Witness tampering alleged

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I think it was the lack of evidence by the state and the abiltiy of the DT to create reasonable doubt. What is suspicious about that?

What is suspicious is there wasn't a lack of evidence at all! This was a slam dunk case from the get go.
Everyone I talk to that has & has not followed this case agrees something is very wrong here.
I hope it's being investigated as we speak.
Oh Great! I am just watching some WITCH named Amy Singer who is a "Jury Consultant". She and her buds worked for the defense in finding the PULSE of public opinion through WEB communications (chat rooms, Tweets, blogs, etc). She found GEORGE was not liked or trusted. She then fed the defense that info, and let "the chips fall where they may".........and we know how that worked out. Seems during jury selection as well as the trial this info was constantly updated by Ms. Singer, and her ilk. Now this is the icing on the cake--JVM asked her if she saw anything unethical, about making George the bad guy, ruining his reputation, and not being able to prove any of it. She says---Oh, I just gave the info to the DT, what they did with it was up to them-----

The worst part of this is that it is supposedly done all the time. Jury consultants constantly update public opinion. However this may be the first time they found "the perfect storm" jury, capable of actually convicting a witness , instead of the defendant. Just gets UGLIER AND UGLIER, huh??

LEXINGTON---sorry. long story short--you are absolutely right, Defense Team is VERY Shady. It just doesn't stop, the hits keep comming!!!!!:maddening:

I hope the jurors are reading/seeing all this and feeling like absolute MORONS right now. I am still so angry.
Why does this make the Defense Team shady? It happens all the time. It is legal and jury consultants have been around for many, many years.

It may be legal but that doesn't make it right. I don't believe when our justice system was created the intent was for the defense to intentionally and knowingly transfer blame to innocent people in order for the guilty person to go free. Trials have become a game with the win going to the better, or more conniving, player. It has nothing to do with honesty or facts. Is that justice?
I hope the jurors are reading/seeing all this and feeling like absolute MORONS right now. I am still so angry.

Yes, they were played and they fell for it hook line and sinker. But then, we ourselves are partly to blame. The hatred expressed for George on this forum and others gave the defense the ammo they needed to blow the prosecution's case out of the water.
I'm curious about why anyone who believes this was a simple drowning accident would still be interested in the case three long years later, especially when that interest doesn't seem to include any component of caring about the deceased.
Oh Great! I am just watching some WITCH named Amy Singer who is a "Jury Consultant". She and her buds worked for the defense in finding the PULSE of public opinion through WEB communications (chat rooms, Tweets, blogs, etc). She found GEORGE was not liked or trusted. She then fed the defense that info, and let "the chips fall where they may".........and we know how that worked out. Seems during jury selection as well as the trial this info was constantly updated by Ms. Singer, and her ilk. Now this is the icing on the cake--JVM asked her if she saw anything unethical, about making George the bad guy, ruining his reputation, and not being able to prove any of it. She says---Oh, I just gave the info to the DT, what they did with it was up to them-----

The worst part of this is that it is supposedly done all the time. Jury consultants constantly update public opinion. However this may be the first time they found "the perfect storm" jury, capable of actually convicting a witness , instead of the defendant. Just gets UGLIER AND UGLIER, huh??

LEXINGTON---sorry. long story short--you are absolutely right, Defense Team is VERY Shady. It just doesn't stop, the hits keep comming!!!!!:maddening:

I just read an article about her where she claims that the defense wanting "dumb jurors' is a myth, that they selected the best and brightest. Huh?
I just read an article about her where she claims that the defense wanting "dumb jurors' is a myth, that they selected the best and brightest. Huh?

If these 12 were the best and the brightest in that county...Dayum!
I tend to believe her. She didn't come forward with her story looking for something, LE sought her out.

And I believe she sought GA out while her sister Cecelia/Sky was in jail with ICA, while her sister was making friends with ICA, passing notes for ICA, etc.

To refresh memories on what her sister CB/SB said, here's some of the partial info in the CB/Sky depo that relates to the making friends with ICA and the note passing here:

CB Because I stated to her, she was asking me what I was doing in the jail and I stated to her that I was cleaning ah, my.. my job at the facility what my job was and that I happened to be feeding and talking to Casey.

CE Urn, and we can sequeway into the fact that you yourself may have something that um, Casey had given you while you were in jail?
CB Yeah, it was ah, urn, I think you are the type of... it was urn, I have to find it. I'll look for it though. It was a thank you urn, letter.

