Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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Snippet on JVM had a bit about Nadya had the police called to her house 8 times in the past year. They did not say what those police visits were for. Anyone know?

On Greta tonight, at the very end of her show she had a short snippet about this, that there were times the police have been called for issues with the children, 1 had locked themself inside their bedroom, another time a 5 yo girl was missing but found pretty quickly. Sounded like all the children are left to roam and possibly neighbors had called to complain about it. With all that going on she goes and arranges to have more children... Lord have mercy!

Oh Lord Police involvement, no matter the reason, cannot be a safe or good thing!!! What is she doing to do when one of her disabled children pick up and throw a baby, not unlike the child that kept slapping her in the face?!

Well some good news. Octomom will not be able to afford her children after I sue her. We have one of those blood pressure monitors in the home and recently I took to taking my blood pressure (for real) right after I either read or watch something pertaining to Octomom and her vile behavior. What do YOU think the results were?

I cannot believe that I truly have a physiological reaction to this woman. Now I get to sue her for causing my high blood pressure, she'll lose her money and the children will go to better homes. How does that sound for a solution?!

:furious: that she's BOASTING that a couple of the babies GET TO COME HOME in the next week! Okay, either she's still in lala land or the hospital is really going to give her these kids. :banghead:

PS: She also claims she has a NEW HOME TO RENT?! UUHHH OKAY, on her blog I see NO packing, NO boxes, NO NOTHING going on other than her rolling around with a few kids on the floor for a few minutes. THEN she also BOASTS about spending 5 hours at the hospital CARING for her kids?! YEAH, less than an hour per baby. DO any of you really think this woman think she's actually MOTHERING these kids? EACH BABY NEEDS CONSTANT CARE & BONDING with the mother, not 38 minutes a day. :rolleyes:

Now off to measure my blood pressure again!
On Greta tonight, at the very end of her show she had a short snippet about this, that there were times the police have been called for issues with the children, 1 had locked themself inside their bedroom, another time a 5 yo girl was missing but found pretty quickly. Sounded like all the children are left to roam and possibly neighbors had called to complain about it. With all that going on she goes and arranges to have more children... Lord have mercy!VB

I just saw this today on the MSNBC website. Child protection evidently found that all the complaints were unfounded, according to that article. I wonder how closely they checked into this? One of the kids locked self into a room. One of the kids wandered off after grandma but was quickly found. There have also been complaints that the kids have been seen not to look like they were being taken care of well. Argh!
I just saw this today on the MSNBC website. Child protection evidently found that all the complaints were unfounded, according to that article. I wonder how closely they checked into this? One of the kids locked self into a room. One of the kids wandered off after grandma but was quickly found. There have also been complaints that the kids have been seen not to look like they were being taken care of well. Argh!

Well it only makes sense that the more kids, the more haphazard the care gets to be. I remember my six cousins were always a little raggedy - they were loved and cared for, but there was some benign neglect going on and everyone knew it - they all turned out fine (well, almost all of them - lol), but certainly didn't get the same level of attention that we did, which is good and bad. But 14? GMAB. A family with seven kids down the street when I was little were the same way. One or more of them were always joining us for meals - their mom, no doubt relieved, never came after them. I in no way accuse these people of neglect, it's just a natural consequence of a mom (and in those days, at least at night, a dad, usually) spreading herself too thin. Now no offense to anyone, but back then we always attributed these large families to "Roman Roulette." All were loved, welcomed and accepted, but no way these people vigorously sought out more than 5 kids. They certainly weren't freeloading and paying hundreds of thousands to make that happen. You would have thought someone certifiable who would do such a thing.

The problem is - our culture, media and government essentially rewards this insanity. Octomom just figured that out and intends to cash in. Plus being a nut job on top of it. She does look like an Angelina caricature. The pictures I saw of her in one of the gossip rags show her to be so much prettier BEFORE the work was done. Much prettier. Who in their right mind could justify spending money on plastic surgery with 6 mouths to feed, 8 on the way and no job. I am incensed she used student loans for anything but school. We had trouble enough just getting partial student loans for our excellent college students (have 2 in college and one more in another year).

I really like this article...sums up a lot of my feelings.
In particular-a snippet:
"Now we're all snickering and feeling superior, but this could be a real tragedy for at least some of those 14 children, who face lifelong emotional and physical challenges that go beyond money. Suleman should be a warning to us: by sensationalizing her, we're inviting more trivialization of the most sacred aspects of humanity."
Oh Lord Police involvement, no matter the reason, cannot be a safe or good thing!!! What is she doing to do when one of her disabled children pick up and throw a baby, not unlike the child that kept slapping her in the face?!

Well some good news. Octomom will not be able to afford her children after I sue her. We have one of those blood pressure monitors in the home and recently I took to taking my blood pressure (for real) right after I either read or watch something pertaining to Octomom and her vile behavior. What do YOU think the results were?

I cannot believe that I truly have a physiological reaction to this woman. Now I get to sue her for causing my high blood pressure, she'll lose her money and the children will go to better homes. How does that sound for a solution?!

