Would the Ramseys have left the house if JonBenet was never found?

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this always was a huge red flag for me and it bothers me more and more each time I think of it.I am kinda okay with them calling police,maybe not something I would have done BEFORE sitting down for 5 min and THINKING about it (he was a CEO,he could have called over other people as well/private investigators,etc without any kidnappers noticing it) but let's say calling the cops even if the note was telling not to is not something that screams guilt.okay.

but calling over the friends,the priest.....never got it.never.not only was it stupid for so many different reasons mentioned here over and over again BUT the more I think about it the more I come to the conclusion it wasn't done for moral/spiritual support BUT it starts to sound to me like pure attention seeking.

it wasn't about JB being gone or kidnapped or whatever,it was about "I am the victim,MY kid is gone,I am suffering,I need to be the center of attention now,I am the one needing attention and support...." ,etc....

first I thought this idea was maybe JR's ,using the friends as a tampon between them and the cops......now I am starting to consider other possibilities like the one above as well......

this murder and its elements(staging,note,every strange detail about it),JB's pageants,JB's funeral,all the TV appearances,the LE interviews........all have drama and attention seeking written all over it......maybe not a man's signature after all?:waitasec:

Or PR was afraid of JR and wanted someone to come over asap. She told everyone to "come quickly". Is this also why PR demanded to leave the house but chose to stay with friends rather than check in to an upscale hotel with more security and privacy? Why was she worried about a police officer (French?) having a gun? If Linda Arndt believed that JR was guilty, why was she concerned about having enough bullets for JR + friends?
It's a great pity that Linda Arndt was involved. I think she's a drama queen - and worse, knowing it was a kidnapping situation, she did not act in a professional manner.

As we know, she allowed the R's friends to come into the house and wipe down surfaces. She permitted these people to tramp all over the house before other investigators arrived.

As for making those statements about JR and counting bullets - I think she must have been off her head. Even if she honestly thought that he had killed his daughter, surely she didn't think he was a threat to anyone else in the house?
What about the suitcase that was found next to her body? Wasn't it a private plane they were taking to Atlanta? They could have brought her body with them on their own private plane. What if they were going to bring her body with them, and dispose of it somewhere in Atlanta?

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They weren't going to Atlanta....they were going to Charlevoix.

John mentioning going to Atlanta for a business trip was a bizarre audible he uttered to LE after her body was found.

Besides....if they wanted to bring her body with them, they wouldn't have called 911 in the first place.
It's a great pity that Linda Arndt was involved. I think she's a drama queen - and worse, knowing it was a kidnapping situation, she did not act in a professional manner.

As we know, she allowed the R's friends to come into the house and wipe down surfaces. She permitted these people to tramp all over the house before other investigators arrived.

As for making those statements about JR and counting bullets - I think she must have been off her head. Even if she honestly thought that he had killed his daughter, surely she didn't think he was a threat to anyone else in the house?

I absolutely agree that it was a pity Linda Arndt was involved. I think her instincts were right, but since she worked with sexual assault cases, she jumped to the wrong conclusions.

For clarification: Patsy called 911 at 5:52 am. The victims advocates were brought in from the police department (ST...inside). They arrived at 6:45 and were the ones who wiped down surfaces (PMPT). The Fernies arrived at close to 6:30 am (JK...Foreign). LA arrived at the house at 8:10 after the guests had arrived (PMPT). LA didn't have any control of what happened before she arrived. A lot of the damage was done to the crime scene before and then she made horrible mistakes.

Let me apologize, MA. I'm not trying to jump on your postings. I just get so bogged down in details and I often can't seen the forest through the trees.
As for making those statements about JR and counting bullets - I think she must have been off her head. Even if she honestly thought that he had killed his daughter, surely she didn't think he was a threat to anyone else in the house?

Lets be fair, Arndt made that statement years after the actual incident. It well may could have just been a bad metaphor for the fact that she came to the realization that the killer was likely in the room with her at that very moment, and that if they'd done this to a 6 year old girl, what else were they capable of?

Again, I think Arndt gets blamed for a lot of things that really weren't her fault. Nobody had a clue that the body was in the house, so how could she be responsible for sending John & Fleet to look for anything suspicious? The only thing negative I have to say about her was that she moved and covered the body. But she wasn't a homicide detective, and she repeatedly had asked for help during the day.
Or PR was afraid of JR and wanted someone to come over asap. She told everyone to "come quickly". Is this also why PR demanded to leave the house but chose to stay with friends rather than check in to an upscale hotel with more security and privacy? Why was she worried about a police officer (French?) having a gun? If Linda Arndt believed that JR was guilty, why was she concerned about having enough bullets for JR + friends?

