Witness accounts

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I'm still not seeing how watching a scary movie is any indication of how people REALLY react to "scary" situations. I'm also not seeing a video in your link, which is really just a search engine, where the girlfriend stated "he found me" as a quote. I'm not even seeing the words "he found me" in the results at all and I did look through 3 pages of videos. Would you mind being more specific? I'm going to listen to the nearly-30-minute audio of the "girlfriend's" account again, but I'm fairly certain she never said those words.

No, no. Sorry....the video I stumbled upon was the fourth one in. Act Like a , Die Like One........written by a New Orleans cop. I was looking for the girlfriend and found that one.
Well, only one running then the shooting never happened. Obviously one got away if only one were running. I think the important part of her statement is that GZ never said he ran, never said he moved from the spot TM was banging his head on the cement. jmo

This witness is not able to say who was running. She never claimed she saw GZ run.
No, no. Sorry....the video I stumbled upon was the fourth one in. Act Like a , Die Like One........written by a New Orleans cop. I was looking for the girlfriend and found that one.

Ok, I just watched that 2min29sec video and it's not saying anything about the girlfriend's statements. Am I misunderstanding you somewhere? I thought this would be a video that would show the girlfriend's statement of "he found me."
It's very interesting to me that these 4 witnesses changed their stories after being interviewed by FDLE or the SA's office:

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/05/23...-stories/?iid=nf-article-latest#ixzz1vk6t2z00

It seems they found out this was a much more serious situation with the state of Fl. powers involved, rather than just SPD. Probably had fears of being charged with perjury. Backing up GZ's stories no longer that important to them, lol....

Maybe they felt some undue pressure coming from the state. It is funny that you ASSUME they were lying originally, but the SA is getting them to tell the truth.

How do you know they were not already telling the truth,but were pressured into altering some of the details?
Witness #9 says that she wants to stay uninvolved in the case in the recorded conversation. That tells me she wont be taking the stand regarding it. From the sounds of it, it could be someone who was a close friend of Mr. Zimmerman's at one time and they had a falling out - based on her statements about knowing the rest of the family and how they're "all the same." Because of that I'm going to say it's, in my opinion, probably just a disgruntled friend who wants revenge.

It could quite possibly be his ex-fiance. MOO
GZ seems to have a lot of those. jmo

I'll have to say agreed on that. But the reason is because he was someone who was not afraid to stand for what is right. He made a lot of enemies when he took that stand against SPD in the Sherman Ware incident. Old disgruntled ex-girlfriends and co-workers aside, GZ is a man of honor.
JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.
It's very interesting to me that these 4 witnesses changed their stories after being interviewed by FDLE or the SA's office:

Read more: http://newsfeed.time.com/2012/05/23...-stories/?iid=nf-article-latest#ixzz1vk6t2z00

It seems they found out this was a much more serious situation with the state of Fl. powers involved, rather than just SPD. Probably had fears of being charged with perjury. Backing up GZ's stories no longer that important to them, lol....

I also find it very interesting that these 4 witnesses have changed their stories. I can't help but wonder if this is related to the previous allegations from several witnesses that investigating SPD officers either lead them into what they said, and/or that they "corrected" their testimony.

Also interesting to me, were the investigators' initial assurances to upset/frightened witnesses that "the shooter is a good guy," especially now that the questions as to GZ's relationship w/the SPD are being revisited. It's no longer just a matter of Officer Timothy Smith's familiarity w/ GZ, having responded to two of his previous 911 calls, but that GZ, too, worked closely with the SPD's community volunteer coordinator whom he praised in an email to the chief - one of three 2011 emails to the SPD showing, according to CNN, a "cordial relationship" with them, he went on several "ride alongs" with SPD officers, and has been shown (in a video) "roaming the SPD halls" 3 days after the shooting (complete w bandage on back of his head, but curiously, his eyes don't appear black, and what about that nose, seem pretty normal looking IMHO only...)

Here's a link to an article mentioning both the changes of heart by these witnesses and George's ride alongs w/theSPD.


