Women dies after competing in water drinking contest

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TGIRecovered said:
Tying up a 4 yr old child sounds cruel all by itself, but forcing her to drink something(an entire gallon) in order to treat Reactive Attachment Disorder sounds ridiculous to me!
Can you imagine how long that would take to drink a gallon of water while she was probably crying with a nose full of snot? I'm surprized she didn't sufficate or drown! I hope the jurors aren't that gullible!

Exactly. Just knowing that these so-called "parents" would do such a cruel & inhumane stunt to a little 4 year old, it makes me wonder if THEY were the reason for her Reactive Attachment Disorder diagnosis!!!! Any kid who has parents who will forcibly tie her hands behind her back and force her to drink a gallon of water is bound to have attachment disorders!
The FCC has rules and guidelines pertaining to contests. The radio station is liable. Is this station still on the air pending investigation by the FCC?
Why wasn't there a doctor on site?
The radio station did not warn of the dangers of water intoxication.

She called her office's supervisor and told that person that her head hurt and she was crying. The supervisor called her mother. That is why she was found dead by her mother.

There are things which are pose dangers that we would not expect. In a college chemistry class we learned about sodium. Sodium chloride is table salt. Pure sodium; however, is volatile. The chemistry professor had massive visible scars from working with pure sodium. He shook a bottle of pure sodium, it exploded and he had 3rd degree burns on his arms, face, add chest. He was a good man, and he told us his story to teach caution when working with seemingly harmless chemicals.

Many people understandably would not know that the potential for water toxicity exists. I have heard that 3 gallons of water consumed at one sitting is enough to kill the average person. I imagine other factors like body weight, overall health, pre-existing conditions (heart or kidney disease, etc..), medications, and pre-hydration level come into play. For example, a small child could die after drinking only a gallon or so. But, the bottom line is that the radio station should have researched their, "contest" idea first. Then they would have realized the dangers and not done it.

I feel so sad for her three children. I do hope they have family to love, support, and care for them


From the link;

The issue here is civil accountability for the foreseeable results of a broadcast which created an undue risk of harm to decedent.
dark_shadows said:

From the link;

The issue here is civil accountability for the foreseeable results of a broadcast which created an undue risk of harm to decedent.
Thank you ds. Good. If they sue, the money may hopefully help the three children. And, maybe others wil grow wiser and be more careful as a result of the pubicity.

LionRun said:
Thank you ds. Good. If they sue, the money may hopefully help the three children. And, maybe others wil grow wiser and be more careful as a result of the pubicity.

Hey there LionRun,:)
It is so good of you to think of the children. I did not know about the children until you posted. Thank-you.
You are most welcome my dear dark shadows:blowkiss: .

LionRun said:
You are most welcome my dear dark shadows:blowkiss: .


I respect each and every one of the posts that I have seen from you. It is sad but true that I read the article, commented on it, was upset by it, but I did not even think of her having children left behind until you posted.
I appreciate that you are here.

All of my Respect to you,
Oh. Thank you dark shadows. You are very kind. :) Sometimes we are so disturbed by a particular story that we can overlook things. Not too much was mentioned about the three children, also. We know you care deeply and would have mentioned the little ones had you known.

BTW, I just heard on MSNBC that she entered the contest for her children. Tragic. The poor lady had no idea, as do many, that drinking too much water at one time is lethal. She probably thought the worst that would happen is her bladder would feel a little uncomfortable and she might retain some water.

Land softly in the storm,

When my brother and I were about 10 & 14 we would have contests to see who could drink a gallon of water the fastest!! I always got a headache and felt yucky afterwards.

Thank goodness nothing every happened!
I thought I had seen something about "water poisoning" before:

By Jeremy Laurance, Health Correspondent

Leah Betts, the teenager who collapsed after taking an Ecstasy tablet, died as a result of drinking too much water, which made her brain swell.

Doctors who treated her at Broomfield Hospital, Chelmsford, Essex, where she was taken after lapsing into a coma at home during her 18th birthday party, will tell the coroner that "water intoxication", and not an allergic reaction to the drug, was the cause of death. The inquest into her death is to open in Chelmsford today but is expected to be adjourned. The coroner will receive a post-mortem report by the Home Office pathologist Dr Paula Lammis.

