Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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Because at this point, it's not about enabling. It's about reducing the risk of harm to those kids. A woman can only go on like this for so long before something tragic has the potential to happen. An under-supervised child accidentally hurting him/herself or worse.

I agree CPS (or whichever agency is in place in CA) should be involved. Unfortunately, as evidenced by the children who fall into the cracks every year, that does not always happen and/or help.

Gee, if only somebody was willing to come and give ME free childcare.

I definitely think CPS should be involved. If she can't handle and support her kids, then she probably shouldn't have them. People shouldn't be expected to give up their free time and show up to babysit 14 kids without any compensation at all. We could ALL use a break now and then... but nobody comes to help me out for free.

If the kids are in danger because of her, then they need to be removed. It would happen to anyone else - they wouldn't get free help, the kids would simply be removed. What does she think is going to happen when they're all teenagers?? It seems like most people think it would be in the best interest of all if the kids were taken away from her. Why should other people have to sacrifice for her decision?

Last I heard, she had kicked out the free help she did have... she could always hire somebody, instead of buying pools and plastic surgery and clothing for herself... This is what makes it difficult for anyone to want to support this woman...

I know the kids are the innocent ones. But if they are truly in danger, they need to be removed from the home. The public need not bend over backwards to help her out... JMO. Any financial help doesn't seem to even go to her kids - she seems to spend it on herself. Sending her nannies will just let her get out and dress up and have a good time while somebody else is stuck at home dealing with her decision to have so many kids.
Thank you - I was afraid I sounded cruel. I know it isn't her kids' fault.

But gosh, it really hits a nerve... I'm sure my little boy would LOVE to have a swimming pool. Instead we pay the bills and buy groceries and keep him in clothing. Then I watch the video of her and see her complaining that her fridge is so empty because people stopped donating.

Maybe if I solicited donations, we could have a swimming pool, too! She drives a car that I'd love to have as well. I would have thought she'd go for one of those big economy vans, but no, she's got something more sharp and luxurious instead.

And she can claim she never had surgery all she wants, but there's no way you come off looking like that naturally after 14 kids - 8 of them all at once. Gee, guess her appearance is more important than her child's cleft lip.

Nope, I'd never want to donate to her. If her kids were taken away, then I'd consider donating to whatever family is supporting them. But definitely not to her - she spends it on herself.

I get that she's busy and probably worn out. But she wanted this, and certainly appears to be milking it for all its worth. People guessed this would happen from the very start.
Wow, I got the answer. There are no more nannies and no help in taking care of all the kids. Nadya was on Dr. Drew and another segment going around the talk shows of her taking care of the kids and fixing lunch all by herself. Apparently, she is not going to give up any kids and doesn't have enough money for any help. There's no way she can keep doing this with no help and not enough sleep. I'm no fan of her, but someone needs to help. If only some church youth groups, college sororities, high school girls, someone who could be background checked would go in and help. Even a group coming in regularly for an afternoon to watch the kids, do a little housework, and prepare a few meals would help Nadya. She needs some respite and help. Surely someone in her area would be willing to help out in groups of 3 or 4.

I have fostered many kids,but you couldn't pay me enough to get involved with Nadia Suleman,much less do it as a volunteer. Even if you could find enough people to help,Nadia would make it so difficult,it wouldn't last long.

This is an awful situation,not because there are 14 kids,but because their mother is Nadia Suleman. She adds to the chaos expotentially.
I think the kids will have to be removed .
OK, I've heard it all..Nadya is on cover of Steppin Out Magazine this month and is blasting Casey Anthony! She said: "I don't have all the facts, but I've worked with the mentally disabled for many years before having kids. I worked with sociopaths and psychopaths in a mental hospital and in my opinion Casey Anthony is not emotionally stable".
Is this the pot calling the kettle black? I have seen/heard Nadya on talk shows and she seems very emotionally unstable. I hope not to the point of murdering her child or God forbid, having a child drown because she can't keep an eye out for all 14 kids. But, when she was on Dr. Drew's show she was laughing at inapproprite times, wouldnt let him have a word in edgewise and just seemed off her rocker! Casey, on the other hand has a scarier mental illness because it's not as outwardly visible.

