Will the real TH please stand up?

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I think the real Terri Horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of Terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." My relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she CREATES the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is Terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if I am wrong)...the first part of Terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by Terri's description) a Meth user, possible AIDS victim. The latter part about AIDS in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, Terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional Susie Suburban Housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'Look at me! look at me!" More excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic Hawaiian wedding.

Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just Susie Suburban Housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think Terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think LE and Kaine and Desiree know about those "other things." The "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from LE about things that will surprise us...refer to Terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to LE. This Susie Suburban Housewife IMO had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe Desiree is as furious and betrayed asKaine...because she bought into Terri as Susie Suburban Housewife...Good StepMom...and now she sees what was going on with Terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe Terri's recklessness led to Kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And I believe that there are very good reasons why Teri knows she will never have Baby K and another chance to be Susie Suburban Housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.
We actually have no idea of bio-dads current circumstances. All we know is what has been put out there by Terri[who has been proven to be a "fabricator" to say the least, or "twisting" the truth to serve her purpose].
So for all we know as you stated above about use of meth, for all we know he still could be a meth user or possibly he never was one at all... none of us know.

But for him to be such a horrendous person as Terri has painted him[meth user, having AIDS, etc]she sure is awfully trusting of this "horrible" ex-daddy by letting her impressionable teenaged son now be in this man's custody...

Again, just another of Terri's tales that just DO NOT ADD UP..

WOW, That is really scary. I had no idea he was a meth user and had AIDS. Have they proven that AIDS is not contageous? I thought there was some question as to contact with body fluids they weren't sure about.
We actually have no idea of bio-dads current circumstances. All we know is what has been put out there by Terri[who has been proven to be a "fabricator" to say the least, or "twisting" the truth to serve her purpose].
So for all we know as you stated above about use of meth, for all we know he still could be a meth user or possibly he never was one at all... none of us know.

But for him to be such a horrendous person as Terri has painted him[meth user, having AIDS, etc]she sure is awfully trusting of this "horrible" ex-daddy by letting her impressionable teenaged son now be in this man's custody...

Again, just another of Terri's tales that just DO NOT ADD UP..


Which is, of course, the problem with hearsay. And there's a lot of hearsay that's been put out in this case as "fact", when in actually it's just personal opinion and unproven allegations.

And I don't recall Terri saying that her ex-husband was "horrendous"--where is that link? As for trusting her son in his custody--if the meth, etc. allegations are true, then maybe he's cleaned up his life. People do that, you know. In fact, he's remarried, and from what I've read here and there, the situation seems to be quite stable. In fact, the man's wife, who has a very nice FB page, has talked about how well J. is doing with the horses.

So I'm not willing to 'dis this man as not safe for "an impressionable" teenager based on drugs use in his younger years. As much as I hate drugs and campaign against them, still and all, I do respect people who've turned things around, beaten the odds and gotten their lives back on track. Ditto alcoholics. And I'm prone to give them the benefit of the doubt and deal with them as they are right now.

JMO, of course. :sunshine:
I think the real Terri Horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of Terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." My relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she CREATES the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is Terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if I am wrong)...the first part of Terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by Terri's description) a Meth user, possible AIDS victim. The latter part about AIDS in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, Terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional Susie Suburban Housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'Look at me! look at me!" More excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic Hawaiian wedding.

Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just Susie Suburban Housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think Terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think LE and Kaine and Desiree know about those "other things." The "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from LE about things that will surprise us...refer to Terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to LE. This Susie Suburban Housewife IMO had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe Desiree is as furious and betrayed asKaine...because she bought into Terri as Susie Suburban Housewife...Good StepMom...and now she sees what was going on with Terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe Terri's recklessness led to Kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And I believe that there are very good reasons why Teri knows she will never have Baby K and another chance to be Susie Suburban Housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.

With due respect, I have a different viewpoint, although I do give high marks for inventiveness in this post! :toast:

First, I'm sorry to hear of your family trouble. That must be so frustrating to watch and not be able to stop the troubling behavior.

The problem is that I don't actually know if TH is a sociopath, narcissist (both previously opined many times in our threads), or is a dual-personality risk taker based on emotional problems. One thing I will say is that her silence, and following advice from her attorney, isn't indicative of the "usual" behavior of those types--based on what little I know, and I'm not a professional in that field.

I don't know that she married a meth user. She was pretty young. Maybe he started using after they were married. Maybe he hid it from her--druggies, and alcoholics, do that.

Maybe once she realized that he was a user, she got the heck outta Dodge to protect her son and herself. If so, that was a good thing for a mother to do, no?

As for marrying what I'll summarize your description as "old reliable", well, many women do that at some point. My favorite aunt, who became one of the highest executives in a national company, married for stability/security the second time around. And she's not as you described. I know she was fond of the man, but yes, she later realized that she had married primarily for security for herself and her two sons (she was a single mother who had escaped an abusive first marriage with nothing but the clothes on her back. This was in the '50's, and that was a brave brave thing to do.).

