Will this case ever be solved?

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Still haven't found the clip I was looking for, the one I am thinking of was done with Tim in the daylight outside.

But here is another clip I found that states "Deputies respectively told them (TES) they have done all they could". The one I was looking for wasn't stated quite this diplomatic.

I don't understand LE not releasing the house yet. IMO.. In this time they sure have been able to document everything in this house, taken all the fingerprints, checked all the drains, etc. Luckily RC has family in the area he could stay with if he wanted to but what if he didn't? This is a very rural county unlike many metro type counties is FL. I have not felt that confident about their LE from the beginning especially when they told TES to left after searching for only a very few days...JMO

From what I have been watching this does not seem like a cold case. However it also does not seem like a missing or kidnapped child case, which bodes very very badly for that poor little girl.

- They did not release the home. It is still an active crime scene after his amount of time. What this means is currently LE knows it is the scene of a crime, and that at present they probably view the house itself and the forensics as the most reliable witness. It's the only thing involved in this case that probably is not lying to them.

- They have staged LE only non public searches in areas such as the woods 200 yards from the home. Plus they have had lots of divers in the water near the home. These are not places you look for a living breathing little girl 2 weeks after she goes missing. The fact that they were LE only searches means that they are concerned about forensics and evidence, not recovery.

- LE has not been talking at all. This tells ALOT regarding what LE's theories of the crime are, or what evidence they have currently. If they are holding things in a missing child case so close to the vest, chances are they already have someone in their sites and they are working to build a criminal case against that party. The silence implies that they do not believe this is currently a crime in progress (ie kidnapping). The silence also implies that they are trying to avoid some of the early mistakes made in the Caylee Anthony case, where the mother was arrested on a lesser charge very early in the investigation, before LE had a full picture, and as a result started the clock on any trial, including that for much more elevated murder charges.
I see the reward money is up to $25,500....do you all think that as this amount rises, that maybe it will loosen up information, that somebody will come forward in some fashion. Alot of folks around there could use that kind of money, I'm sure.

As far as the house, I've never seen a case where the residence has been held for so long. Laci Peterson's house was released right away, the Anthony's never even had to move out, same with Jessica Lundsford's family, they never had to get out of the house even though it was the crime scene. This is very unusual....is it really legal to keep someone from their residence for this long a period of time?
It takes longer than two weeks to become a cold case.

Anne Pressly's home (the crime scene) was turned over to her parents about two weeks after her assault/murder. In that case LE was very tight lipped and you assumed they were either stumped or working secretively on something... until the arrest was made about a month after the crime.
<snip)The silence also implies that they are trying to avoid some of the early mistakes made in the Caylee Anthony case, where the mother was arrested on a lesser charge very early in the investigation, before LE had a full picture, and as a result started the clock on any trial, including that for much more elevated murder charges.

Thanks, I hadn't even thought of that.

But to me if this was done by any of the players we see I would have thought LE could have broke them by now since none of them have lawyered up.

Anyone remember the 1969 kipnap, rape and murder of 6 yr old Camillia Jo Hand in Ocoee FL. I don't think it was ever solved although highly rumored to be a relative. For some reason this case reminds me of that one, which I haven't even thought of in decades.
I just hope this doesn't turn out like Taylor and Skyla in Oklahoma. The police didn't tell the public much and I thought for a long time they had something they were working on that would solve it, but it has been almost nine months now and still no answers and no arrest. How frustrating that must be to the families when something happens to a child and there are no answers. I just hope they find her soon.
The way this case has been going, I am beginning to think it may go unsolved. Many cases are blown within the first hours either due to lack of evidence, botched evidence, or other reasons. However, I realize we have been kept at bay by PCSO and do not know where their case is right now. It is possible they could find Haleigh tomorrow, arrest someone, and head to trial.

As I see it, there are only 4 options here:

1) The case is solved, Haleigh is brought home, and the person responsible is brought to justice.

2) The case is solved according to LE, Haleigh is brought home, but there is not enough evidence to bring charges.

3) The case remains unsolved, but Haleigh's body is found.

4) The case remains unsolved and Haleigh is never found.