Water intoxication occurs when a person drinks so much water - a minimum of three litres - that the blood becomes diluted. Laboratory results show that on admission to hospital hours after taking the 10 pounds tablet, Leah's plasma sodium level - a measure of how dilute her blood had become - had fallen to 126 millimoles per litre compared with a normal range of 134 to 145.

As a result, water was sucked into her brain cells under osmotic pressure, causing them to swell. This increased pressure on the brain stem, resulting in coma and death.

Overheating and dehydration are known risks of taking Ecstasy, a stimulant which can keep young people dancing for hours, and drug agencies advise users to drink plenty of water and take frequent rests.

more at:

I'm guessing (though it's just a guess) they mean the tab of ecstasy cost £10 (ie $18-20).
Many years ago when I was on a weight-loss program and under the care of a dietician, they wanted me to drink 8 - 8 oz glasses of water a day. After about 3 days of this and my head was aching so badly - and my lower back was causing me horrible pain that I was laying on a heating pad...I called and told them that I just couldn't do that much water. Of course I was told to stop drinking that amount of watwr but the "program" wouldn't be as successful.

Long story short - I was born with only one kidney and with this much water I had gotten to the point that I couldn't go to the bathroom. I ended up in emergency to have a cathater inserted to remove the excess water....but I had never heard of "water intoxication." Wow!! Maybe that was what I had and didn't know it.

I have also heard that this mom had done this for her kids....how sad and what will they now have to go through?
I do not understand why one would endure torture for a video game system.

I also wonder what mitigating factor caused her to die..
The other contestants certainly drank the same amount of fluid and they lived.
So had she not eaten for some time therby already having lower salinization in her blood? Had she consumed a lot of liquid before the contest?

I think this is along the lines of some HS sport player who drops dead from a heart attack. Its unfortunate but unforseable.
It would take approxmately 3 gallons of water in 1 hour for a healthy normal adult to suffer water intoxication.
Based on the report the contestants were given 8 ounce bottles every 15 minutes then it increased to a 32 ounce bottle ...

Gidgette its interesting that you mentioned the 8 8ounces of water daily..
I think that is universal advice for every diet and even just what is recommended for most people daily.
Amraann said:
I do not understand why one would endure torture for a video game system.

I also wonder what mitigating factor caused her to die..
The other contestants certainly drank the same amount of fluid and they lived.
So had she not eaten for some time therby already having lower salinization in her blood? Had she consumed a lot of liquid before the contest?

I think this is along the lines of some HS sport player who drops dead from a heart attack. Its unfortunate but unforseable.
It would take approxmately 3 gallons of water in 1 hour for a healthy normal adult to suffer water intoxication.
Based on the report the contestants were given 8 ounce bottles every 15 minutes then it increased to a 32 ounce bottle ...

Gidgette its interesting that you mentioned the 8 8ounces of water daily..
I think that is universal advice for every diet and even just what is recommended for most people daily.

Amraann - I realize that it is the reccommended daily amount...I only posted it because I for one couldn't consume that amount, possibly because of my lack of one kidney. I don't know other than I was in a lot of pain and misery. Just my personal experience.
Gidgette said:
Amraann - I realize that it is the reccommended daily amount...I only posted it because I for one couldn't consume that amount, possibly because of my lack of one kidney. I don't know other than I was in a lot of pain and misery. Just my personal experience.
I hope you did not take my post wrong.. I was merely commenting that it was interesting that the "standard" amount recommended would make you ill. Possibly your having one kidney would take your body longer to process out the liquid?
It seems based on the replies to this thread that very few knew that excessive water could be dangerous.
It makes me wonder if it often goes undiagnoised as a cause of death?
Thank you Amraann. I did misread your post and I apologize for that. After I reread it and your recent post - I now see your meaning as well. :eek:

I guess that was what I was trying to say also....may have been because of my only having one kidney.

Yes it is interesting that most of us didn't know there is something this "innocent" that could cause death. What we learn on these forums is amazing and I have learned a lot thanks to many here.

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