Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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My guess is she realized she's in deep chit for falsefying documents. If and big IF, someone on the defense put her up to this, I wonder if she is given immunity to tell...but is she deseving of immunity! :croc:

I asked on another thead if anyone has the message this person left for CA once Caylee's remains were found. It's alleged that she is a friend of CA's and wonder if she could've have been sweet talked, maniuplated into helping create reasonable doubt??? Why would someone, anyone want an alleged child killer with so much evidence against them, to walk free? Doesn't justice for the innocent child trump justice by deceptive means??? In my book it does...JMHO

Justice for Caylee
I have a feeling that HHJP will make sure that SA question her.....she can play ill but my guess is he will make sure she gets better.....he is on a schedule after all...I sincerely wouldn't want to cross that Judge (who am I kidding....I tremble at the thought of facing Judges....:blushing:--perhaps that is just me????:blushing:)

It is hard to believe that a witness could be this stupid and even harder that the defense would surround itself with this type of evidence and witness. But then again, if what Joy Wray says is true, the heavy handied methods the defense used with her and getting a disc (virtually stealing it) makes it more believable. Although Joy is just nuts, but I believe her in this instance - I know the defense distanced themselves from her after they realized she was truly nuts. They got the disc from Joy and pretty much kept it as long as they wanted (may still have it - I don't know), but a seriously ill person like JW is easy to take advantage of, and they no doubt saw that.
It is hard to believe that a witness could be this stupid and even harder that the defense would surround itself with this type of evidence and witness. But then again, if what Joy Wray says is true, the heavy handied methods the defense used with her and getting a disc (virtually stealing it) makes it more believable. Although Joy is just nuts, but I believe her in this instance - I know the defense distanced themselves from her after they realized she was truly nuts. They got the disc from Joy and pretty much kept it as long as they wanted (may still have it - I don't know), but a seriously ill person like JW is easy to take advantage of, and they no doubt saw that.
I think this particular defense team hits a new low in their dealings with people. After all, Casey would do whatever it took to get her own way and she managed to hook up with the bottom of the lawyer pool imo. They are a perfect team imo.
Oh my. Things are not looking too hot for the defense...
Passionflower, They can't just 'back out'! From what I read she claims she is ill. That can only fly for so long IMO.

In regards to the attorneys and people involved with the "defense" there are many cliche's that one could use to describe this situation: Birds of a feather flock together, water seeks it's own level, like attracts like... and so on.

There are people of certain character in every profession and walk of life, and if you ask me, they tend to find one another (people of similar moral fiber). The old saying that healthy people attract healthy people, and unhealthy people... well, you get my point.

I personally think Baez and the elder Anthony's are of the same ilk, and THAT is why Cindy and George didn't like Baez- Cindy wants to be in control- ALWAYS, but they are like minded (a bit shmarmy IMO and its that shmarminess Cindy doesn't like reflected back to herself). I believe they have the same goal though, and character (or lack-there-of) traits- get ICA off- at ANY cost!

The house of cards is beginning to tumble- with all of them inside! I hope she was worth it?! The way they behave, lord knows Caylee wasn't worth it to them?!

RIP sweet baby Caylee
Maybe the thought of a Perjury charge has made her sick.... :innocent:
Hmmm, this is getting good. :woohoo:

I bags a front row seat!
And, oh what a pot of beans that family has been stewing for how long now??
LONG before Caylee was disposed of or even thought of for that matter....

Is that the clinging of steel bar doors I hear off in the not to distant future???

Guess we'll see.

This also makes me wonder what the entire Anthony Crew is up to these days.
They have been very, very quiet.......
IIRC, Laura B. is too "sick" for a depo via Skype???
I'm sorry, but I can't give her the benefit of doubt on THIS one!!!
I just hope she's had her "Come to Jesus" moment and is negotiating with the State to receive limited immunity (or maybe just "use" immunity as she is under subpoena) to SPILL THE BEANS here. I think HHJP is going to be mighty angry if he discovers any manufactured evidence on the part of the defense!!


ETA: Can anyone confirm for me if Laura was in fact with any branch of LE? She wrote "Dept. of Fish" (LOL) on her app but also represented herself as KY LE, I believe? Thanks! I thought she was a stay-at-home mom with little ones!! ??
My guess is she realized she's in deep chit for falsefying documents. If and big IF, someone on the defense put her up to this, I wonder if she is given immunity to tell...but is she deseving of immunity! :croc:

I asked on another thead if anyone has the message this person left for CA once Caylee's remains were found. It's alleged that she is a friend of CA's and wonder if she could've have been sweet talked, maniuplated into helping create reasonable doubt??? Why would someone, anyone want an alleged child killer with so much evidence against them, to walk free? Doesn't justice for the innocent child trump justice by deceptive means??? In my book it does...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

This message?
Laura B. posted a message to Caylee publicly back in October of 2008 wherein she gushes about the Anthonys and how much they love Caylee. It is www.respectance.com/CayleeAnthony/index/236 on page two

“October 20, 2008 by Laura Buchanan:
"There could never be two people who have loved you more than your Grandparents.. I wish nothing more than for you to come home.. Your beautiful face is on my mind every night.. As I lay and pray for your safe return. Cindy and George are wonderful people if only others could see that!! I know them very well and you could not ask for better Grandparents.. We love you all”
IIRC, Laura B. is too "sick" for a depo via Skype???
I'm sorry, but I can't give her the benefit of doubt on THIS one!!!
I just hope she's had her "Come to Jesus" moment and is negotiating with the State to receive limited immunity (or maybe just "use" immunity as she is under subpoena) to SPILL THE BEANS here. I think HHJP is going to be mighty angry if he discovers any manufactured evidence on the part of the defense!!


ETA: Can anyone confirm for me if Laura was in fact with any branch of LE? She wrote "Dept. of Fish" (LOL) on her app but also represented herself as KY LE, I believe? Thanks! I thought she was a stay-at-home mom with little ones!! ??

IF she really was an officer with the Kentucky Fish & Game Department then she would be in LE (in a backwards kinda way). imo. I think they can make arrests concerning hunting/fishing without a license and protecting endangered species, etc.
My guess is she realized she's in deep chit for falsefying documents. If and big IF, someone on the defense put her up to this, I wonder if she is given immunity to tell...but is she deseving of immunity! :croc:

I asked on another thead if anyone has the message this person left for CA once Caylee's remains were found. It's alleged that she is a friend of CA's and wonder if she could've have been sweet talked, maniuplated into helping create reasonable doubt??? Why would someone, anyone want an alleged child killer with so much evidence against them, to walk free? Doesn't justice for the innocent child trump justice by deceptive means??? In my book it does...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

I believe the easiest way to get her to fabricate documents would be to convince her that the state was fabricating evidence to prove ICA's guilt, but she is really "innocent." That ICA was being framed by "powerful forces," and the only way to fight fire was with fire. This would be much easier if she were a distant friend already, as she might not know the true nature of ICA.

We have seen how easy it is for some to believe conspiracy theories, they would just need to convince one gullible person that ICA was being conspired against and justice just needed a little hand to prevail.
I'm not sure, but this may be the rescheduled depo of LB.

Murder Docket Updated

10/13/2010 Notice of Taking Deposition(s) Via Skype

10/13/2010 Notice of Taking Deposition(s) Via Skype
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