:furious: that she's BOASTING that a couple of the babies GET TO COME HOME in the next week! Okay, either she's still in lala land or the hospital is really going to give her these kids. :banghead:

PS: She also claims she has a NEW HOME TO RENT?! UUHHH OKAY, on her blog I see NO packing, NO boxes, NO NOTHING going on other than her rolling around with a few kids on the floor for a few minutes. THEN she also BOASTS about spending 5 hours at the hospital CARING for her kids?! YEAH, less than an hour per baby. DO any of you really think this woman think she's actually MOTHERING these kids? EACH BABY NEEDS CONSTANT CARE & BONDING with the mother, not 38 minutes a day. :rolleyes:

Now off to measure my blood pressure again!
works for me.I love your posts,btw.you're telling it like it is,and anywhere that happens publicly is a good thing.these babies deserve so much more.i so hope they get it..kind,loving homes,away from the media (and from Nadya).
I just saw the video on cnn where they showed Octumom doing her daily blog and one of the kids bit her omg too funny.

Something I noticed though, was how trashed her house is in the background. Why would she record this with her house so trashed, there are clothes stroen (sp?) all over the couch and toys like everywhere.

Maybe she should clean the house before the other 8 come home because she definately is not going to have time to clean then.
You know I can go completely nuts with two little ones... Specially up here in MN... Their daycare is about 2 minutes away. Takes for ever to get them all bundled up and in the car and then we drive for 2 minutes and I am de-robing them again.. I just can't imagine more then 2. Good Lord!!!! This woman has to have something not quite right up stairs..

Is that ok to say on this board?? :confused:
I just saw the video on cnn where they showed Octumom doing her daily blog and one of the kids bit her omg too funny.

Something I noticed though, was how trashed her house is in the background. Why would she record this with her house so trashed, there are clothes stroen (sp?) all over the couch and toys like everywhere.

Maybe she should clean the house before the other 8 come home because she definately is not going to have time to clean then.

I saw it too. I'm still laughing!
The kid not only bit her, it also slapped her a couple times, pulled her hair,
and pinched her neck!!!! I almost forgot, it spit at her too.
can they really tell about CP this soon though? the parents of the septuplets didn't know for several months that 2 of them had it.
Yea they can however they won't know forsure until the children are much older. ( my son has cp)
I saw it too. I'm still laughing!
The kid not only bit her, it also slapped her a couple times, pulled her hair,
and pinched her neck!!!! I almost forgot, it spit at her too.

That's part of what bothers me because that is what's going to happen to one of the babies, get bit & slapped by this young one.

That's part of what bothers me because that is what's going to happen to one of the babies, get bit & slapped by this young one.

We all laughed at the kid's behavior toward Octomom, but PattyCake, I hate to say it, but you are probably right. That is so scary. Maybe she needs two homes. One for the original 6 and a place for the new 8.
The entire story is just too much to take in.
We all laughed at the kid's behavior toward Octomom, but PattyCake, I hate to say it, but you are probably right. That is so scary. Maybe she needs two homes. One for the original 6 and a place for the new 8.
The entire story is just too much to take in.

Oh don't get me wrong, I saw the clip last night on ? Inside Edition or something. It was funny, I was cheering for him to keep smacking her (I know I'm terrible)... but then it occured to me that there's 4lb babies supposed to be there shortly (heaven help them) and it's darn easy for some toddler that size to pick up 4lbs and hurl it across the room.
My husband has predicted that there will be a tragedy in this family. He said she'll go out to get her nails done and something will happen to one of the babies, I corrected him and said they'd likely be safer with her at the nail salon. Though in all honesty I couldn't say he was incorrect.

That's part of what bothers me because that is what's going to happen to one of the babies, get bit & slapped by this young one.

That is a very scary and very real thought.

Has the rumor of a couple of the oct's coming home next week been verified? (It's a couple pages back~ I was just curious if anyone heard any more?)

Is Gloria Allred following up on all this?
In her latest video interview, she talks about the 911 calls. (they have one of the 911 calls when her child is missing. I listened and yes, she was crazy but she thought her son was missing so who knows how anyone would react when that happens) The part that astounds me is when she responds to the neighbor calling DCFS. She said her parenting skills are different than the neighbor. It sounds like she lets her kids do whatever they want. They were ON her car throwing rocks into the neighbor's yard and he complained. Who lets their children play on top of their car? I also worry about the new babies because the other children don't seem to be disciplined at all.

In her latest video interview, she talks about the 911 calls. (they have one of the 911 calls when her child is missing. I listened and yes, she was crazy but she thought her son was missing so who knows how anyone would react when that happens) The part that astounds me is when she responds to the neighbor calling DCFS. She said her parenting skills are different than the neighbor. It sounds like she lets her kids do whatever they want. They were ON her car throwing rocks into the neighbor's yard and he complained. Who lets their children play on top of their car? I also worry about the new babies because the other children don't seem to be disciplined at all.


Yes, this woman does not have a mothering bone in her body. Hugging and kissing a kid and PLAYING with them on the floor does not make a mother. To have that amount of children, she should be an exceptionally strict mother with a HUGE list of rules, charts going, you name it. The older kids should be cleaning up behind themselves (the ones that are not disabled), etc. She is so completely incompetent. The day those babies go home I know I'll be in tears and fear for them.:mad:
lucky181, the only people I know that let their kids play on top of their cars and throw rocks into the neighbors yard, are parents who don't care what their kids do. I wouldn't call it a difference in parenting, I would call it a total lack of parenting. :furious:
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