Witness Laura Buchanan Backs Out

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Just reported on WESH about LB and how she changed records she wasn't supposed to have in the first place and later altering it.

Coming up at 5 pm on WESH why detectives were asking questions about JB and CA.

Not up yet. http://wesh.com

Did LE get a subpoena for LB's computer and emails?

I am glad to hear that the Tampering Investigation is still ongoing.
Was the answer to that Mort Smith or was the subject changed when they returned tot he room?

Yes, LB responds that it was faxed to her by "the investigator Mort Smith." LDB had actually gone on to discuss rescheduling and LB's atty redirected her attention to the pending question...

It appears, Baez didn't check into this document or why LB would have it in her possession. She is another incredible "lead"! Why is Baez still grasping at straws? Why does it appear he's trying to create evidence of innocence? Now it appears to me, he takes everything ICA tells him at face value. I think he's in for a huge disappointment for this is a case he cannot "win"! He has no defense...JMHO

The A's attorney's made it very clear, LB "hounded" his clients...:innocent: This has CA's hands all over it...when will LE start their investigation into her dastardly deeds...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

GM LLL All I can conclude is that this is their only way to find a reasonable doubt. Even though imo it will not happen. As per mush mouth on 10/29 status hearing
http://www.wftv.com/video/25567059/index.html Part 2
@ 21:04 We want to find the witnesses there.
And if JB is taking direction from his client instead of CM then too bad for him. jmo
So, what LB claims in her depo. is Mort made the statement, and LB signed it.

Why couldn't she just write her own statement?

Why do I have a strong feeling that Mort did not write that statement either.
And why lie about her background-That she was LE in Kentucky? Long ago we started a thread about her stupid blog site and someone here ID'ed who she was-well before all of this came out, before we knew she had been a searcher. We had her name back in 2008, IIRC, and we resolved (most of us) that she was a nutty KC apologist.
And CA mentions knowing someone in NJ that knows KC is innocent.
Me thinks maybe LB contacted the reputable Baez law firm, DC, or the A's passed her name along a while back.
This CANNOT be another FL vs. ICA accident of happenstance.

Oh wow Jayla. I am unfamiliar with this. Can you link me the thread if you remember? I do think you are on to something. I imagine LE has subpoenaed her computer and even phone records by now, as part of their investigation.
Laura B. is costing the State of FL a lot of money and a lot of wasted man hours in order to discredit her as a witness. I heard from a friend of a friend that Kasper Jordan lives out of state now and that the OCSO brought him in for an interview and either Cpl. Melich or Cpl. Edwards had to travel to the Carolinas to record the phone calls. I hope she has to at least pay back the State of FL for all the $$ she is costing us!


It appears, Baez didn't check into this document or why LB would have it in her possession. She is another incredible "lead"! Why is Baez still grasping at straws? Why does it appear he's trying to create evidence of innocence? Now it appears to me, he takes everything ICA tells him at face value. I think he's in for a huge disappointment for this is a case he cannot "win"! He has no defense...JMHO

The A's attorney's made it very clear, LB "hounded" his clients...:innocent: This has CA's hands all over it...when will LE start their investigation into her dastardly deeds...JMHO

Justice for Caylee

LB was emailing Mark Nejame and Baez during this time...
Cindy, also sent Laura an email...via Baez
We don't know if Laura began sending emails to Brad Conway after Nejame resigned though...
Yes, LB responds that it was faxed to her by "the investigator Mort Smith." LDB had actually gone on to discuss rescheduling and LB's atty redirected her attention to the pending question...

Ah Thanks
yes, re-scheduleing...yes that was Baez and Mason who introduced that while LB was out of the room with her lawyer

Yet, I am not convinced Mort Smith wrote/typed up the Sworn Statement...
Oh wow Jayla. I am unfamiliar with this. Can you link me the thread if you remember? I do think you are on to something. I imagine LE has subpoenaed her computer and even phone records by now, as part of their investigation.

I certainly hope so...
This is probably obvious to most so I hope somebody can connect-the-dots for me.

LB joins her husband on a business trip to Orlando. While hubby is in training and seminars, LB decides to volunteer and join the TES search for Caylee.

She purports to be a Team Leader to everyone. She says she is supposed to be documenting the field activity forms (?) and at the end of the day, they are to turn them in. According to one of the other searchers interviewed, the Team Leaders have to turn in the forms and are, for lack of a better word, "debriefed". On a busy search, they may have to even wait in line to do this.

IIRC, in a conversation with Anne Pham, she says she found the old field activity form in her truck 3 weeks later. So how was she supposed to have turned it in "put it in the inbox or handed to the lady" as she claims? They are back in NJ by then. :waitasec:

I am obviously missing a big piece of the puzzle.

So are we to believe that this is the Suburban Drive sheet LB was talking about or JBP sheet. I think it was the JBP sheet because technically she would not have had one for Suburban because she was not assigned there. Was she even a team leader?

LB goes home, finds the paperwork and eventually starts emailing JB and tries to make contact with CA. What are the bets that CA was NOT going to contact her personally? LB tells JB she feels she can to talk to KC to get information. This would be something JB would be dead set against.