What are your views on the outcome of this case?
I definately this case will eventually be solved, because somebody is going to sell somebody else down the river. Too many rats envolved and the ship is going to start sinking.
Part of me feels that LE has no idea what happen with Haleigh and have ran across other problems in the area that they are taking care of that before went unnoticed or just ignored. I can only pray that Haleigh is found safe and brought home. But, I feel this case will end up cold sad to say. A lot of things don't make sense to me nor the way it is being handled. Nobody is being put under pressure to talk and I just don't understand that. I also don't understand why LE would not want anyone searching for Haleigh, why the ground searches were called off. If LE feels it would put other's in danger for searching then they should assign a special team to go out and search. I can only say what I think I would do and if it were my daughter there would be no way I would let anyone dictate to me on how to search for her if I felt they were not doing enough. But that is just me. I am just praying for this child because that is all that is really left. Put this big problem in the Lords hands and pray for the best.
I'm having a hard time separating my feelings and facts in this case for some reason. I've only ever had 1 other case do that to me, but it was someone I knew personally.

I think this case will never be solved. I am starting to think that LE isn't even really working on it that much anymore. This is how I feel if I'm honest with myself.

But I want HaLeigh found and someone brought to justice. I can say one thing. I know for a fact we here at WS will not put HaLeigh on the back burner and wait for someone to slip up.
I must admit to having a terrible feeling that this may become another tragic unsolved case.
I feel at some point Haleigh's body will be found but the case will remain unsolved.

I'm with you Patty G. I've stepped back from Haleigh's case for quite a while now and I think it's quite possible that one day in the future Haleigh will be found by accident. Someone will stumble across her.

I don't think that there will be enough evidence left to prosecute anyone at that time.

I am hoping that someone will stumble across her. I really am.
I don't think this case will ever be solved or Haleigh's remains ever found. I can't shake off the feeling that there is a cover-up by the powers-that-be here. I hope I'm wrong.
I have hope beyond hope that LE is still searching for answers in this case. There was DNA taken from most family members and persons related to this case. LE took a door, after the fact, and they had their reasons. They and only they know the truth in this case. I still believe that this case will be solved and an arrest will be made. Unfortunately, this case being solved will not bring Haleigh home, I believe she is in heaven with the angels looking down on her family with love and smiles.
I think it will be solved eventually, and believe HaLeigh will come home.
I just don't feel Haleigh is dead. I feel like she is with someone she knows and is being taking care of. I hope the cops didn't have tunnel vision in the beginning and missed an opportunity to check out other people.
Sadly, I believe she is deceased.

I have never understood how an intruder (under the facts of this case) could have entered into the mobile home, steal away Haleigh (who did not utter a peep) and not have been heard. I do not find MC or RC to be believable.

I also don't know why we don't hear more about this case and I don't know why the searches were called off.

This case is exasperating. Where is this child?
I sure hope this case gets solved and brings HC home. all i am saying is that i think RC & MC know much much more. I think LE has a hunch, but they don't have evidence to move forward. I also think that is the primary reason RC & MC have gone into hiding at the advise of RC's attorney. They were slipping up too much on the interviews.

i have such mixed feelings about this case, and all it comes down to is WHERE IS HC??????
Sadly, I believe she is deceased.

I have never understood how an intruder (under the facts of this case) could have entered into the mobile home, steal away Haleigh (who did not utter a peep) and not have been heard. I do not find MC or RC to be believable.

I also don't know why we don't hear more about this case and I don't know why the searches were called off.

This case is exasperating. Where is this child?

You have stated what I find so unbelievable in this missing child case. THEY STOPPED SEARCHING. Does any more seasoned sleuth have an answer for me. How often in a missing child case do they stop looking? Just stop looking and stop commenting and stop, well......everything? If we go back and look at what was happening in the week that they did their final press conference and when they made their final public statements....we might fall upon a clue. I see it one of two ways.....either 1) LE believes Haleigh is dead. 2) Le believes Haleigh is alive and safe and sound somewhere. But even choice number 2 shouldn't really stop them from looking because If Haleigh is safe and sound somewhere and not with Ronald.....a law is being broken....right? Because she is not where a court of law determined it was best for her to be.

So why did they stop looking? Did they find evidence that Haleigh was deceased in that trailer? I just don't know what to think anymore. When something goes wrong we are taught to call the police and they will help....but they have not helped Haleigh.....and it is starting to seem like they are just doing nothing. If I was a member of this small community of Satsuma I would be raising hell down there. There is a child missing and perhaps a taker of babies running free....why isn't anyone saying or doing something? Why did they stop looking for her?

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