Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

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Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?

  • Yes, absolutely

    Votes: 149 36.1%
  • Nope

    Votes: 130 31.5%
  • Not with a dog.

    Votes: 53 12.8%
  • Not with a security system, a gun, and a dog.

    Votes: 81 19.6%

  • Total voters
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Beyond Belief

Well-Known Member
May 25, 2005
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Would you be frightened being left in a remote trailer with two little kids at night?
Yes. I don't do country. The darkness and total silence scares the mess out of me!
Absolutely and wouldn't live there especially with all the SO's in the area. :eek: MOO
Trailer in the country with less than 50 SO's running around or in the inner city with nearly 600 SO's running around?
Seeing as where I live now was once named the murder capital of the US...I'll go with the trailer. ANYDAY.
Absolutely! And if I knew it was surrounded by 44 sexual offender... I can't even imagine my fear! I'd be wetting the bed cuz I'd be too afraid to go to the bathroom!
yes i was sacred, i only had one child and my ex worked Friday nd Saturday night 12 am til 6 am worked at paper company. when i found we was having our and son he moved me to town.
Yes. My ex-hubby and I lived out in the boonies and I hated it. Although we had an alarm system I was still frightened. Especially after I woke up one morning after he'd gone to work and found someone had busted out the back window of our explorer which was right outside our bedroom window...and I never heard a thing.
Well if I had no choice and I had to live there? You can bet your sweet bippy I would have all doors and windows locked at all times. I've had to live in some rough places, even as a kid, but I do respect a lock. We always had a gun in the house when I was a kid too.
I'm not sure how remote the area is. I read that it is a retirement community and that there are neighbors on one side of the trailer, but not on the other. The wooded areas on one side would scare me even if I had a dog and a gun, because I figure that the gun couldn't be kept loaded due to kids. I'd feel safe with a man or other adult there though.
Oh and a couple of dogs too. Not just one. Big ones out in the yard and a yippy one that stayed in the house with me.
I have lived out in the country all of my life before my marriage and now, being divorced raising my kids alone, I still have to say I live in the country alone but with my kids. I'm so used to it, I don't think about being scared. But, of course, the SO factor would be another thing....I would not like that. I don't have any SOs in my area that I'm aware of. I do not own a gun....maybe I should. Don't have a dog either but have two very quiet cats.
Nope, we have lived and raised 2 children in the country and never lived in fear. I think no matter where anyone lives, especially if they have children, precautions should be taken to help insure safety and well being. Nobody is immune to crime...it happens everywhere.
You make a good point Cerenity2U. I think the scariest place I ever got lost was when I was in NYC and hubby took a wrong turn (It's his hometown go figure) we ended up at 175th and Amsterdam. Scared me good. But one of his cousins lives near there and said she never was scared at all.
I would be definitely. Everytime in my life that I stayed at some remote place I felt insecure.:eek:
I feel more comfortable in the boonies than in an apartment complex within the city. Of course, I am prepared with a 9mm, a shotgun, and a machete behind the headboard of the bed. I also have a good security system. Ron and Misty probably could not have afforded a security system, but I bet they had guns in the house, and I have relatives that are a LOT like Ron and Misty. They are tough people who are scared of almost nothing. Life has been hard on them, and they simply roll with the punches. They don't expect much from life, and they are ready to deal with whatever comes their way. That is the exact reason, I am not surprised by Ron's reaction and statements during the 911 call. My life is currently a far cry from that of Ron and Misty......but that is only because I made choices the rest of my relatives did not make. I can also assure you that children growing up in a situation that is less than affluent can grow up in a GREAT environment - I did. The pictures of Haleigh looked happy, and Ron is sincere in his love and sense of loss, IMHO.
I live on a deadend street in the middle of a small city. It is surrounded by woods and is very dark. Many times I am frightened when I am by myself and I am older. The nearest house in 50 yds away.

Heck I haven't been able to take a shower since I watched "I know who you are and I know what you did" back in the 70's when I am home alone :) so I am probably the last person to ask.
As a sinlge mom with two small boys, I once lived in a small trailer in a remote country location and was never fearful. In fact, I was much more fearful when we moved to an apartment complex where there was always activity and people wandering around.
While anything can happen, I, too, would feel more comfortable living in a remote trailer than living in an inner-city apartment building.

Several years ago the home behind ours was broken into, and LE traced the culprit's footprints in the snow to our home. He said what probably saved us was our dog. He said a dog is much better security than a system.
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