In the evidence photos from 12/11/08 we see a picture with a letter from a Laura to Casey. This had to have been sent to the house and CA kept it. Obviously LE thought at the time it might be significant because why? Did LE know that CA was having conversations with this woman about getting KC to talk to her? We do know LE was fully aware by December that CA was going to do everything in her power to construct false evidence. So LB was NOT arrested and the case is still open. Who are they after? Who would gain the most here by trying to get people to submit false paperwork? And who has been consistently working behind the scenes to fabricate false information?

Now JB asking for everything from KC's room makes sense. Could it have been the letter? Defense had to have been aware of it as it was released in those photos. Curiously it was not photographed by itself but almost as an afterthought with a photo poster. As if, this could be important so let's not make a big deal but slip it in with something else just to get it in. It could be important down the road. Probably the "red flag" was that it came to the home and it may have been the only one after KC's arrest the CA saved. Why would she save it and not give it to JB to give to KC? Was it useful to CA? BUCKLE UP, me thinks it's going to be a rough ride for the next couple of months. jmo
Do we have access to the Laura Buchanan depo of November 17th anywhere? TIA
Do we have access to the Laura Buchanan depo of November 17th anywhere? TIA

MM had not picked that one up yet. Hopefully it will be released soon by MM or the media. Seems to be a big deal so I would hope the media would put it up soon.
Laura B. is costing the State of FL a lot of money and a lot of wasted man hours in order to discredit her as a witness. I heard from a friend of a friend that Kasper Jordan lives out of state now and that the OCSO brought him in for an interview and either Cpl. Melich or Cpl. Edwards had to travel to the Carolinas to record the phone calls. I hope she has to at least pay back the State of FL for all the $$ she is costing us!

So are we to believe that this is the Suburban Drive sheet LB was talking about or JBP sheet. I think it was the JBP sheet because technically she would not have had one for Suburban because she was not assigned there. Was she even a team leader?

LB goes home, finds the paperwork and eventually starts emailing JB and tries to make contact with CA. What are the bets that CA was NOT going to contact her personally? LB tells JB she feels she can to talk to KC to get information. This would be something JB would be dead set against.

In the evidence photos from 12/11/08 we see a picture with a letter from a Laura to Casey. This had to have been sent to the house and CA kept it. Obviously LE thought at the time it might be significant because why? Did LE know that CA was having conversations with this woman about getting KC to talk to her? We do know LE was fully aware by December that CA was going to do everything in her power to construct false evidence. So LB was NOT arrested and the case is still open. Who are they after? Who would gain the most here by trying to get people to submit false paperwork? And who has been consistently working behind the scenes to fabricate false information?

Now JB asking for everything from KC's room makes sense. Could it have been the letter? Defense had to have been aware of it as it was released in those photos. Curiously it was not photographed by itself but almost as an afterthought with a photo poster. As if, this could be important so let's not make a big deal but slip it in with something else just to get it in. It could be important down the road. Probably the "red flag" was that it came to the home and it may have been the only one after KC's arrest the CA saved. Why would she save it and not give it to JB to give to KC? Was it useful to CA? BUCKLE UP, me thinks it's going to be a rough ride for the next couple of months. jmo


First, I don't know which sheet (JBP or Suburban) she was referencing when talking to AP. I would have guessed the forged Suburban one since that was what she was calling AP about. :waitasec:

re. the bold: Terrific point, LambChop.

My memory is scattered. My brain is fried after trying to digest everything in this doc dump.
Originally Posted by ThinkTank
Kasper J is on the State Witness List and his address is listed as Oxford, NC.
Kasper told Laura that he was bouncing back and forth from Florida to NC and looking for work in Florida. At one point he had been living in his car in Florida.

I agree Laura B. has cost the State/tax payers in Florida a TON of money and time.

And I wonder who was paying for Laura to have famous attorney Ray B represent her? Kasper asked her if the Defense was paying for the attorney for her - but she denied it.

Laura told Kasper that her attorney was a big deal in New York - that he has been on Court TV a lot, and that his father was a big civil rights attorney.

Laura B's husband is a CPA at Price Waterhouse Cooper. She's not like Casey who is indigent and cannot afford an attorney. More than likely she is paying for the attorney herself.

I would like to know how Laura got a hold of the TES Field Activity Report. If she didn't get it off the TES website, she didn't get it from the TES base when she searched for Caylee since it didn't have the number at the bottom of it, then where did she get it from?
Laura B's husband is a CPA at Price Waterhouse Cooper. She's not like Casey who is indigent and cannot afford an attorney. More than likely she is paying for the attorney herself.

I would like to know how Laura got a hold of the TES Field Activity Report. If she didn't get it off the TES website, she didn't get it from the TES base when she searched for Caylee since it didn't have the number at the bottom of it, then where did she get it from?

Not sure he works for PWC. Somewhere in the doc dump there are pictures of he and LB and some emails and I thought I saw something about a armored car business. I did not pay too much attention but now maybe I should go back and look. But I think he is a CPA. jmo
I've been looking at the different forms for a couple of days now. The "bogus" one with all the misspellings had to have been made up from a blank form. She could have had it from the days at the search or from the TES website.

She didn't "change" a form. She made it up from scratch! Note that aside from the already misspelled items, she misspells "Lory" for Lori Fusco.

For all of this, she was working with a very faulty memory.
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