Will the real TH please stand up?

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Can I get mine before you add the sugar? My friend's use to make it so sweet, I called it hummingbird food, they always put some aside for me, before adding sugar. Would love to have tea with you.

Sure thing! A properly-appointed tea tray always has milk, sugar, lemons, to use at personal whim. Plus a few cookies. ;}
Interesting that you see Terri as living a life of self-induced drama and chaos, hitting bottom, body on display, look at me, another rush, thrills back in her life in a revolting way, excitement, and susie suburban housewife. I don't see it that way at all.

I'm sure the meth use began after the marriage and after she gave birth to her first baby.

I don't think either of us can say "when"...nor can we say "I'm sure."
But, for sure, Terri finds herself in Bad Situation No#1.

Terri was single and living with her son in a condo. Did despicable Kaine tell her that he was married and expecting his first child? Did he tell her his marriage was over? IMO this is where the high drama begins. I highly doubt that Terri saw herself as an irresistible suductress (sp?). Or is that the way she felt with Kaine? moo

I don't think either party involved in an extramarital affair when there is a pregnant wife is any less "despicable" than the other. Terri is in Bad Situation #2.

However, for Kaine to now use that to smear Terri, to suggest a nefarious lifestyle, especially if he supported it at the time, is despicable.

When has Kaine used bodybuilding to "smear" Terri?

Bodybuilding is not a bad choice, but certainly an exhibitionist choice and and odd one. I'll call it Number #3....though not necessarily bad

Why is getting married on the beach in Hawaii, dressed in bathing suits, exotic and drama producing? She was with Kaine, and I highly doubt he was dressed in a tux and black shoes. Wasn't he also in a bathing suit? Kaine and Terri went to Israel, Disney World, and other fabulous trips. Do you think Kaine was under hypnosis and forced to take the trips? Was he strong armed into giving Terri a car for Mother's Day? Or was he recognizing Terri as being the mother she was, both to her child and his? moo mho

Well, it is exotic. But as she's on Number three husband so I can understand the need for variety. Okay, this one makes no list.

The body building, bathing suit marriage, and who knows what else, is where the real drama begins. IMO. moo mho hoo

Let's not forget some kind of hinky "correspondence" with a yard guy that she might just have asked to kill her husband. Bad mistake #4.

And, my personal favorite, while you are known to be the target of a police investigation...and your little stepson has disappeared off the face of the earth, JUST AT THAT TIME, decide to send pictures of a sexual nature via your cell phone to a virtual stranger. BIG BAD mistake #5

I haven't even included driving drunk with your child in the car.

And lying to make yourself the great friend of the woman whom you and your new husband kicked to the curb while she was pregnant. Terri does not just avoid the unpleasant circumstances.,..she reinvents herself as a ripped Mother Teresa in a bikini. When the real story comes out...that is Bad Mistake # (oh, I lost count)
I'll bring the scones.

Hah, you read my mind! I just might have to make some today! By the way, whomever very early on in this thread mentioned blueberry buckle, I have to thank you, I'd never made a buckle before and have now made blackberry buckle twice. Yummmy.
The point remains, once he adopted J --- he's his son. The biological father agreed to give up his parental rights, and this man agreed to adopt the boy. I personally don't get where so many think Terri has this power over everyone she encounters. Both were grown men capable of making their own decisions.

Sociopaths are very devious and will lie, cheat, steal, kill whatever it takes for their own agenda. Terri has left a trail of tears in her wake during her life: multiple marriages and divorces, trouble with the law (2005 was just the icing on her traffic violations see link below), getting involved with a married man with a pregnant wife, lying about her relationship with Desiree, her sexual addiction, and alcohol addiction.


A records search of Terri Horman under her current, maiden and previous married names turned up a DUI conviction in 2005 in which she pleaded guilty not only to driving under the influence, but also to "reckless endangerment of another." Oregon State Police Lt. Gregg Hastings told ABCNews.com that the endangerment charge stemmed from the fact that her son, who was 11 at the time, was in the vehicle when she was stopped. A spokeswoman for the court in Marion County, Ore., said Horman was sentenced to 12 months probation, a 90-day suspension of her driver's license and she had to attend alcohol counseling programs and attend a victim impact statement. In addition, she wracked up nine traffic infractions, including several for speeding and one for driving with an expired license, between 1988 and 2004.