As for the affair with KH--it takes two to tango. KH was the man who was living with his pregnant wife when he began his affair with Terri. He's excused that by saying that the relationship with Desiree was basically over anyway (shrug).

Maybe TH genuinely was seduced by KH, or maybe it was mutual seduction. I dunno. Maybe she really fell in love with him. I dunno. But I do know this: if their relationship was about a need for excitement and risk-taking, well, there were two people involved in that activity. Based on Desiree's statements about being devastated and crying and crying, I'd say that KH was falling into the zone of "excitement, romance, risk-taking".

Body building? I don't know for sure, but I suspect that she got interested in it a) casually through friends at the gym or b) maybe because at one point KH was interested. Did you ever see the photos on his FB page?

I don't know what "revolting" activities TH did or didn't do. Sure, there was the sexting, but let's face it--KH was married to Desiree and he was having an affair. I can't remember if the whole world was texting and sexting and what not on cellphones--they were on computers--but I would imagine that KH sent TH some pretty hot computer messages. So, two people, both married, one had an actual affair, the second we only know about sexting.

And when there's an affair, I hold both parties responsible. JMO, of course. Maybe KH is weak-willed, easily led, has no individual strength of character, and Terri "made him do it." However, I really can't buy into that mode of thinking, and since I can't, I have to hold him accountable for cheating on his pregnant wife.

As far as other activities, according to what we've read and heard, TH was a very active volunteer at Kyron's school. So I'm not sure how much spare time she had--2 kids, husband, house, gym, Kyron's soccer games, his projecs, taking him for visits with DY, etc--and how she spent it, other than on FB and computer games. I didn't live there, so I don't know. I also don't know about Kaine's non-work-related activities either, but I'm not going to speculate, based on his prior adulterous behavior, although heaven knows I'd like to. Ahem. And I'd like to speculate about his behavior and personality, including potential problems, based on my personal opinions. But I'm being good.

I think that opinions start from one of two places. The first is that TH is guilty, guilty, guilty, and an evil, wicked woman, and so all theories are trimmed to fit and support that hypothesis. The other opinions--at least mine--start with "I've heard a lot of hearsay, but I haven't yet seen real evidence. I'm waiting for the evidence to make up my mind."

The latter, of course, resuts in interminable fence sitting. But I'm finding it very comfy.

And, of course, most of us have "two sides." It just boils down to how divergent they are and how we manage both sides. My "bad behavior" during college was sneaking out of the dorm one night with friends and raiding a nearby orange grove for a few oranges (i.e. breaking college rules and petty theft--the fact that the owner didn't care doesn't change that it was petty theft!). Yep, that's it, and a couple of times with a little too much booze during frat parties--but nothing scandalous, just tipsy and laughing. I had friends whose "wild side" behavior during those times was a whole lot wilder (shrug). So are we all afflicted with a personality disorder or a need for excitement? I think all humans have a need for excitement, in some form, and that varies. But I don't think that "excitement" equals personality disorder.

I think that opinions start from one of two places. The first is that TH is guilty, guilty, guilty, and an evil, wicked woman, and so all theories are trimmed to fit and support that hypothesis. The other opinions--at least mine--start with "I've heard a lot of hearsay, but I haven't yet seen real evidence. I'm waiting for the evidence to make up my mind."


Respectfully SBM

I did not come into this with an opinion either way, especially not an opinion like TH is guilty, guilty, guilty and an evil wicked woman.

I've seen a lot of (circumstantial) evidence that has led me to believe she is guilty, guilty, guilty and an evil and wicked woman.

I'd rather not. But when I put everything together, that's the conclusion I am forced to face. I know many of the posters here (on both sides) have given this alot of time, thought and consideration, and I don't believe any of us on this particular forum came to our conclusions lightly, nor do I believe we derive any pleasure in considering what may have happened to Kyron after he disappeared and who may have done so.

I can not wait until this case is resolved, Kyron is brought home, and justice is served. (however that may play out.)
Respectfully SBM

I did not come into this with an opinion either way, especially not an opinion like TH is guilty, guilty, guilty and an evil wicked woman.

I've seen a lot of (circumstantial) evidence that has led me to believe she is guilty, guilty, guilty and an evil and wicked woman.

I'd rather not. But when I put everything together, that's the conclusion I am forced to face. I know many of the posters here (on both sides) have given this alot of time, thought and consideration, and I don't believe any of us on this particular forum came to our conclusions lightly, nor do I believe we derive any pleasure in considering what may have happened to Kyron after he disappeared and who may have done so.

I can not wait until this case is resolved, Kyron is brought home, and justice is served. (however that may play out.)


