Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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What is a single woman, with 6 children already, doing having fertility drugs?

I'm wondering if there might be some psychological issues with someone who wants more children when they already have 6. Yeah, I'm probably going to get flamed for saying that but that's the only conclusion I can come up with on why someone would still be using fertility treatments of some type when they already had 6 kids. We know that guidelines for IVF were exceeded b/c of her age (the lower the age, the fewer embryos they'll implant). Her doctors at the hospital say she was pregnant when she came to them. So where did she have these procedures? They believed she'd taken fertility drugs but her mother says she'd had IVF. Again I go back to why would you want that many kids at one time if you already had 6? Sorry but the only reason I can come up with is some sort of psych issue.
I can see what you see nanny1 and lucky181. I think the sun article is probably accurate. I'm confused as to the use of the G part of the surname. The only time I have seen the G surname is in connection with Latino families. I could be mistaken though. Perhaps it is the woman's married name?

ETA: Was a married name, not married at this time?

That's the only time I've seen it used like that also. I don't think that she is married or has ever been married, I could be wrong though. I don't know I just find this whole situation a bit bazaar.

Just saying:waitasec:
I'm wondering if there might be some psychological issues with someone who wants more children when they already have 6. Yeah, I'm probably going to get flamed for saying that but that's the only conclusion I can come up with on why someone would still be using fertility treatments of some type when they already had 6 kids. We know that guidelines for IVF were exceeded b/c of her age (the lower the age, the fewer embryos they'll implant). Her doctors at the hospital say she was pregnant when she came to them. So where did she have these procedures? They believed she'd taken fertility drugs but her mother says she'd had IVF. Again I go back to why would you want that many kids at one time if you already had 6? Sorry but the only reason I can come up with is some sort of psych issue.

I'm with you,unless of course you were trying to start your own country (just kidding,I think). One article stated she worked in a fertility clinic. The other one stated she was a PSYCH Nurse.
It also stated she was three months pregnant when she statred with the OBGYN.
Our local news is reporting that the grandmother said her daughter is obsessed with having children and was hoping to have "just one more girl".
Our local news is reporting that the grandmother said her daughter is obsessed with having children and was hoping to have "just one more girl".

Obsessed huh,do you think she is done yet ? Or do you think she will continue her cravings for even more !!:eek:

Just asking out loud
14 kid's !! I think I would have to move down to the parking lot and leave no forwarding address..
Octuplets' mother 'obsessed with children'
7:59 PM, January 30, 2009
Nadya Suleman’s goal in life was to be a mother, her friends and family said.

That is why, even with a brood of six including 2-year-old twins, she decided to have more embryos transferred, in hopes, her mother said Friday, of getting “just one more girl.”


Angela Suleman said all the children are from the same sperm donor, but she did not identify him. Her daughter is divorced, but Suleman said the ex-husband was not the father.

Our local news is reporting that the grandmother said her daughter is obsessed with having children and was hoping to have "just one more girl".
I believe the word "obsessed" should not be used after having six children. This to me indicates a problem.

I saw a Doc earlier discussing the entire procedure and how she put her life as well as those of her babies at risk for this. I wish them all well and hope they all have wonderful lives, but at the same time...I have to question a person in her situation going to such extremes.
I believe the word "obsessed" should not be used after having six children. This to me indicates a problem.

I saw a Doc earlier discussing the entire procedure and how she put her life as well as those of her babies at risk for this. I wish them all well and hope they all have wonderful lives, but at the same time...I have to question a person in her situation going to such extremes.
operative phrase is "risk the lives of her babies" 8 babies at once puts each and every one of them at risk.
I wish them the very best.

I think the mother chose the word obsessed because that's how she sees it.
operative phrase is "risk the lives of her babies" 8 babies at once puts each and every one of them at risk.
I wish them the very best.

I think the mother chose the word obsessed because that's how she sees it.
She also risked her own life. This to me indicates a problem. Her mother knows her better than anyone. She had 6 lives already depending on her. Why would she risk them, too?
She also risked her own life. This to me indicates a problem. Her mother knows her better than anyone. She had 6 lives already depending on her. Why would she risk them, too?
because she is obssessed?:)
Honestly this is all so sad. I hope the media has it all wrong. The radio stations here are speculating that she had this done in mexico. Many people here in SoCal go to mexico for surgical procedures.They also said she was offered a car from GM and she has already been trying to sell it. How they would know that I have no idea.
:( I can't imagine. OK Yes...I can. I was figuring up today how much money she could bring in for all those children via welfare alone not to mention the "gifts". It sounds like she won the lottery.
I certainly hope child welfare takes a good look at this situation....if they dont get more (physical) support to help with those babies then the babies and the other children will end up neglected....theres no way 3 adults can care for that many babies at once plus 6 other children and actually i guess it will be 2 adults after the grandfather leaves for iraq!
i wonder if she will do a reality show lol we have jon and kate plus 8....17 kids and counting....whats one more lol
She also risked her own life. This to me indicates a problem. Her mother knows her better than anyone. She had 6 lives already depending on her. Why would she risk them, too?

Thank you Seriously Searching.. I also wonder why she would take such risk, who would take care of those little ones if anything happen to her. I am all for anyone having as many children as they can love and afford,but I'm seriously concerned about this particular situation. I probably shouldn't being saying this but I hope it is not going to be up to the taxpayer. I hope no one takes this in a negative way.:confused:
Gosh I forgot my manners! Thank you for reminding me Seriously Searching.

Welcome to websleuths nanny1 and wildheart.

The babies were 9 weeks premature. I hope that they all end up healthy with no long term effects from prematurity. My oldest son was 10 weeks early, but he was only one baby not one of 8. He did fine once he was about 2, he had caught up on all his milestones and now you would never know he had been a preemie.

I'm curious to know where she had this procedure done? If she had it done in Mexico it wouldn't surprise me, I've seen a lot of TV shows about people going across the border for various procedures. I'll have to pay more attention now to the programs that air those shows.
I certainly hope child welfare takes a good look at this situation....if they dont get more (physical) support to help with those babies then the babies and the other children will end up neglected....theres no way 3 adults can care for that many babies at once plus 6 other children and actually i guess it will be 2 adults after the grandfather leaves for iraq!
i wonder if she will do a reality show lol we have jon and kate plus 8....17 kids and counting....whats one more lol

I was thinking of this earlier also. The sad part is that if DFCS took the kids away it would be nearly impossible to keep the octuplets together, much less all 14 siblings.
When it first came out that she had 6 other kids, I really really had to hold back from suggesting she may have a disorder- hoarding. After reading several articles about how she may have a problem, I am ready to suggest that she has a compulsion toward this behavior. How sad :(
It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds when she takes them home from the hospital. Will there be public fanfare or public shunning? Obviously, if the mother is a professional student she will have to receive some sort of public assistance for these children as she cannot work and raise 14 children of which 10 are age 2 and under. Will the community help her care for them? Will she receive freebies -- diapers, baby food, a van, clothes, etc. even of she is a single mom who underwent fertility treatments and reportedly had the embryos transplanted?

I live in Canada right now (grew up in the states) and it is amazing to the see the "industry" that has grown up around having/supporting children. There are low income mothers who continue to have children because each child they have means more $ from the government each month. There are professional foster parents who take care of foster kids as their primary job. Many of these kids are well-cared for, others are given minimal care. It's so sad.

I don't understand this woman's motivations, but I wish the best for her children. I grew up in a 2-parent family with 8 children (of various ages) and it wasn't easy for my parents or for me and my brothers and sisters.
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