Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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MuzikMan has to go to the courthouse to get Laura's Nov 17th deposition.
He is also swamped with trying to get the audio of the Interviews onto YouTube for us, and trying to redact personal info on the full transcripts of a lot of those Transcripts where there was only the first and last pages - not the full transcripts.

And I thought we were through with new stuff....oh boy, oh boy, oh boy. Better do some exercises, I'm getting leg cramps. lol
Holy smokes. She took a bullet for them? I was expecting her to tell all in the depo of the 17th. I don't believe for one second she masterminded this plot. Whoa. I'm shocked.

She's just another crime groupie who gains some 'fame' by attaching herself to a case, whatever it takes. She didn't volunteer to take a bullet, LE had her where she could not go in any other direction.
I personally do not believe that Laura created the false TES search form by herself, and then kept quiet about what she did. I do not believe that when Laura met with Mort and Andrea and later Baez in May and walked the area of the remains site, and discussed it all at length, that Laura never told, or even implied to this group that SHE had fabricated that document. I would like to know the exact date that Laura first produced that fake TES search form to Mort, or anybody. I wonder if it can be PROVEN that other people knew the form was fabricated?

What bothers me is that Mort had possession of the fake form, and whether he knew it was fake, or not ... Mort, nor anyone on the Defense, made the Prosecutors aware of this document. The Prosecutors only learned of the existence of the document when Laura was giving her deposition (they had heard hints of a suspicious TES search form from Joe J., but later heard about it directly from Laura B. in her deposition).
The page the reporter is holding is NOT from her August deposition, I went back and checked. He definitely says 'November deposition'. We have not seen this second one yet, and I hope we see it soon!

I will never understand why some news reporters enjoy giving the public just hints of tantalizing info, but do not publish the actual deposition that their report is about??!! Sheesh! WESH - post a link to the actual depo -- don't just tell us about what you read in it!!!
I personally do not believe that Laura created the false TES search form by herself, and then kept quiet about what she did. I do not believe that when Laura met with Mort and Andrea and later Baez in May and walked the area of the remains site, and discussed it all at length, that Laura never told, or even implied to this group that SHE had fabricated that document. I would like to know the exact date that Laura first produced that fake TES search form to Mort, or anybody. I wonder if it can be PROVEN that other people knew the form was fabricated?

What bothers me is that Mort had possession of the fake form, and whether he knew it was fake, or not ... Mort, nor anyone on the Defense, made the Prosecutors aware of this document. The Prosecutors only learned of the existence of the document when Laura was giving her deposition (they had heard hints of a suspicious TES search form from Joe J., but later heard about it directly from Laura B. in her deposition).

I can believe it was her alone but I really doubt the defense didn't know it was a fake. They didn't care. Proving they knew won't be easy.
Prosecution discredits key Casey Anthony defense witness


"The 300 pages of Buchanan's deposition statements hit the case court file Friday, the same day prosecutors released hundreds of other documents, audio files and photos as part of discovery."
How sweet of JB to let her know-
During the deposition, Baez asked Buchanan if she was aware that she was "the target of a criminal investigation." During both deposition sessions, Buchanan appeared with a lawyer

Was this in the latest Doc. Dump?
They include a number of secretly recorded phone conversations monitored by detectives, who appeared to be conducting an extensive investigation and trying to get to the bottom of Buchanan's claims.
(I know I read some of the phone calls made in secret, but is there also audio?)
Laura's Nov 17th depo was filed with the Clerk - it is on the docket.
MuzikMan just has not posted it ... yet .....

01/28/2011 Deposition of Laura Buchanan 11/17/10

I did not get it yet; it is 261 pages (195 for depo, 66 pages of exhibits).

I'm not sure that WESH actually had it; no purchases show up on the Clerk's site. While I was there, the Sentinel reporter was reading it in the viewing room, but did not purchase it. :(

MM :rocker:
How sweet of JB to let her know-

Was this in the latest Doc. Dump?

(I know I read some of the phone calls made in secret, but is there also audio?)

BBM - Yes, it was in the doc dump, and there is audio. I haven't had time to go over what the media has put up and compare with what was in the dump; If someone could compile a list of what Media has put up, that would make it much easier for me to see what's left to put up!! Kinda busy right now...

Any volunteers? :)
Wow. I feel really bad for LB's husband and the little human beings she refers to as her "*advertiser censored***g kids." How miserable and incredibly painful this must be for them.
BBM - Yes, it was in the doc dump, and there is audio. I haven't had time to go over what the media has put up and compare with what was in the dump; If someone could compile a list of what Media has put up, that would make it much easier for me to see what's left to put up!! Kinda busy right now...

Any volunteers? :)

Thanks MM! you of course rock, and always will.

compile a list of what the media has put up with everything, or just LB's stuff?
BBM - Yes, it was in the doc dump, and there is audio. I haven't had time to go over what the media has put up and compare with what was in the dump; If someone could compile a list of what Media has put up, that would make it much easier for me to see what's left to put up!! Kinda busy right now...