And more about the GZ/police relationship can be found here (no discussion thread for anything like this yet, so unsure where to put it):

Prosecutors in George Zimmerman murder trial want some evidence sealed

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/23/2814613/prosecutors-in-george-zimmerman.html#storylink=cpy


De la Rionda also wants to seal two CDs of audio interviews with a witness identified as “W9.” She is the same person who called police anonymously just two days after the killing to say Zimmerman and his family were racists.

In an interview with the prosecutors who handled the case prior to the Duval County State Attorney’s office stepping in, W9 made more allegations, the record shows. “The subject matter deals with an allegation made by witness W9 regarding an act committed by Defendant. This material may or may not be relevant or admissible in this case,” de la Rionda wrote.

So this witness was located and talked to the original prosecutors.....
I also find it very interesting that these 4 witnesses have changed their stories. I can't help but wonder if this is related to the previous allegations from several witnesses that investigating SPD officers either lead them into what they said, and/or that they "corrected" their testimony.

Also interesting to me, were the investigators' initial assurances to upset/frightened witnesses that "the shooter is a good guy," especially now that the questions as to GZ's relationship w/the SPD are being revisited. It's no longer just a matter of Officer Timothy Smith's familiarity w/ GZ, having responded to two of his previous 911 calls, but that GZ, too, worked closely with the SPD's community volunteer coordinator whom he praised in an email to the chief - one of three 2011 emails to the SPD showing, according to CNN, a "cordial relationship" with them, he went on several "ride alongs" with SPD officers, and has been shown (in a video) "roaming the SPD halls" 3 days after the shooting (complete w bandage on back of his head, but curiously, his eyes don't appear black, and what about that nose, seem pretty normal looking IMHO only...)

Here's a link to an article mentioning both the changes of heart by these witnesses and George's ride alongs w/theSPD.


And more about the GZ/police relationship can be found here (no discussion thread for anything like this yet, so unsure where to put it):

Good points...and thanks for the links....

Just a suggestion but there is a thread on the SPD, it might fit:

Florida Town's History Of 'Sloppy' Police Work
The mother explains how they led the boy into saying a color for the shirt in this video plain as day.


IF his mother was there, WHY did she stand by and watch while they taped him saying the guy on the ground wore red? Why didn't she speak up? I also found it interesting that in his 2nd interview, he aid that it could have been him that was profiled, he was so obviously COACHED into that!

JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.
Prosecutors in George Zimmerman murder trial want some evidence sealed

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/23/2814613/prosecutors-in-george-zimmerman.html#storylink=cpy


De la Rionda also wants to seal two CDs of audio interviews with a witness identified as “W9.” She is the same person who called police anonymously just two days after the killing to say Zimmerman and his family were racists.

In an interview with the prosecutors who handled the case prior to the Duval County State Attorney’s office stepping in, W9 made more allegations, the record shows. “The subject matter deals with an allegation made by witness W9 regarding an act committed by Defendant. This material may or may not be relevant or admissible in this case,” de la Rionda wrote.

So this witness was located and talked to the original prosecutors.....

I was just coming to post this myself. So the STATE wants to seal interviews with W9 even though she is anonymous and they saw fit to produce her initial phone call? And they also want to seal trayvon's cell phone records? Is redaction not sufficient to protect W9's identity or the phone numbers on Trayvon's phone bill? Btw, weren't the phone bills already shown to the media by Mr. Crump - at least the part he feels helps his case?

Oh, and they also want to seal George's negative voice stress test?

Interesting indeed, imo
I was just coming to post this myself. So the STATE wants to seal interviews with W9 even though she is anonymous and they saw fit to produce her initial phone call? And they also want to seal trayvon's cell phone records? Is redaction not sufficient to protect W9's identity or the phone numbers on Trayvon's phone bill? Btw, weren't the phone bills already shown to the media by Mr. Crump - at least the part he feels helps his case?

Oh, and they also want to seal George's negative voice stress test?