CB ... I became., because urn, I didn't want to just sit around the jail and just do nothing for five months. So, I got applied for the trustee job and I got that. And in the beginning urn, like I told him. Urn, I didn't really like her because I knew what she was there for. So, I was kind of like being, not mean to her , but like lower the eyes and giving her nasty looks and stuff. Urn, it was I think two months after me being there I started reading the bible and urn, I know you're not supposed to judge anyone. And so, I chose not to judge her and not that I befriended her. I kind of guess I did urn, I was trying to be nice to her. I kind of felt bad that all the inmates there were in that building in that one block. Would be screaming murderer urn, you know just mean things to her.
CM Right.
CB And I felt like she needed just, just one person that she can just say hello that wouldn't give her a nasty attitude. And I, I.. that's where I became.., that's where I came in at.
CM And what was your roll in, what were you doing in her pod, in her area as a trustee?
CB I had to clean the whole block as far as each cell. I had to when she was giving her hour out she would only take a shower and I had to give her uniform while she was in the, in the shower I had to go clean her, her cell.
CM Okay, just normal trustee stuff? Nothing...
CB Yes.
CM ...different then you would normally do as a trustee?
CB No. Huh-uh. (Negative)
CM And I guess during that time frame you got to speak with her or...
CB Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM ...ah, not a relationship, but you got acquainted ..
CB Right.
CM ...with her? (inaudible)..
CB Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM And tell me about that acquaintance.
CB Urn, I would just ask her if she was alright if she needed anything, how she was doing. Urn, we never really, I never really, I never spoke to her about her family. I.. she.. I would just tell her that I seen your parents on TV. And 'cause she wasn't allowed, that block wasn't allowed to have the television on. So, she would ask how her morn and her father would look. And you know I would in return would answer, oh they look fine. Or I seen your brother on TV. Urn, just whatever I seen on TV. We really weren't allowed to talk to her, but there were certain officers that I was cool with at that time, that didn't have a problem with me just talking to her. So...
CM And that's talking through the closed door?
CB Yeah. Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM When, did Casey ever ask you to do anything for her while you guys were at the jail?
CB Just to pass a letter.
CM A letter or letters?
CB Two letters I passed for her.
CM Okay. And who were these letters from?
CB The girls upstairs that was above her.
CM What um, you mentioned before there was a girl in your...
CB In my dorm there was one in my dorm and two up in her dorm.
CM Okay. The girl in your dorm do you remember her name?
CB I think her name was Martha. I believe her name was Martha.
CM Is she a white girl, black, Hispanic?
CB No Spanish.
CM Do you know what she was in for?
CB Murder.

CM And how many notes would you say you passed from the girl that was in your dorm to Casey?
CB I did that twice in my dorm.
CM From your dorm to Casey?
CB Right. Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CM And how about...
CB And there was a clipping, I sent too her.. well that I, I gave to her.
CM Newspaper?
CB A clipping, yeah of a news clipping.
CM Well do you remember what it was about? I know it's kind of hard but...
CB Urn, the Anthony case.
CM Okay. And that was from the girl in the other dorm? The one in your dorm?
CB My dorm. Right.
CM To her. And the ones that were in... so two notes from that one to Casey. What about the ones that were in her dorm? Do you remember how many notes back and forth?
CB No I think that ah, I'm gonna just say maybe three or four times I did that.
CM Okay. From them to Casey. What about from Casey to them?
CB Urn, from Casey to them was twice.
CM Okay. What...
CB And the girls I think maybe two or three times upstairs.
CM So, two from Casey about two to three from the people up top?
CB Right.
CM What about one of the other dorm? How many times did she send letters in?
CB Ah, we.. I did that... well, it was once on her behalf and once on my behalf.
CM Okay, so Martha or the one from your dorm sent one, then you sent one.
CB Then I sent one.
CM And yours was, what?
CB A card urn, it was a Christmas that one of the girls drew something and it was just urn, like a feel better kind of little drawing. And in return urn, she tried to give me, she tried to pass me one. But they had commissary that day and I couldn't get it. So, I had to wait till the next following morning to get it. But she sent me a urn, a letter, which I told him I would try to get it. I'm almost sure I have it 'cause I, that took everything. I have not been in that bag since I came out of the jail But I, I'll give it to you it's something like thank you for being there. In fact there's urn, on the TV one of the things urn, she's on there talking to her parents. And she's saying, well I met a girl who's here and she's very nice. And she's about the only one that I talk to.
CE That..
CB That was me.

CM The.. how would you pass notes to her?
CB Urn...
CM You're not gonna get in trouble for telling...
CB ...I was...
CM ....uS.
CB Okay. Urn, I would when I was sweeping all the letters would be rolled up like urn, you know just rolled up.
CM Uh-huh. (affirmative)..
CB And urn, the girls sometimes would tie it real tight and I would put it on the floor when I get next to her cell I'd slid it under her door.
CM And how would she get letters to you?
CB Urn, when I would pass her urn, her meals she, you know would pass it through the little cubby hole thing. And when I'd give it to her she'd give it to me and I'd put it in my sleeve.