I didn't think it was necessary that I write "opinions developed and presented during our discussions here over the past 3 months." I kind of thought that it was implied.

Sorry I didn't make that clearer. I am talking about ongoing discussions that have developed over the past three months. And it is only natural that developed opinions start to take on the form--like a seamstresses' model--of deeply-held beliefs. Not just here, but in many situations. Which is why people worry about LE getting "tunnel vision"--and not just in this case. Several have been mentioned.

Thanks for your comment!
Kat, I enjoyed your rebuttal. I do believe we "see" people we know in these individuals in the news....and that can lead to very different interpretations. Fair enough.

At this point, I believe Kaine and Desiree have much more knowledge of this case than Little Me (the Internet Sleuther.) If they are so strong in their belief that Terri is involved..if her own attorney is saying she is a "de facto suspect"...if LE is putting her face on flyers...AT THIS POINT, I believe the parents. I believe they have factual reasons from LE to say Terri is involved.

I believe they KNOW more than we do. And that "knowledge" provides the basis for their feelings about Terri.

So I'm standing just off the fence...but I'm pretty spry...I could hop on at a moment's notice.

Just one clarification. You say:

"And when there's an affair, I hold both parties responsible."

And I absolutely agree.

No slack for Kaine from me on the affair. I will defend him in regard to the things he has been doing to try and find his son...but he was a full participation in whatever transpired at the end of his marriage to Desiree.

I hope one say, all will be revealed. I wonder...if this eventually becomes a "cold case"...will we ever hear what the emails said, what LE found that "would surprise us"...or will the Code of Silence prevail?
EEccckkk! I forgot to ask stmarymeade, above, if she wanted coffee, Irish coffee, or mimosas for her toast!

(Say mimosas. Please. tee hee):angel:
EEccckkk! I forgot to ask stmarymeade, above, if she wanted coffee, Irish coffee, or mimosas for her toast!

(Say mimosas. Please. tee hee):angel:

Tea. Strong...5 teabags brewed 5 minutes.

My insides are probably like shoe leather.
I didn't want to quote such large posts above but can I say that I thoroughly enjoyed reading each opposing view that was written so eloquently here! :highfive:
IMO discussions of the type "Terri was doing X" "Yeah but Kaine was too" are not very fruitful. I completely agree that if two people are having an affair they both need to be responsible for their actions but IMO it's a bit irrelevant if the question is whether or not Terri exhibits risk taking or thrill seeking tendencies that might perhaps make her more susceptible to criminal behavior. If she does she does. If she doesn't she doesn't. Kaine and Desiree and Tony and detective Gates and the sheriff and hordes of other people might or might not have had the same kind of behavior or personality traits but it doesn't change the reality about Terri having them (or not).

These other people's traits are relevant in a discussion about their potential susceptibility for criminal behavior and if we were having that kind of discussion about Kaine or Desiree or Sam the Suspect the importance that Kaine or Desiree or Sam the Suspect did X wouldn't be negated by the argument "Yeah but Terri did it too" either. If Sam the Suspect is a risk taker he is one regardless of all the other people who are also risk takers.
i think the real terri horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." my relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she creates the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if i am wrong)...the first part of terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by terri's description) a meth user, possible aids victim. The latter part about aids in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional susie suburban housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'look at me! Look at me!" more excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic hawaiian wedding.

Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just susie suburban housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think le and kaine and desiree know about those "other things." the "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from le about things that will surprise us...refer to terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to le. This susie suburban housewife imo had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe desiree is as furious and betrayed askaine...because she bought into terri as susie suburban housewife...good stepmom...and now she sees what was going on with terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe terri's recklessness led to kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And i believe that there are very good reasons why teri knows she will never have baby k and another chance to be susie suburban housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.

excellant post,, ita..........
I think the real Terri Horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of Terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." My relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she CREATES the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is Terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if I am wrong)...the first part of Terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by Terri's description) a Meth user, possible AIDS victim. The latter part about AIDS in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, Terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional Susie Suburban Housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'Look at me! look at me!" More excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic Hawaiian wedding.

Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just Susie Suburban Housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think Terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think LE and Kaine and Desiree know about those "other things." The "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from LE about things that will surprise us...refer to Terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to LE. This Susie Suburban Housewife IMO had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe Desiree is as furious and betrayed asKaine...because she bought into Terri as Susie Suburban Housewife...Good StepMom...and now she sees what was going on with Terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe Terri's recklessness led to Kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And I believe that there are very good reasons why Teri knows she will never have Baby K and another chance to be Susie Suburban Housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.

