WKMG - Homicide Charges Shortly, Grand Jury next week **MERGED THREADS**

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I would only add we are assuming that this news is verified and have not heard anything from Randy Means. That being said, I do belive they are meeting or have begun already. If it is the latter, it could be quick and more of a formality. Im hopeful.

I do too blink.........I would bet they have BEEN meeting and LP and Tim are last called witnesses. They could do it without CA & GA even being called, particularly if they plan to charge them with obstruction.
O my, sorry, Kathyn, thank your for asking me to clarify.

I do not believe KC will ever stand trial for Caylee's death. I think TES will find Caylee's remains and the GJ will indict, LE will announce DNA match indicating Caylee's death. Not necessarily in that order, but I believe she will will plead guilty in exchange for LWOP.

That was what I meant by not seeing the inside of the courtroom, imo.

I don't think she will plea bargain. I firmly believe Casey would rather die than have Cindy know she destroyed Caylee. Frankly I think THAT issue has been the holdout from the get go. Whatever she did to Caylee, she's never going to accept blame or responsibility for it. JMO
Grand juries operate in two different ways, depending on the jurisdiction and type of case. Where the defendant already has been arrested on a preliminary charging document such as a complaint, and the time is short before the defendant must have a preliminary hearing or be released, the grand jury does little investigation. It merely listens to some brief testimony, usually hearsay from the arresting officer if the jurisdiction permits grand juries to rely on hearsay, as most do; rubber-stamps the prosecutor’s charging decision; and thus deprives your client of his or her statutory right to a preliminary hearing. With such charging grand juries, there is little you can do unless your client wants to take the risk of testifying.

That is true...........I had not thought of that. The press release may just be smoke and mirrors they may be meeting as we speak.

Good post.

I'm not seeing how this applies in Casey's case. She has not been picked up on a murder charge yet so there is no hurry to get the GJ indictment.
I'm bringing this over from the Yuri support thread. Don't think Blink will mind. And she's right...it is a two tissue minimum. I thought maybe not everyone reads the Yuri thread (why would be beyond me) but this is definitely worth watching, especially now with the grand jury convening. This will help us all remember why, in case anyone forgot.

Originally Posted by Blink34
Det. Melich makes the cut in this YouTube video created as a Thank You to OCSO and TES.

Warning, it will break your heart, again. Between the photo of Yuri standing in the backyard amongst the evidence tags, and the close up of my man-saint, Tim Miller, it is a 2 tissue minimum.

But watch it anyway, it is dedication personafied to Yuri, Tim Miller and TES, and everyone with them and on here searching for answers for Caylee.


Oh man, I HATE Casey. That was very touching.
See! I take a nap and stuff happens! I just love how that works for me!

So laughing how this report is released on the heals of Baez crying boo-hoo that the LE alreaady convicted her in the public eye!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Like a really awsome sucker punch YURI STYLE!!!
Thank YOU !!! I always believed in God to help to seek JUSTICE for
This is an answered prayer for many concerned people ! ! !
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~
This is the way to justice....
Present the F A C T S !
What we are ALL wanting is for the EVIL Person
who harmed little Caylee to be brought to Justice...
It would serve NO purpose to try to frame the
Wrong Person.
The Truth is just the truth!
It has been truly evident from "DAY 1"

Many people have lost a lot of time, sleep, and peace of heart....
over this case.
Many people are grieving NOW ..... and will be for
sure... when the whole TRUTH comes out and is PROVEN
in the Court room.
God Bless All the hard working people who have kept
their noses to the grind stone... and left no stone unturned
to get the TRUE FACTS....
Pray that Mr TM & LP continue to help seek justice with
LE and DA to convict the WRONG DOER ! ! !
or WRONG D O E R S ! ! !
Feel'n better 'bout things !
Ya'll keep Pray'n~~~~
Prayer Changes Things !
God Bless !
( < 8
:] Smile ~~ pass it on.... it makes everyone feel better ! ! !
Great news!!! LE is doing an amazing job.

I hope TM, LP, and crew can find Caylee and give this angel the proper resting place she desereves.
I'm not seeing how this applies in Casey's case. She has not been picked up on a murder charge yet so there is no hurry to get the GJ indictment.

This could have been planned to coincide with the hearing tomorrow in court, so she will be arrested before she leaves court and has no chance to run.
As soon as she realizes she may truly go down for this I do believe she'll attempt suicide or feign one anyway. Watch for a midnight rush to the hospital. DRAAAAMA.

Oh how I hope and pray that she doesn't and most definitely I wouldn't want it to be a successful attempt. I want Caylee to receive justice. Her committing suicide will give nobody justice. I want Casey to rot in jail. Rot, rot, rot, rot. I want her parents to visit her on a screen from now on. I want to hear how miserable she is in jail. She could have come clean. She could have done the right thing, but she strutted, she high fived, she destroyed lives, she cast aspersions on innocent people, she smacks her gum like a Diva, and grins ear to ear when most inappropriate, she partied while the little girl rotted in the trunk, she stole from friends and family, she created a circus. She is evil.
I think I should clarify my earlier post...when it comes to "witnesses" before the GJ, it's hard to say for sure, but in most cases, it's mostly just LE that testify, and maybe only the "victim" or direct witness to crime, so I'm not sure exactly who they would call...
Oh my...I was off in the kitchen cooking and thinking about pings and came back to this!