Interesting indeed, imo

Interesting and telling, IMO. We already know he passed the stress test, so why seal it?
Maybe they felt some undue pressure coming from the state. It is funny that you ASSUME they were lying originally, but the SA is getting them to tell the truth.

How do you know they were not already telling the truth,but were pressured into altering some of the details?
When they first gave statements, they could not have known the circus this would turn into, including Sharpton and the new black panthers threatening GZ outside their apartment community. Maybe they're just flat terrified of the consequences of their initial statements being used against them - of being thought of as racists. JMO
Says "cell phone records"

Doesnt' say for TM does it..?

Could be TM, or could be GZ....or?
Cant recall who all did they say they had cell records for
Says "cell phone records"

Doesnt' say for TM does it..?

Could be TM, or could be GZ....or?
Cant recall who all did they say they had cell records for

read the motion in the link reader posted on the media thread. It goes into great detail about why Trayvon's cell phone records should be sealed. It does NOT mention why they should not merely be redacted -- especially since they were already disclosed to the media by Crump
Thank you for posting this. From what I've been able to piece together from the various accounts, and without the gun forensics, I think TM was standing over GZ when GZ shot him. I think TM then took a couple of steps down the hill and fell forward to the ground.

Pure speculation, JMO, OMO, and :moo:

I've maintained all along that this is the only way TM could have fallen face down...only if he was on top of GZ. To have been lying face down could not have happened if GZ was on top of TM unless GZ shot him in the back, which he didn't. Dead bodies do not flip over from their back to their face with the weight of someone on top of them. No way on earth.
If that were true TM was no longer a "threat" to GZ. I'm curious to see GZ's statements because I'm wondering at any time did GZ ever yell out to TM, "I'm Neighborhood Watch"????? jmo

He was no longer a threat to GZ because he was dead when he fell face down. Up until he was shot and fell face down, he was beating the crap out of GZ...a "threat".
It appears this family and the truth are strangers.
my opinion only
It seems harsh to call the family liars because the mother may have misunderstood her son. It's not like when Tracy said his son was an honor student....that I would categorize as an unfamiliarity with the truth.

How does the commendation, or lack thereof, tie into witness statements?
I'll have to say agreed on that. But the reason is because he was someone who was not afraid to stand for what is right. He made a lot of enemies when he took that stand against SPD in the Sherman Ware incident. Old disgruntled ex-girlfriends and co-workers aside, GZ is a man of honor.
JMO-IMO-IMHO-MOO 'n stuff.

I can agree with you that George took the right stance in that instance, but I don't agree that based on this single act, he is a "man of honor." In fact, given everything else I have read /seen/ heard regarding GZ I feel he is just the opposite. '

Please forgive my going off subject here, and any repetition if you happened to read my previous comments regarding whether GZ is a "good man." But here's how I look at it. A man of honor would never put his hands on any woman. A man of honor would never pick a female up and throw her across a room. A man of honor, would never strike a woman once, let alone repeatedly. If a woman hit him first, a man of honor, armed with knowledge that he is heavier and stronger (GZ weighed 200 pounds at that time), would refuse to engage and walk away. A man of honor would not call his ex-fiance a "ho" no matter how things ended, and he would never do this on a public forum. A man of honor would not physically resist arrest, then brag about getting away with it. A man of honor would not commit crimes then allow buddies to "get pinched" for them, spending a year in prison for what he did. A man of honor does not bully co-workers. A man of honor, after calling 911 would do as dispatched asked, waiting for the proper authorities to arrive. A man of honor after shooting an unarmed teen would feel true remorse, he would not act non-chalant, he would not coldly go into CYA immediately, and assume it would just "blow over." A man of honor takes responsibility for his mistakes, as well as errors in judgment, and expects / accepts punishment when he does wrong. A man of honor would not try to blame a victim for his own death. A man of honor wouldn't create a website for donations to him/his defense and post photos of racist/bigoted supporter's actions there. A man of honor does not lie, he would never lie while on the witness stand, nor would he disingenuously address grieving parents there, feigning ignorance of his victim's young age in order to bolster his defense.
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