Woman admits to having 15 abortions in 17 years

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No kidding, what crime. Abortion is legal in this woman's country.

It is not a crime, there fore why again, is it in the Crime in the News......

I guess NewMommy09 is expressing her views on a legal medical procedures, which again has no legal basis in the courts for criminal charges.

This really does take away from real crimes against living children, you know the crimes, of murder, rape, abuse, neglect. Those are crimes against children and belong in the crime in the news thread.

These are the living breathing, human children, already born and victims of actual crimes.
This thread seems to equate what this women did with the suffering of children murdered and abused in life after being born. The real suffering of living children is a crime........not abortion.

What about unborn babies that have a heartbeat?
Kinda seems like a case of munchausen syndrome to me.Having unneccesary medical procedures since she could have prevented it by taking the pill, or using the billings method, or any other contraception.

She's obviously an intellectually smart woman- but has zero emotional intelligence.

I'm pro-choice. But its obviously unhealthy physically and emotionally to have this many procedures.

The bit I don't understand is why she has 3 children. If she was truely 'addicted' to the cycle of abortion then why did she carry these three to term?

Her choices are hers, and hers alone. I dont think its fair to the kids that she does have to tell the whole world about it, because they will be the ones that suffer the taunting and teasing in the playground.
What about unborn babies that have a heartbeat?

I think when you get in on the topic of abortion to me it seems IT IS either "white" or "black". I am pro-choice.

MY body, MY choice. MY decision, NOT yours.

I personally do not believe life starts at conception, even with a heartbeat. But that is my choice, and my belief. It is not wrong, and not illegal.

I have two wonderful, beautiful children whom we (my husband and me) chose to make and have. But if a woman has 2 or 200 abortions, not our choice, and not our bodies. It is legal, not a crime.

I am more concerned and worried about the poor children who are born into abuse, and poverty. The ones being sexually and physically abused, those are the heartbeats we need to be worried about.
No kidding, what crime. Abortion is legal in this woman's country.

It is not a crime, there fore why again, is it in the Crime in the News......

I guess NewMommy09 is expressing her views on a legal medical procedures, which again has no legal basis in the courts for criminal charges.

This really does take away from real crimes against living children, you know the crimes, of murder, rape, abuse, neglect. Those are crimes against children and belong in the crime in the news thread.

These are the living breathing, human children, already born and victims of actual crimes.

This thread seems to equate what this women did with the suffering of children murdered and abused in life after being born. The real suffering of living children is a crime........not abortion.

If you actually READ my post, you see that I specifically said that a crime has not been comitted and that I understand if the post needs to be moved. Also, while I DID say that I PERSONALLY believe that this should be considered criminal, I DID NOT "express my views on medical procedures". Nor did anyone in this thread equate these abortions to abuse and suffering of LIVING children.

Reguardless, if you do not feel that this woman throwing away 15 little lives before they ever had a chance to live, simply to ANGER her husband warrants attention or sympathy for the lives lost, then there are many other threads here at WS which will fulfill that for you. I would appreciate it for you to spend your time there rather than trying to cause an argument. This thread is NOT about me. Thank you.
My step daughters mom did the same thing, would have an abortion and blame whoever she was with. Now she had 6 kids and left them all. Two she put of for adoption because she didnt think her new boyfriend would want her if she had kids She was 28 at the time. They were 2 and 3 years old. Then she would have an abortion and blame him,she wouldnt even consider birth control. Scary to think there are more woman like this. Away the last abortion I knew of was the 9th. I dont think she stopped. She only see's 1 of her children.
What makes this woman think that people are interested in the stupidity of their lives. Is her elderly husband the father of her two girls? I don't understand why the old guy didn't just get a vasectomy if he didn't want kids, and was so irritated at the yearly abortions. IMO those two are seriously weird and messed up. Let's hope the two daughters aren't having to go through all sorts of weird head games and brawls with those two.
I think when you get in on the topic of abortion to me it seems IT IS either "white" or "black". I am pro-choice.

MY body, MY choice. MY decision, NOT yours.

I personally do not believe life starts at conception, even with a heartbeat. But that is my choice, and my belief. It is not wrong, and not illegal.

I have two wonderful, beautiful children whom we (my husband and me) chose to make and have. But if a woman has 2 or 200 abortions, not our choice, and not our bodies. It is legal, not a crime.

I am more concerned and worried about the poor children who are born into abuse, and poverty. The ones being sexually and physically abused, those are the heartbeats we need to be worried about.

ITA - and I am pro-choice also. Still, I take issue with a woman who would choose abortion as a primary form of birth control or use it as a form of punishment against a husband who clearly stated he did not want children.

This woman was a prodigy? Sounds like she was seriously lacking in common sense and ethics. IMO
Kinda seems like a case of munchausen syndrome to me.Having unneccesary medical procedures since she could have prevented it by taking the pill, or using the billings method, or any other contraception.

She's obviously an intellectually smart woman- but has zero emotional intelligence.