Any volunteers? :)

I can do WESH...
WESH has links to the following:

Links To Evidence Released Today

Texas EquuSearch Docs, Maps
Images of Texas EquuSearch search for Caylee

Robyn Adams Interview in two parts

Laura Buchanan
--E-mails between Mark NeJame, Laura Buchanan
--More Buchanan & NeJame emails
--Transcript of Anne Pham controlled call to Buchanan's attorney
--Controlled call to Laura Buchanan
--More Anne Pham, Laura Buchanan transcripts
--Deposition transcript in two parts
--Kasper Jordan makes controlled call to LB
--More interviews (Will dive back in and figure out what this is)

Letters From Cindy
--Oct 29
--Sept 1
--Aug 5
--Cindy writes to Casey after she took the stand last summer

Sylvia Hernandez
--Internal Investigation Documents
--Sylvia Hernandez interview

Threatening phone call to AH

Casey's Journal Analysis in two parts

Misc. Docs
--Letter to Michael Vincent (OCSO) from Shurtape
--Map of RK's meter readings on the day Caylee was last seen
Thanks MM! you of course rock, and always will.

compile a list of what the media has put up with everything, or just LB's stuff?

A list of everything that media has put up from Friday's doc dump would be great!

I did an inventory list of what was on disc 1, in the Doc Dump thread somewhere.....
A list of everything that media has put up from Friday's doc dump would be great!

I did an inventory list of what was on disc 1, in the Doc Dump thread somewhere.....

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6068821#post6068821"]2011.01.28 Doc Release - Page 5 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Here's my inventory of what is on disc 1. Now on to disc 2....

01/28/2011 Doc Dump
CD 1

Folder #
165 - Robyn Adams audio interview
166 - Robyn Adams audio interview 2
167 - Hernandez audio interview
175 - Lynda Spark phone records
176 - Robyn Adams? audio jail calls
177 - Robyn Adams audio jail calls, subpoena
178 - Captain Clyde Cole (Gulf County SO, K9 cadaver dog trainer) audio and transcript
179 - Mandy Albritton (TES) audio interviews (2)
180 - Erica Gonzalez (Fusion girl) audio, transcript
Kronk work records, phone records
Jody Lee (Gate guard, River Cruz) transcript
Tom McDonnell (Robyn's dad) transcript
Tracey Neally (Robyn's friend) transcript
181 - Cindy Anthony interview video - with Eric & Yuri, timeline interview
184 - MySpace Zenaida PR reply
MySpace Zenaida Miami replies
Phone records: Jenna Prentice, Anthony Lazzaro, Cindy, Geore, France (?), Grund, House, Amy H, Iassen texts, JP Chatt, Casey, Kostakis, CASEY THROWAWAY CELL IN MALLORY's NAME!!!, Taylor, Jamie Realander, Troy Brown, Westenbarger, Tower info
Casey Text logs April/May/June/July 2008
Brandon Sparks phone records
Pontiac tag results
185 - Jail Audio interviews: CO Leslie Lochner, CO Maria Kelly, CO Natosha Fisher, Cpl Fleming, Cpl Tracy Sellers, CPL Underhill, Dennis Fusher, DSO Franklin, DSO Hibashi, DSO S. Rollins, DSO Tasheka Mackey Pt 1 & Pt 2, FDLE in CO Hernandez, Hall, Ileana Santiago, Inmate Derkovic, Jannett Creamer, Lamar, Lt. Beard, Major Johnson, Officer DeJesus, Officer Wilcox, Sgt Lashonda Clarke, Sgt Moonsammy, Tiffiny Moss, CO A. Banks, DSO Valdivia
Phone Calls: Robyn Adams (4), Maya Derkovic
Binder: Table of Contents, Internal Affairs investigative report - Sylvia Hernandez
196 - Threatening call to Amy H
197 - Shortcuts to audio????
201 - TES évidence photos - maps, paperwork etc.
201 - TES évidence photos - maps, paperwork etc
205 - Corrected transcripts - TES volunteers, Phone calls to Laura Buchanan, Laura's attorney, Brad Conway, JJ attorney Kelly Sims
Audio interviews of same
TES volunteer Tommy P pictures (Laura B related)
206 - Laura Buchanan evidence photos (documents, paperwork, maps)
207 - TES volunteer interviews, transcripts (Laura B related) And LAURA B DEPO transcript

Disc 2 is TES aerial photos from 2008 (763 pictures)

Disc 3 seems to be corrupt, I'm going to have to go trade it out..
My Fox Orlando document dump coverage includes

-Letters from Cindy to Casey august 5, 2010 (includes pictures of family)
-Letters to Casey from family members June 25,2010 (although letters are old)
-Letters to casey from strangers sets 1,2,3,4
-Anthony case photos released January 28th, sets 1,2,3.

And thats it! diddly squat :)
--More interviews (Will dive back in and figure out what this is)

<resurfaces, gasping> :crazy:

These are the TES searcher interviews and controlled calls, also the Conway interview of 10/3 and Kelly Smith interview of 10/25. WESH has redacted all but the first and last pages of all of them. The PDF at their link is 90 pages; the complete BC, KS and Pham interviews alone are more than 90 pages.

