Will the media now make Casey a very wealthy woman?

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Did OJ get wealthier after his trial?

nope! and OJ was a famous all american football hero. I will boycott any movie, book or media that gives money to ICA. It will probably be Geraldo first. He has been bidding his time being nice to JB to get that.
Here's a suggestion:

Do not watch one program that has a story about Casey Anthony, any of the Anthony's or any of the Defense team. That includes news, news magazines, talk shows. Nothing.

No magazines.

No books.


Nada. (that's for you Baez)

I challenge you.

Can you do it?

Can you put your curiosity aside?

I can.

I've already begun.

No viewer interest. No interviews. No $$$$$

Tell yourself. These people's problems are not my problems. Then walk away from it.

THAT is the only way we can make a difference now.

Can you do it?
Not if the public can help it. Casey is the most hated woman in the world and noone wants to see her make a dime!
Definitely. It's disgusting and deplorable. The media and the public (sadly) love a train wreck, and we know Casey is engineering that train.
Is there one person here that can TRUTHFULLY say that they wouldn't be interested on seeing what she would say on a show like Dateline? We may not like her, but it would be interesting.
All the networks care about is ratings. For that reason, I think she will make loads of money off of the murder of her child. JMHO
Only if people let them. The media doesn't put stuff out there that people won't watch.
And don't forget that the lifeblood of the media industry lies in advertisement. If enough people threaten to boycott the advertisers because they don't like the products (ie. the "Casey Anthony show") that they support, that support will dry up mighty quickly, trust me.
Is there one person here that can TRUTHFULLY say that they wouldn't be interested on seeing what she would say on a show like Dateline? We may not like her, but it would be interesting.
All the networks care about is ratings. For that reason, I think she will make loads of money off of the murder of her child. JMHO

She couldn't say anything I'd even remotely believe. Nor would I believe her parents. LA I am leaving out of the mess because he purposely stayed out of it. As for the rest of em? I won't buy any book written by anyone in that family. Nor will I watch any tv interviews. Nor will I watch any movie. If it remotely has to do with those three? Forget it. And that includes JB and team. That also includes the jury and alternates.

NOW, if JA writes a book? I'm all over it. If LDB writes a book? I'm all over that. If HHJP does an interview? Writes a book? I'm all over that.

As for the rest of the psycho family? I'm done. :banghead:
Much like the OJ trial, this seems to be quite an unpopular verdict. I live in the southern plains, and judging from what I heard on the radio - sports talk no less - as well as my vet's assistant and people waiting in line at my local Walgreen's, people here are incredulous that the jury let her skate. It's very possible that if there a sizeable viewer/reader outcry against networks, book publishers, and book sellers (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) anyone associated with this verdict will become kryptonite. Didn't OJ's book tank because booksellers wouldn't go near it due to public outcry? I think the same may happen in this case. IMO, ICA will be stripping in some gentlemen's club in 5-10 yeras. JMO of course.
Here's a suggestion:

Do not watch one program that has a story about Casey Anthony, any of the Anthony's or any of the Defense team. That includes news, news magazines, talk shows. Nothing.

No magazines.

No books.


Nada. (that's for you Baez)

I challenge you.

Can you do it?

Can you put your curiosity aside?

I can.

I've already begun.

No viewer interest. No interviews. No $$$$$

Tell yourself. These people's problems are not my problems. Then walk away from it.

THAT is the only way we can make a difference now.

Can you do it?

I am with you all the way! I, too, have already begun. I will buy nothing and watch nothing related to the A's. Any TV appearances that I see advertised it will be my intention to email the network and advertisers to complain and let them know that I will not be viewing. If enough people did the same thing, we could nip this in the bud right now.
The media has already had great revenue increase due to the enormous public interest in this case. Anything now which features Casey herself could be worth a fortune to media and they will pay a lot of money to make it happen.

Casey may have the opportunity to make millions on interviews, statements, books, movie rights, etc. This kind of thing can't pay off for extended periods because public interest will wane over time, but she could get wealthy in the near future.

It is my hope that my fellow members of WS can find a way to combat the sadness in their hearts. I know many feel that Caylee was robbed of justice today.

If Caylee accidently drowned, then it would have been an injustice for KC to be charged with murder. If KC did murder her child, she will not meet up with her in heaven. Caylee was an innocent child, and is with the heavenly father now. She is forever safe and out of harms way, and is in a place where all that is good will eventually go. Had her mother been convicted and executed for an accidental drowning, that would have been just as tragic as Caylee's demise.

For nearly three years, KC has been in a small cell, for the most part alone with her thoughts. 3 years, she has had nearly every waking moment to relive whatever tragic events took place on June 16th 2008. Her caretaker at the jailhouse said she was a model prisoner, and usually cheerful, except for when she was crying. When the media reported KC crying, they always, always, always said she was crying for herself. No one knows why she was crying, they may think they know, but they were not with her, they simply do not know. If Caylee accidently drown while KC was taking a shower, or on the computer, or on the phone, she will never forgive herself, ever. She will have to live with that forever. If GA was supposed to be keeping an eye on Caylee while KC was in the shower, he will never forgive himself either. Caylee's death, no matter whether it was accidental or not, is a tragedy.