IMO Terri's life has been on a downhill slide for a long, long time. She's involved alright right up to her neck and that is what she will lose. Nothing compared to the grief and pain she has caused Kyron and the rest of the family. I was so happy to hear about the task force. Terri wasn't cleared by LE during the press conference, that to me was significant. I hope whatever charges are brought forth, and I have confidence that will happen, that TH gets the best defense, so she gets a fair trial. All sewn up nice and tidy so no appeals are won and she spends the rest of her days in prison.
Terri being described as Desiree's friend came from one comment from her mother, and I'm attempting to figure out how we can go from Carol stating it to Terri having forced her mother into saying it. Feeding her mother these statements. In fact, the only denial of this relationship is Desiree's, who doesn't want to be associated with Terri in any fashion which COULD lead people to ask Desiree questions she doesn't want to answer (not likely to happen in the canned interviews they've been giving so far, anyway).

Bodybuilding as an exotic endeavor. It takes discipline, and a lot of it, to sculpt one's body. It's not for me, that's for sure, but I know people who do it, and not one of them is led to high drama or narcissism as much as they are trying to get their body to the functional muscle structure it can be. Leonardo Da Vinci was fascinated by the human body and it's capabilities, and that's what I see body building as. I was a power-lifter, not a body builder, and I can tell you that there's no room for narcissism when you're hefting weights. You are looking at a goal. Is there room to imagine the narcissist? Absolutely. But she was an amateur who took this up, 'got 'er dun' and quit. She's not still sculpting her body to the max. She achieved a personal goal, which is admirable.

Kaine and Desiree contradict each other. Desiree looks at it as "Kaine was unfaithful" and Kaine says "my marriage was over." Regardless, Kaine and Terri had an affair. That's on them, and big whoop. That was settled 8 years ago, and how it is that Terri is responsible for what Kaine had been doing in his marriage before he met her, I'll never know. Remember, before they met, Kaine and Desiree were getting a divorce, then they had makeup sex and produced Kyron. They stuck it out for their reasons. Or not. But it's not on Terri.

If LE felt Terri was such a threat, I rest assured they are monitoring her every move, and know where she is at all times. Any chance to harass her, I guess.

The real Terri isn't anyone any one of us really knows, and we surely aren't getting the real picture from the things people say about her. Kaine and Desiree are looking at her through "She did this" eyes. Her friends and family are looking at her through "that's not the person we know" eyes. The public who have never spoken a word to her or even heard her voice are looking at her through "gossip" eyes.

Terri, the real one, might stand up, but I wonder whether the public would really ever look at her correctly.
Let's not forget some kind of hinky "correspondence with a yard guy that she might just have asked to kill her husband. Bad mistake #4.

And, my personal favorite, while you are known to be the target of a police investigation...and your little stepson has disappeared off the face of the earth, JUST AT THAT TIME, decide to send pictures of a sexual nature via your cell phone to a virtual stranger. BIG BAD mistake #5

I haven't even included driving drunk with your child in the car.

And lying to make yourself the great friend of the woman whom you and your new husband kicked to the curb while she was pregnant. Terri does not just avoid the unpleasant circumstances.,..she reinvents herself as a ripped Mother Teresa in a bikini. When the real story comes out...that is Bad Mistake # (oh, I lost count)
Are you sure Kaine told Terri he was married and his wife was pregnant? Are you absolutely sure? If so, please share. TIA

Some kind of 'hinky' correspondence with a yard guy? Do you know WHAT KIND? What made it hinky? Do you know for sure what was said? TIA

Except for those who have zero alcohol or limit themselves to one drink, people drive all the time with a BAL deserving of a DUI. I think it's rare to find someone who has NEVER in their life-time had 2 or 3 drinks that could translate into a drunk driving charge. Some get caught, most don't, Terri did, ONCE. She was very lucky that no physical harm was done. What does that tell me about her? She made a mistake and learned from it. What does it tell you? TIA moo mho