I'm pro-choice. But its obviously unhealthy physically and emotionally to have this many procedures.

The bit I don't understand is why she has 3 children. If she was truely 'addicted' to the cycle of abortion then why did she carry these three to term?

Her choices are hers, and hers alone. I dont think its fair to the kids that she does have to tell the whole world about it, because they will be the ones that suffer the taunting and teasing in the playground.


I, too, thought of Munchausen's. There is definitely some pathology going on here. And writing a book about it? How can she wish to expose such a sordid and irresponsible part of her past to the world? Use some discretion, for goodness sake!
This truly is a woman with mental illness and a husband suffering too. Why would she want to share this information with the world? Why would anyone by this book?

I really have nothing to add but just questions. I do believe it is true though. I don't buy it is an addiction though. Birth control or counseling should have been sought by these two people.

Munchausen's crossed my mind too.

It is irresponsible, selfish women like this are the poster-children for the pro-life movement. I am staunchly pro-choice but have major issues with people who use abortion as some sick form of birth control. I used to volunteer at Planned Parenthood and I was endlessly surprised at how many women would come in wanting their 3rd or 4th abortion and some of these girls were in their teens or early 20's. Hello! Take freaking birth control! It is not a question of money as various organizations will give you birth control or sell it for a radically reduced price. I used to get mine for $5.00 a pack.
After volunteering there my feelings did not change as most of the women who came in were there for the 1st and probably last abortion and took the decision very seriously. I don't think anyone is an advocate of abortion but instead are advocates for choice.

That said- I do not support late-term abortions unless it is for a medical reason. If you can't decide before the 1st trimester is up to abort the baby then too bad - give it up for adoption then.

This woman we are speaking of seems to have some serious issues beyond just being completely irresponsible.
I think when you get in on the topic of abortion to me it seems IT IS either "white" or "black". I am pro-choice.

MY body, MY choice. MY decision, NOT yours.

I have two wonderful, beautiful children whom we (my husband and me) chose to make and have

Sorry, it is not a "we" decision. Your husband has/had no choice at all.

You were right when you said "MY body, MY choice. MY decision, NOT yours." "NOT yours" includes your husband.

Just the sad fact.
I never even thought about Munchausen's. It could be a form of that.
Although don't most people with Munchausen's really believe that they or their child or whoever is sick all the time? I don't know a lot about the disease.
It just seems that this woman was fully aware of what she was doing, not to say she doesn't have mental problems.

I fully agree that if the husband felt victimized he could have/should have used protection or taken care of things himself.
I never even thought about Munchausen's. It could be a form of that.
Although don't most people with Munchausen's really believe that they or their child or whoever is sick all the time? I don't know a lot about the disease.
It just seems that this woman was fully aware of what she was doing, not to say she doesn't have mental problems.

I fully agree that if the husband felt victimized he could have/should have used protection or taken care of things himself.

What I have learned about Munchausen's is that they use the fabricated illness or injury, and it is fabricated - they can be quite cunning - to obtain gratification via attention they receive from hospital personnel or family members who worry and fuss over them when they are sick. That's what made it occur to me, actually. The husband not wanting children, avoiding intimacy to avoid a "surprise," and she seeking to get his attention ("How do you like me now?" or "Look what you did to me!") any which way she can, while giving him a not-so-subtle jab at the same time. To some, negative attention is better than none.
well since I am pro-life I don't understand why this upsets pro choice people at all.
Not trying to be controversial ot troublesome. i just don't see what the problem is if you are in favor of abortion in the first place what's the difference or the problem?
While I'm pro-choice, I believe women should be limited to 1-2 elective abortions simply so it does NOT become a method of BC. I have managed to reach the age of 38 w/ NO pregnancies, so it IS possible.
well since I am pro-life I don't understand why this upsets pro choice people at all.
Not trying to be controversial ot troublesome. i just don't see what the problem is if you are in favor of abortion in the first place what's the difference or the problem?

I certainly don't feel like women should have serial abortions, but I can't see imposing a set number either. That sounds unenforceable and arbitrary at best. I think the government needs to stay out of women's wombs. That said, I am no proponent of late-term (partial birth or otherwise) abortions except to save the mother's life. As one poster already said, they have an entire 90 days to get a plan together and make their choice. But I am a staunch supporter of a woman's right to choose.
i just don't see what the problem is if you are in favor of abortion in the first place what's the difference or the problem?

Being pro-choice does NOT mean "in favor of abortion." Those are two entirely different things.

the woman is just as bad as octomom wanting to get negative attention and their 15 minutes of fame. however 17x abortion mom is on the opposite side of have a ton of kids octomom. both disgusting, imo!
Being pro-choice does NOT mean "in favor of abortion." Those are two entirely different things.

True enough hoppy and I will rephrase. i guess what I mean is those that find choosing abortion is acceptable, what is the difference if it is one or 15? I am asking this sincerely because i truly do not understand.

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