Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I am totally effing sick of this.

Everyone needs to mind their own business!


I understand your comment. However, Octomom has made it our business when she posts a website for donations and goes the web and tv route to air her interviews. We didn't go looking for her. She's out there fishing for donations. Specifically ones with no strings attached.
And your JMO is so accurate AZW! When I read your post it brought to mind a very short clip of Octo-Mom that I had seen with her older six. It was only a few seconds long, but in this clip the children were seated at the table to eat. She had bowls in front of them and she was smiling as she dished out very small portions of something that looked like it might have been mac and cheese. I thought to myself, what in the world is she doing? It looked so staged. Now, I know that many parents may choose to fix mac and cheese alone for dinner, but in my house with my four munch monsters mac and cheese has always been a side dish LOL

Thanks Kat for sharing what you saw of her mothering skills. As for the Mac & Cheese, well, maybe that's all she knows how to cook. If she did the cooking herself.
Has anyone else seen any video clips of her interacting with the 6 youngsters at home?
Thanks Kat for sharing what you saw of her mothering skills. As for the Mac & Cheese, well, maybe that's all she knows how to cook. If she did the cooking herself.
Has anyone else seen any video clips of her interacting with the 6 youngsters at home?

The only interaction I saw was in one of the video clips and she was kissing and coddling one of the little ones- I noticed in the background of one of the video clips the children were rooting through gift bags (donations I guessed), but Nadya was busy giving the interview, so the kids were just "hanging out in the background".
And what happens to the children if we ignore this then and go away? What if she is so incompetent, these children end up seriously harmed. ? :hand:

The children are what matter here and prevention IS the best way to help the kids.
absolutely.and her turning down the angel care is very disturbing,to say the least.who would turn down such an offer? I have to wonder why she does not want them around.
I am totally effing sick of this.

Everyone needs to mind their own business!


Shavaun, I am sorry if my opinions bother you in regards to "Octomom". IMO, when Nadya came into my home via the nightly news, she invited the public. When the public is involved, you will get feedback which may or not be welcome, but again, we've been invited.

I don't wish to see any harm come to Nadya nor do I wish any harm on those beautiful children (all 14 of them are a bunch of cuties!) The problem that most of us seem to have is Nadya being forthcoming in asking for donations, but not with the truth about anything. Had Nadya not been deceiving from the beginning, I most likely would be sending off donations as often as I would be able. As soon as I hear that there is a trustee involved, it's not impossible to think I would still consider donating.

Sincerely, Boyz_Mum
absolutely.and her turning down the angel care is very disturbing,to say the least.who would turn down such an offer? I have to wonder why she does not want them around.

I've given some thought to this and I am not sure if what I feel is at all what Nadya feels. When I brought my son home from NICU, I didn't mind the "visiting nurses" coming in, I needed someone to tell me I was doing something "right". The only reason we had visiting nurses was because of my son's condition- and their input was welcome (for me). With Nadya, I could consider that she might be more of the "mother lion" or one who is deeply offended when "the state" gets involved, but I can't see that option when she seems to have been avoiding all parental responsibility over the years. Personally, I don't think she's offended, I truly believe she is fielding a better offer. JMO.
I agree. And except for checking in here at WS, I am boycotting all media about all of the Octocons , including today's Oprah.
how about a boycott on all sponsors of these shows as well??we need to get their attention,IMO.
I read that comment on the link you posted SallyLu. I wasn't aware of the Snowflake program and I had to look it up.


I had no idea that the frozen embryos could be matched up with an infertile couple. That relieves the worry and concern that those parents that have frozen embryos that would not be used and the worries and concerns of those parents that are infertile. What a beautiful resolution.

That posters articulated and outlined a lot of things that have been bothering me about Octo-Mom but I hadn't really given it enough time and consideration to puzzle out exactly what those things were that bothered me most.

The denial of plastic surgery is silly. It's as plain as the nose on her face that she has had it done. But why? Was it for her own self-image or was it a part of the bigger plan?

The bigger plan being to set up a circumstance in which she could step into the media spotlight. That does make sense to me because just recently she turned down the spectacular offer of having each of those newborns receive care from trained volunteers to the tune of over 130,000.00 + a month. Actually she ignored the offer and let it lapse rather than be curteous enough to decline.

So she has plastic surgery, chooses to have herself implanted with at least 6 embyos, who she is so surprised to find has created 8 new lifes. She maintains that even though she has six children already, has not worked in a number of years, must rely on food stamps and other aid to help her provide for her six (including her mom and dad) that she just wanted to try for ONE more child. Her way of thinking was to implant all 6 that remained because she just couldn't destroy the others. So did she want one more child? I think not.

The day after she left the hospital she made her first TV appearance. She has said on numerous appearances that she knows she needs help with those 14 children.

Yet, she snubs the volunteer program that offered her trained care for her youngest 8 that is the equivalent of over 130,000.00 a month.

No, she says she considering her options.

Uh-huh, options for...books?...movies?...reality tv series?....

