Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets II

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No, no, noooooo, don't send Nadya to the naughty chair! Instead of using the time to think about what she had done to get there, it will just give her enough thinking time to scheme up her next litter. :)

Or... at the very least, hold her down and tie those tubes, before putting her in the naughty chair. :D
All of the Brit's I've ever known have a great sense of humor. Now I have to know if the documentaries are going to be "mock"umentaries. :doh:

OMGoodness, wouldn't that be too fitting and at least appropriate!! Better yet if she didn't realize what they were up to!! Thinking that she is giving advice while the 'host" is rolling his/her eyes behind her. Letting her chat away about this or that while they are showing clips of the true chaos or even skits with actors behaving badly.

Having NS tell what it's like to raise/care for 14 kids while showing clips of her getting her manicures and shopping for clothes while we see nannies throwing their arms up in despair as her twins flush car keys down the toilet, blocking their escape. Oh I'm feeling evil tonite, I could go on and on...

It isn't surprising the alleged production company can't find any backers. TLC had literally hundreds of emails from viewers threatening never to never watch another show, ever and to notify sponsors they would boycott their products if they tried to put NS on the air.

This woman has single handedly done more damage to reproductive science than anything since thalidomide. There will be back lash, people trying to have a family will pay for NS's mistakes.
No, no, noooooo, don't send Nadya to the naughty chair! Instead of using the time to think about what she had done to get there, it will just give her enough thinking time to scheme up her next litter. :)

Or... at the very least, hold her down and tie those tubes, before putting her in the naughty chair. :D

Why don't they just give her dirty diaper duty, she won't have time for anything else for the next 2 1/2 to 3 years!!

She doesn't get the time out chair, oh no, no, no, the punishment must fit crime. Make that girl work around that house and take care of her kids! She doesn't have time for the naughty chair!! :Banane10:

If she wants to do something sitting down maybe she could start writing thank you notes to all the people and companies who have sent her things since learning about her babies. :eek:nline:
I would venture to say Nadya is probably not the type to write thank you notes..but I'm sure that much can be figured..LOL.don't we all have the occasional relative who just CAN'T be bothered with such trivial things?they should all meet Nadya. :)
I'd donate to get Jo the Supernanny in Nadya's home. I love Jo's no nonsense way of dealing with parents. (Last week I almost fell over when she said that bribing the child to take a shower "it's like payin someone to take a wee for goodness sake".) She cracks me up! :)

Oh I just love Supernanny! She is awesome! Did you watch it this week when she told the mom she loolked like the lights were on but noone was home? LOL! My DH and I love it when they watch the family in the first part of the show to observe how they function. And supernanny always gives the camera those looks of disbelief! She cracks me up.
I don't blame Supernanny for giving the cameras looks of disbelief. Can you believe some of the stuff these parents let their kids get away with? In the last one I watched, the kid called him parents "Stupid" constantly. And they did nothing! I didn't get to finish watching it, though. Baby E was ready for bed. She likes bath, snuggles, stories, and bottle, in that order, and she doesn't like me to be distracted by the TV!

Can you imagine the looks Jo would give the camera in Octomom's house???
Hubby and I started watching Supernanny a while back just to see if we did anything right. After a few episodes we realized our house is like Happy Days compared to some of the folks on her show!

Jo is so charming, I love the "looks" she gives. Wouldn't it be fun to see her talk to Octomom? I kind of wish Jo would just visit for the fun of it. :crazy:
Hubby and I started watching Supernanny a while back just to see if we did anything right. After a few episodes we realized our house is like Happy Days compared to some of the folks on her show!

Jo is so charming, I love the "looks" she gives. Wouldn't it be fun to see her talk to Octomom? I kind of wish Jo would just visit for the fun of it. :crazy:

Now, I would pay to see that visit.
Now, I would pay to see that visit.