Some are very angry with the jury. I feel this anger is misplaced. The jury did its civic duty, and rendered a verdict. The anger should be aimed at those who misreported or misinterpreted or misrepresented the facts for nearly three years. The anger should be aimed at those who had the most to gain by playing with our emotions, flaming the fires, and telling us what to believe the facts in this case were. The media convicted KC on day one. They misrepresented the truth over and over and over. They told everyone the tot mom was heinous, awful, a monster. KC was a murderer in the eyes of the media for 3 years.

Anything that even suggested exculpatory evidence was downplayed or ignored by the media. I would be willing to bet, by next week, there will be a new story for the media to sink their teeth in, and they will tell us who we are supposed to hate next. Whether it is a priest in Kentucky, or a cheerleader in Minnesota, or a cashier at Walmart, they will find someone to hate and the tot mom will be forgotten. Our justice system may be flawed, but our media is out of control.
I do not blame the DT, the PT, the judge or the jury for the sense of outrage in the general public over the outcome of this trial. The blame goes squarely on the shoulders of the media and the media alone. If you are angry, the media is where you should target that anger.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only
Here's a suggestion:

Do not watch one program that has a story about Casey Anthony, any of the Anthony's or any of the Defense team. That includes news, news magazines, talk shows. Nothing.

No magazines.

No books.


Nada. (that's for you Baez)

I challenge you.

Can you do it?

Can you put your curiosity aside?

I can.

I've already begun.

No viewer interest. No interviews. No $$$$$

Tell yourself. These people's problems are not my problems. Then walk away from it.

THAT is the only way we can make a difference now.

Can you do it?

Oh hell yes. **** them all.
It is my hope that my fellow members of WS can find a way to combat the sadness in their hearts. I know many feel that Caylee was robbed of justice today.

If Caylee accidently drowned, then it would have been an injustice for KC to be charged with murder. If KC did murder her child, she will not meet up with her in heaven. Caylee was an innocent child, and is with the heavenly father now. She is forever safe and out of harms way, and is in a place where all that is good will eventually go. Had her mother been convicted and executed for an accidental drowning, that would have been just as tragic as Caylee's demise.

For nearly three years, KC has been in a small cell, for the most part alone with her thoughts. 3 years, she has had nearly every waking moment to relive whatever tragic events took place on June 16th 2008. Her caretaker at the jailhouse said she was a model prisoner, and usually cheerful, except for when she was crying. When the media reported KC crying, they always, always, always said she was crying for herself. No one knows why she was crying, they may think they know, but they were not with her, they simply do not know. If Caylee accidently drown while KC was taking a shower, or on the computer, or on the phone, she will never forgive herself, ever. She will have to live with that forever. If GA was supposed to be keeping an eye on Caylee while KC was in the shower, he will never forgive himself either. Caylee's death, no matter whether it was accidental or not, is a tragedy.

Some are very angry with the jury. I feel this anger is misplaced. The jury did its civic duty, and rendered a verdict. The anger should be aimed at those who misreported or misinterpreted or misrepresented the facts for nearly three years. The anger should be aimed at those who had the most to gain by playing with our emotions, flaming the fires, and telling us what to believe the facts in this case were. The media convicted KC on day one. They misrepresented the truth over and over and over. They told everyone the tot mom was heinous, awful, a monster. KC was a murderer in the eyes of the media for 3 years.

Anything that even suggested exculpatory evidence was downplayed or ignored by the media. I would be willing to bet, by next week, there will be a new story for the media to sink their teeth in, and they will tell us who we are supposed to hate next. Whether it is a priest in Kentucky, or a cheerleader in Minnesota, or a cashier at Walmart, they will find someone to hate and the tot mom will be forgotten. Our justice system may be flawed, but our media is out of control.
I do not blame the DT, the PT, the judge or the jury for the sense of outrage in the general public over the outcome of this trial. The blame goes squarely on the shoulders of the media and the media alone. If you are angry, the media is where you should target that anger.

As always, my entire post is my opinion only

With my last little shred of respect I will disagree. The anger should be targeted towards the slayer of a little 2 year-old girl who did nothing wrong and whose only crime was: existing. May justice be served in the NEXT world.
If Casey ever did an interview on TV, there would be a topic here to discuss it with hundreds, possibly thousands, of replies. I wouldn't buy a book by Casey, but I would probably watch an interview that she does.
They'll try to, absolutely. I will not contribute though; I will only buy/read anything from Ashton or Lindra Drane Burdick. I will not give a cent to anyone affiliated with the Anthony's or the defense team. Ever.
YES, the media will make Casey a wealthy woman... starting with her first interview: like it or not, it will be worth A LOT of money. The talking heads and networks will be stumbling over each other with big payouts... this outcome is so controversial and she has kept quiet while incarcerated: the perfect setup for big money bargaining because she will be finally speaking.
Only if people let them. The media doesn't put stuff out there that people won't watch.

Yup. Don't buy the books and mags. Don't watch the IVs and movies. We can have control over how much she makes if there is no profit.
Thankfully ICA owes the IRS and Zanny is due a big pay day in court. I pray that's where all the money goes.
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