Regarding the sexting - Way in the beginning, I made a statement about how wrong that was, I was told by many, that people use their phones all the time for sending sex pictures of themselves. Affairs are rampant in America. I was told that it was common for people to send strip acts over their phone to lover/husband. If my friends do this, I'm certainly not aware, it's none of my business. It's not the way I communicate with my husband...but who am I to make judgments? Sexting is an act I don't care to defend. info. moo mho
Other than the DUI (and the endangerment because her son was in the car), her "trouble with the law" consists of those 9 traffic offenses over a period of 16 years.
All this discussion brings up an idea for a list. It would be interesting to go back through the news articles and have a two column list of persons, one column for those who've said things good about TH and another column for those who've said bad things about TH and see which list is longer. Because I have a sneaky feeling that anyone who has spoken who actually made her acquaintance is showing up in the first column. And, frankly, right off hand, I can only think of two who show up in the second column. Which really makes me wonder, where does all the negativity toward TH come from if not from the people on the second list? I wouldn't know how to start a thread that's a list, but it would be interesting to see.
Terri being described as Desiree's friend came from one comment from her mother, and I'm attempting to figure out how we can go from Carol stating it to Terri having forced her mother into saying it. Feeding her mother these statements. In fact, the only denial of this relationship is Desiree's, who doesn't want to be associated with Terri in any fashion which COULD lead people to ask Desiree questions she doesn't want to answer (not likely to happen in the canned interviews they've been giving so far, anyway).

Bodybuilding as an exotic endeavor. It takes discipline, and a lot of it, to sculpt one's body. It's not for me, that's for sure, but I know people who do it, and not one of them is led to high drama or narcissism as much as they are trying to get their body to the functional muscle structure it can be. Leonardo Da Vinci was fascinated by the human body and it's capabilities, and that's what I see body building as. I was a power-lifter, not a body builder, and I can tell you that there's no room for narcissism when you're hefting weights. You are looking at a goal. Is there room to imagine the narcissist? Absolutely. But she was an amateur who took this up, 'got 'er dun' and quit. She's not still sculpting her body to the max. She achieved a personal goal, which is admirable.

Kaine and Desiree contradict each other. Desiree looks at it as "Kaine was unfaithful" and Kaine says "my marriage was over." Regardless, Kaine and Terri had an affair. That's on them, and big whoop. That was settled 8 years ago, and how it is that Terri is responsible for what Kaine had been doing in his marriage before he met her, I'll never know. Remember, before they met, Kaine and Desiree were getting a divorce, then they had makeup sex and produced Kyron. They stuck it out for their reasons. Or not. But it's not on Terri.

If LE felt Terri was such a threat, I rest assured they are monitoring her every move, and know where she is at all times. Any chance to harass her, I guess.

The real Terri isn't anyone any one of us really knows, and we surely aren't getting the real picture from the things people say about her. Kaine and Desiree are looking at her through "She did this" eyes. Her friends and family are looking at her through "that's not the person we know" eyes. The public who have never spoken a word to her or even heard her voice are looking at her through "gossip" eyes.

Terri, the real one, might stand up, but I wonder whether the public would really ever look at her correctly.

Terri's friends also stated that DY and Terri were "friends". As far as TH's relationship with Kaine, yes it is on Terri. Personally I have NO respect for women that insert themselves into someone else's marriage, and I don't excuse it. She had a choice and she made it. The reason her history is important is that it shows a pattern of behavior, acts and words. LE is not harassing Terri, merely keeping an eye on their number one suspect in order to find Kyron. That is what this is all about, not her. The focus is on Terri because she was unwilling to account for her actions, words, and time on June 4th, and because of her subsequent actions and words since Kyron disappeared. LE is looking correctly at Terri, it's not a conspiracy. She's guilty of causing Kyron to disappear. The REAL Terri is not pretty, or smart, or sweet, IMO she's a sociopathic narcissist who cares only for herself. The secret is out now, and hopefully she will go to jail where she can't hurt anyone else. :behindbar
Are you sure Kaine told Terri he was married and his wife was pregnant? Are you absolutely sure? If so, please share. TIA

Are you absolutely SURE he did not? If so, please share. Otherwise, it's only fair to allow them both to share the shame of a pretty tawdry beginning. I also believe Terri moved in with him when Kyron was an infant. In which case, the discovery of a newborn, indicating his wife HAD been pregnant during their courtship, did not appear to be a deal-breaker if Terri did NOT know. It did nor lead her to cast aspersions on Kaine apparently.

Some kind of 'hinky' correspondence with a yard guy? Do you know WHAT KIND? What made it hinky? Do you know for sure what was said? TIA

It has been described as similar in nature to the "sexting" she did with a new acquaintance after Kaine left. IMO, that is "hinky" on many levels.

Except for those who have zero alcohol or limit themselves to one drink, people drive all the time with a BAL deserving of a DUI. I think it's rare to find someone who has NEVER in their life-time had 2 or 3 drinks that could translate into a drunk driving charge. Some get caught, most don't, Terri did, ONCE. She was very lucky that no physical harm was done. What does that tell me about her? She made a mistake and learned from it. What does it tell you? TIA moo mho

It tells me she drove drunk with her child in the car.

