Woman Gives Birth To Octuplets In California

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I'm sorry I don't mean to carry on. I just see people struggling in this economy to support their homes and when I see something like this,I find it distirbing

Hey there! If it means anything to you, I don't think you're carrying on. I have been trying to figure out what would motivate this woman.

Is there any way this could have been a surrogacy plan gone wrong? I just don't know what to think. I pray that all the babies do well and thrive and somehow I hope "mom" is able to take care of them after grandma leaves...

I didn't quite understand the grandpa's remark about having a big house somewhere- are they all taking off once the babies are discharged?

Of course no one owes me an explanation- I am just curious! :waitasec:
Hey there! If it means anything to you, I don't think you're carrying on. I have been trying to figure out what would motivate this woman.

Is there any way this could have been a surrogacy plan gone wrong? I just don't know what to think. I pray that all the babies do well and thrive and somehow I hope "mom" is able to take care of them after grandma leaves...

I didn't quite understand the grandpa's remark about having a big house somewhere- are they all taking off once the babies are discharged?

Of course no one owes me an explanation- I am just curious! :waitasec:

Hi Boyz_Mum It's funny you should mention surrogate. One of her friends mentioned that babies momma said she was getting paid for this. What that ment,I have no idea. But I don't think she was a surrogate,her mother stated she is obsessed with having children and that they were her frozen embryo's. Grandma apparently has stated that she will not be there when babies moma comes home from hospital. This is the first I've heard about grandpa's remark. Please don't think I am being cruel when I say,wonder how grandpa plan's on bigger home. Donations maybe.:waitasec:
Hi Boyz_Mum It's funny you should mention surrogate. One of her friends mentioned that babies momma said she was getting paid for this. What that ment,I have no idea. But I don't think she was a surrogate,her mother stated she is obsessed with having children and that they were her frozen embryo's. Grandma apparently has stated that she will not be there when babies moma comes home from hospital. This is the first I've heard about grandpa's remark. Please don't think I am being cruel when I say,wonder how grandpa plan's on bigger home. Donations maybe.:waitasec:

The whole situation leaves me wondering- neither grandparent seems overjoyed (from what I've read). I am sure if one of my kids brought home 6 + 8 kids that I wouldn't be jumping for joy~ but I would be thankful for their health once the shock wore off. I wondered about citizenship (if grandpa is from Iraq?)... and in the one article he mentions a bigger house- I didn't get it.

The remark about 'getting paid' kind of got me wondering about the surrogacy thing. My mind just goes all over the place!

I guess I can think of a million different ways to make money and having a multiple birth didn't even make the list! LOL!
Hey there! If it means anything to you, I don't think you're carrying on. I have been trying to figure out what would motivate this woman.

This may explain some of her motive -- she wants money and attention.
THE single mother of octuplets born in California last week is seeking $2m (£1.37m) from media interviews and commercial sponsorship to help pay the cost of raising the children.
Nadya Suleman, 33, plans a career as a television childcare expert after it emerged last week that she already had six children before giving birth on Monday. She now has 14 below the age of eight.

Although still confined to an LA hospital bed, she intends to talk to two influential television hosts this week — media mogul Oprah Winfrey, and Diane Sawyer, who presents Good Morning America.

Her family has told agents she needs cash from deals such as nappy sponsorship — she will get through 250 a week in the next few months — and the agents will gauge public reaction to her story. .
This may explain some of her motive -- she wants money and attention.

Thanks for the link!

I can honestly say I don't think I will tune into any shows she is on. I hope they set her up with a psychiatrist. BLECH!:sick:
The whole situation leaves me wondering- neither grandparent seems overjoyed (from what I've read). I am sure if one of my kids brought home 6 + 8 kids that I wouldn't be jumping for joy~ but I would be thankful for their health once the shock wore off. I wondered about citizenship (if grandpa is from Iraq?)... and in the one article he mentions a bigger house- I didn't get it.

The remark about 'getting paid' kind of got me wondering about the surrogacy thing. My mind just goes all over the place!

I guess I can think of a million different ways to make money and having a multiple birth didn't even make the list! LOL!