JMO but to me it has always seemed shady that the one sister is "making friends" with ICA at the same time the other is "making friends" with GA....just another one of those things that make you go hmmmm.
I tend to believe her. She didn't come forward with her story looking for something, LE sought her out.

I think when LE sought her out inquiring about the texts, this could have planted an idea in her head regarding a possible affair and she only realised then the opportunity to make herself some cash.

If her testimony was true, this woman would have been trying to cash in from Day one.

I think she lied and embellished any conversations with GA to make it appear she had something of great importance to sell.

Anyone who would profit from a child's murder has no credibility whatsoever in my eyes!
I just read an article about her where she claims that the defense wanting "dumb jurors' is a myth, that they selected the best and brightest. Huh?

Yeah, I "Second" that HUH!!!????--

Maybe if THEY NRVER opened their mouths they could of gotten away with that statement...but , Seriously, are you kidding me. :floorlaugh:
Why does this make the Defense Team shady? It happens all the time. It is legal and jury consultants have been around for many, many years.

I agree with you, goldenlover, on it being legal and jury consultants being around for years. However it seems the "shady" part comes into play when you evaluate how that info is used. Consultant info is used to garner a favorable view of the defendant during jury selection and trial. NOT get your client off at any cost--that being character assassination, the worst possible accusation being "incest", and knowing full well it could not be proven.
I truly believe the case may have been lost from the moment the phrase "penis in her mouth", was used. It's like the elephant in the room--hard to ignore.

Ms. Singer, seemed to relish the idea that she and her team were clever enough to now tap into the Internet chat rooms. She gives the distinct impression she is the FIRST to gather this info from "the general public". She gave the impression that she as much as told the defense team, (paraphrased) Wow, the public really does not like George, and do not trust him, so make Him the Villain. As I said in my post ,they used this info to convict George instead of Casey. How does that work for you!? Not sure that is the most ethical way to utilize that information. But that's just my opinion, maybe it happens all the time.:sick:
I agree with you, goldenlover, on it being legal and jury consultants being around for years. However it seems the "shady" part comes into play when you evaluate how that info is used. Consultant info is used to garner a favorable view of the defendant during jury selection and trial. NOT get your client off at any cost--that being character assassination, the worst possible accusation being "incest", and knowing full well it could not be proven.
I truly believe the case may have been lost from the moment the phrase "penis in her mouth", was used. It's like the elephant in the room--hard to ignore.

Ms. Singer, seemed to relish the idea that she and her team were clever enough to now tap into the Internet chat rooms. She gives the distinct impression she is the FIRST to gather this info from "the general public". She gave the impression that she as much as told the defense team, (paraphrased) Wow, the public really does not like George, and do not trust him, so make Him the Villain. As I said in my post ,they used this info to convict George instead of Casey. How does that work for you!? Not sure that is the most ethical way to utilize that information. But that's just my opinion, maybe it happens all the time.:sick:

In regards to the defense opening statements..how is sexual molestation ever proven, unless the assaulter admits to it or the person being assaulted admits to it? Or it eye-witnessed or videotaped. Since GA did not admit to it..does not mean that it did nor did not happen. For obvious reasons, ICA did not take the stand. Most defendants do not take the stand. She is the only one who could have testified to it (and no one would have believed her anyway, by her own lying) so we do not know if the sexual molestation happened or not.

I think it is safe to say that putting doubt in the jurors minds as to another person that may have committed the crime is not new in defense tactics. It doesn't mean GA did anything, it just makes the jurors realize that someone else very well could have committed the crime under the same set of evidence.

As far as making GA the villain, I think the DT made him the villan because it was the most believable that he had something to do with it. It doesn't mean he did, just showing the jurors that it could have been someone else, just as easily as ICA with the same evidence.

I think if I was GA I would be glad that JB saved my daughter from the death penalty, at whatever cost to myself.
So did Bill O'Reilly reveal his big "scoop" last night about the witness tampering case, as he promised on Wednesday? Fox is blocked on my TV, so hoping someone else gets the scoop as well...
I think when LE sought her out inquiring about the texts, this could have planted an idea in her head regarding a possible affair and she only realised then the opportunity to make herself some cash.

If her testimony was true, this woman would have been trying to cash in from Day one.

I think she lied and embellished any conversations with GA to make it appear she had something of great importance to sell.

Anyone who would profit from a child's murder has no credibility whatsoever in my eyes!

The entire country is profiting from a child's murder. All the HLN shows at night, the morning shows, the newspapers...and the stations and websites that brought the live stream of the trial. Even the internet blogs.
That could be it as I remember Cheney filing a motion or something about accusing JA of calling the Department of Defense instead of them calling JA first. He asked that it be looked into.