Now she is claiming she was drugged by the dr when made to give consent to the embryo implantation. Smells like she is gearing up for a lawsuit...
she was on her dr's side for so long,up until he lost his license.NOW she has the ammo to turn on him (or so she thinks) and she thinks ppl won't be smart enough to see right thru it.
she really is sick,and i mean it.she would have to be to think she can just say whatever she wants and ppl will buy it..like she has some sort of magic wand she can wave over everyone,and they will believe just up and believe her lies without a thought..sick!!
This woman already had children she couldn't take care of before she decided to have an entire litter. She made the decision to have eggs planted, why? She was not childless. She did not consider how her actions would affect her parents or her other children. She really did not care that her mother and father had already given up their "retirement" and a better, less stressful life in order to help her spit out babies, one after the other. Her parents had absolutely no say in her decisions. Her totaly disregard for what an impact her spitting out all those children had on her parents is totally disgusting to me. She has no father there for the children. She purposefully got pregnant over and over again, pretty much like an operating puppy mill. The older children suffer and the babies suffer, there is no way they don't suffer. She is an inconsiderant, self-centered person. The children should have been adopted out as soon as they were born to families who could love and take proper care of them. But, she was enjoying all the attention and money she was receiving for the reality shows, interviews, photographs............you name it. Her poor mother appeared to be totally exhausted and worn out. IMO, her parents should not have to give up the rest of their lives due to her negligence. I do not feel any pity or compassion for this selfish woman at all. I feel bad for all the people, young and old, who are impacted every hour of their days and nights due to her decision. I still think that these children need to go to loving homes where they can grow up not feeling like they are in a kennel. This woman will more than likely try to have even more children. I do believe in forced sterilization for women who have multiple children for their own selfish, greedly reasons. This is my opinion and I don't expect all of you to agree with me. That's ok, but the way I see it, these children will drop through the cracks and there is no telling what damage is being done to them living like this.
I'm tired of my tax dollars going to support ppl who willingly choose to have (now I know they don't normally do IVF) baby after baby,a lot of times starting in high school,in order to get those welfare benefits and money.it just ain't right.
Wow, I got the answer. There are no more nannies and no help in taking care of all the kids. Nadya was on Dr. Drew and another segment going around the talk shows of her taking care of the kids and fixing lunch all by herself. Apparently, she is not going to give up any kids and doesn't have enough money for any help. There's no way she can keep doing this with no help and not enough sleep. I'm no fan of her, but someone needs to help. If only some church youth groups, college sororities, high school girls, someone who could be background checked would go in and help. Even a group coming in regularly for an afternoon to watch the kids, do a little housework, and prepare a few meals would help Nadya. She needs some respite and help. Surely someone in her area would be willing to help out in groups of 3 or 4.

Whack job Nadya perhaps should have considered all that BEFORE she had more kids. I have zero sympathy for HER but a lot for those kids.
I do hope there is some close supervision by the state for the health and safety of all the kids. Water in the pool could certainly be a concern.
Whack job Nadya perhaps should have considered all that BEFORE she had more kids. I have zero sympathy for HER but a lot for those kids.
it didn't turn out to be the wealthy venture she thought it was going to be.I think she thought she'd just hire nannies galore while she went shopping,gave interviews,etc all day.
it looks like she had so much saggy skin they cut it off and pulled the rest together,leaving her with not much of a naval.
Octo's house is on the market. I wonder if her neighbors will pool together to buy it, I understand they want her out of there pretty bad.



Don't miss the opportunity to own this previously owned celebrity home! Cul-de-sac location features a spacious 4 bedrooms, 3 baths in a desirable neighborhood! Large living area on bottom floor featuring high ceilings with separate living, dining, laundry, and a bonus room. Master bedroom has a walk in closet and upgraded bath. The rear yard features artificial turf including a patio and is large enough to add a pool! Won't last!
I just shudder when I think of all of those poor kids. What kind of lives are they going to have? It's like they don't even have a chance right out of the gate. I suppose it's not a lot different from a lot of children on the planet. Hopefully they'll grown up with some strong sibling bonds and rise above their circumstances. How she ever could have been so selfish and delusional I'll never understand. And that she was able to find a "physician" as screwed up as she is.....boggles the mind. The perfect storm.
From the recent photos of these kids, several of them have blond hair and look nothing like her older brood.
Real Estate Company Refuses Home Listing <<snipped>>
November 06, 2011 12:00 PM EST

Life isn't easy for an Octomom. Nadya Suleman, the poster child for regulations on in vitro fertilization, recently tried to list her house through a friend who worked at a real estate agency. The agency refused to accept the listing and told Nadya's friend that if she wanted to handle the listing, she would have to resign. Of course, the mega-mom now thinks she is the victim of prejudicial thinking. Really?

TMZ reports that Nadya believes she is the recipient of a special kind of prejudice - Octomomism. The mom of 14 further said, "It is a blatant form of prejudice and I was disgusted that they refused to take my house and list it."

However, the company in question, Atlantic & Pacific Real Estate, seems to have provided a very specific reason for not wanting to list the La Habra house - the publicity and media coverage it would create. One can only imagine the amount of queries the agency would receive from curiosity seekers, photographers, and writers who want to "get the scoop" on the next big Octomom headline. A lot of man hours would be wasted fielding questions asked by parties who never intended to buy the home.



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