You're right, the only way we'll ever see that, is if we pay for it! I'm sure Nadya thinks she has lots of valuable mothering skills she could pass on to the Super Nanny, so of course she deserves to be paid for it! :rolleyes:

It kinda looks like Nadya maybe getting her wish of fading back into anonymity! She maybe ought to be really careful about what she asks for, before she finds herself at the unemployment office looking for a real job to support those 14 kids. :eek:nline: :genie: :camera:

Every January Nadya will have a true Octoberfest to put on, to celebrate the babies Birthday. :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u: :cake4u:

Since she says she's done expanding her family, maybe she'd like to rent out her womb to 3 or 4 other couples at a time. Doing this 1 couple at a time doesn't pay enough, but if she carried 1 or 2 babies at a time for 3 or 4 couples she could become the Octo-Surrogate. :cow: or :lamb: ???

With advances in medicine happening everyday Nadya could become the first octogenarian to give birth! (the current oldest new mom was 72 I believe...) :grandma:

Or maybe Nadya could just retire from the baby business all together and she could become an octonary, one who writes in a stanza of eight lines. :waitasec: :read:

Or she could learn to play an octachord while people toss change into cup for her. :Banane08: :coffeecup:

Sorry guys, don't know what came over me tonite. I just figure if Nadya's going to go through the trouble of buying the Octo trade mark she should get as much octane for her buck as possible!! :winko:
she could promote a lip plumper in her name..Octolips,plumps to 8x their normal size!
Don't be sorry missmybaby. I love your post. It's very funny and I love the way you say things using the smileys! LOL
These last few posts have made me laugh, thank you.
I swore to myself I'd never post on this thread again. Bad bad bad me... At least I've held my breath for about 2+ weeks. That's good hey?

Oh there's no end to this lying sociopathic crazed breeder. Kids are begging for a dog but she's telling Radar she would rather TRULY have a pig for a pet. OMG

HLN Jane Vallez just confirmed Nadya has lied yet again. Not only did she work as a stripper for MORE than the 1 night she admitted to, she worked for an entire year and was eventually FIRED.

PLEASE SOMEONE ASK ME WHAT SHE CALLED HERSELF WHILE STRIPPING!! PLEASE PLEASE! This is for real, her former boss said....... Tiny hint: Starts with an A and ends in a ngelina.:shocked2:
mmmmmm Octobermoon beat me to it. ;) :blowkiss:

She is a nut. I pray that the grandparents are watching over the children, but am not sure they aren't falling into the fame/money trap.

Patty, sure glad to see you saw that too. Can you imagine the letters she sent to Brad/Angelina? I would love to see those.

She is a nut. I pray that the grandparents are watching over the children, but am not sure they aren't falling into the fame/money trap.

Patty, sure glad to see you saw that too. Can you imagine the letters she sent to Brad/Angelina? I would love to see those.

Oh you're not kidding. I'm hoping that with the love that Angelina really has for children that she was responsible enough to forward copies to CPS should any of the letters be strange or concerning.

I think Angelina's security people have long known about this woman and she's on their watch list. JMHO

I can only pray that someone is watching to the best of their ability. I have a real fear that one of those many children will die from an accident or something like that. Although in her case, it would amount to neglect, not accident as no mother is capable of ever managing 14 kids under 8yrs old.
Does it seem to you that she has a "need" to replace people/things imediately. Like they are not enough. Just one more kid, now a new pet, new lips (sorry, a bit snarky). I am so scared she will just continue to escalate until something very bad happens.
..or the way she doesn't watch them,that one or more of them will be kidnapped.their pics have been all over,all 14 of them.and she's not in a gated community.
..or the way she doesn't watch them,that one or more of them will be kidnapped.their pics have been all over,all 14 of them.and she's not in a gated community.

You are so right. I am a mom of a lonely only, but did home daycare for many years. By law I was allowed to care for only 2 infants at a time plus 3 other siblings. Don't know how laws work today. Can't imagine 14! I doubt the help will be around for long. She goes through pro bono PR, etc. They seem to think she is a bit hard to deal with and we have all seen her videos.

Pray for the kids is all I can say, and hope cps is on the job.

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