(MM or TT, please let me know if you prefer this via PM or if there's more/different info I should be providing...)
New Casey Anthony documents released Friday - CFN


· The bone analysis of Caylee Anthony 72 pgs John Schultz

· Computer evidence inventory document 14 pgs

· Adhesive tape analysis 9 pgs ShurTape - Michael Vincent - Mark Charlesworth

· Property form of Texas EquuSearch 7 pgs Cheny Mason at TES 12/11/09
TES forms on James Hoover, Joe Jordan, Laura Buchannon, Danny Ibison

· Subpoena for Texas EquuSearch worker Laura Buchanan 17 pgs TES form
and Google maps

· Scan of note in Casey Anthony case 7pgs same photo of journal "03"

· OCSO's supplemental report 39 pgs Witness Info - Patricia Quiggle, Tanya Clayton
Anne Pham, Thomas Hoffon, Chase Hoffon, Kena Seegmiller,
emails from Anne Whitley to Yuri Melich Nov 20, 2010 and emails
Anne to Laura June 25, 2009; photo of cross on ground, photo cross on tree
email Anne and Mort Smith
ShurTape info; Motion for re examination re Nick Petraco

· FBI's handwriting analysis of a note in the case 16 pgs Journal handwriting
compared to KC jail letters to Robyn - notebook not made until 2004 (pg 9)

· Cindy Anthony's notes to Casey 26 pgs
- Oct 29, 2010 with photos of cat and Lee and Mal and Grandpa
- Sept 1, 2010
- Aug 5, 2010
- July 21, 2010

· Research on Texas EquuSearch worker Laura Buchanan 53 pgs
no Transcripts of Interviews or phone calls
Atty William J McClellan - for Joe J when Laura reached out to Joe
Joe did research on Laura, sent info to his atty
Laura birthdaughter - Anna McCormack
Laura tribute page to Caylee
Laura MySpace page with photos
Google searches of Laura
Brian Buchanan Facebook
Kasper Jordan msgs with Laura
Thomas Petro info - shown him maps and photos of TES searchers

· Contact between Buchanan and Jose Baez and Cindy Anthony 45 pgs
email Anne Whitley Pham and Don Mitchell and Mort Smith
affidavit of William Slabaugh - he searched for emails re: Laura - 18 emails
Oct 10, 2008 - Cindy tells Laura Good Morning America wants to do a
piece about authorities not following up on Caylee leads
Jose Baez emails to and from Laura B
pg 34 - Affidavit of George - got subpoena for records, has nothing re: Laura
Affidavit of Cindy Anthony - deleted all Laura emails and texts
pg 41 - Affidavit Mort Smith about Joe Jordan
Stmt of Joe Jordan

· OCSO's property form for Buchanan 12 pgs photos of Laura, Thomas Petro

· Buchanan's emails to attorney Mark NeJame 44 pages
Tessa Treu search forms
NeJame and Laura emails

· Court motions involving Texas EquuSearch 31 pgs
(9) sheets shown to Brad Conway
Joe Jordan and Laura B statements
Request to Quash req for TES records on bad faith 8/9/2010
Motion for Joe J's taped interview 4/25/2010
Memo from Baez to Conway - 4/7/2009 - Baez wants Anthony computers,
wants Conway to turn over TES records - Conway look for names
Keith Williams, Roy Kronk, Howard Earl Tate, Cedric Lamont Kirby,
Alphonso Hamilton
Baez wants all items in Casey's room
Papers that Laura's atty Ray Brown sent to Cheney Mason - given to State
fake TES form - Ann Whitley, Dan Mitchell

· Transcript of phone call from Kasper Jordan to Buchanan 31 pgs
Nov 2, 2010

· George and Cindy Anthony's affidavit 35 pgs

black binder Laura brought to depo Nov 17, 2010
photos shown to Don Mitchell, Antoinette Chalabi, Tessa Treu
pg 12 - Don Mitchell DL and business card

· Buchanan's emails to attorney Mark NeJame #2 42 pgs
Tessa Treu TES form

· Transcripts of conversations with Texas EquuSearch workers 79 pgs
- Kena Seegmiller pg 1-10
- Thomas Hoffon pg 11 - 16
- Tonya Clayton pg 17 - 20
- Kasper calls Laura pg 21 - pg 79

· Transcripts of conversations with Texas EquuSearch worker Ann Pham 82 pgs

· Transcripts of conversations with Texas EquuSearch worker Ann Pham #2 68 pgs

· Information on Texas EquuSearch Workers 51 pgs
info and photos of TES searchers
Joseph Jordan; Lori Fusco; William Lewis Fitzgerald; Kasper Khoury Jordan
Joe Jordan again; Tessa Treu

· Information on Texas EquuSearch Workers #2 40 pgs
info and photos of TES searchers
Lori Fusco; Tessa Treu; Don Mitchell; Kasper Khoury Jordan;
Antoinette Chalabi

Transcripts - 79 pgs
pg 1 - pg 9 - Kena Seegmiller - Aug 27, 2010
pg 11 - Transcript Thomas Hoffon - Sept 2, 2010
pg 17 - Tanya Clayton - Aug 27, 2010

pg 21 - Kasper call to Laura - Sept 20, 2010
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