Will this case ever be solved?

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This thread isn't meant to bring discussions of theories. It is for opinions on if the case will or will not be solved.

However, I must mention that LE have not stopped searches in an effort to find Haleigh. They are no longer incorporating outside help in doing so, but they are still going out and conducting searches to find Haleigh.
I really believe that this case will be solved when Ronald sits down and talks with LE and Misty tells a consistant story on the timeline.

SS a poll would be good for this thread at the top :)
I don't know what to think anymore, I've grown emotionally drained. They havent found Trenton Ducket, nor do they know what became of him. The hard part is the waiting...I believe the case will get solved, but not for quite some time...perhaps years. This is just one of those cases. Could be down the road someday, a new Investigator will be put on the cold case to dig into the files...and with their fresh eyes, may uncover something the others didn't see before, then it would get solved.
I feel the case will be solved. I believe this because it seems likely with their lifestyle, Ron and/or Misty will become angry with one another to the point of finally coming clean with what really happened to this little girl. I have felt from day 1 that they know and were likely involved with whatever happened to Haleigh.

As is so common with a drug affected lifestyle, their relationship seems destined to erode to the point that the truth will finally come out. They are the key.
I feel the case will be solved. I believe this because it seems likely with their lifestyle, Ron and/or Misty will become angry with one another to the point of finally coming clean with what really happened to this little girl. I have felt from day 1 that they know and were likely involved with whatever happened to Haleigh.

As is so common with a drug affected lifestyle, their relationship seems destined to erode to the point that the truth will finally come out. They are the key.

I agree with this post. It will eventually be solved. Considering the number of times all of the players have been arrested, someone who knows something will get picked up on a serious drug or gun charge and they will start talking in exchange.
The case will be solved.

There are at least 2 people who know what happened. The perp and the person the perp told. That's an old LE favorite because perps eventually tell someone. When that "someone" get busted and is facing enough time, he/she will offer up information in exchange for a lesser sentence. It has nothing to do with conscience, it is all about self-preservation.

I am glad to hear that LE is still doing searches and are actively investigating this case. I didn't doubt it.

We must remember that we have no idea what was found at the scene and we barely know what RC and MC or any other person has told to LE. They've interviewed 300 people! Some of them on several occasions. They have tests to run, they have polys to consider, they have cell phone records, they have employment records, bank records, arrest and conviction records, everything. You name it. They are looking all over this case and putting it together as we chat.

I need to ask some locals. Do any of the roads heading back to TN happen to be wonderful FL toll roads?

How about in any other direction?
I feel this case will be solved and when it is people will be surprised. I know LE leaving everyone in the dark has caused alot of speculation and frustration. If leaving the public in the dark brings Haleigh home, all the frustration will be worth it!!
The case will be solved.

I need to ask some locals. Do any of the roads heading back to TN happen to be wonderful FL toll roads?

How about in any other direction?

I travel back and forth between Florida and TN and don't pay tolls. I'm sure it depends on what part of TN and what part of FL but I just googled Knoxville, TN to Satsuma and didn't notice any toll roads. We were in Gatlinburg, TN last winter and I don't think we paid tolls.

I'm sure some of the roads to TN are toll roads but by no means all of them are.

And I don't expect this case to be solved, BUT. . . the night before Caylee's body was found, my son asked if there was any news. I said no, and I don't think there's going to be. I truly believed KC tossed Caylee in a dumpster and she'd never be found. I hope I'm wrong again.
I believe that Haleigh is safe and sound. I don't think we will know anything more until it looks like LE has put this case on a back burner and when that happens the person/people who have her will make their moves and be caught. I think LE has a good idea who took Haleigh but they are keeping it to themselves in the hopes that the person/people will start to feel secure. I also think most people will be surprised when this case comes to a head and Haleigh is brought back home. I know a lot of people think Misty and Ron have something to do with Haleigh missing but I believe they are in for a surprise when they find out who actually took her. I hope that is the way it goes anyway. This little girl needs to be brought back home to her dad.
This case WILL be solved but not for a while. They know who, they just don't know where she is. They are watching, waiting. It may be 4 years from now, but it will happen!!
If LE knew where she was, or who had her- she would be home.
There was a concerted effort to ensure it wouldn't be. Alligators couldn't have gotten rid of evidence the way the egos of people did. I hope justice looks past those whose ego struts itself out bigger than the life of HaLeigh Ann Marie. I hope Karma is as big a ladydog as she is rumored to be.
I will try to make my beliefs known in general terms..
Yes, I think the case will be solved. There is one solid reason for my belief- the key players known to me, at least, are all still very young adults with histories of not staying in one place with one person for too long.
As people mature, they change " alliances"-- divorce, move, love turns to hate, friendships fade away, that sort of thing.

MANY cases have been solved by one person with a conscience ( or hatred for a former partner) coming forward and saying " I know something about this child, this missing person". Even if it is years later.

I believe that the whereabouts of Haleigh and some other missing children will be solved once loyalties change and time passes.
People become complacent when scrutiny lets up, too.

The cases with the least chance of a break are those where the couple stays together and/ or involves an older, more settled couple. I could name names, but their children's' cases are, obviously, still unsolved.
One thing is for sure, LE isn't giving up. They don't just give up. Ever. That's their job.
I don't know where to post this, but I do think it will get solved. I have been doing a 6 week course with Hernando County Sheriff's office. Last week we had our Forensic Dr. for out County speak and do demonstrations of how they get evidence and process it. Unlike CSI on TV, we do not have a fingerprint computer that runs though a database and comes up with a MATCH. No one does, just TV Shows. For every latent print, the computer comes back with a min. of 25 possible matches. So if you lift 50 prints, x 25 possible matches per print, that's 1,250 prints someone sits and looks at to see if it is a match. Yes they do print all the people in the family to rule out prints that belong in the house, but you still have to run them. Now think of all the people who could have come and gone in the house. You also have to think about the last time you really cleaned and got rid of prints in the process. I dust with a rug, but not always with Pledge polish. So if the cable guy was in my house, and his prints are on my TV they belong there, but I may have forgotten to tell LE. So the prints are run, and he isn't in the data base, because he doesn't have a record or has never been in the service. Someone has to run that down.

I ask how long for DNA to come back. Well we serve 5 counties, and some things are sent to the FBI labs. So if we aren't backed up with crime, and FBI are on schedule; maybe 3 months on average. Do they release it? Not till everything comes back and they are satisfied. So it's June and we wait, and they are working on it, just takes time. When they have what they need they will go to the SA and give them what they have, then he will decide if they have enough evidence to make a solid arrest and make it STICK. I hope that is what happens. But remember, lots of that evidence belongs in that MH. They lived there. If someone came in and wore gloves, that would be a reason they don't find prints that don't belong there. Now what? So it takes time. Every statement is read, reread, and listened to dozens of times, by lots of experts. They interviewed 300 people, and probably printed lots of them.

Have faith, it may be a year... or more... to put this together.
JMO, but Haleigh being brought home and the person not being charged with abduction is not an option. Kidnapping is a crime... someone will have to pay.
I want to believe that she is alive, but my hopes are fading.
I doubt Haleigh will be found but I'm still praying that the case will be solved (hopefully someone, somewhere will talk) and those responsible will be brought to justice...

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