Woman admits to having 15 abortions in 17 years

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Its in the Sun, which is highly speculative to be similiar to the Examiner in the states. A tabloid paper so to speak.
Wow, I can't believe the mental and emotional pain this women must have buried deep inside of her. I had an abortion and carried so much pain around, I went to a support group three years later and met women who in their forties and fifties, still had pain and cried talking about that child they lost. This poor women is in need of professional and spiritual help. Let's not point fingers and judge, instead just pray and hope she gets the help she needs. We all make mistakes in our lives, nobody is perfect and everybody deserves love. She doesn't have to answer to any of us.
This should be a crime. Seriously. I know these are just "fetuses" and embryos, but someone with this lack of respect for life needs to be in jail or involuntary, inpatient therapy.

I know I should be a good Christian and avoid judging her, but I can't. This is a woman who conceived babies ask an act of pigheadedness and then aborted them because she was either weak or sadistic. Her own words seem to point to both. Now, she's trying to profit from writing a book about it.

I have no respect for her and I have no pity for her. I do feel sadness for the 15 (or more) lives that will never be. I feel scorn for the doctors who, at one point or another, had to be aware of the uterine scarring and damage that comes with routine abortion.

It makes me nauseated and I hope no one buys her book. Or if they do, she uses the money for a complete hysterectomy so that she can't conceive again. Science is remarkable these days.

I also have to say, with no offense to anyone here, that I abhor the "my body, my choice" argument/cliche. Sorry, unless you were raped, it stopped being only about you the second your actions led to the conception of a child. You had sex and the BC failed? That's a chance you took. No one can make you have the baby, but making it about you is inaccurate, IMO.

A baby can feel pain at 15 weeks gestation. It can suck its thumb at 10-12 weeks. All its organs are formed at the end of the first trimester. I'm 19 weeks pregnant, and people have abortions at 19 weeks all the time. I just had my 20 week ultrasound and with the exception of him not having his fat on yet, LOL, he looked like any precious newborn. 3D ultrasounds are something. To me, to look at that and then say "Well, it's my body. It's my choice" might as well be as cold-hearted as any murder. Yet someone out there is getting an abortion at that point and beyond right now. It makes me nauseated.

And one more thing. There ARE pro-abortion people out there. Most are not, of course, but take a spin on iVillage's abortion support board sometime. There are women out there who try to convince others to have abortions. Whether it's to make themselves feel better about their choices, I don't know. What I do know is that I couldn't fathom someone would be pro-abortion until I read some of these women and the "Yeah, I don't think you can manage another baby...I didn't feel a thing...people say you're sad afterward, but I just felt relief..." It's very psychological, and very sad to see these confused women get talked into the most final of choices by women who advocate the procedure.

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