Many things I would do if only MY life and limb were at stake, I would NEVER (and I mean NEVER) do if it put anyone else in danger, much less my child. But I'll go farther...driving drunk puts everyone on the ROAD in danger. No slack, sorry.

Regarding the sexting - Way in the beginning, I made a statement about how wrong that was, I was told by many, that people use their phones all the time for sending sex pictures of themselves. Affairs are rampant in America. I was told that it was common for people to send strip acts over their phone to lover/husband. If my friends do this, I'm certainly not aware, it's none of my business. It's not the way I communicate with my husband...but who am I to make judgments? Sexting is an act I don't care to defend. info. moo mho

This was not "communicating" with her husband. This was a woman sending sexual poses of herself to someone she barely knew...and something "similar" to the Yard Man. I make no judgments what one does in a committed relationship...but Terri seems quite free with her private visual images. To me, that definitely puts the behavior in a different category. A troubling one IMO.
Other than the DUI (and the endangerment because her son was in the car), her "trouble with the law" consists of those 9 traffic offenses over a period of 16 years.

Well, I have had zero offenses of any kind. I think 9 offenses over 16 years is quite high. And I bet her insurance company agrees with me. And I am not sure I would characterize a .15 DUI and a child endangerment offense as "traffic offenses." They are quite serious. I would not be surprised if the child endangerment charge interfered with her getting a full time teaching position.
All this discussion brings up an idea for a list. It would be interesting to go back through the news articles and have a two column list of persons, one column for those who've said things good about TH and another column for those who've said bad things about TH and see which list is longer. Because I have a sneaky feeling that anyone who has spoken who actually made her acquaintance is showing up in the first column. And, frankly, right off hand, I can only think of two who show up in the second column. Which really makes me wonder, where does all the negativity toward TH come from if not from the people on the second list? I wouldn't know how to start a thread that's a list, but it would be interesting to see.

IMO, anybody who has anything nice or good or in defense of TH would probably fear getting hit by a bus.
All this discussion brings up an idea for a list. It would be interesting to go back through the news articles and have a two column list of persons, one column for those who've said things good about TH and another column for those who've said bad things about TH and see which list is longer. Because I have a sneaky feeling that anyone who has spoken who actually made her acquaintance is showing up in the first column. And, frankly, right off hand, I can only think of two who show up in the second column. Which really makes me wonder, where does all the negativity toward TH come from if not from the people on the second list? I wouldn't know how to start a thread that's a list, but it would be interesting to see.

I'd love to see a list of reasons why Terri is innocent that are more than she's a teacher and a mom so she must be innocent, or sexting is commonplace so it's ok and appropriate for her to be doing this while her stepson is missing (that her supporters claim she "loved") with some guy that used to be a classmate of Kaine's (classy, that one) and the sexts were reportedly similar to ones she sent to the landscaper, gee it's ok and normal that she can't remember where she was the morning their child is missing. Terri must be innocent because she was such a good friend to Desiree (a lie) when DY was sick and took on caring for Kyron, Terri must be innocent because her friends were just trying to help by buying bat phones.

She isn't under suspicion because of Desiree and Kaine but because of her behavior, words and actions. This is what will hang her, not Desiree and Kaine.
Well, I have had zero offenses of any kind. I think 9 offenses over 16 years is quite high. And I bet her insurance company agrees with me. And I am not sure I would characterize a .15 DUI and a child endangerment offense as "traffic offenses." They are quite serious. I would not be surprised if the child endangerment charge interfered with her getting a full time teaching position.

I didn't mean to imply that 9 tickets in 16 years wasn't excessive. But they were traffic offenses.
there are a million men and women out there who have gotten hoodwinked for *LOVE* by predators. How many people have had their credit cards maxed and have to give 1/2 of everything they've worked hard for to some loser who has no conscience. Where I live (a community property state) people, mostly women, do this by design. It's not a crime to be naive and smitten. It IS criminal, or should be, to manipulate someone with sex/love/promise of a future just so you can move on with their forced legal support. It's disgusting, and I would bet the farm that's what happened in this case.