I am also wondering citizenship..I think you and I have the same questions. I also can think of better way's of making money. I do believe in surrogate mother's,I just don't think this has anything to do with being a surrogate mother.
When this story first broke,I wondered if this woman was trying to start her own country.:crazy:

I have been following this story because I am just so curious! From Loving's link above:

"Angela Suleman told reporters Friday that doctors implanted far fewer than eight embryos but they multiplied. Experts said this could be possible since Nadya Suleman's system has likely been hyperstimulated for years with fertilization treatments and drugs."

So, maybe 8 embryos weren't implanted.

This link also lists a D.S. as the father on the four oldest ones birth certificates. The remaining B.C.'s weren't available at press time. I wonder who he is - how he feels about this - and mostly, will he/does he help support them financially. Maybe this is what she meant when she said she was getting paid to have invitro :waitasec:
I have been following this story because I am just so curious! From Loving's link above:

"Angela Suleman told reporters Friday that doctors implanted far fewer than eight embryos but they multiplied. Experts said this could be possible since Nadya Suleman's system has likely been hyperstimulated for years with fertilization treatments and drugs."

So, maybe 8 embryos weren't implanted.

This link also lists a D.S. as the father on the four oldest ones birth certificates. The remaining B.C.'s weren't available at press time. I wonder who he is - how he feels about this - and mostly, will he/does he help support them financially. Maybe this is what she meant when she said she was getting paid to have invitro :waitasec:

I am no expert - but the only way the embryos could have multiplied is if one or more split into identical twins. I don't believe fertility drugs can cause that to happen. Fertility drugs could cause her to produce a ton of eggs, but they wont cause one embryo to multiply.
That is so disgusting that she seeking $2 million from media interviews and commerical sponsership to help pay for all her children. All this seems to be is attention and money for her. I don't see how it's beneficial for the children at all. They need love, not a mother who is eager who fame and wealth at the expense of her children. Disgusting.
When I was going through IVF anout 9 years ago, my clinic limited the number of embryos to 3. Another local clinic was routinely using up to 6. I am not sure what the limit is today.

BTW - I had a blocked fallopian tube that was surgically repaired. I was unsuccessful having a live baby with ivf - my 3 kiddos were all conceived the old fashioned way - everything in God's time I suppose
I am no expert - but the only way the embryos could have multiplied is if one or more split into identical twins. I don't believe fertility drugs can cause that to happen. Fertility drugs could cause her to produce a ton of eggs, but they wont cause one embryo to multiply.

I'm no expert either - I'm with you on the splitting - and we haven't heard that any of the octs are "twins." This is the most bizarre story!
Okay - here's another question: For them to have a father's name listed on the B.C.'s, does this mean that she knew him personally? If this was just a donor, then why would his name be known, let alone listed? I don't know what SOP's are with IVF clinics regarding this.
This link shows a picture of the grandmother. I feel bad for her, it doesn't seem like she wanted her life turned into such a circus.

"As of March, Edward Doud Suleman, apparently the octuplets' grandfather, was working in Iraq, according to the bankruptcy filing. The couple's combined monthly income was listed as roughly $8,740, but the filing indicated that Angela Suleman expected their income would rise from her husband's employment. It said that he would earn $100,000 a year. The document did not specify Suleman's husband's occupation, but Suleman told the Los Angeles Times that her husband was a contractor."


I read in one article the grandfather was working as a translator, which is different than a contractor. If he is a contractor, it is extremely dangerous for him, despite the pay being high. I'm guessing he's over 55 years of age, as the daughter is 33. He shouldn't have to be doing dangerous work to support his daughter's obsession of having children. :(

It was the woman's choice to carry all 8 babies:

"According to Suleman, when the woman learned that she was carrying multiple babies, she opted not to reduce the number of embryos even though she was already the mother of six children."

...""It costs money to raise children. To raise these kids is probably going to cost about $2.5 million, just to give them basics," he said. "That is not baseball lessons or piano lessons. That is food, clothing or getting to school every day -- that is a lot of money.
The Department of Children and Family Services would worry that, in a house of 14, there would be a lack of attention or that the children would be at higher risk of abuse or neglect."

(3 page article)
Is this her religious belief? Is she one of those "quiver full" folks?
Okay - here's another question: For them to have a father's name listed on the B.C.'s, does this mean that she knew him personally? If this was just a donor, then why would his name be known, let alone listed? I don't know what SOP's are with IVF clinics regarding this.