Lets be sensible here, there is nothing wrong with having friends close by for comfort. The problem in this case is that the RN warned against contacting people and thats exactly what they did. As far as not checking in to an upscale hotel, I think they did exactly what I'd expect anyone to do.
I absolutely agree that it was a pity Linda Arndt was involved. I think her instincts were right, but since she worked with sexual assault cases, she jumped to the wrong conclusions.

For clarification: Patsy called 911 at 5:52 am. The victims advocates were brought in from the police department (ST...inside). They arrived at 6:45 and were the ones who wiped down surfaces (PMPT). The Fernies arrived at close to 6:30 am (JK...Foreign). LA arrived at the house at 8:10 after the guests had arrived (PMPT). LA didn't have any control of what happened before she arrived. A lot of the damage was done to the crime scene before and then she made horrible mistakes.

Let me apologize, MA. I'm not trying to jump on your postings. I just get so bogged down in details and I often can't seen the forest through the trees.

No prob, BB. I appreciate the clarification.
They weren't going to Atlanta....they were going to Charlevoix.

John mentioning going to Atlanta for a business trip was a bizarre audible he uttered to LE after her body was found.
The police overheard John calling the pilot 25 minutes after the body was found. The timing suggest JR didn't want to or felt he couldn't leave while the kidnapping investigation was on going. Once it became a murder, he wanted to get out town.

Maybe he wanted to get PR and BR back to PR's family, and then he would go back to Boulder and help police find the killer. It seems more likely he knew who did it, and just wanted to get away from it.
Lets be fair, Arndt made that statement [about counting bullets] years after the actual incident. It well may could have just been a bad metaphor for the fact that she came to the realization that the killer was likely in the room with her at that very moment, and that if they'd done this to a 6 year old girl, what else were they capable of?
That's how I interpreted it. It was a bizarre way to say it. She has a bizarre communication style. Maybe she's afraid of being sued and was looking for a circumloquitous way of saying John did it, and it just came out wrong. I think she's a little odd. She may not know much more than we do about who did it.

Again, I think Arndt gets blamed for a lot of things that really weren't her fault. Nobody had a clue that the body was in the house, so how could she be responsible for sending John & Fleet to look for anything suspicious?
I don't hold it against anyone in particular, but given the fact pattern they knew at the time, I don't understand why no one was afraid the kidnapper might still be in the house. If I were the home owner, I would expect the police to do a search of the house with guns drawn. They called before 6am. How do they know the kidnapper did hear them wake up and duck into a closet?
I believe the Ramseys knew that JonBenet's body would be found after calling LE to the house. John eventually made sure she was found and his first act was to call his pilot in an attempt to leave the state. Finding the body was essential to commence circling the wagons. John knew the 'kidnappers' were never gonna call, so the charade could only last so long.
Lets be fair, Arndt made that statement years after the actual incident. It well may could have just been a bad metaphor for the fact that she came to the realization that the killer was likely in the room with her at that very moment, and that if they'd done this to a 6 year old girl, what else were they capable of?

Again, I think Arndt gets blamed for a lot of things that really weren't her fault. Nobody had a clue that the body was in the house, so how could she be responsible for sending John & Fleet to look for anything suspicious? The only thing negative I have to say about her was that she moved and covered the body. But she wasn't a homicide detective, and she repeatedly had asked for help during the day.
iirc, BPD didn't have a homicide division. Steve Thomas was a narcotics detective.
LA was a detective and a member of the Sexual Assault and Crimes Against Children team.
Yes, she had asked for help, but why was she unable to contain a small group of unarmed adults in a room as she had been assigned to do?

LA's actions from the first moment of her involvement in this case were inept if not impaired.
Failing to contain the group in the study as she had been directed.
Losing track of JR for 80 minutes and assuming he had gone offsite to collect the mail after seeing the mail on a table.
Sending JR and FW to search the house.
Moving the body after JR put it down at the top of the stairs, allowing a blanket and sweatshirt to be placed on it, and for PR to lie on top of it.
Rushing to judgement that JR was the killer. (Or was that really what her gut was telling her? I don't think so.)
Faxing a revealing list of questions to the R's criminal atty while they were in Atlanta for the funeral (Showing BPD's hand - clues the R's shouldn't have known).
Befriending and meeting secretly with PR in the months following the murder and refusing to disclose those conversations.
Telling ST that if she was taken off the case she would "take herself out and everyone else" and then making a gun-shooting motion at her temple.

And after she was taken off the case for all of her errors, she got her feelings hurt. Then -
Stated she doesn't believe preserving the crime scene was her job.
Stated she had forgotten everything about the case.
Rufused to submit her reports on the case.
Refused to turn over case files.
Sued the department b/c she "felt a lack of support" (and lost).
Visited Patsy as she was dying.

I have no pity.

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