I am SO confused! I just don't understand...If they have enough information to take before the grand jury for a trial, do they not also have enough information to arrest her? How on earth does this work? Does LE always have to present to the Grand Jury before arresting someone for homicide???

Help please!
Can you imagine the tension inside the Anthony house tonight? Boy what I'd give to be a fly on their wall.
I'm bringing this over from the Yuri support thread. Don't think Blink will mind. And she's right...it is a two tissue minimum. I thought maybe not everyone reads the Yuri thread (why would be beyond me) but this is definitely worth watching, especially now with the grand jury convening. This will help us all remember why, in case anyone forgot.

Originally Posted by Blink34
Det. Melich makes the cut in this YouTube video created as a Thank You to OCSO and TES.

Warning, it will break your heart, again. Between the photo of Yuri standing in the backyard amongst the evidence tags, and the close up of my man-saint, Tim Miller, it is a 2 tissue minimum.

But watch it anyway, it is dedication personafied to Yuri, Tim Miller and TES, and everyone with them and on here searching for answers for Caylee.


Awwww that was so well done!!! What a beautiful angel! God bless all the people helping to find her and bring her home!
Oh how I hope and pray that she doesn't and most definitely I wouldn't want it to be a successful attempt. I want Caylee to receive justice. Her committing suicide will give nobody justice. I want Casey to rot in jail. Rot, rot, rot, rot. I want her parents to visit her on a screen from now on. I want to hear how miserable she is in jail. She could have come clean. She could have done the right thing, but she strutted, she high fived, she destroyed lives, she cast aspersions on innocent people, she smacks her gum like a Diva, and grins ear to ear when most inappropriate, she partied while the little girl rotted in the trunk, she stole from friends and family, she created a circus. She is evil.

I agree. I didn't think she would hurt herself until now, but she's never come upon a solid brick wall before and I don't think she can bear it. Don't worry, if she tries she won't be successful. Still it will be DRAAMA, but too late to evoke sympathy IMO.
Florida has that unusual lesser included offenses rule and she is charged with 3rd degree felony child neglect -- which elements may also be the lesser included elements for 1st degree murder of a child under the age of 12 due to aggravated child neglect. So, the time would run from the date she was arrested on the lesser included offense -- July 16, 2008 -- plus 175 days. Don't count the first day and do count the last day unless the last day falls on a Sunday or court holiday and then you go to the next court business day.

I'm trying to follow that :)

Regardless, her new charge will have a different date and they will most likely drop the neglect charge
Grand Jury will take as long as it takes. A lot of it depends on the number of witnesses called by the prosecution, and the complexity of the case, some depends on how many other cases the GJ is hearing. Usually the GJ is able to make a decision quickly, because they are only hearing the prosecutions evidence and no argument from the defense. No other attorneys are allowed in the GJ. Because they only hear from the prosecution, and most usually give what the prosecutor asks for they are often called the prosecutor's jury.

But when the case is complex and/or there are a lot of witnesses, it can take some time. Drew Peterson has been under the Grand Jury since Nov. of last year, and no sign of an indictment yet. The GJ investigating him has been extended several times. I think it will probably take time for this GJ. The prosecutor has to give evidence that Caylee is dead, that her death is the result of some type of misadventure, who caused the death, and how. There will be a lot of witnesses- both private citizens and experts. Since the A's are likely to be called, there will probably be legal challenges.

The proceedings are secret. It is illegal for anyone to give out info on what is discussed in the GJ. But witnesses can talk about what they are asked. Reporters often haunt the courthouse to see what witnesses go in and out. This being a high profile case, I believe the prosecutor will take his time and be extremely through. But the good news is, if there is no eventual indictiment, there is no jeopardy and the case can be reheard.
Can you get a Grand Jury moved? I mean, I'm sure Baez would have something to say about it being right here. Can this be a factor? I just want to make sure everything is nice and tight for any potential trial!

From what I know about GJ, it does not meet all the time. It is a panel of people called for jury duty specifically for a stint on the grand jury in a particular county where a crime may have been committed. It can last up to three months at a time (depending on the state laws). The meeting and looking over potential cases is quite different than a jury panel seated at a trial. In fact, I would describe a Grand Jury as a very loosely structured system of law; soley held for the decision of whether LE should proceed with charges.
If the GJ decided LE should go ahead with charges then the trial can be moved to another county within the state for a variety of reasons; one being the fairness for the defendent having an impartial jury if there has been too much advance publicity.
Why can't they charge her for both neglect and homicide? Nothing saying they can't and there sure is plenty there to charge her with neglect/abuse too. Look at all the drug parties etc she brought her to?

No, the defendent was taken into custody for ANOTHER charge, the grand jury can change that charge - the date will change when she is indicted, arrested and jailed for the new offense - LE might forgo the neglect charge for the homicide charge
Not at all, thank your for your thoughtfulness and great suggestion!

What a beautifull video made me cry. I just cannot get over all the people searching for Caylee and others who have spent so much time trying to solve what happened to her~~~~~ And yet her family did absolutely nothing, except lie. fight and blame everyone and their brother!

I hope that Casey Anthony gets life in prison.
Can you imagine the tension inside the Anthony house tonight? Boy what I'd give to be a fly on their wall.

Tension? Heck Casey's hanging out with Baez! LOL I would not want to be around Cindy right now - George I would think would retreat to himself - unless this will be the final straw
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