It's been reported that the donor is a friend of hers. If he is listed on the birth certificate I would think he is legally responsible for child support.
It is going to cost approx. $500,000.00 for thier hosp bill and she most likey is not paying for health insurance
Is this her religious belief? Is she one of those "quiver full" folks?

I don't think so... overall, how she has gone about this and isn't married, nor is the father an active figure in the family, it just doesn't seem like something someone would do if they were walking a very religiously devout life (like being a quiver-full).
Hello Everyone!

Only one person (besides Tricia) on this site knows where I live....now, you'll all know.
I am a little more than a mile from the woman who gave birth to octuplets.

I can't give my opinion on the subject of IVF/octuplets/ethics, etc. because I haven't really formed one yet.
I will tell you what I know/saw.

I was outside gardening when I heard a helo, very low.
Helo kept circling for a little over an hour.
An area close, we call "Snake Hill", is notorious for having gang member trouble & some gun/shooting activity so Sheriff and media helos aren't unusual around here.

The Helo sighting yesterday was different.
A short time later I had to go to Rite-Aid to pick up a 'script for my Mom and saw news vans with tall poles, all driving in the same direction.

Being the good WebSleuther that I am (and also, very nosy :crazy: ) I followed.

I ended up at the end of the curve to the street where the Mom of the octuplets resides.
What I saw was total chaos with news vans and cars lining the street, 2 helos overhead, people packed in small groups and disturbing signs being held up by protestors; anti-abortion and anti-welfare signs.

I 'assumed' the people standing on porches and on front lawns were standing on their own porches and lawns, therefore, were neighbors.

I tried to blend in, tried to look like I belonged and had a purpose for being there. Unfortunately, that only lasted about 15 minutes, if that (memo to self: Refresh Sleuthing skills).

I mosy'd up to 3 adults standing close to a porch on a front lawn.
I said "Hi. I'm from around the curve". Which wasn't a total lie as that's where I parked my car. :)
They in turn were very nice, said Hi and pretty much let me stand there with them without telling me to leave....all of us continued to just stare at the chaos around us.

I heard, NOT Fact, just what I heard while standing with the group near the front porch:
The family in question pretty much keeps to themselves..not overly neighborly/visiting/coffee visits.
They do wave "hi" and smile.
There are 4 little ones that will play out on the front lawn of their own home once in awhile but most of the time they play indoors or in the back yard.
A neighbor (not one of the people I was standing with) who has spoken with the family told a neighbor I was standing with that the Mom of Octuplets was using her Workers' Comp win to support herself and her children.
The Octuplets Mom has never been married that any of them know of.
Up until a few years ago she worked (or did something-school?) outside the home, leaving every day at the same time and returning every evening about the same time, Monday - Friday.

Media seemed very in-your-face with some of the neighbors living closer to the home. To me, I got the impression the neighbors didn't want to comment.
I saw several neighbors backing away from microphones, waving their hand as if to say "no".

Two police/Santa Fe Springs Sheriff cars pulled up to the area I was at, parked their cars in a T on the street...to block any other cars from coming into the area, got out and started walking up to people asking if they resided there.

One of the people I was standing with asked if I had my ID on me. The look I gave, obviously told them I didn't or that I didn't belong there.
I'm not very good when confronted and know a lie is about to come out of my mouth.
Exit, stage right.

My only thought on the way home was about the young children in the home.
I hope the media has the common courtesy and respect not to film those little ones and not to stick a microphone in their little faces trying to get them to answer questions.
Those little ones didn't ask for this.
I am waiting for the day that DSF gets involved, I beleive that these children need to be monitored, and she needs to have a mental health evaluation!
Does anyone know if Babies Momma was really in the hospital for six months prior to delivery for bed rest,or is it rumor
I am also wondering citizenship..I think you and I have the same questions. I also can think of better way's of making money. I do believe in surrogate mother's,I just don't think this has anything to do with being a surrogate mother.
When this story first broke,I wondered if this woman was trying to start her own country.:crazy:

Well nanny1, she has a baseball team or something on her hands! :crazy:

The link http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/lif...cle5627531.ece STEADFAST posted earlier is pretty good as far as an explanation to the motivation.
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