Octo-mom seems to be of a growing sub-group within our culture that thinks the rest of the citizens of this great country are completely ignorant and will believe whatever line she feeds us hook, line and sinker. In fact, she expects us to pay for the privledge of a gander at her (maybe her kids too)
She lives off of taxpayers money, and has taken to the public airwaves and created a website to get donations from the public... officially making her situation everyones business. Especially for the taxpayers of CA... if you are living in my house (or state) and living off of my money (or tax money), I'm gonna be all up your business... especially if you push on me the partial responsibility of financially helping you out with your litter of children.
I dont know much about ivf but she says she had the remaining 6 implanted because she didnt want to destroy the remaining ones.
isnt it the same as destroying them if you put that many in and all but one takes? what happens to the other 5? in theory they are being destroyed only in a nonlabratory way?
just an early morning thought...maybe Im way off
I don't know,but am thinking the embryo's were probably sewn into the lining,using that dr's new technique.if so,then it wasn't a question of whether or not they would take...they were forced to,much like the technique of using sperm injection when the egg and sperm don't fertilize on their own.
also,if they used blastocysts...embryos that had gone through either assisted hatching,or had already hatched out of their protective shell...then there is a greater risk that those will divide into identical twins. (for some reason..science hasn't determined what causes ID twins,but in ivf,that appears to be factor).and i'm sure that Dr. KNEW it,undoubtedly.

ETA: I need to correct that..they would have *had to have used blastocysts,for embryos can't attach unless they're hatched out of their shell.(in the natural process,that usually occurs during the time the the fertilized egg to travels down the fallopian tube).

so it doesn't sound like this was a case of 'let's put them all in and see what takes',if they were indeed sewn in.and also factor in using blastocysts,means they were more likely to 'take'.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/6261430.stm (you can google it and find many more similar articles that support it).

IVF turns one embryo into twins

By Michelle Roberts
BBC News, Health reporter in Lyon

IVF ups the risk of a twin pregnancy even if only one embryo is transferred, claim scientists.
Japanese researchers told a fertility conference in Lyon how the process of IVF encourages embryos to split into identical twins.
There has been mounting pressure to cut the IVF twin rate because of a raised health risk to mothers and babies.
Some say single embryo transfer is the answer, but the latest work suggests it may instead be part of the problem.

Ms Payne said: "It may happen because we are keeping the embryo in culture for longer until it has reached the blastocyst stage.
"And the formation of two ICMs during blastocyst development may be the cause of the high twin rate after extended culture."
She said it should be possible for doctors to examine embryos before transplantation and advise patients about any potential twinning risk.
me-Nadya had 2 sets of identicals,so I'm having a hard time believing any but this occurred.(i.e. -I don't think they were just thawed and implanted).
Well I have to say I'm about done with this WITCH for now. I find myself really unable to deal with the reality of these children going home to this psycho! Here's HER VIDEO BLOG and today she speaks about NO, IT"S A LIE, I never wanted to do a TV SHOW but then blabs on and on about how she WOULD consider it, etc.... But spends all of 2 seconds on why she turned down an offer to Angels.

Look for Nadya's blog. Ugggggg infuriating! And all she does is use PSYCHOLOGICAL BUZZ WORDS. And her face close up is disgusting. It shows how the plastic surgery actually made her face worse & I see hints of cheek implants too.

This sick psycho nut case is so full of crap I cannot even understand how it's not oozing out of every orfice she has. I've about had it.

Thanks PattyCake - I watched it and she's one of the weirdest ducks ever!!
Thanks Patty Cake!

When she spent the minute on the Angels in Waiting, she mentioned uprooting them into new schools, etc... in Lake Arrowhead? Anyone know if that was a part of the "deal"?

I found it pretty interesting when she claimed to have no interest in doing a reality show but was okay with the idea of a documentary. What is the difference between the two? (I'm not being sarcastic, I am seriously wondering.)
All that plastic surgery and the fact she had 6 embryo's left makes me think she was planning all of this...why else bother to improve your looks,if not to go on tv??? It certainly wasn't because she was looking for men.I think she was just waiting for the right moment,and it finally came along,(or so she thought).

I would like to see octogram n octogranddaddy quietly talking to CPS,behind the scenes,and not on tv.what is with that,I mean really.I'm trying not to think the worst about octograms,as she apparently works hard w the older 6 kids,but enough is enough.
ITA with all of you except for the one who thinks we should mind our own...

I honestly think if this woman can't get a tv show, then she doesn't want the children, any of them. In some respects she reminds me a lot of Casey Anthony only with more intelligence. I do believe Nadya is a narcissist, and I think it would suit her just fine if her parents lost all their grandchildren through children's services stepping in. Nadya has two goals, getting a free ride in life, and punishing her parents.

I just don't see how the county can allow Nadya to keep any of her children. Even Cher thinks Nadya's cuckoo.:crazy:
I wonder if Nadya will keep a set of the twins and adopt out the other babies if she doesn't get the reality show, donations, and other money that she hopes for? Without lots of help for lots of years there's no way she can keep all those babies and she has to know that by now.
Well I have to say I'm about done with this WITCH for now. I find myself really unable to deal with the reality of these children going home to this psycho! Here's HER VIDEO BLOG and today she speaks about NO, IT"S A LIE, I never wanted to do a TV SHOW but then blabs on and on about how she WOULD consider it, etc.... But spends all of 2 seconds on why she turned down an offer to Angels.

Look for Nadya's blog. Ugggggg infuriating! And all she does is use PSYCHOLOGICAL BUZZ WORDS. And her face close up is disgusting. It shows how the plastic surgery actually made her face worse & I see hints of cheek implants too.

This sick psycho nut case is so full of crap I cannot even understand how it's not oozing out of every orfice she has. I've about had it.


:clap: :clap: :clap:

I LOVE your post, and I absolutely agree!!! Childrens' Lifes are at risk here!!!

If the State of CA leaves these children with her, there will be outrage across the US of A! It will be the failure of CPS at its finest....

ALL IMOVHO!!!! In My Own Very Honest Opinion!
My sister e-mail this to me:
Denny's has a new menu item - the Octomom Breakfast: 6 eggs, no sausage and the guy next to you pays.
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