/organization with no crime being charged other than having a lot of money that

couldn't be accounted for.

All detectives like to be recognized for their good work, SCPD is no different. I am sure every detective on the GILGO Case would give their right arm to solve the

case. The question is: Does the PD and the politicians in Suffolk County are of the same mind.

My posts are not directed at bashing cops, they are directed at the few in the PD and political arena that may have a stake in not seeing this case properly

investigated because their friends that raise money for them and are persons of interest can't afford to have an open investigation.
I'm glad that they interviewed you, hawkshaw. What you have to say is important and relevant to this case.
I'm glad that they interviewed you, hawkshaw. What you have to say is important and relevant to this case.

Thank you for the kind words. Truth is I haven't a clue if what I had to say is relevant at all. I really believe what I said does figure into the case, but who knows how this will turn out. I don't even know if the documentary folks will use any part of it. They said it was great, and maybe it was, but on reflection and further investigation on their part they will find something they think is 'greater.'
ALEPH, as you probably know some folks don't like the idea I continue to harp on the framing of my former son in law. Once you understand why and how the frame happened you will begin to understand why I repeat myself so many times. It is a classic kind of road map to understand what some SCPD cops will do to hide information to protect the select few. This is ONLY one case and I assure you I don't need more than that to understand why it probably happened.

I told you about the murder of a Peter G. PG was giving information to the police about Jimmy Burke's neighbor, Joe C. Three weeks after PG was brought to Burke's office he was killed outside of a large drug location. Apparently, PG was sent back to the streets without the benefit of police protection. He gave the police and the DA/Burke some serious information on some pretty dangerous criminals, one is a known killer. The detective that was assigned to this yet unsolved case was Det.Stephan. This murder occurred almost 12 years ago.

Honest detectives wanted to bring Joe C back from Florida, for two reasons: Break up the crime ring that plagued Suffolk County. To find out if he had anything to do with the murder. That happened one month after the murder and after detectives were gathering information about the crime ring. At the time Joe C was operating a wide-scaled mortgage/bank fraud scheme. It didn't bother Tom Spota in the least.

Within days JOE C told the detectives my son in law was helping them in various felonies while acting as a look-out by using his pilfered police radio when he was off-duty and from his patrol car while he was on duty. Each of the 3 witnesses, known and prolific burglars would testify they need the SIL's assistance because they never heard of a police scanner, and if they did hear of it they wouldn't know how to use it if they had it.

JOE C started his web of lies with the assent of the DA by telling the DA that the SIL stuck up the Strathmore Bagel company on 7/25/00. As you know by now the SIL was in Europe from 7/18 thru 7/27! It only got worse after that when Joe C added in another 8 or so burglaries to that list of lies. Each one of those lies were proven to be such when the defense lawyer crossed the liar. THE DAMNED JURY HEARD IT and they still convicted on the word of three burglars/drug dealers/arsonists. and life long burglars that committed up to 100 crimes.

OK, you had enough. The purpose of repeating this for the 1000X is to show you what crooked cops will do to protect their own. None of the three witnesses would do one day in jail for the crimes they readily admitted to in pre-trial agreements.

There were plenty of suspicious things the DA/Police did in the Gilgo Beach murders that seemed to get the attention of some of our fellow sleuthers.

You know the rest of the story.
If they could lie so outrageously in my son in law's case and not get caught then they can lie about anything without fear of being caught. And who is going to prosecute them, TOM SPOTA.
I work with lazies, liars, and crooks. They get away with it by surrounding themselves with the right people. Believe me, I get it.
I work with lazies, liars, and crooks. They get away with it by surrounding themselves with the right people. Believe me, I get it.

Your very short post tells me you do GET IT. This is exactly what they do and continue to do. The Ringmaster is Spota and that clown in Babylon owns the entire circus known as Suffolk County.
The clown in Suffolk is not hindering investigations into murders.

There are a lot of CLOWNS in Suffolk. Which one are you talking about? We can be sure the CLOWN I am referring to did not kill the gals because he isn't interested in girls.........

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