You know, it's funny how we all jumped to the conclusion that they were talking about the Defense being the responsible party for witness tampering. You are correct that Mason was threatening to file a motion re: Rodriquez, but I don't think he ever did!
You know, it's funny how we all jumped to the conclusion that they were talking about the Defense being the responsible party for witness tampering. You are correct that Mason was threatening to file a motion re: Rodriquez, but I don't think he ever did!

iirc he did, but withdrew it.
In regards to the defense opening statements..how is sexual molestation ever proven, unless the assaulter admits to it or the person being assaulted admits to it? Or it eye-witnessed or videotaped. Since GA did not admit to it..does not mean that it did nor did not happen. For obvious reasons, ICA did not take the stand. Most defendants do not take the stand. She is the only one who could have testified to it (and no one would have believed her anyway, by her own lying) so we do not know if the sexual molestation happened or not.

I think it is safe to say that putting doubt in the jurors minds as to another person that may have committed the crime is not new in defense tactics. It doesn't mean GA did anything, it just makes the jurors realize that someone else very well could have committed the crime under the same set of evidence.

As far as making GA the villain, I think the DT made him the villan because it was the most believable that he had something to do with it. It doesn't mean he did, just showing the jurors that it could have been someone else, just as easily as ICA with the same evidence.

I think if I was GA I would be glad that JB saved my daughter from the death penalty, at whatever cost to myself.


EHH!!! I would bet George wishes you were him too!!! You could walk around with the libelous name of incestuous "child molester", instead of him. Do you honestly think "whatever cost to himself " includes his own daughter accusing him of rape. That would be a real stretch, don't ya think??

I know all about the "someone else could of done it", but we are not even talking about Murder--the defense used this excuse in "their " accidental drowning" theory.Furthermore , it is also highly likely they knew their client wasn't taking the stand , therefore his word against hers, she is a liar, and who would believe her anyway (isn't that what you said?). Then why destroy a mans reputation , thus the act of a less than ethical defense team. They went to far --that is my opinion, and you are certainly entitled to yours.

You and I are at different ends of this spectrum, Neither of us will yield to the other. The only agreement we can have is disagreement. Let's just respect each others veiwpoint and leave it at that. :truce::seeya:
So did Bill O'Reilly reveal his big "scoop" last night about the witness tampering case, as he promised on Wednesday? Fox is blocked on my TV, so hoping someone else gets the scoop as well...


I was the one who mentioned "the Factor" having the name of the person in the witness tampering....and NO....but Aphrodite, a Fox consultant, said to expect some fireworks about this. So we will have to wait and see.
In regards to the defense opening statements..how is sexual molestation ever proven, unless the assaulter admits to it or the person being assaulted admits to it? Or it eye-witnessed or videotaped. Since GA did not admit to it..does not mean that it did nor did not happen. For obvious reasons, ICA did not take the stand. Most defendants do not take the stand. She is the only one who could have testified to it (and no one would have believed her anyway, by her own lying) so we do not know if the sexual molestation happened or not.
How is it proven ? Obviously it was not or the judge would have let the DT discuss it during closing.

Let's take the opposite side ... how do we disprove this claim ? Well, look at FCA's videotaped conversation with GA at the jail ... "Dad, you've the best father and grandfather .. you've always been there for me" etc, etc. Also, do you truly think if FCA was molested by GA, she would have left Caylee alone with GA or not confided this with CA and CA would have taken action against GA ?

It was obviously FCA's decision to make up this ridiculous claim against her Dad and partially Lee, as she had nothing on CA to throw her under the bus. If I were George/Lee, I would sue FCA as well. There is not a decent bone in FCA's body.

On a side note, I wonder why FCA/JB cast aside the idea of blaming JG for the abduction/murder of Caylee ?
In regards to the defense opening statements..how is sexual molestation ever proven, unless the assaulter admits to it or the person being assaulted admits to it? Or it eye-witnessed or videotaped. Since GA did not admit to it..does not mean that it did nor did not happen. For obvious reasons, ICA did not take the stand. Most defendants do not take the stand. She is the only one who could have testified to it (and no one would have believed her anyway, by her own lying) so we do not know if the sexual molestation happened or not.

I think it is safe to say that putting doubt in the jurors minds as to another person that may have committed the crime is not new in defense tactics. It doesn't mean GA did anything, it just makes the jurors realize that someone else very well could have committed the crime under the same set of evidence.

As far as making GA the villain, I think the DT made him the villan because it was the most believable that he had something to do with it. It doesn't mean he did, just showing the jurors that it could have been someone else, just as easily as ICA with the same evidence.

I think if I was GA I would be glad that JB saved my daughter from the death penalty, at whatever cost to myself.

all good and dandy. except for the fact that to this day FCA does not act like a mother that lost a child and never will. GA has always been consistent with a grandfather that lost a grandchild and was trying to protect his daughter at all cost!
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