I just had to quote you so others who may have missed this brilliantly written post get another chance...:takeabow:
I think the real Terri Horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of Terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." My relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she CREATES the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is Terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if I am wrong)...the first part of Terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by Terri's description) a Meth user, possible AIDS victim. The latter part about AIDS in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, Terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional Susie Suburban Housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'Look at me! look at me!" More excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic Hawaiian wedding.
irresistible seductress.
Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just Susie Suburban Housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think Terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think LE and Kaine and Desiree know about those "other things." The "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from LE about things that will surprise us...refer to Terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to LE. This Susie Suburban Housewife IMO had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe Desiree is as furious and betrayed asKaine...because she bought into Terri as Susie Suburban Housewife...Good StepMom...and now she sees what was going on with Terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe Terri's recklessness led to Kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And I believe that there are very good reasons why Teri knows she will never have Baby K and another chance to be Susie Suburban Housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.

Interesting that you see Terri as living a life of self-induced drama and chaos, hitting bottom, body on display, look at me, another rush, thrills back in her life in a revolting way, excitement, and susie suburban housewife. I don't see it that way at all.

I'm sure the meth use began after the marriage and after she gave birth to her first baby. If there's anything that squashes the excitement of having your first baby it would be a meth addicted husband who is using/sharing needles and worried about aids. Staying and subjecting your baby to a meth environment is nothing short of child abuse. Terri did what's best for her and baby, she left! Some call it 'high drama' I call it a 'healthy' choice', not one that any young mom wants to make. moo

Her next involvement was with a man far more stable than a meth user, a man who had the proclivity for business adventure, and a man willing to take Terri and her baby into his life. Some call if high drama, I call it a healthy choice. Debilitating car accidents, failed business adventures, school, adoption, and divorce. Guess you could label it 'high drama', I label it as unfortunate, a marriage with many problems, and sad for all involved. moo

Terri was introduced to Kaine while out to dinner. At the time, she and son were living in her condo.

Terri was single and living with her son in a condo. Did despicable Kaine tell her that he was married and expecting his first child? Did he tell her his marriage was over? IMO this is where the high drama begins. I highly doubt that Terri saw herself as an irresistible suductress (sp?). Or is that the way she felt with Kaine? moo

Who encouraged and supported Terri to get involved with body building? Was it Kaine? I see nothing wrong with that endeavor, it showed Terri as having conviction and determination. However, for Kaine to now use that to smear Terri, to suggest a nefarious lifestyle, especially if he supported it at the time, is despicable.

Why is getting married on the beach in Hawaii, dressed in bathing suits, exotic and drama producing? She was with Kaine, and I highly doubt he was dressed in a tux and black shoes. Wasn't he also in a bathing suit? Kaine and Terri went to Israel, Disney World, and other fabulous trips. Do you think Kaine was under hypnosis and forced to take the trips? Was he strong armed into giving Terri a car for Mother's Day? Or was he recognizing Terri as being the mother she was, both to her child and his? moo mho

The body building, bathing suit marriage, and who knows what else, is where the real drama begins. IMO. moo mho hoo
I'm willing to give them both a pass for the bathing suit wedding. People who are on their second and third marriages mightn't feel a lot like the whole white wedding production.
"There are many ways to measure success; not the least of which is the way your child describes you when talking to a friend."

I stumbled across this quote, and it makes me wonder what Kyron's friends thought of Terri. We've heard from some of their mothers and they seemed to think Terri was a good mom, but I think that quote is an excellent one, kids will tell their friends things that they would not tell the adults.
I'm willing to give them both a pass for the bathing suit wedding. People who are on their second and third marriages mightn't feel a lot like the whole white wedding production.

OT, but when my good friends got married it was on a beach on July 4th with red, white, and blue bathing suits. It was her third marriage, and I'm thinking she just wanted something simple and small. Terri and Kaine could have wanted this it was her third and his second.

Or who knows, maybe Kaine spent a bunch of money getting them to Hawaii and then didn't have enough for a lavish wedding there. In any case, getting married on the beach in bathing suits doesn't tell me anything.
I'm willing to give them both a pass for the bathing suit wedding. People who are on their second and third marriages mightn't feel a lot like the whole white wedding production.

So true, pass for sure for the bathing suit wedding. lol I pointed it out because the post I was responding to called it exotic and some other things.

Body building, bathing suit wedding, etc. seems to be the beginning of Terri's comfort with her body and sexuality. Seems to me that her and Kaine had a sexual chemistry together. And that's when the drama started. I'm wondering if that sexual chemistry went down hill while pregnant? Of course that's my humble opinion and questions only. hoo
Tea. Strong...5 teabags brewed 5 minutes.

My insides are probably like shoe leather.

I make huge pitchers of very strong sweetened iced tea. Also can be served hot. 5 to 6 teabags.

Earl Grey coming up!
I make huge pitchers of very strong sweetened iced tea. Also can be served hot. 5 to 6 teabags.

Earl Grey coming up!
Can I get mine before you add the sugar? My friend's use to make it so sweet, I called it hummingbird food, they always put some aside for me, before adding sugar. Would love to have tea with you.
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