I agree, Terri leaves a wake of tears where ever she goes.
Terri's friends also stated that DY and Terri were "friends". As far as TH's relationship with Kaine, yes it is on Terri. Personally I have NO respect for women that insert themselves into someone else's marriage, and I don't excuse it. She had a choice and she made it. The reason her history is important is that it shows a pattern of behavior, acts and words. LE is not harassing Terri, merely keeping an eye on their number one suspect in order to find Kyron. That is what this is all about, not her. The focus is on Terri because she was unwilling to account for her actions, words, and time on June 4th, and because of her subsequent actions and words since Kyron disappeared. LE is looking correctly at Terri, it's not a conspiracy. She's guilty of causing Kyron to disappear. The REAL Terri is not pretty, or smart, or sweet, IMO she's a sociopathic narcissist who cares only for herself. The secret is out now, and hopefully she will go to jail where she can't hurt anyone else. :behindbar

Yet it appears that her timeline IS checking out.
I think the real Terri Horman is one woman in conflict with two very different sides of herself.

There are certain aspects of Terri's life that remind me of a close relative of mine...whose life always seems to be "high drama." My relative has been through one marriage and multiple relationships...once owning two houses with two different "boyfriends" each living in one. Of course, this blew up and once again left her alone. When she is riding high, my relative tells me that she finds my conventional life "boring"...that she couldn't stand it for long. But when her antics leave her on the down side...she laments that a conventional life is all she ever wanted. It has taken the family many years to understand, she CREATES the drama...so she will never live for long without it.

Now here is Terri...child of two teachers. One might assume education was very important in that house. But (and correct me if I am wrong)...the first part of Terri's life we hear of is not the traditional route to a pretty campus...but marriage to (by Terri's description) a Meth user, possible AIDS victim. The latter part about AIDS in this context suggests heavy drug use. So the teachers daughter starts her solo life by having a child and marrying a drug user and perhaps one with a serious problem. Strange choice. After awhile, there are affairs and chaos...and high drama.

At some point, Terri hits bottom. The problems have her wishing to be the conventional Susie Suburban Housewife. So she remembers the old friend who always cared about her and she is soon having the white wedding and this devoted fellow adopts her son. After awhile, he bores her to tears. Convention bores her to tears.

She starts looking for attention and excitement.

Somewhere in here, there is the body-building...the "body-on-display" before a crowd...'Look at me! look at me!" More excitement...another rush. This works for awhile.

At some point, however, she meets a man with a pregnant wife. How exciting for the two of them to have a sexy romance behind this woman's back! Another "drama" as she sees herself as the irresistible seductress. This scintillating episode concludes with an exotic Hawaiian wedding.

Thrilling once again.

But soon, she finds herself just Susie Suburban Housewife again. The "prize" she stole from another woman is not the "forever hot" movie hero...he's a boring engineer. She is home way too much, and starts eating way too much...and the need for excitement sets in again.

I think Terri can be reckless in her need for excitement. I think she got involved in sexting and but also in other things. Doing something a little "wild"...maybe a little criminal...gave her a rush...a high. Her long days were no longer just kids and housework. She was starring in another drama.

I think LE and Kaine and Desiree know about those "other things." The "sickening" emails, the"red flags", the comments from LE about things that will surprise us...refer to Terri's activities and the people she brought into her children's lives. This is of a nature that brings tears to LE. This Susie Suburban Housewife IMO had put the thrills back into her life in a revolting way.

I believe Desiree is as furious and betrayed asKaine...because she bought into Terri as Susie Suburban Housewife...Good StepMom...and now she sees what was going on with Terri's reckless thrill seeking other side.

I believe Terri's recklessness led to Kyron's disappearance...either by her hand or by the hand of those involved in her activities. And I believe that there are very good reasons why Teri knows she will never have Baby K and another chance to be Susie Suburban Housewife again.

Just my opinions, etc.

Yes Terri is very schooled in pretending and fooling others. Cat's out of the bag now. I think that is why she looked so angry in that parking garage video.
IMO, anybody who has anything nice or good or in defense of TH would probably fear getting hit by a bus.

I'm confused. I believe it was posted here yesterday that there was a great deal of support for Terri on the Internet (I can't say because this is my "primary website for this type of conversation) I believe this was said in reference to Kaine and Desiree's media style.

And there is a website just for Teri's support I believe.
I didn't mean to imply that 9 tickets in 16 years wasn't excessive. But they were traffic offenses.

Child endangerment? It happened during the course of a DUI, but I don't think it would or should be classified as a "traffic offense."
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